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Thanks Jana, it really is hard. Bipolar is not a fun disease, it really

messes up a family. He has been diagnosed since he was 10. This is his second

hospitalization and it is killing me. I hope your son is better, if he is

bipolar he will not get better after puberty so that is good to know. My ds

has cycles where he gets hyper, depressed, hyper, depressed, normal, hyper

all in a matter of hours! it is very difficult to manage and not to mention

school! IF and I mean IF he does his work it is good, but if he is depressed

we never get any work done. Doesn't matter what I say or do, he won't do it.

He also believes if I say something is black he swears it is white lol.

typical teenager stuff but on top of this other junk it is too much. He has

become more violent too lately, this is what put him in, took a screwdriver

to some cans and a knife to several boxed goods. Scared the $hit out of me.

Thanks so much and I know you have so much going on in your own life, I

really appreciate you taking some time for me!!!!! (((HUGS))) I have to say

you have a great attitude, I would be panicking LOL. Things will be great, I

belong to an IVF bb and I have several friends with trips and 2 with quads,

one delivered at 34 weeks! and the other is 28 now so things are looking

good. Just rest as much as you can and drink LOTS and LOTS of water, seems to

keep the uterine irriability down.

Frannie 32


& Aaliya 13

Jay 12 (my troubled boy but sooo special!!)


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  • 4 weeks later...


We're just glad that everything is ok. It's good you

didn't kill hubby, you're gonna need him around for

those babes. You take care sweetie and I'm glad

you're back online.



--- janajerry862000 wrote:

> I left all the bills up to my husband back in sept

> and he never paid

> my phone bill(brain dead) made the check out put it

> on the fridge and

> never mailed it and in dec i never opened the bill

> knowing it was

> paid from a disconnect never took into cinsideration

> he did not do

> this on dec 26 th it was turned off, well lets just

> say he is kissing

> but and the check was on the fridge just like he

> said burried under

> the old stubs from where he paid the bills. i guess

> from now on i

> will look at what i hang on the mail box to go out.

> As for the quads i might get to meet the mom soon

> she is only about

> 20 minutes from here and my mentor is her mentor

> all my love and i am fine, just a couple of contrax

> in the past few

> days

> jana




Happy New Year

from the family

, , Betsy & Jo!

Please don't drink and drive.


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That's great that your gonna get the chance to take

a tour of the hospital. Wow 20 weeks, I didn't

realize you were that far along. Keep up the good

work. We'll worry about you when you go into the

hospital. You have to teach Jerry how to post

(PLEASE) so he can update us a little on how your

doing. Or give Dr Levin a call and he might update

us. :-) He updated us on rebecca. I'm glad to hear

everything is going good right now. Let us know how

the tour goes.

Love, Donna

--- janajerry862000 wrote:

> I finally after calling for almost 2 months to the

> childnirth ed lady

> got no responce about seeing the hospital and all

> that will happen to

> me while there be it bfore during and after i leave

> and the babies

> stay, this real sweet lady in l & d is going to meet

> jerry and i

> tomorow during her shift and take us around and show

> it all to us.I

> guess the other lady didn't want to show us becuase

> we are taking the

> classes(we don't need childbirth classes)kinda

> afraid to go and see

> the NICU i have never seen a premi bfore.its getting

> closer to that

> time and not sure how i will handle it when it gets

> here but god will

> provide for me.

> have a happy cold day all and may God bless

> jana




Donna Fannin 34

DH Kenny 33

DD's Angie & 15 & 16

DS (bubby)14

TL 3-15-88 TR 8-20-01


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That's great that your gonna get the chance to take

a tour of the hospital. Wow 20 weeks, I didn't

realize you were that far along. Keep up the good

work. We'll worry about you when you go into the

hospital. You have to teach Jerry how to post

(PLEASE) so he can update us a little on how your

doing. Or give Dr Levin a call and he might update

us. :-) He updated us on rebecca. I'm glad to hear

everything is going good right now. Let us know how

the tour goes.

Love, Donna

--- janajerry862000 wrote:

> I finally after calling for almost 2 months to the

> childnirth ed lady

> got no responce about seeing the hospital and all

> that will happen to

> me while there be it bfore during and after i leave

> and the babies

> stay, this real sweet lady in l & d is going to meet

> jerry and i

> tomorow during her shift and take us around and show

> it all to us.I

> guess the other lady didn't want to show us becuase

> we are taking the

> classes(we don't need childbirth classes)kinda

> afraid to go and see

> the NICU i have never seen a premi bfore.its getting

> closer to that

> time and not sure how i will handle it when it gets

> here but god will

> provide for me.

> have a happy cold day all and may God bless

> jana




Donna Fannin 34

DH Kenny 33

DD's Angie & 15 & 16

DS (bubby)14

TL 3-15-88 TR 8-20-01


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That's great that your gonna get the chance to take

a tour of the hospital. Wow 20 weeks, I didn't

realize you were that far along. Keep up the good

work. We'll worry about you when you go into the

hospital. You have to teach Jerry how to post

(PLEASE) so he can update us a little on how your

doing. Or give Dr Levin a call and he might update

us. :-) He updated us on rebecca. I'm glad to hear

everything is going good right now. Let us know how

the tour goes.

Love, Donna

--- janajerry862000 wrote:

> I finally after calling for almost 2 months to the

> childnirth ed lady

> got no responce about seeing the hospital and all

> that will happen to

> me while there be it bfore during and after i leave

> and the babies

> stay, this real sweet lady in l & d is going to meet

> jerry and i

> tomorow during her shift and take us around and show

> it all to us.I

> guess the other lady didn't want to show us becuase

> we are taking the

> classes(we don't need childbirth classes)kinda

> afraid to go and see

> the NICU i have never seen a premi bfore.its getting

> closer to that

> time and not sure how i will handle it when it gets

> here but god will

> provide for me.

> have a happy cold day all and may God bless

> jana




Donna Fannin 34

DH Kenny 33

DD's Angie & 15 & 16

DS (bubby)14

TL 3-15-88 TR 8-20-01


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You will be in my prayers until these little sweeties

are delivered, and even after. You are being

quadrupally blessed, lol. It will take me over 4

years to have 4 more babies, if DH will let me, lol,

and it's only taking you 9 months!

Whatever you decide will be the right decision for you

and you have all of our support.


--- janajerry862000 wrote:

> I have to make that big decision to be retied after

> my delivery.my

> chances are very high that i will hemorage after

> havong these babies

> and i have agreed already to have them remove my

> uterus afterwards if

> deemed so.I was also told to not carry anymore after

> this pg for

> health reasons and to many times cut open i could

> rupture with

> another pg.

> my husband for certain reasons will not have a vas.

> done and i have

> agreed so we will make the big decision on monday

> what to do. I can't

> take the pill i have tried many times bfore my first

> t.l.

> We will wait and see what monday brings us about

> b/c, I certainly

> don't want to be pg again after this to risky for

> me.So maybe i will

> have some guidence from a higher being on what to

> do, My oldest

> sister had hers tied 10 yrs ago and never regreted

> it. and my middle

> sister never had a chance to have hers tied she had

> a hysterectomy at

> the age of 34 from fibroids and at the time they did

> it she had a 7

> lbs fibroid.

> We all have our own opinions and i support them all,

> this is a very

> hard decision for me to make and has weighed on my

> mind for 20 weeks

> now and gets harder every day, all Jerry would say

> to me about it is,

> if i would let you you would be pg every year.not

> true now that i

> know the risk of it after a multiple pg

> much love to all

> jana 32

> Jerry 36

> JerryIII 15

> justin 14

> jake 9

> and due in about 8-10 weeks with hewey,lewey,dewey

> and festus





Happy New Year

from the family

, , Betsy & Jo!


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Jana, Your FIL sounds like my dad. He use to make my mom dry his hair and

it had to be in the right spot or hed rewash it and make her redo it. We had

to wait and wait on him. 4 girls beat him gettign ready. He use to be bad!!

I swore that I'd never marry a man like my dad nor would i be treated the way

i seen my mom. so i do thank my dad for that, he has made me and my sisters

stronger, we take nothing. Nick does alot of stuff, when we first got

together he had just got out of the air force and didnt have a job yet and

when i worked he'd keep my kids and clean my house and come down to my work

to have lunch with me and then come home and when i got home around 6 supper

would be fixed and on the table... When I worked 2nd shift at my dads store

and he worked first shift, I'd come home and he'd wait on me hand and foot.

Couldnt ask for a better man. My first husband did nothing but the yard work.

Thoughts that all he had to do and I woudl help him. with three little

ones. Although Nick isnt perfect but he'll do..lol...

baby wishes,

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  • 2 weeks later...

> Jana,

> I'm not sure if I congratulated you on your ultra sound. WOW 2

> boys & 2 girls! It's working out perfect! Have you been back to


> doc anymore lately. How many weeks are you now? Also loved the

> names you have picked out for the wee ones. Thanks for helping me

> about with questions about the post-coital test, I'm not sure there

> is a doc around here who can do that test. Is the exam itself like


> pap test? Sorry to bug ya about this.

> Love, Donna

its nothing like a pap test at all alot easier.I am 23 weeks 1 day

now and will go back to the doc on feb5th can't wait, they are going

to weigh the babies again and hopefully lock me up some time soon.Its

getting hard to even make it to the bathroom, i get bigger and bigger

day by day.

lots of love


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Jana, I SO admire you! I can't imagine being pregnant with 4 at once! Bless

your heart! I think of you a lot and wonder how you are doing. We are all

rooting for you!

in Michigan

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My DD's 15 & 7 said to give your sons a high-five from

them. Isn't a wonderful to see your children do well

at something they not only enjoy, but something they

are talented in...I can't believe wrestles. She

goes to Christian school and is such a prim-and-proper

little prissy most of the time, but you get her out on

the mat and she's a ball of fire.

Thanks for sharing with us Jana.

--- janajerry862000 wrote:

> even though i am not allowed to go to any of these

> games i did sneak

> to my oldests game this am he play against my old

> school and we won

> that game at the buzzer by a friend of my sons

> shooting a 3 pointer

> from way past the half.Bad to say but freshman ball

> is kinda

> creepycan't wait till we get to varsity or atleast

> j.v.when you have

> a kid as big as mine tall wise it can hurt their

> career.justin and

> jake man must have stomped some butt cause they won

> by a wide margine.

> this is all new to me we have only been playing

> b-ball for 4 years

> now, we are big wrestlers here in cinti starting our

> kids when they

> are 4 yrs old, how can a mother be any prouder, and

> now we have 2

> girls and 2 more boys to look forward to with sports

> (can't wait)

> love and prayers to all

> jana

> thank you letting me vent this out babies are all

> fine




ME! 37

DH 34

DD 15

DD 7

TL 11/95

TR summer 2002!


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My DD's 15 & 7 said to give your sons a high-five from

them. Isn't a wonderful to see your children do well

at something they not only enjoy, but something they

are talented in...I can't believe wrestles. She

goes to Christian school and is such a prim-and-proper

little prissy most of the time, but you get her out on

the mat and she's a ball of fire.

Thanks for sharing with us Jana.

--- janajerry862000 wrote:

> even though i am not allowed to go to any of these

> games i did sneak

> to my oldests game this am he play against my old

> school and we won

> that game at the buzzer by a friend of my sons

> shooting a 3 pointer

> from way past the half.Bad to say but freshman ball

> is kinda

> creepycan't wait till we get to varsity or atleast

> j.v.when you have

> a kid as big as mine tall wise it can hurt their

> career.justin and

> jake man must have stomped some butt cause they won

> by a wide margine.

> this is all new to me we have only been playing

> b-ball for 4 years

> now, we are big wrestlers here in cinti starting our

> kids when they

> are 4 yrs old, how can a mother be any prouder, and

> now we have 2

> girls and 2 more boys to look forward to with sports

> (can't wait)

> love and prayers to all

> jana

> thank you letting me vent this out babies are all

> fine




ME! 37

DH 34

DD 15

DD 7

TL 11/95

TR summer 2002!


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