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JB [heumatic] A little tea & sympathy please

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Hi JB,

We only have the one doctor listed for Louisiana. Sorry, but my geography of

the US is terrible so I don't know if she is close to where you will be, but I

guess travelling some distance would be worth it anyway ?! Oral and IV what more

could you ask ??!! <grin>

Rita Rey Fontenant, (oral and IV)

3729 St.,

Lake , LA 70605.


>I have declined Methotrexate at this time.

Atta girl you just keep saying NO!! <smile>

>....shoulder and elbow are causing me so much pain.

Are you taking any anti-inflammatory supplements, I was able to stop taking my

NSAID's after doing so.

> I just received my last xray-report from Aug 98 showing progression of RA in

>both hands.

Oh dear, that's the sort of stuff which does nothing to cheer one up when one is

in pain <caring hug>

> I just burst into tears! That is so not me. In all these years of pain, I

have never cried over my RA. I am not happy with myself for doing that.

JB, it's good that you can cry ...........truly <smile> This disease is 'not

you' either and your tears are a wonderful release for all your emotions that

have been building up all this time and will be very healing. Definitely not

something to chastise yourself over, you jolly well have the right to have the

'weepies' every now and then, this is no party <caring hug>

I feel there is a difference between 'letting it all go' and feeling self pity,

at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it !! <grin> Got to justify the

amount of times I've cried somehow <smile>

I've often thought that 'we' are an especially stoic group of people and it's

just because we have that sort of personality but it's more likely the other way

round. We have been forced to be so because of our circumstances and as we

should be looking for the positive in everything this is it! Character building

and all that <wry smile>

> I have to take 40mg x 3 days and then 5mg daily for 30 days with 1 refill.

A short sharp does is fine it's the long term stuff that you want to avoid. I

would query the 30 days on 5 but I'm no expert. If it was me I'd see who I feel

on the 5 and drop it if I felt I was stable. You can also do alternate days, 5

one day one the next 5 next day etc.

Slow tapering is the key, 5mg is not a lot just what the body produces normally

anyway, so don't be too concerned, one has to be able to cope on a day to day

basis <caring hug>

>Thanks for the tea & sympathy

That's OK just as long as there's no sugar in the tea and no cookies!!! <grin>

You have checked the diet out haven't you ??!!

Glad you've got some relief from the pain, hope to hear you've had the weepies

again soon <grin>



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