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Online Canine Rehab Education Survey Answers

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Thank you to everyone that completed the survey regarding

Online Canine Rehab Education. 115

people responded… making the response rate just over 10%. I’ll take it! I though folks might be interested to learn what the

responses were… 94% of the respondents were from North America, 4% from

Europe, and 2% from Australia/Oceania.

Nobody was from Antarctica or anywhere else for that matter! 57% of the respondents were vets, 22% techs / vet nurses,

20% PTs, and one OT and one athletic trainer. On the long answer survey, 56% of the respondents were

Techs… Thank you to everyone that took the time to give such detailed answers. One person reported to NOT be interested in online canine

rehab continuing education. I

appreciate that person’s honesty – and it made me smile! As for the learning formats, there were many selections that

ranked high… so here are the top 3:1) Video training,2) Case studies3) Online courses The top 4 rehab practice / knowledge / skill topics of

interest were as follows:1) Treatment skills2) Assessment skills3) Treatment planning4) Re-evaluation measures The top 3 business related topics that people would like to

learn:1) Marketing2) Management3) Staying Motivation / Commitment I thought the answers were very interesting and I’m so grateful

to everyone that responded. Your

responses will help me immensely to guide the future direction of my new online

educational venture: www.fourleg.com. My goal was to create an online venue to reinforce and bolster

your canine rehab knowledge: to review learned materials and add new knowledge

to your rehab base. Why would you want to

access this site?Other than taking the courses over again, there isn’t any

other way to adequately relearn the materials and the original lessons / concepts / skills from them. If you didn’t take notes on

that one particular slide / demo / etc, can you now recall what it was

about? Perhaps not! Continuing education is imperative in this field, but it

takes time and money to travel to a course. While ‘live courses’ really are the ‘Cadillac of learning’,

it makes sense to have other options as well. WWW.FOURLEG.COM is just

that. Why do so many people

struggle with their canine rehab business?As with any business, struggling or failure can usually be

tied to lack of commitment, lack of skill or knowledge, inadequate systems, lack of continuing education,

or lack of mentorship. So really,

one has to look at how to address these issues. Have you set up strategies to accomplish this within your

self, department, or business? I spent a long

time learning animal rehab – starting back in 1992. I took post-graduate ‘human physio’ courses, then horse

courses, then I shadowed an equine physio, and I read TONS before I started to work on dogs! My knowledge has been hard earned, and

my teaching of canine rehab (since 1999) has help to solidify the basics for me

even more so! Now believe me, I am

still learning continually, and I love to amalgamate what I find in veterinary

and physiotherapy literature and practice to create new assessment and

treatment strategies, viewpoints, and understanding of canine conditions. I’d have to say it’s a passion of

mine! Even when I was completing

my Master degree in Animal Physiotherapy (University of Queensland, Australia),

I was also an instructor for the ‘hands on’ training because of my unique

background and extensive experience.

As well, I loved how the Master’s Degree taught me how to learn and

acquire new information, synthesize and apply it! AND I want to share

my findings, thoughts, and experiences in order to better the entire animal

rehab field and help us all to master the skills required to become exceptional

practitioners! So, I created www.fourleg.com

as a platform to 1) continue teaching those I have already taught, and 2) to

provide a learning resource for those I have never taught. I also recognize that with limited time

and resources, something was needed that could be delivered regularly,

conveniently and affordably to everyone wanting to continue their learning

journey. Here’s what the website offers (so far!):1) Free·


Blog Posting·

Sign up for updates & news releases2) For an affordable Monthly Membership Fee·

Access to my entire library of articles and


A bimonthly newsletter (that looks at and

synthesizes research into a “why you might care” format)·

Video training·

Audio trainingAll delivered with reminders, links, and updates that come

to your inbox to help to remind direct your learning. And not to worry… if you want to try it out and you find it’s

not for you, just cancel with no hassles.

But you’ll miss out on any ‘new stuff’. I’m creating new content all the time. I’ll answer whatever questions you

might have, and it’s a great resource for review as well as new learning! Lastly, I want to announce a bonus! I just finished writing and printing a

new book: Basic Manual Therapy for

the Canine Axial Skeleton. It

addresses fundamental basics for spinal manual therapy, which in my opinion, no

canine rehab program is complete without.

It’s available off of the website. BUT DON’T BUY IT! Instead, check out www.fourleg.com.Start trialing the information by going to the ‘Free Stuff

Now’ page.Sign up for free updates if you like.Then sign up for the MEMBERSHIP and hang in with me for a

month…And I’ll send you the new book for FREE if you sign up before the end of August!

So really, you have very little to lose and a lot of cool

knowledge and a nifty resource to gain! Thanks to everyone that is still reading this! I know it's long. There was just such a lot of

information to convey. I hope to

see you on the site!Cheers,Laurie Edge-

Laurie Edge-, BScPT, MAnimSt(Animal Physio), CAFCI, CCRTCEO,Four Leg Rehab Inc.Canine Rehab Educational ResourcesWWW.FOURLEG.COMCheck it out!!

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I am really enjoying your new online learning resource website. I have had an opportunity to explore it a few times in the past month.

You have provided excellent material in an easy to access format.

In this relatively new area of canine rehab it is so important to continually review, refresh and update the newest information.

Your site is such a great idea to be able to access these learning resources at my convenience! I have just been reviewing the neuro assessment!

Margaret Kraeling PT CCRT

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I agree!! Laurie, your site loaded with valuable information. The audio and video segments are perfect for gym workout. Looking forward to information about evaluating and treating the Vestibular patient and information that surfaces about Regenerative Medicine. Hint, hint!



I am really enjoying your new online learning resource website. I have had an opportunity to explore it a few times in the past month.

You have provided excellent material in an easy to access format.

In this relatively new area of canine rehab it is so important to continually review, refresh and update the newest information.

Your site is such a great idea to be able to access these learning resources at my convenience! I have just been reviewing the neuro assessment!

Margaret Kraeling PT CCRT

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Laurie,I completely agree with other feedback that has been sent regarding your website. It is a fantastic resource with tons of great information! Thank you for your enthusiasm and time with putting this together. I look forward to your book and upcoming information/topics!!! A Bihler MSPT, CCRT (pending)Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

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Laurie What a terrific idea. I haven't been in touch in a year or doBut I read all the posts and file them away. freedman vid CCTVSent from my iPhone

Laurie,I completely agree with other feedback that has been sent regarding your website. It is a fantastic resource with tons of great information! Thank you for your enthusiasm and time with putting this together. I look forward to your book and upcoming information/topics!!! A Bihler MSPT, CCRT (pending)Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

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Thanks so much Margaret, le, , and !I am very appreciative of your kinds words and positive feedback!I look forward to creating more resources to serve you even better!Cheers,Laurie

Laurie Edge-, BScPT, MAnimSt(Animal Physio), CAFCI, CCRTCEO,Four Leg Rehab Inc.Canine Rehab Educational ResourcesWWW.FOURLEG.COMCheck it out!!

Laurie What a terrific idea. I haven't been in touch in a year or doBut I read all the posts and file them away. freedman vid CCTVSent from my iPhone

Laurie,I completely agree with other feedback that has been sent regarding your website. It is a fantastic resource with tons of great information! Thank you for your enthusiasm and time with putting this together. I look forward to your book and upcoming information/topics!!! A Bihler MSPT, CCRT (pending)Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

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I concur with everyone's sentiments!  I am so excited about Laurie's website.  I have been waiting and longing for an educational resource like this.  I have only been through about 1/4 of the videos and articles and already I can tell that this tool is going to be invaluable to my career.  Laurie, I truly appreciate you and all of your efforts.  Keep it coming!!!!

Blanchard LVT, CMT, CCRPAnimal Rehabilitation Center of Michigan, Inc.Waterford, MI


Laurie,I completely agree with other feedback that has been sent regarding your website.  It is a fantastic resource with tons of great information!  Thank you for your enthusiasm and time with putting this together.  I look forward to your book and upcoming information/topics!!!

A Bihler MSPT, CCRT (pending)Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

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Somewhere along the way, I've missed the link for the actual website.  Would someone mind reposting it here?  Thanks!Sally Suttenfield, DVM, CCRPhttp://www.fourpawsvetrehab.com/


I concur with everyone's sentiments!  I am so excited about Laurie's website.  I have been waiting and longing for an educational resource like this.  I have only been through about 1/4 of the videos and articles and already I can tell that this tool is going to be invaluable to my career.  Laurie, I truly appreciate you and all of your efforts.  Keep it coming!!!!

Blanchard LVT, CMT, CCRPAnimal Rehabilitation Center of Michigan, Inc.Waterford, MI


Laurie,I completely agree with other feedback that has been sent regarding your website.  It is a fantastic resource with tons of great information!  Thank you for your enthusiasm and time with putting this together.  I look forward to your book and upcoming information/topics!!!

A Bihler MSPT, CCRT (pending)Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

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Thanks ! & Sally - the site is www.fourleg.com. Thank you for your interest!Cheers,Laurie

Laurie Edge-, BScPT, MAnimSt(Animal Physio), CAFCI, CCRTCEO,Four Leg Rehab Inc.Canine Rehab Educational ResourcesWWW.FOURLEG.COMCheck it out!!

On 2012-07-26, at 6:06 AM, Sally Suttenfield, DVM, CCRP wrote:

Somewhere along the way, I've missed the link for the actual website. Would someone mind reposting it here? Thanks!Sally Suttenfield, DVM, CCRPhttp://www.fourpawsvetrehab.com/

I concur with everyone's sentiments! I am so excited about Laurie's website. I have been waiting and longing for an educational resource like this. I have only been through about 1/4 of the videos and articles and already I can tell that this tool is going to be invaluable to my career. Laurie, I truly appreciate you and all of your efforts. Keep it coming!!!!

Blanchard LVT, CMT, CCRPAnimal Rehabilitation Center of Michigan, Inc.Waterford, MI

Laurie,I completely agree with other feedback that has been sent regarding your website. It is a fantastic resource with tons of great information! Thank you for your enthusiasm and time with putting this together. I look forward to your book and upcoming information/topics!!!

A Bihler MSPT, CCRT (pending)Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

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I have just finished reading through your new book on manual therapy - great

stuff. It is nicely presented, easy to understand (great pictures) and with very

logical follow through from assessment to treatment. Manual therapy is such an

essential tool for the canine rehab therapist.


> >

> >

> > Laurie,

> > I completely agree with other feedback that has been sent regarding your

website. It is a fantastic resource with tons of great information! Thank you

for your enthusiasm and time with putting this together. I look forward to your

book and upcoming information/topics!!!

> >

> > A Bihler MSPT, CCRT (pending)

> >

> > Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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  • 3 weeks later...


I am loving the website! It is exactly what I needed to continue my rehab

education in between CE classes and it is a great resource for clinical cases as


What a great idea! I am so gratedul to have it.

Luginbill, DVM CCRT cVMA

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