Guest guest Posted November 6, 2011 Report Share Posted November 6, 2011 Dear ,I'm not sure I understand what your wife was saying but if she is worried about someone having died from Still's and cancer it does happen sometimes. Usually Still's does not cause death directly but from complications from medications or an illness related to Still's. I hope this helps her conserns.Many thoughts for you and her. My wife has stills and she fill her body nome is this happen to some one Sent from my iPhone Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 21, 2012 Report Share Posted February 21, 2012 Hi and welcome,There are other disorders that have similar Misophonia qualities, for instance many with Austisim have the same over stimulation to sounds but may not have Misophonia and some have both. None of us can say for sure what someone else has. Given your discription of how loud sounds make you feel you may want to look into Hypercusis or sensor processing disorder as well. They certainly are things to look into. All of this stuff is so newly recognized, there is no absolute. Your aversion to eating noises and knuckle cracking certainly sounds like Misophonia. Glad you found us. HeidiSent from my iPhone Hi,I'm new here. I am so thankful to find this group. Also, I want to say how I feel for all of you who are suffering so much with this disorder. Wait, is it considered a disorder? Not sure if I am using the right word. I apologize if I am not. I am very new to these terms and phrases. I have had hearing issues all of my life and thought it was just me. I am 42. I went in search of an explanation on the internet only last week after a scary incident at the shooting range. My hubby and I went shooting for the first time. He bought me air plugs and then the standard air covering gear on top of that. However, the noise was so horrific that I had to flee. The noise penetrated my whole body. I think someone mentioned that it felt like it was in their blood. That's how I felt! I could not explain this feeling to my husband just that I had to get out of there NOW! He is very understanding. We have been married almost 9 years and he knows I have a sensitivity issue with my ears. He warns me before he sneezes so that I can cover my ears because he usually sneezes so loudly that it trembles my whole body and I am physically upset by it. I feel like fleeing though not fighting. However, after reading so many posts in this group of how so many of you are suffering so much to the point that your lives are disrupted I am wondering if I have misdiagnosed myself. I do not like loud noises. I often have to tell my 4 children to stop screaming. They are 6 1/2 years old and younger. My hubby will tell me that they are not screaming but just making normal children's sounds. However, for me it's almost deafening. I hear things before anyone else hears them like an ambulance miles away before anyone in the car with me hears it. I hear noises under noises under noises that drive me crazy because I hear them but no one else does. There are days that I tell my hubby after a long day with the children that I need to leave. It's like a life or death situation that I urgently need to get out of the house. He is so sweet and understands and says sure honey go out and get some alone time. The thing is that although I am a stay-home Mom I am not fleeing because I am tired of being with my children and need alone time. The emotion I feel and what I am fleeing is the noise. It's like I need quiet time. I feel like I am going to go crazy and just need a quiet place to go to. I often need quiet time. And also cannot deal with many noises at one time. Like if the music is on and the children are playing and laughing loudly and say the dishwasher or washing machine is on. It usually drives me nuts and I have to turn 2 of the offending noises off.In addition, I have been teased that I have OCD although I have not been diagnosed. Seeing clutter or things not in the place they are intended to be drives me literally insane. I go into a rage and start throwing my children's belongings in the garbage or in a pile and tell them to claim it or it will go into the garbage. I cannot stand to watch my husband eat. Two of my four children smack a lot when they eat and I have to constantly tell them to keep their mouths closed while they eat. I thought it was a manners thing, but realize now that it literally drives me crazy to hear the smacking. I absolutely cannot bear to hear knuckles being cracked. However, gum chewing does not bother me so much it's just a little annoying. I have been accused of being germaphobic because I carry hand sanitize with me everywhere. (the natural kind). I freak out when I take my children into a public restroom and have a military like procedure as to where they are to stand so that we don't touch any germs. I hate shaking people's hands although I do it. And if I can't get to the hand sanitizer right away all I can think about is the fact that I touched the person's hands and where are all the places they've touched. I also pick at my fingers and feet (the dead skin) incessantly. This is the main part that my hubby says is the OCD part because I will pick at it until I bleed at times. I know gross. Sorry. I also have major allergies. I am allergic to the environment (grass, flowers, dust pollens), allergic to anything with fur (cats, dogs, rabbits), allergic to insects (cock roaches), allergic to many foods (too many to list). I also have IBS. I read recently that misophonia is linked to food intolerances. This makes some sense. My question is have I misdiagnosed myself? I do not suffer as nearly as bad as most of the people on here. When I read your stories my heart goes out to you because I completely understand your feelings about the noises although I do not experience the discomfort to the same degree. Is there a such thing as a mild diagnosis of misophonia with more of OCD as the issue? I appreciate any response. Thank you for your time.God Bless Sheri Want organic food, unlike anything on the market delivered to your door? Well, check out this site! "...choose for yourselves today whom you will for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." 24:15 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 21, 2012 Report Share Posted February 21, 2012 Thank you Heidi for responding. I will look into those 2 other hearing disorders that you mentioned. I probably should do something about the OCD tendencies, but you know I hate the idea of being diagnosed with a psychological problem. I think that's why I've dealt with it and have not sought out help. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Sheri Want organic food, unlike anything on the market delivered to your door? Well, check out this site! "...choose for yourselves today whom you will for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." 24:15 To: "Soundsensitivity " <Soundsensitivity > Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 11:07 AM Subject: Re: Hi Hi and welcome,There are other disorders that have similar Misophonia qualities, for instance many with Austisim have the same over stimulation to sounds but may not have Misophonia and some have both. None of us can say for sure what someone else has. Given your discription of how loud sounds make you feel you may want to look into Hypercusis or sensor processing disorder as well. They certainly are things to look into. All of this stuff is so newly recognized, there is no absolute. Your aversion to eating noises and knuckle cracking certainly sounds like Misophonia. Glad you found us. HeidiSent from my iPhone Hi,I'm new here. I am so thankful to find this group. Also, I want to say how I feel for all of you who are suffering so much with this disorder. Wait, is it considered a disorder? Not sure if I am using the right word. I apologize if I am not. I am very new to these terms and phrases. I have had hearing issues all of my life and thought it was just me. I am 42. I went in search of an explanation on the internet only last week after a scary incident at the shooting range. My hubby and I went shooting for the first time. He bought me air plugs and then the standard air covering gear on top of that. However, the noise was so horrific that I had to flee. The noise penetrated my whole body. I think someone mentioned that it felt like it was in their blood. That's how I felt! I could not explain this feeling to my husband just that I had to get out of there NOW! He is very understanding. We have been married almost 9 years and he knows I have a sensitivity issue with my ears. He warns me before he sneezes so that I can cover my ears because he usually sneezes so loudly that it trembles my whole body and I am physically upset by it. I feel like fleeing though not fighting. However, after reading so many posts in this group of how so many of you are suffering so much to the point that your lives are disrupted I am wondering if I have misdiagnosed myself. I do not like loud noises. I often have to tell my 4 children to stop screaming. They are 6 1/2 years old and younger. My hubby will tell me that they are not screaming but just making normal children's sounds. However, for me it's almost deafening. I hear things before anyone else hears them like an ambulance miles away before anyone in the car with me hears it. I hear noises under noises under noises that drive me crazy because I hear them but no one else does. There are days that I tell my hubby after a long day with the children that I need to leave. It's like a life or death situation that I urgently need to get out of the house. He is so sweet and understands and says sure honey go out and get some alone time. The thing is that although I am a stay-home Mom I am not fleeing because I am tired of being with my children and need alone time. The emotion I feel and what I am fleeing is the noise. It's like I need quiet time. I feel like I am going to go crazy and just need a quiet place to go to. I often need quiet time. And also cannot deal with many noises at one time. Like if the music is on and the children are playing and laughing loudly and say the dishwasher or washing machine is on. It usually drives me nuts and I have to turn 2 of the offending noises off.In addition, I have been teased that I have OCD although I have not been diagnosed. Seeing clutter or things not in the place they are intended to be drives me literally insane. I go into a rage and start throwing my children's belongings in the garbage or in a pile and tell them to claim it or it will go into the garbage. I cannot stand to watch my husband eat. Two of my four children smack a lot when they eat and I have to constantly tell them to keep their mouths closed while they eat. I thought it was a manners thing, but realize now that it literally drives me crazy to hear the smacking. I absolutely cannot bear to hear knuckles being cracked. However, gum chewing does not bother me so much it's just a little annoying. I have been accused of being germaphobic because I carry hand sanitize with me everywhere. (the natural kind). I freak out when I take my children into a public restroom and have a military like procedure as to where they are to stand so that we don't touch any germs. I hate shaking people's hands although I do it. And if I can't get to the hand sanitizer right away all I can think about is the fact that I touched the person's hands and where are all the places they've touched. I also pick at my fingers and feet (the dead skin) incessantly. This is the main part that my hubby says is the OCD part because I will pick at it until I bleed at times. I know gross. Sorry. I also have major allergies. I am allergic to the environment (grass, flowers, dust pollens), allergic to anything with fur (cats, dogs, rabbits), allergic to insects (cock roaches), allergic to many foods (too many to list). I also have IBS. I read recently that misophonia is linked to food intolerances. This makes some sense. My question is have I misdiagnosed myself? I do not suffer as nearly as bad as most of the people on here. When I read your stories my heart goes out to you because I completely understand your feelings about the noises although I do not experience the discomfort to the same degree. Is there a such thing as a mild diagnosis of misophonia with more of OCD as the issue? I appreciate any response. Thank you for your time.God Bless Sheri Want organic food, unlike anything on the market delivered to your door? Well, check out this site! "...choose for yourselves today whom you will for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." 24:15 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 i am personally leaning more and more toward the idea that misophonia is generally a type of ocd; your case is more similar to ocd in that you fear the sound rather than being enraged, though you do say that some things enrage you, like the toys being left out. cleanliness is very much in line with ocd especially when you talk about the germs and the picking. Your case is a very interesting, as it seems to be a wonderful intermediary case linking ocd to misophonia, being closer to more typical ocd symptoms. It's possible that there is nothing wrong with the wiring in your ear, but rather, you percieve noises as being louder because subconsciously you are more obsessed with what you sense. So then, why then is it only sound? Well, think about it; sound is the thing that typically changes most in our environment, so if you have issues with obsession here and there, and sound is ever changing, not to mention so invasive that you cant get away from it, its easily something that could be over emphasized. > > Hi, > > I'm new here. I am so thankful to find this group. Also, I want to say how I feel for all of you who are suffering so much with this disorder. Wait, is it considered a disorder? Not sure if I am using the right word. I apologize if I am not. I am very new to these terms and phrases. I have had hearing issues all of my life and thought it was just me. I am 42. I went in search of an explanation on the internet only last week after a scary incident at the shooting range. My hubby and I went shooting for the first time. He bought me air plugs and then the standard air covering gear on top of that. However, the noise was so horrific that I had to flee. The noise penetrated my whole body. I think someone mentioned that it felt like it was in their blood. That's how I felt! I could not explain this feeling to my husband just that I had to get out of there NOW! He is very understanding. We have been married almost 9 years and he knows > I have a sensitivity issue with my ears. He warns me before he sneezes so that I can cover my ears because he usually sneezes so loudly that it trembles my whole body and I am physically upset by it. I feel like fleeing though not fighting. > > > However, after reading so many posts in this group of how so many of you are suffering so much to the point that your lives are disrupted I am wondering if I have misdiagnosed myself. I do not like loud noises. I often have to tell my 4 children to stop screaming. They are 6 1/2 years old and younger. My hubby will tell me that they are not screaming but just making normal children's sounds. However, for me it's almost deafening. I hear things before anyone else hears them like an ambulance miles away before anyone in the car with me hears it. I hear noises under noises under noises that drive me crazy because I hear them but no one else does. There are days that I tell my hubby after a long day with the children that I need to leave. It's like a life or death situation that I urgently need to get out of the house. He is so sweet and understands and says sure honey go out and get some alone time. The thing is that although I am a > stay-home Mom I am not fleeing because I am tired of being with my children and need alone time. The emotion I feel and what I am fleeing is the noise. It's like I need quiet time. I feel like I am going to go crazy and just need a quiet place to go to. I often need quiet time. And also cannot deal with many noises at one time. Like if the music is on and the children are playing and laughing loudly and say the dishwasher or washing machine is on. It usually drives me nuts and I have to turn 2 of the offending noises off. > > > In addition, I have been teased that I have OCD although I have not been diagnosed. Seeing clutter or things not in the place they are intended to be drives me literally insane. I go into a rage and start throwing my children's belongings in the garbage or in a pile and tell them to claim it or it will go into the garbage. I cannot stand to watch my husband eat. Two of my four children smack a lot when they eat and I have to constantly tell them to keep their mouths closed while they eat. I thought it was a manners thing, but realize now that it literally drives me crazy to hear the smacking. I absolutely cannot bear to hear knuckles being cracked. However, gum chewing does not bother me so much it's just a little annoying. I have been accused of being germaphobic because I carry hand sanitize with me everywhere. (the natural kind). I freak out when I take my children into a public restroom and have a military like procedure as to where > they are to stand so that we don't touch any germs. I hate shaking people's hands although I do it. And if I can't get to the hand sanitizer right away all I can think about is the fact that I touched the person's hands and where are all the places they've touched. I also pick at my fingers and feet (the dead skin) incessantly. This is the main part that my hubby says is the OCD part because I will pick at it until I bleed at times. I know gross. Sorry. I also have major allergies. I am allergic to the environment (grass, flowers, dust pollens), allergic to anything with fur (cats, dogs, rabbits), allergic to insects (cock roaches), allergic to many foods (too many to list). I also have IBS. I read recently that misophonia is linked to food intolerances. This makes some sense. > > My question is have I misdiagnosed myself? I do not suffer as nearly as bad as most of the people on here. When I read your stories my heart goes out to you because I completely understand your feelings about the noises although I do not experience the discomfort to the same degree. Is there a such thing as a mild diagnosis of misophonia with more of OCD as the issue? > > > I appreciate any response. Thank you for your time. > > God Bless > >  > Sheri > > > Want organic food, unlike anything on the market delivered to your door? Well, check out this site! > > > " ...choose for yourselves today whom you will for meand my house, we will serve the LORD. " 24:15 > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 Thanks Jarred. That makes a lot of sense to me. The more I think about it there are many other things I do that fit more in with OCD. I will keep investigating the hearing further in conjunction with the OCD. I just looked into hyperacusis and realized that it sounds exactly like what I am experiencing. I think the OCD threw me off and so I looked more into misophonia. And the weirdest thing happened. As I am reading about hyperacusis they mention a ringing in the ear and at that moment my ears started ringing! Isn't that crazy?!! Ah, the power of suggestion. Or in my case obsession. Anyway, thanks Jarred and Heidi for responding and now I know where I should be looking. I will pray for all of you who are suffering and pray that your friends and family members will be more supportive. Sheri Want organic food, unlike anything on the market delivered to your door? Well, check out this site! Here are some great organizational tools for Moms I found on the web:"...choose for yourselves today whom you will for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." 24:15 To: Soundsensitivity Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 12:23 PM Subject: Re: Hi i am personally leaning more and more toward the idea that misophonia is generally a type of ocd; your case is more similar to ocd in that you fear the sound rather than being enraged, though you do say that some things enrage you, like the toys being left out. cleanliness is very much in line with ocd especially when you talk about the germs and the picking. Your case is a very interesting, as it seems to be a wonderful intermediary case linking ocd to misophonia, being closer to more typical ocd symptoms. It's possible that there is nothing wrong with the wiring in your ear, but rather, you percieve noises as being louder because subconsciously you are more obsessed with what you sense. So then, why then is it only sound? Well, think about it; sound is the thing that typically changes most in our environment, so if you have issues with obsession here and there, and sound is ever changing, not to mention so invasive that you cant get away from it, its easily something that could be over emphasized. > > Hi, > > I'm new here. I am so thankful to find this group. Also, I want to say how I feel for all of you who are suffering so much with this disorder. Wait, is it considered a disorder? Not sure if I am using the right word. I apologize if I am not. I am very new to these terms and phrases. I have had hearing issues all of my life and thought it was just me. I am 42. I went in search of an explanation on the internet only last week after a scary incident at the shooting range. My hubby and I went shooting for the first time. He bought me air plugs and then the standard air covering gear on top of that. However, the noise was so horrific that I had to flee. The noise penetrated my whole body. I think someone mentioned that it felt like it was in their blood. That's how I felt! I could not explain this feeling to my husband just that I had to get out of there NOW! He is very understanding. We have been married almost 9 years and he knows > I have a sensitivity issue with my ears. He warns me before he sneezes so that I can cover my ears because he usually sneezes so loudly that it trembles my whole body and I am physically upset by it. I feel like fleeing though not fighting. > > > However, after reading so many posts in this group of how so many of you are suffering so much to the point that your lives are disrupted I am wondering if I have misdiagnosed myself. I do not like loud noises. I often have to tell my 4 children to stop screaming. They are 6 1/2 years old and younger. My hubby will tell me that they are not screaming but just making normal children's sounds. However, for me it's almost deafening. I hear things before anyone else hears them like an ambulance miles away before anyone in the car with me hears it. I hear noises under noises under noises that drive me crazy because I hear them but no one else does. There are days that I tell my hubby after a long day with the children that I need to leave. It's like a life or death situation that I urgently need to get out of the house. He is so sweet and understands and says sure honey go out and get some alone time. The thing is that although I am a > stay-home Mom I am not fleeing because I am tired of being with my children and need alone time. The emotion I feel and what I am fleeing is the noise. It's like I need quiet time. I feel like I am going to go crazy and just need a quiet place to go to. I often need quiet time. And also cannot deal with many noises at one time. Like if the music is on and the children are playing and laughing loudly and say the dishwasher or washing machine is on. It usually drives me nuts and I have to turn 2 of the offending noises off. > > > In addition, I have been teased that I have OCD although I have not been diagnosed. Seeing clutter or things not in the place they are intended to be drives me literally insane. I go into a rage and start throwing my children's belongings in the garbage or in a pile and tell them to claim it or it will go into the garbage. I cannot stand to watch my husband eat. Two of my four children smack a lot when they eat and I have to constantly tell them to keep their mouths closed while they eat. I thought it was a manners thing, but realize now that it literally drives me crazy to hear the smacking. I absolutely cannot bear to hear knuckles being cracked. However, gum chewing does not bother me so much it's just a little annoying. I have been accused of being germaphobic because I carry hand sanitize with me everywhere. (the natural kind). I freak out when I take my children into a public restroom and have a military like procedure as to where > they are to stand so that we don't touch any germs. I hate shaking people's hands although I do it. And if I can't get to the hand sanitizer right away all I can think about is the fact that I touched the person's hands and where are all the places they've touched. I also pick at my fingers and feet (the dead skin) incessantly. This is the main part that my hubby says is the OCD part because I will pick at it until I bleed at times. I know gross. Sorry. I also have major allergies. I am allergic to the environment (grass, flowers, dust pollens), allergic to anything with fur (cats, dogs, rabbits), allergic to insects (cock roaches), allergic to many foods (too many to list). I also have IBS. I read recently that misophonia is linked to food intolerances. This makes some sense. > > My question is have I misdiagnosed myself? I do not suffer as nearly as bad as most of the people on here. When I read your stories my heart goes out to you because I completely understand your feelings about the noises although I do not experience the discomfort to the same degree. Is there a such thing as a mild diagnosis of misophonia with more of OCD as the issue? > > > I appreciate any response. Thank you for your time. > > God Bless > > > Sheri > > > Want organic food, unlike anything on the market delivered to your door? Well, check out this site! > > > "...choose for yourselves today whom you will for meand my house, we will serve the LORD." 24:15 > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2012 Report Share Posted July 6, 2012 Hi Francesca, I am 59 and sent an email a few days ago explaining how I had sold my home and moved to an isolated shed in the brush because I could no longer tolerate the sound of a neighborhood! That sounds intense but this condition can rule your life. You are fortunate to know what you are dealing with in an age bracket that might allow you some time to develop a style of coping with this. Study what the people in this group share and incorporate their methods as much as you feel your personality will allow. The control issues of Anorexia can be transferred into your own conscious management of this, watch out for self medication, never a good idea!!!! Good luck ,, this is TUFF.....Sent from my iPad Hi I would like to introduce myself to the group. My name is Francesca, I am 35 years old, I am Italian and I've never heard about Misophonia. BUT. I struggle with it since I was about 9 years old. I've suffered from bulimia/anorexia for 20 years and during that long period I've always thought that my rage was related to my disturb. Now I've ricovered, I'm fine, I live my life with a lot of positivity..still my rage for noises resists! I go crazy with a lot of noises, but the most annoying are: gum chewing, chomping, gulping, coughing, sneezing and many more. The situation is better than when I was younger, I always try to find a way not to go crazy. This way is sometimes VERY weird. In this very moment my older colleague is clearing her voice. She does it very often. To avoid shouting to her, I think the worst words I could say to her. Or the worst ways to kill her(!!!I am an Amnesty Internationa activist!!!!!). If I get very annoyed I go to the toilet and I scream silently. Sometimes it helps to repeat the sound I've heard. Like now: I'm clearing my throat loudly to let out some anger. Some days ago both my colleagues had a bad cough...I thought I would die. The worst thing is when my 10 years old daughter coughs or chews or chomps..sometimes I cannot resist and I tell her to stop. Yesterday I told her about Misophonia, because it was only 2 days ago that I found something about this problem on the net (American italy nobody knows nothing): she answered "See? It was not my fault" I hugged her and told her I never thought it was her fault, but it hurts a lot to know that I caused her this pain because of a problem I have. If you have any suggestion on how to feel better...I am here!!! Thankyou for your support Francesca = Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2012 Report Share Posted July 6, 2012 Hi Francesca, I am 59 and sent an email a few days ago explaining how I had sold my home and moved to an isolated shed in the brush because I could no longer tolerate the sound of a neighborhood! That sounds intense but this condition can rule your life. You are fortunate to know what you are dealing with in an age bracket that might allow you some time to develop a style of coping with this. Study what the people in this group share and incorporate their methods as much as you feel your personality will allow. The control issues of Anorexia can be transferred into your own conscious management of this, watch out for self medication, never a good idea!!!! Good luck ,, this is TUFF.....Sent from my iPad Hi I would like to introduce myself to the group. My name is Francesca, I am 35 years old, I am Italian and I've never heard about Misophonia. BUT. I struggle with it since I was about 9 years old. I've suffered from bulimia/anorexia for 20 years and during that long period I've always thought that my rage was related to my disturb. Now I've ricovered, I'm fine, I live my life with a lot of positivity..still my rage for noises resists! I go crazy with a lot of noises, but the most annoying are: gum chewing, chomping, gulping, coughing, sneezing and many more. The situation is better than when I was younger, I always try to find a way not to go crazy. This way is sometimes VERY weird. In this very moment my older colleague is clearing her voice. She does it very often. To avoid shouting to her, I think the worst words I could say to her. Or the worst ways to kill her(!!!I am an Amnesty Internationa activist!!!!!). If I get very annoyed I go to the toilet and I scream silently. Sometimes it helps to repeat the sound I've heard. Like now: I'm clearing my throat loudly to let out some anger. Some days ago both my colleagues had a bad cough...I thought I would die. The worst thing is when my 10 years old daughter coughs or chews or chomps..sometimes I cannot resist and I tell her to stop. Yesterday I told her about Misophonia, because it was only 2 days ago that I found something about this problem on the net (American italy nobody knows nothing): she answered "See? It was not my fault" I hugged her and told her I never thought it was her fault, but it hurts a lot to know that I caused her this pain because of a problem I have. If you have any suggestion on how to feel better...I am here!!! Thankyou for your support Francesca = Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2012 Report Share Posted July 6, 2012 Thankyoufor your kind answer!Together we will find the best ways to feel better...I know what you mean when you write about the neighbourhood...When I had to move, I only considered flats on the last floor because I can't stand footsteps noise, but it is not easy anyway..* Ciao! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2012 Report Share Posted July 6, 2012 Thankyoufor your kind answer!Together we will find the best ways to feel better...I know what you mean when you write about the neighbourhood...When I had to move, I only considered flats on the last floor because I can't stand footsteps noise, but it is not easy anyway..* Ciao! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 15, 2012 Report Share Posted July 15, 2012 wow this is crazy check it out Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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