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Needing to vent!!! Also a question of geography...

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Apologizing in advance if this offends anyone but I haven't been on here in a

while and I need to vent to those who understand me. Normally, my trigger is

not mouth sounds (chewing, eating, etc.)but ever since I have come to Korea I

feel they are becoming such. Word of advice, if your triggers are mouth sounds

AVOID KOREA AT ALL COSTS!!! I know a lot of us have irritability issues with OCD

and whatnot, like we get angry when people are inconsiderate with certain sounds

b/c of our misophonia but I think also it's a comorbidity issue of general

irritability. Like as far as western standards are concerned, Korean people are

INCREDIBLY rude when they eat. They chew VERY loudly, slurp everything, chew

with their mouths open and absolutely smack everything that happens to be in

their mouths. They also are a country of gum chewers, and they incessantly

smack, snap and crack their gum openly in public - yet! They get mad when a

foreigner (westerner) has a conversation on public transportation!! I'm sorry

again if it offends anyone, but I am developing a deep loathing for the Korean

social culture and this is one of the major reasons why. Had to vent!

Thanks for listening, feel free to comment..has anyone else noticed any other

part of the world that's like this?

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Hmmm...sorry to hear that you're not enjoying your travels. I was recently in

India for six weeks, and I can say that the dog barking drove me absolutely

bananas. There are tons of stray dogs there and everyone is nice to them and

feeds them scraps. Fortunately, I could tune them out at night with very loud

pink noise in my headphones at night, but there were a couple times that they

drove me batty and I couldn't escape it. I was there doing yoga and one time I

was actually doing yoga poses while covering my ears b/c I could hear the dogs

barking outside!! fortunately I don't think my guru noticed!!

that said, definitely yoga helps with calming me down and had I not been doing

yoga every morning while I was there, I would have had some MAJOR problems. It

is a very loud country -- but also very vibrant. I feel like the more I get into

yoga and pranayama (breathing) the better I feel overall and the less anxious I

am, the less misophonia symptoms I have.

I knew that going to India would be a problem for my misophonia, and I knew I

would be overwhelmed. But I couldn't stand sitting in my house for another

second hiding from it.

Also, I make so much noise while eating Indian food and I LOVE eating it so

much, that I don't even notice other people around me making noises. But I've

never had the problem of eating with other people while I'm eating (unless I'm

eating pho with my Vietnamese-American friend who dips her whole head in the

bowl and slurps very loudly. I do love her, but...that drives me insane). It's

only when people are eating and I'm NOT eating that I get disturbed. So weird.

Another thing I DID notice about India was how many Indians love to clear their

throat and cough up phlem. Now, that was a bit of a problem that many times

caused me a painful quiver. And I know lots of people who would be sickened by

that who don't have misophonia!

I hope your stay in Korea gets better. Can you wear headphones while eating with

Koreans? My iphone with the app SimplyNoise saved my life. I found in India I

could do lots of weird things and they would be accepting of it " because I was a

Westerner " .

Good luck to you!



> Apologizing in advance if this offends anyone but I haven't been on here in a

while and I need to vent to those who understand me. Normally, my trigger is

not mouth sounds (chewing, eating, etc.)but ever since I have come to Korea I

feel they are becoming such. Word of advice, if your triggers are mouth sounds

AVOID KOREA AT ALL COSTS!!! I know a lot of us have irritability issues with OCD

and whatnot, like we get angry when people are inconsiderate with certain sounds

b/c of our misophonia but I think also it's a comorbidity issue of general

irritability. Like as far as western standards are concerned, Korean people are

INCREDIBLY rude when they eat. They chew VERY loudly, slurp everything, chew

with their mouths open and absolutely smack everything that happens to be in

their mouths. They also are a country of gum chewers, and they incessantly

smack, snap and crack their gum openly in public - yet! They get mad when a

foreigner (westerner) has a conversation on public transportation!! I'm sorry

again if it offends anyone, but I am developing a deep loathing for the Korean

social culture and this is one of the major reasons why. Had to vent!


> Thanks for listening, feel free to comment..has anyone else noticed any other

part of the world that's like this?


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I am the same way! If I'm eating- other people's eating doesn't bother me. Especially if we're having a stimulatibng conversation. I do however have trouble seeing my husband chew- the way he moves his mouth/ jaw when he chews. To:

Soundsensitivity Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 10:43 AM Subject: Re: Needing to vent!!! Also a question of geography...

Hmmm...sorry to hear that you're not enjoying your travels. I was recently in India for six weeks, and I can say that the dog barking drove me absolutely bananas. There are tons of stray dogs there and everyone is nice to them and feeds them scraps. Fortunately, I could tune them out at night with very loud pink noise in my headphones at night, but there were a couple times that they drove me batty and I couldn't escape it. I was there doing yoga and one time I was actually doing yoga poses while covering my ears b/c I could hear the dogs barking outside!! fortunately I don't think my guru noticed!!

that said, definitely yoga helps with calming me down and had I not been doing yoga every morning while I was there, I would have had some MAJOR problems. It is a very loud country -- but also very vibrant. I feel like the more I get into yoga and pranayama (breathing) the better I feel overall and the less anxious I am, the less misophonia symptoms I have.

I knew that going to India would be a problem for my misophonia, and I knew I would be overwhelmed. But I couldn't stand sitting in my house for another second hiding from it.

Also, I make so much noise while eating Indian food and I LOVE eating it so much, that I don't even notice other people around me making noises. But I've never had the problem of eating with other people while I'm eating (unless I'm eating pho with my Vietnamese-American friend who dips her whole head in the bowl and slurps very loudly. I do love her, but...that drives me insane). It's only when people are eating and I'm NOT eating that I get disturbed. So weird. Another thing I DID notice about India was how many Indians love to clear their throat and cough up phlem. Now, that was a bit of a problem that many times caused me a painful quiver. And I know lots of people who would be sickened by that who don't have misophonia!

I hope your stay in Korea gets better. Can you wear headphones while eating with Koreans? My iphone with the app SimplyNoise saved my life. I found in India I could do lots of weird things and they would be accepting of it "because I was a Westerner".

Good luck to you!



> Apologizing in advance if this offends anyone but I haven't been on here in a while and I need to vent to those who understand me. Normally, my trigger is not mouth sounds (chewing, eating, etc.)but ever since I have come to Korea I feel they are becoming such. Word of advice, if your triggers are mouth sounds AVOID KOREA AT ALL COSTS!!! I know a lot of us have irritability issues with OCD and whatnot, like we get angry when people are inconsiderate with certain sounds b/c of our misophonia but I think also it's a comorbidity issue of general irritability. Like as far as western standards are concerned, Korean people are INCREDIBLY rude when they eat. They chew VERY loudly, slurp everything, chew with their mouths open and absolutely smack everything that happens to be in their mouths. They also are a country of gum chewers, and they incessantly smack, snap and crack their gum openly in public - yet! They get mad when a foreigner (westerner)

has a conversation on public transportation!! I'm sorry again if it offends anyone, but I am developing a deep loathing for the Korean social culture and this is one of the major reasons why. Had to vent!


> Thanks for listening, feel free to comment..has anyone else noticed any other part of the world that's like this?


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I can understand...although my (ex)mother-in-law (Korean) doesn't do all of

that. I think it's generally true for much of the Far East, though I could be

wrong. I used to live in Taiwan and the Philippines and have traveled in

Thailand and Japan. They have a different idea about personal space and they

don't even seem to notice mouth noises. Lucky them! I had a hard time with it,

so I do get where you're coming from. Our home was my sanctuary! Very quiet

and I was blessed with two kids who don't like a lot of loud noises.

My vent is from the other night when I was at a Back to School night at my son's

high school. It's a new semester with new classes. Anyway, this other mom was

sitting in one of the classrooms with me and she just sat there chomping on her

gum and cracking it really loudly like every 5-10 seconds. I wanted to scream!

I would have given her one of my death glares but she never even bothered to

look over and she was sitting on the other side of the room. Argh!! I was

wound up so tightly it was hard to move. What a headache I had after that!



> Apologizing in advance if this offends anyone but I haven't been on here in a

while and I need to vent to those who understand me. Normally, my trigger is

not mouth sounds (chewing, eating, etc.)but ever since I have come to Korea I

feel they are becoming such. Word of advice, if your triggers are mouth sounds

AVOID KOREA AT ALL COSTS!!! I know a lot of us have irritability issues with OCD

and whatnot, like we get angry when people are inconsiderate with certain sounds

b/c of our misophonia but I think also it's a comorbidity issue of general

irritability. Like as far as western standards are concerned, Korean people are

INCREDIBLY rude when they eat. They chew VERY loudly, slurp everything, chew

with their mouths open and absolutely smack everything that happens to be in

their mouths. They also are a country of gum chewers, and they incessantly

smack, snap and crack their gum openly in public - yet! They get mad when a

foreigner (westerner) has a conversation on public transportation!! I'm sorry

again if it offends anyone, but I am developing a deep loathing for the Korean

social culture and this is one of the major reasons why. Had to vent!


> Thanks for listening, feel free to comment..has anyone else noticed any other

part of the world that's like this?


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Thanks Jami, yeah I do wear headphones as often as I can..but the visual

triggers are getting stronger..also it's hard to when you're with someone (like

it would seem rude). I do agree with your yoga experience though, it would help

me a lot I think. I think I need to have an overall better diet and exercise

regime, it's been horrible for the last few months, and I definitely have

noticed that it's exacerbating my ADHD, I don't doubt it's exacerbating my

misophonia too!! I should really get into yoga, or some sort of calming

exercise programme!

> >

> > Apologizing in advance if this offends anyone but I haven't been on here in

a while and I need to vent to those who understand me. Normally, my trigger is

not mouth sounds (chewing, eating, etc.)but ever since I have come to Korea I

feel they are becoming such. Word of advice, if your triggers are mouth sounds

AVOID KOREA AT ALL COSTS!!! I know a lot of us have irritability issues with OCD

and whatnot, like we get angry when people are inconsiderate with certain sounds

b/c of our misophonia but I think also it's a comorbidity issue of general

irritability. Like as far as western standards are concerned, Korean people are

INCREDIBLY rude when they eat. They chew VERY loudly, slurp everything, chew

with their mouths open and absolutely smack everything that happens to be in

their mouths. They also are a country of gum chewers, and they incessantly

smack, snap and crack their gum openly in public - yet! They get mad when a

foreigner (westerner) has a conversation on public transportation!! I'm sorry

again if it offends anyone, but I am developing a deep loathing for the Korean

social culture and this is one of the major reasons why. Had to vent!

> >

> > Thanks for listening, feel free to comment..has anyone else noticed any

other part of the world that's like this?

> >


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That is so ridiculous!!! How can someone not know that that is inappropriate,

and just plain tacky? Who taught them it is okay to be so crude in public? I

know it sounds like I'm being a snob, but it should be common

knowledge...anytime someone is being necessarily loud in public with gum or

anything at all, I have such an urge to have a conversation or start singing

really loudly in their face, just to show how inconsiderate they're being!

Maybe that's a bit of an over-reaction, but I swear it's warranted sometimes!!!

> >

> > Apologizing in advance if this offends anyone but I haven't been on here in

a while and I need to vent to those who understand me. Normally, my trigger is

not mouth sounds (chewing, eating, etc.)but ever since I have come to Korea I

feel they are becoming such. Word of advice, if your triggers are mouth sounds

AVOID KOREA AT ALL COSTS!!! I know a lot of us have irritability issues with OCD

and whatnot, like we get angry when people are inconsiderate with certain sounds

b/c of our misophonia but I think also it's a comorbidity issue of general

irritability. Like as far as western standards are concerned, Korean people are

INCREDIBLY rude when they eat. They chew VERY loudly, slurp everything, chew

with their mouths open and absolutely smack everything that happens to be in

their mouths. They also are a country of gum chewers, and they incessantly

smack, snap and crack their gum openly in public - yet! They get mad when a

foreigner (westerner) has a conversation on public transportation!! I'm sorry

again if it offends anyone, but I am developing a deep loathing for the Korean

social culture and this is one of the major reasons why. Had to vent!

> >

> > Thanks for listening, feel free to comment..has anyone else noticed any

other part of the world that's like this?

> >


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I know what you mean! And you know what would probably happen? They (and

everyone else around) would give US weird looks and then walk away muttering

about how some people are so rude... all the while still chomping and cracking

their gum!! >:[

> > >

> > > Apologizing in advance if this offends anyone but I haven't been on here

in a while and I need to vent to those who understand me. Normally, my trigger

is not mouth sounds (chewing, eating, etc.)but ever since I have come to Korea I

feel they are becoming such. Word of advice, if your triggers are mouth sounds

AVOID KOREA AT ALL COSTS!!! I know a lot of us have irritability issues with OCD

and whatnot, like we get angry when people are inconsiderate with certain sounds

b/c of our misophonia but I think also it's a comorbidity issue of general

irritability. Like as far as western standards are concerned, Korean people are

INCREDIBLY rude when they eat. They chew VERY loudly, slurp everything, chew

with their mouths open and absolutely smack everything that happens to be in

their mouths. They also are a country of gum chewers, and they incessantly

smack, snap and crack their gum openly in public - yet! They get mad when a

foreigner (westerner) has a conversation on public transportation!! I'm sorry

again if it offends anyone, but I am developing a deep loathing for the Korean

social culture and this is one of the major reasons why. Had to vent!

> > >

> > > Thanks for listening, feel free to comment..has anyone else noticed any

other part of the world that's like this?

> > >

> >


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