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, is the show taping Monday or will it be shown live Monday?

I say DON'T do it.

For one thing, the 20/20 show will be airing soon, and that will be a much more

measured and scientific treatment of the issue. That is more of a news

documentary while Dr. Phil is more of a freak show.

For another, the fact that the producer was cagey with you is a very bad sign.

The producer most certainly does know what else will be discussed on the show.

You are being set up to be blindsided. You may very well be lumped in with the

guy who wears diapers and likes being treated like a baby. Dr. Phil is a great

showman but he is not a medical doctor and his stock in trade is lively

entertainment rather than solid information. For all you know, he will use your

trigger sounds against you and do this just to see your reaction. Again, I say



> Hi everyone. Two years ago I sent an e-mail to Dr. Phil's show asking for

help with my sound sensitivies. At that time I didn't know about Misophonia/4S.

Twenty minutes ago, a producer from The Dr. Phil Show called and talked with me

about coming on this Monday's program. The topic is unusual syndromes (I asked

what the title of the show was though she said that she didn't know what other

issue/syndromes they would be discussing... I asked about this, too). I remember

seeing a post here before about this opportunity and many members were

skeptical. I informed the producer that I was leary as the shows I have seen

lately have been rather dramatic. She did not like this. :)


> At 30 years-old, Misophonia has really taken over most of my life but I don't

think I feel comfortable going RIGHT NOW as my life is just ridiculously crazy.

I have a headache just thinking about this decision. I want help for all of us

but will this even help? I don't want to regret going and I don't want to

regret passing up the opportunity to share what dominates my every waking hour.

Is anyone else comfortable going on or talking with the show about the

possibility? What does everyone think? If people are interested, you can e-mail

me at dalrymple32@...


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Peachoid over there makes a good point... but at the same time, it's a more

popular show, and its all for the better IF it turns out well... Tough call.

Are you gettin payed for it? ;)


> Hi everyone. Two years ago I sent an e-mail to Dr. Phil's show asking for

help with my sound sensitivies. At that time I didn't know about Misophonia/4S.

Twenty minutes ago, a producer from The Dr. Phil Show called and talked with me

about coming on this Monday's program. The topic is unusual syndromes (I asked

what the title of the show was though she said that she didn't know what other

issue/syndromes they would be discussing... I asked about this, too). I remember

seeing a post here before about this opportunity and many members were

skeptical. I informed the producer that I was leary as the shows I have seen

lately have been rather dramatic. She did not like this. :)


> At 30 years-old, Misophonia has really taken over most of my life but I don't

think I feel comfortable going RIGHT NOW as my life is just ridiculously crazy.

I have a headache just thinking about this decision. I want help for all of us

but will this even help? I don't want to regret going and I don't want to

regret passing up the opportunity to share what dominates my every waking hour.

Is anyone else comfortable going on or talking with the show about the

possibility? What does everyone think? If people are interested, you can e-mail

me at dalrymple32@...


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Peach is right. The Producer ALWAYS knows what's going on. The fact that they didn't want to discuss the other content is quite frankly a set-up. I had a very good friend that agreed to do his show and was completely blindsighted by what the show turned out to be. This is a real ailment and not a circus act which is how you will ultimately be made to feel. If he was doing a show strictly on how difficult it is to live with this very difficult problem and using the show as a way to shed light on it, that's different, but it doesn't sound like that at all. Your call but I'd say go with your gut instinct. It's always right.

Peachoid over there makes a good point... but at the same time, it's a more popular show, and its all for the better IF it turns out well... Tough call. Are you gettin payed for it? ;)


> Hi everyone. Two years ago I sent an e-mail to Dr. Phil's show asking for help with my sound sensitivies. At that time I didn't know about Misophonia/4S. Twenty minutes ago, a producer from The Dr. Phil Show called and talked with me about coming on this Monday's program. The topic is unusual syndromes (I asked what the title of the show was though she said that she didn't know what other issue/syndromes they would be discussing... I asked about this, too). I remember seeing a post here before about this opportunity and many members were skeptical. I informed the producer that I was leary as the shows I have seen lately have been rather dramatic. She did not like this. :)


> At 30 years-old, Misophonia has really taken over most of my life but I don't think I feel comfortable going RIGHT NOW as my life is just ridiculously crazy. I have a headache just thinking about this decision. I want help for all of us but will this even help? I don't want to regret going and I don't want to regret passing up the opportunity to share what dominates my every waking hour. Is anyone else comfortable going on or talking with the show about the possibility? What does everyone think? If people are interested, you can e-mail me at dalrymple32@...



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Another member here has already been on the Dr. Phil show if I remember right. I

would advise you to trust your gut. If it really makes you that nervous, that

tells you something. I think the thing that irritates me with Dr. Phil on these

types of shows is that he lumps you with other people with completely different

issues and labels you all as having a 'strange' phobia or something. They

should have been able to provide you will every detail about the show if they

expect you to be a part of it.

Now if the ENTIRE show was about our condition, with doctors like Dr. J who have

actually dealt with this then I would probably do it. It's your choice... don't

feel pressured to do anything you don't feel comfortable doing. :)


> Hi everyone. Two years ago I sent an e-mail to Dr. Phil's show asking for

help with my sound sensitivies. At that time I didn't know about Misophonia/4S.

Twenty minutes ago, a producer from The Dr. Phil Show called and talked with me

about coming on this Monday's program. The topic is unusual syndromes (I asked

what the title of the show was though she said that she didn't know what other

issue/syndromes they would be discussing... I asked about this, too). I remember

seeing a post here before about this opportunity and many members were

skeptical. I informed the producer that I was leary as the shows I have seen

lately have been rather dramatic. She did not like this. :)


> At 30 years-old, Misophonia has really taken over most of my life but I don't

think I feel comfortable going RIGHT NOW as my life is just ridiculously crazy.

I have a headache just thinking about this decision. I want help for all of us

but will this even help? I don't want to regret going and I don't want to

regret passing up the opportunity to share what dominates my every waking hour.

Is anyone else comfortable going on or talking with the show about the

possibility? What does everyone think? If people are interested, you can e-mail

me at dalrymple32@...


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I think you're right to be wary of Dr. Phil: he has a bad track record when it

comes to guests with misophonia, and that producer seems to be acting dodgy.

I've got a deep personal dislike of him, because how arrogant is it to " solve "

people's problems in less than an hour, when real therapists often take months

or years to understand the problem fully? Thankfully, we have plenty of

legitimate media exposure now, without resorting to Dr. Fake.

His team keeps trying to get people with misophonia to come on his show; I

wonder what their motives are?

-Kate K.

> >

> > Hi everyone. Two years ago I sent an e-mail to Dr. Phil's show asking for

help with my sound sensitivies. At that time I didn't know about Misophonia/4S.

Twenty minutes ago, a producer from The Dr. Phil Show called and talked with me

about coming on this Monday's program. The topic is unusual syndromes (I asked

what the title of the show was though she said that she didn't know what other

issue/syndromes they would be discussing... I asked about this, too). I remember

seeing a post here before about this opportunity and many members were

skeptical. I informed the producer that I was leary as the shows I have seen

lately have been rather dramatic. She did not like this. :)

> >

> > At 30 years-old, Misophonia has really taken over most of my life but I

don't think I feel comfortable going RIGHT NOW as my life is just ridiculously

crazy. I have a headache just thinking about this decision. I want help for all

of us but will this even help? I don't want to regret going and I don't want to

regret passing up the opportunity to share what dominates my every waking hour.

Is anyone else comfortable going on or talking with the show about the

possibility? What does everyone think? If people are interested, you can e-mail

me at dalrymple32@

> >


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Another good question for the producers would be: will they be using the term "misophonia" and what camp are they in, psychological or physiological causation? (there are still conflicting views on this in the medical world) Maybe they heard that misophonia is going to be on 20/20 and they want to air it first. To: Soundsensitivity Sent: Friday, March 2, 2012 4:16 PM Subject: HELP! DR. PHIL WANTS ME TO COME ON MONDAY'S SHOW!

Hi everyone. Two years ago I sent an e-mail to Dr. Phil's show asking for help with my sound sensitivies. At that time I didn't know about Misophonia/4S. Twenty minutes ago, a producer from The Dr. Phil Show called and talked with me about coming on this Monday's program. The topic is unusual syndromes (I asked what the title of the show was though she said that she didn't know what other issue/syndromes they would be discussing... I asked about this, too). I remember seeing a post here before about this opportunity and many members were skeptical. I informed the producer that I was leary as the shows I have seen lately have been rather dramatic. She did not like this. :)

At 30 years-old, Misophonia has really taken over most of my life but I don't think I feel comfortable going RIGHT NOW as my life is just ridiculously crazy. I have a headache just thinking about this decision. I want help for all of us but will this even help? I don't want to regret going and I don't want to regret passing up the opportunity to share what dominates my every waking hour. Is anyone else comfortable going on or talking with the show about the possibility? What does everyone think? If people are interested, you can e-mail me at dalrymple32@...

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I'll just quickly add my 2 cents by joining those who say it sounds like a trap.Subject: Re: HELP! DR. PHIL WANTS ME TO COME ON MONDAY'S SHOW!To: "Soundsensitivity " <Soundsensitivity >Date: Saturday, March 3, 2012, 5:05 AM

Another good question for the producers would be: will they be using the term "misophonia" and what camp are they in, psychological or physiological causation? (there are still conflicting views on this in the medical world) Maybe they heard that misophonia is going to be on 20/20 and they want to air it first. To: Soundsensitivity Sent: Friday, March 2, 2012 4:16 PM Subject: HELP! DR. PHIL WANTS ME TO COME ON MONDAY'S SHOW!

Hi everyone. Two years ago I sent an e-mail to Dr. Phil's show asking for help with my sound sensitivies. At that time I didn't know about Misophonia/4S. Twenty minutes ago, a producer from The Dr. Phil Show called and talked with me about coming on this Monday's program. The topic is unusual syndromes (I asked what the title of the show was though she said that she didn't know what other issue/syndromes they would be discussing... I asked about this, too). I remember seeing a post here before about this opportunity and many members were skeptical. I informed the producer that I was leary as the shows I have seen lately have been rather dramatic. She did not like this. :)

At 30 years-old, Misophonia has really taken over most of my life but I don't think I feel comfortable going RIGHT NOW as my life is just ridiculously crazy. I have a headache just thinking about this decision. I want help for all of us but will this even help? I don't want to regret going and I don't want to regret passing up the opportunity to share what dominates my every waking hour. Is anyone else comfortable going on or talking with the show about the possibility? What does everyone think? If people are interested, you can e-mail me at dalrymple32@...

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So if Dr. Phil does find someone with misophonia to appear on his show and it

turns out to be as we expect, is there anything we can do to refute what is

said? Or so we just let it go?

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I think Dr. should go on the show. Along with one or two people in the group. Because you're right. Dr. Phil is an idiot who will treat this as a mental illness. Someone needs to educate him. It shouldnt be some poor soul that doesnt know about this group and can't refute anything he says. To: Soundsensitivity Sent: Monday, March 5, 2012 5:01 PM Subject: Re: HELP! DR. PHIL WANTS ME TO


So if Dr. Phil does find someone with misophonia to appear on his show and it turns out to be as we expect, is there anything we can do to refute what is said? Or so we just let it go?

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I would hope that if someone DID go on the show and he wanted to turn it into something equivalent to a man wanting to be a baby..... that they would stand up to him and say otherwise... and we wouldn't have to -do- anything but continue with what we are doing.

The worst that could happen (in my eyes) is for someone to go on there and take what he says as truth or be afraid to speak up....---------------------------------------------------------


" Hope is more than a word; it's a state of being. It's a firm belief God will come through. Life brings rain... hope turns every drop into the power to bloom like never before. " -Holley Gerth ♥

Follow my story: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/sarahmaeWish Upon A Hero Cafe Moderator and Fee's Assistant


So if Dr. Phil does find someone with misophonia to appear on his show and it turns out to be as we expect, is there anything we can do to refute what is said? Or so we just let it go?

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If you can muster up the strength, it would be a good deed for humanity. Even

is the name 4S or MISOPHONIA is mentioned, this can help so many people.

You should try to get more information about what, when, where, and how.

Did you go?

Dr. , AuD

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Adah says its not live. So there's no way I'd risk how he'd edited it up to make us look like nut cases. If it was live, I'd do it. HeidiSent from my iPhone

If you can muster up the strength, it would be a good deed for humanity. Even is the name 4S or MISOPHONIA is mentioned, this can help so many people.

You should try to get more information about what, when, where, and how.

Did you go?

Dr. , AuD

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I would stay away from Dr. Phil. When 20/20 airs I think you will have many other media outlet interested in interviewing you that would be more supportive to our condition. Dr. Phil thinks he knows everything and often gives information. I was a publicist for many years so I speak from experience. To: "Soundsensitivity " <Soundsensitivity > Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 10:36 PM Subject: Re: Re: HELP! DR. PHIL WANTS ME TO COME ON MONDAY'S SHOW!

Adah says its not live. So there's no way I'd risk how he'd edited it up to make us look like nut cases. If it was live, I'd do it. HeidiSent from my iPhone

If you can muster up the strength, it would be a good deed for humanity. Even is the name 4S or MISOPHONIA is mentioned, this can help so many people.

You should try to get more information about what, when, where, and how.

Did you go?

Dr. , AuD

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I meant to ay Dr. Phil gives misinformation To: "Soundsensitivity " <Soundsensitivity > Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 10:52 PM Subject: Re: Re: HELP! DR. PHIL WANTS ME TO COME ON MONDAY'S SHOW!

I would stay away from Dr. Phil. When 20/20 airs I think you will have many other media outlet interested in interviewing you that would be more supportive to our condition. Dr. Phil thinks he knows everything and often gives information. I was a publicist for many years so I speak from experience. To: "Soundsensitivity " <Soundsensitivity > Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 10:36 PM Subject: Re: Re: HELP! DR. PHIL WANTS ME TO COME ON MONDAY'S SHOW!

Adah says its not live. So there's no way I'd risk how he'd edited it up to make us look like nut cases. If it was live, I'd do it. HeidiSent from my iPhone

If you can muster up the strength, it would be a good deed for humanity. Even is the name 4S or MISOPHONIA is mentioned, this can help so many people.

You should try to get more information about what, when, where, and how.

Did you go?

Dr. , AuD

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Ditto, Heidi. You know he what he would make it look like..the way he makes

everything else that's not common look stupid. Some therapist he is!!


> >

> >

> > If you can muster up the strength, it would be a good deed for humanity.

Even is the name 4S or MISOPHONIA is mentioned, this can help so many people.

> >

> > You should try to get more information about what, when, where, and how.

> >

> > Did you go?

> >

> > Dr. , AuD

> >

> >


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> When does the 20/20 show air??? I would hate to miss it and I want to

make sure my husband is there to watch it. Sometimes he forgets how it

makes me feel and to see it on TV will help so much......even though he

did see it on the Today Show...urghhh.




> I would stay away from Dr. Phil.  When 20/20 airs I think you will have

> many other media outlet interested in interviewing you that would be more

> supportive to our condition. Dr. Phil thinks he knows everything and

> often gives information.  I was a publicist for many years so I speak

> from experience. 


> ________________________________


> To: " Soundsensitivity " <Soundsensitivity >

> Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 10:36 PM








> Adah says its not live. So there's no way I'd  risk how he'd edited it up

> to make us look like nut cases.  If it was live, I'd do it. 

> Heidi


> Sent from my iPhone








>>If you can muster up the strength, it would be a good deed for humanity.

>> Even is the name 4S or MISOPHONIA is mentioned, this can help so many

>> people.


>>You should try to get more information about what, when, where, and how.


>>Did you go?


>>Dr. , AuD




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