Guest guest Posted February 21, 2012 Report Share Posted February 21, 2012 Hi le,I do bio-Identical progesterone cream from a compound pharmacy and it has been a lifesaver for me. My estrogen dominance was wreaking havoc on my EN. I had been drinking a lot of soy milk with my coffee and my estrogen exploded. I am now offsoy, and any milks or meat products that have been hormone inflated. Anyway, progesterone balanced me and I feel like a new person and I am lump free, but it isn't just from the progesterone. For me it is a combination of taking care of my thyroid, hormones, gluten free eating and managing stress.You need to do the testing for your hormones on the 19th day of your cycle to get a proper reading of Estrogen and Progesterone. Also make sure you are going to a doctor that understands and isn'tdoing synthetic. Synthetic thyroid is what messed me up for years. Now I am on Nature-throid for my thyroid, and doing fantastic. Also being gluten free is HUGE for EN sufferers. If you want I can find the name of my progesterone for you. It is expensive. about 65. bucks a month, but it is worth it.Hope this ML GemmillWriter - Creative Ideator Does anybody know if taking just progesterone will cause an EN outbreak....or is it the estrogen-progestorone combination drugs that do it? thanks for your help,le Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 21, 2012 Report Share Posted February 21, 2012 I, personally, cannot take anything with Estrogen. I just now started the Depo-Provera shots, which are Progesterone only, because of the fact that Estrogen is my EN trigger. To: "erythema_nodosum_Group " <erythema_nodosum_Group > Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 11:41 AMSubject: Progesterone Does anybody know if taking just progesterone will cause an EN outbreak....or is it the estrogen-progestorone combination drugs that do it? thanks for your help, le Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 21, 2012 Report Share Posted February 21, 2012 Okay great so it sounds like it is the estrogen that causes it? I did some research and it sounded like it was the combination of progesteron and the estrogen but the research is limited it seems. I'm just afraid to take the progestreone if its going to cause me a year of an EN outbreak. To: "erythema_nodosum_Group " <erythema_nodosum_Group > Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:49 AM Subject: Re: Progesterone I, personally, cannot take anything with Estrogen. I just now started the Depo-Provera shots, which are Progesterone only, because of the fact that Estrogen is my EN trigger. To: "erythema_nodosum_Group " <erythema_nodosum_Group > Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 11:41 AMSubject: Progesterone Does anybody know if taking just progesterone will cause an EN outbreak....or is it the estrogen-progestorone combination drugs that do it? thanks for your help, le Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 21, 2012 Report Share Posted February 21, 2012 For me, progesterone and estrogen will both trigger it; together or separate. - To: "erythema_nodosum_Group " <erythema_nodosum_Group > Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 12:49 PM Subject: Re: Progesterone I, personally, cannot take anything with Estrogen. I just now started the Depo-Provera shots, which are Progesterone only, because of the fact that Estrogen is my EN trigger. To: "erythema_nodosum_Group " <erythema_nodosum_Group > Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 11:41 AMSubject: Progesterone Does anybody know if taking just progesterone will cause an EN outbreak....or is it the estrogen-progestorone combination drugs that do it? thanks for your help, le Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 21, 2012 Report Share Posted February 21, 2012 Everyone's trigger is different. I think there is over 300. has the list. You kind of have to be a guinea pig and really investigate and track when you get better and when you get worse.I know for me before my cycle I could erupt. However I also had a bad thyroid that was never treated properly. So it took years to find the right doctors and test for myself. But by far, for me... balancing my hormones, naturally, not with synthetic hormones, eating right and getting rid of all gluten, was by far the best relief. Your intestine/colon is on of the largest organ in the body and when it isn't cared for with a gluten free diet, exercise, plenty of water and probiotics, you will see the effects on your skin. It's just a fact. Also if your hormones are a mess from either a bad thyroid, or bad adrenals (which causes excessive edema and leg swelling) it will be very hard to control EN or any inflammatory issue. Your adrenals directly affect your body's ability to deal with inflammation. However most doctors will not deal with adrenal fatigue or deal with a holistic wellness program that will truly bring health benefits. Most will give you steriods and never deal with the issue. In the long run the steriods destroy adrenals and never deal with the root cause of the EN.I strongly suggest you try a gluten free diet for at least a year, it takes about 6 months to heal your colon from gluten. Also get your hormones checked as well as thyroid, if that is a trigger, it might not be, but it is worth figuring out. There is a great book by Shomon that deals with Auto Immune issues and can provide you with a wealth of information. But keep a calendar and mark down when you get your outbreaks and what led up to it.My triggers are estrogen, stress, strep, thyroid, adrenal fatigue, gluten. I have spent the last 9 months with a tremendous doctor and I am lump free. My other GP could never do that for me as she didn't believe in holistic approach. Nor did she think gluten was a problem. Good ML GemmillWriter - Creative Ideator Okay great so it sounds like it is the estrogen that causes it? I did some research and it sounded like it was the combination of progesteron and the estrogen but the research is limited it seems. I'm just afraid to take the progestreone if its going to cause me a year of an EN outbreak. To: "erythema_nodosum_Group " <erythema_nodosum_Group > Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:49 AM Subject: Re: Progesterone I, personally, cannot take anything with Estrogen. I just now started the Depo-Provera shots, which are Progesterone only, because of the fact that Estrogen is my EN trigger. To: "erythema_nodosum_Group " <erythema_nodosum_Group > Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 11:41 AMSubject: Progesterone Does anybody know if taking just progesterone will cause an EN outbreak....or is it the estrogen-progestorone combination drugs that do it? thanks for your help, le Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 22, 2012 Report Share Posted February 22, 2012 Thank you for your feedback, I think I am just going to skip the progesterone I really don't want to take my chances with it. I have also gone to have my hormones tested and am also afraid of anysort of bioidentical hormone or anything along those lines. Once EN flares up it always takes me a year tor so o get it to go away. From: Louise Gemmill To: erythema_nodosum_Group Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 3:39 PM Subject: Re: Progesterone Everyone's trigger is different. I think there is over 300. has the list. You kind of have to be a guinea pig and really investigate and track when you get better and when you get worse.I know for me before my cycle I could erupt. However I also had a bad thyroid that was never treated properly. So it took years to find the right doctors and test for myself. But by far, for me... balancing my hormones, naturally, not with synthetic hormones, eating right and getting rid of all gluten, was by far the best relief. Your intestine/colon is on of the largest organ in the body and when it isn't cared for with a gluten free diet, exercise, plenty of water and probiotics, you will see the effects on your skin. It's just a fact. Also if your hormones are a mess from either a bad thyroid, or bad adrenals (which causes excessive edema and leg swelling) it will be very hard to control EN or any inflammatory issue. Your adrenals directly affect your body's ability to deal with inflammation. However most doctors will not deal with adrenal fatigue or deal with a holistic wellness program that will truly bring health benefits. Most will give you steriods and never deal with the issue. In the long run the steriods destroy adrenals and never deal with the root cause of the EN.I strongly suggest you try a gluten free diet for at least a year, it takes about 6 months to heal your colon from gluten. Also get your hormones checked as well as thyroid, if that is a trigger, it might not be, but it is worth figuring out. There is a great book by Shomon that deals with Auto Immune issues and can provide you with a wealth of information. But keep a calendar and mark down when you get your outbreaks and what led up to it.My triggers are estrogen, stress, strep, thyroid, adrenal fatigue, gluten. I have spent the last 9 months with a tremendous doctor and I am lump free. My other GP could never do that for me as she didn't believe in holistic approach. Nor did she think gluten was a problem. Good ML GemmillWriter - Creative Ideator Okay great so it sounds like it is the estrogen that causes it? I did some research and it sounded like it was the combination of progesteron and the estrogen but the research is limited it seems. I'm just afraid to take the progestreone if its going to cause me a year of an EN outbreak. To: "erythema_nodosum_Group " <erythema_nodosum_Group > Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:49 AM Subject: Re: Progesterone I, personally, cannot take anything with Estrogen. I just now started the Depo-Provera shots, which are Progesterone only, because of the fact that Estrogen is my EN trigger. To: "erythema_nodosum_Group " <erythema_nodosum_Group > Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 11:41 AMSubject: Progesterone Does anybody know if taking just progesterone will cause an EN outbreak....or is it the estrogen-progestorone combination drugs that do it? thanks for your help, le Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2012 Report Share Posted April 17, 2012 Hello: I am new and just going back into archives to read up on others and their EN here. I was treated for Hyperplasia over the last two years with Progesterone. It cleared up my facial Melasma which was great but I didnt like the feeling I had being on it. I stopped taking it as soon as I thought I was OKd by my GYN(was a little ambiguous). It has been almost a year I think since I took the progesterone and I am having my first bout of EN. I can think of a million triggers in my life according to what folks are listing here; but, this thread about the hormones caught my eye. I have had Gastric bypass many years ago too, so the whole GI tract thing could be relevent as well. I just dont even know where to begin with this EN thing. thanks for posting about the progesterone. > > Does anybody know if taking just progesterone will cause an EN outbreak....or is it the estrogen-progestorone combination drugs that do it? > > thanks for your help, > le > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 30, 2012 Report Share Posted April 30, 2012 This is an interesting thread to me. I had my first incidence of EN last February (2011). I had a miscarriage in December and then ended up having surgery in January because my hcg counts weren't coming down. I ended up having surgery where they discovered large cysts on my left ovary. The dr. ended up removing that ovary. The next month I got strep throat and after finishing up my penicillin I ended up with EN. The rheumatologist concluded it was caused either by the strep or the penicillin. I am guessing that the ED could have been caused by the strep, hormonal imbalance, or all the stress I was under at the time. Now I have my second round with ED. Last week I developed a small nodule on my shin. I just ignored it and tried remaining calm about it and it seemed to subside. Today I woke up and it was a little larger and sore. I have been dealing with a lot of hormonal issued related to perimenopause, especially estrogen dominance. I have been using natural progesterone cream and have had some help from it. I ran out mid-cycle am wondering if this break out is related to that? This is such a frustrating ailment. The first time around was the most painful thing I have had to deal with. I had nodules on both knees that were so large it was hard to walk. Not to mention the joint swelling and swelling in my feet and hands. I am hoping to keep this latest round manageable. Any ideas in dealing with this would be great. Thanks, Dana > > Does anybody know if taking just progesterone will cause an EN outbreak....or is it the estrogen-progestorone combination drugs that do it? > > thanks for your help, > le > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 30, 2012 Report Share Posted April 30, 2012 Hi DanaMy EN is related to antibiotics and strep. I too am perimenopause and had estrogen dominance. I was told by my newest doctor to remove all soy products and lessen drinking plastic bottle water (plastic leeches and creates estrogen like attack (I got a filter on my sink and I now mainly glass and a steel thermos.), stop using any hormone inflated product like meat and dairy (only use organic or products that are labeled "No Hormones"), and finally go gluten free, which has been a tremendous relief. I have been lump free almost a year now. I too do a compound pharmacy natural progesterone cream and it has been a life saver. I attribute this to my new doctors wisdom. Gluten, hormones, sulfites (which are in antibiotics) can trigger a break out. So can thyroid and adrenal issues. If I have to have antibiotics; for example I had to go to the ER for my thyroid a year ago when my old doctor prescribed the wrong medication and sent me into a thyroid storm, I caught a terrible cold from the ER Nurse when she didn't sterilize the blood draw. Because I know I have a bad reaction from antibiotic pills (my heart goes bonkers and I too get lumps). I ask for an antibiotic shot. From now on I will always do this as it helped me overcome faster. Wishing you healing. Gluten free really alleviated tons of issues for me, especially joint swelling. So did taking care of my thyroid, adrenals and ML GemmillEN 1975 This is an interesting thread to me. I had my first incidence of EN last February (2011). I had a miscarriage in December and then ended up having surgery in January because my hcg counts weren't coming down. I ended up having surgery where they discovered large cysts on my left ovary. The dr. ended up removing that ovary. The next month I got strep throat and after finishing up my penicillin I ended up with EN. The rheumatologist concluded it was caused either by the strep or the penicillin. I am guessing that the ED could have been caused by the strep, hormonal imbalance, or all the stress I was under at the time. Now I have my second round with ED. Last week I developed a small nodule on my shin. I just ignored it and tried remaining calm about it and it seemed to subside. Today I woke up and it was a little larger and sore. I have been dealing with a lot of hormonal issued related to perimenopause, especially estrogen dominance. I have been using natural progesterone cream and have had some help from it. I ran out mid-cycle am wondering if this break out is related to that? This is such a frustrating ailment. The first time around was the most painful thing I have had to deal with. I had nodules on both knees that were so large it was hard to walk. Not to mention the joint swelling and swelling in my feet and hands. I am hoping to keep this latest round manageable. Any ideas in dealing with this would be great. Thanks, Dana > > Does anybody know if taking just progesterone will cause an EN outbreak....or is it the estrogen-progestorone combination drugs that do it? > > thanks for your help, > le > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2012 Report Share Posted May 23, 2012 Hi, I was interested to read that sulfites can trigger a break out for you. I developed EN when I was about 28 years old (30 years ago) and at the same time I began to have severe reactions to sulfites (they caused extreme stabbing pain in my gall bladder which would last for 15 to 60 minutes). I try my best to avoid sulfites so this allergic reaction happens only occassionally now when I am careless about reading ingredients. I havent had both the gall bladder reaction to sulfites and EN at the same time, but am wondering if there might be some connection? Merina > > > > > > Does anybody know if taking just progesterone will cause an EN > > outbreak....or is it the estrogen-progestorone combination drugs > > that do it? > > > > > > thanks for your help, > > > le > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2012 Report Share Posted May 25, 2012 le,I had my IUD taken out which was a progesterone hormone (a type of estrogen) and have found the by lowering my natural estrogen production (loosing body fat that makes estrogen levels higher, I am down 6% in body fat) I have eliminated my break outs.... in fact the nodlues i had dissolved within two days of getting my body fat down by 3%, then the usual hip/leg pain did not ever get nearly as severe as it had before. I think if you'll do some research on estrogen you'll find that there are several types- progesterone is one of them. If you can get ALL of the estrogen levels down- in my experience it has helped tremendously!!! I hope that helps! bethany Does anybody know if taking just progesterone will cause an EN outbreak....or is it the estrogen-progestorone combination drugs that do it? thanks for your help,le -- But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Gal. 5:22-23 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 27, 2012 Report Share Posted May 27, 2012 I would just like to point out so as not to confuse people, that progesterone is not a form of estrogen. Progesterone and estrogen are different hormones. The perform different jobs in a women's cycle. Estrogen levels are higher right before ovulation and then should drop and progesterone should increase. Progesterone levels should stay elevated and continue to increase if pregnancy is achieved but will drop if their is no conception. When progesterone drops, a woman will menstruate. The problem now days is that we are bombarded with many forms of estrogen(phytoestrogens) such as in our food, in personal care products, in plastics, ect. that many women develop estrogen dominance. When this happens it can throw off your whole system. Estrogen dominance is linked to breast cancer, uterine cancer, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), night sweats, just to name a few things. Losing weight helps and so does using a natural progesterone cream. I would highly recommend reading the book, " What your doctor may not tell you about premenopause " by Dr. Lee. You can probably get it at the library. Any woman in the premenopause years should read this book. Dana > > > ** > > > > > > Does anybody know if taking just progesterone will cause an EN > > outbreak....or is it the estrogen-progestorone combination drugs that do > > it? > > > > thanks for your help, > > le > > > > > > > > > > -- > But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, > goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Gal. 5:22-23 > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 27, 2012 Report Share Posted May 27, 2012 Hi Dana,Here is what Dr. Mercola has to say about dr. lee and progesterone creamDr Mercola On ‘Complications Regarding Progesterone Cream’ Dr ph Mercola, DO, a peer-reviewed published author and popular online ( natural health advocate takes an informed common sense approach to topics, including personal experience and reported: “Progesterone cream has been one of the most important supplements in my practice, but I have come to a recent realization. If one uses too much, complications can develop in disruption in one's hormone balance. Dr Lee was fond of using the lower dose creams (1/4 teaspoon of 3% daily) to avoid this, but this complication can still occur with low-dose, since in my experience, if one uses more than 1/16th of a teaspoon of a 10% progesterone preparation (ie, 0.3125ml - less than a 3rd of a millilitre) complications appear to be inevitable, since progesterone is highly fat soluble and once applied to the skin will store itself in a woman's fat tissue and contribute to disruptions in the adrenal hormones. I have learned that although progesterone cream is an enormously useful tool, it needs to be used very cautiously.†“I have also learned that it is far more important to normalize the adrenal hormones first, following which, progesterone levels will frequently normalize in 3-6 months and not require any hormone supplements to keep the balance. The balancing process involves dietary lifestyle changes and regular adequate sleep to stabilize biorhythms. Addressing emotional stress in one's life is the other huge component. Once the lifestyle issues are addressed, one would ideally evaluate the adrenal and female hormones with multiple samples and proper evaluation of the test results and then, if necessary, further balancing the adrenals to recalibrate endocrine control and help the body to start making the hormones by itself, rather than be stuck on hormone treatment for the rest of one’s life.†“I have been finding that many of the women who were on progesterone cream have terribly elevated levels of this hormone. This is repairable, but may involve going off the cream for as long as two years to wash the progesterone out of the system. I am still in an evaluation stage and learning about how common this is in my own practice. I am convinced that this is a big part of the picture for hormone replacement. There will be a huge shift in the way that we are dispensing progesterone cream in our office without evaluation of one's adrenal and female hormones, rather than blindly slapping on progesterone cream without any appreciation of the potential complication or hormone disruptions.†(Dr ph Mercola, ‘Complications Regarding Progesterone Cream’,, 2004) Love, enter Erythema Nodosum.........Thanks!> > > **> >> >> > Does anybody know if taking just progesterone will cause an EN> > outbreak....or is it the estrogen-progestorone combination drugs that do> > it?> >> > thanks for your help,> > le> >> > > >> > > > -- > But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,> goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Gal. 5:22-23>------------------------------------You can help Erythema Nodosum Research. Just go to and under the I'm Supporting section enter Erythema Nodosum Research Fund. Every time you use Goodsearch to search, a penny will be donated to EN Research. NOW you can also GoodShop for Erythema Nodosum. All your favorites including will donate when you specify Erythema Nodosum as who you GoodShop for. So sign up today, and be sure to tell your friends, family and co-workers. Let's find a cure for Erythema Nodosum! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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