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Hi Folks,I am hoping to solicit some help!I am working on a presentation and a basic theory about incontinentfemale dogs. I'd love if all of you who own a female dog couldanswer my survey (either the one for continent dogs or the one forincontinent dogs... see below). AND - if you could repost thelinks to others so that I can get a huge response quick, that wouldbe great!Incontinent dog survey:http://fluidsurveys.com/s/Incontinent-Female-Dogs/Continent dog survey:http://fluidsurveys.com/s/Continent-Female-Dogs/THANKS in advance!Cheers,Laurie Edge-

Laurie Edge-, BScPT, MAnimSt(Animal Physio), CAFCI, CCRTCEO,Four Leg Rehab Inc.Canine Rehab Educational ResourcesWWW.FOURLEG.COMCheck it out!!

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