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Please Help Stop Diabetes!

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Friends & Family,

This year, I am again riding to raise funds to Stop Diabetes! This year I will be riding in four (yes four!) Tour de Cure events and will be Captain for Team Red in all events. My first ride will be on April 21st, with a Tour de Cure every other weekend. My goal this year is to (somehow) match the $7000 I raised individually and help our Team Red raise more $50,000 in the National Capital Area Tour de Cure (and combined $100,000 across the 4 teams) to help the ADA fund research, help and support those living with the disease, reach out to the community to prevent the disease, and help with legislative activism to protect and help those living with the disease. This is a HUGE objective, and will only be possible through teamwork and through help of my friends, family, and teammates. As you probably are aware, for me, Diabetes is a very personal cause. I have had Type 2 Diabetes for 4 ½ years, lost a close friend due to complications of Diabetes, have several family members, numerous friends and colleagues living with Diabetes as well. Diabetes, however, is a disease that directly or indirectly affects all of us. According to the 2010 CDC Diabetes Fact Sheet 25.8 million (11.3% of Americans over 20) have Diabetes. This means 1 out of 10 people you know are facing a disease that is: * The leading cause of kidney failure, nontraumatic lower-limb amputations, and new cases of blindness among adults in the United States * Increases the risk heart disease and stroke by more than double * Is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States * Is often preventable, but NOT curable today I hope you will take just a couple minutes today and do one or both of the following: * Donate - it takes just a couple minutes with a credit card. Consider donating $100, 50 or $25 or ANY amount. To donate, visit my fund-raising page at: http://main.diabetes.org/goto/Tour-2012 and click the “Click Here to Sponsor Me” button on the left side of the page. * Join my team (Team Red), & ride in the Tour (1 mile, 10 miles, or anything up to 100 miles) and help raise money for the fight. To join me, visit: http://main.diabetes.org/goto/TeamRedDC and click the “Join Team” link at the top of the team roster (if you want to ride with me in Hampton Roads, Easton, or County email me for info!)

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