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Re: Any advice on sleeping through noise?

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That is such a difficult situation.  Damned if ya do, damned if ya don't.  I feel for you.  Have you tried softer ear plugs?  I've tried many kinds and some are much softer and squishier and easier to wear to sleep.  I'd go to the pharmacy and buy a few different kinds to see if you can tolerate any of them. For me it also helps to cut them a little shorter so they don't protrude from my ear as much, which is better for side sleeping.  I live in town and around the corner from a bar that has live music sometimes.  Ugh.  My earplugs are my salvation!  Good luck with everything.

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I wear Hearos Ultimate Softness Series for hours on end. A magazine author tried a variety of earplugs perhaps ten years ago, and these were his declared winner for all day comfort. There are instructions on the back of the package, but it still takes practice placing them in your ear.

Hope this helps,

From: tazzmainiandevils

Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 7:41 AM

To: Soundsensitivity

Subject: Any advice on sleeping through noise?

My husband and I are in a fight about something he thinks I'm being totally unreasonable about. A new neighbor has a LOUD dirt bike. I've actually become desensitized to the sound, except when it jolts me out of a sleep at 1:30 in the morning. At that point I become shaken, then furious. The next day I'm tired and lose productivity. It seems really inconsiderate and rude to me. Another neighbor leaves on his bike at 7:30. That one bothers me, but it doesn't seem inappropriate or enrage me like the one at 1:30. When I first woke up I told my husband I was going to have a friendly chat with the guy (explaining my sensitivity and asking if he could try to quiet the bike when coming in at sleeping hours). He slammed out of the house screaming I was going to turn the whole neighborhood against us if I didn't learn to live and let live. He thinks I'm trying to be "controlling" and said he would be really upset if a neighbor confronted him about coming home on his vehicle. He's very worried about creating tension with the neighbors which happened at our last house because of another noise issue. I just called the police department to ask their opinion. They said there was nothing they could do legally. I asked what they thought about (me) talking to the guy. They replied that maybe those were his work hours and it is within his rights, so there probably wouldn't be much good resulting from such a talk (and if the guy escalated in response, there was nothing they could do...there's no noise ordinance). We don't want tension, so I guess I need to figure out how to deal with an explosive, awakening noise in the middle of the night. Apparently, I'm the only one it bothers. Does anyone have any ideas how I can prevent being awakened by this loud noise? I'd sleep with earplugs but they bother my head/ears after about a half hour. I have a sound machine, but I don't think it will cover that sound (plus it's noise bugs me too). Hope my description wasn't too long and boring. Would love thoughts or advice!

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I have a similar problem in my new condo building -- the door outside slams

right next to my bedroom at about 1:30am and then again a couple of times at

around 2:30 a.m. I have a feeling some people in this building work in the

service industry and that's what time they get off of work.

I have found that if I am tired enough when I go to sleep and if I put on my

white noise, i either won't get woken up (it is very loud and I can actually

feel the vibration of the door slamming shut) or if I do get woken up, I can

easily force myself back to sleep. But I have to be tired when I go to bed or

this does not work! And in order for me to be tired, I generally have to do yoga

or some other physical exercise, hiking, etc.

I have thought about putting a sign on the door that says " please close gently " ,

but the door really does need to slam shut in order to lock. There's not much

else I can do!

On another note, I am thoroughly fed up with this stupid illness. I hate that it

disrupts my life and makes me *crazy*. yesterday i got pissed at this woman

working in a cafe where I was trying to do work on my laptop -- first she was

sweeping the floors (which is rude to do when there's customers in your cafe!)

and the slow motion of her sweeping sound started bothering me. then she sat

behind me and started going through a bunch of papers, again making weird soft

noises with the paper. So I moved tables. THEN, after about a half an hour and

there was no one else in the cafe she started whistling LOUDLY and it hurt,

hurt, hurt my ears so I slammed my laptop shut, slammed my coffee cup down, and

gave her a dirty look as I headed for the door.

And then I felt bad about it for the rest of the day. She was just happy,

cleaning and whistling away...why can't I f*( & ing just deal with that?


Anyway, if I were you, I'd at least try the white noise machine to cover up the

noisy bike -- it might drown out more than you think it will. Your husband is

right -- it shouldn't bother you and it's not that rude of the boy to ride his

dirt bike. But it DOES bother you, and it's unfortunate and I hope you find some

relief somehow.

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, thanks for posting your recommendation!  The softest, most comfortable ear plugs that I have are " Sleep Pretty in Pink " which are a hot pink color--fine for sleeping but not exactly unobtrusive if I find myself in a restaurant across the aisle from someone who orders nachos (ugh!).  After your recommendation, I did a quick search on Hearos Ultimate Softness and found that my " Pretty in Pink " ones are actually part of the Hearos Ultimate Softness line.  So, you just solved a problem for me.  I just ordered two packs in a neutral/flesh tone.  Cool!  Thanks again!

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New to the group and I just wanted to share...I have a box fan that sounds like a jet. I LOVE IT!!!! It covers everything. I use it mostly for sleeping, but also sometimes for dinner time ;)


, thanks for posting your recommendation!  The softest, most comfortable ear plugs that I have are " Sleep Pretty in Pink " which are a hot pink color--fine for sleeping but not exactly unobtrusive if I find myself in a restaurant across the aisle from someone who orders nachos (ugh!).  After your recommendation, I did a quick search on Hearos Ultimate Softness and found that my " Pretty in Pink " ones are actually part of the Hearos Ultimate Softness line.  So, you just solved a problem for me.  I just ordered two packs in a neutral/flesh tone.  Cool!  Thanks again!

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my husband and i are both sensitive to sound at night, so we have an air cleaner

fan that just runs a steady white noise in the background

it really helps alot.


> > **

> >

> >

> > , thanks for posting your recommendation! The softest, most

> > comfortable ear plugs that I have are " Sleep Pretty in Pink " which are a

> > hot pink color--fine for sleeping but not exactly unobtrusive if I find

> > myself in a restaurant across the aisle from someone who orders nachos

> > (ugh!). After your recommendation, I did a quick search on Hearos Ultimate

> > Softness and found that my " Pretty in Pink " ones are actually part of the

> > Hearos Ultimate Softness line. So, you just solved a problem for me. I

> > just ordered two packs in a neutral/flesh tone. Cool! Thanks again!

> >

> >

> >

> >


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I think that's really inconsiderate to the whole neighbourhood but unfortunately

there is nothing you can do about. I hate wearing earplugs too, I find they hurt

my ears after about an hour. I don't know what you could do maybe make your room

more soundproof or sleep on the other side of the house to his.


> My husband and I are in a fight about something he thinks I'm being totally

unreasonable about. A new neighbor has a LOUD dirt bike. I've actually become

desensitized to the sound, except when it jolts me out of a sleep at 1:30 in the

morning. At that point I become shaken, then furious. The next day I'm tired and

lose productivity. It seems really inconsiderate and rude to me. Another

neighbor leaves on his bike at 7:30. That one bothers me, but it doesn't seem

inappropriate or enrage me like the one at 1:30.


> When I first woke up I told my husband I was going to have a friendly chat

with the guy (explaining my sensitivity and asking if he could try to quiet the

bike when coming in at sleeping hours). He slammed out of the house screaming I

was going to turn the whole neighborhood against us if I didn't learn to live

and let live. He thinks I'm trying to be " controlling " and said he would be

really upset if a neighbor confronted him about coming home on his vehicle. He's

very worried about creating tension with the neighbors which happened at our

last house because of another noise issue.


> I just called the police department to ask their opinion. They said there was

nothing they could do legally. I asked what they thought about (me) talking to

the guy. They replied that maybe those were his work hours and it is within his

rights, so there probably wouldn't be much good resulting from such a talk (and

if the guy escalated in response, there was nothing they could do...there's no

noise ordinance).


> We don't want tension, so I guess I need to figure out how to deal with an

explosive, awakening noise in the middle of the night. Apparently, I'm the only

one it bothers.

> Does anyone have any ideas how I can prevent being awakened by this loud

noise? I'd sleep with earplugs but they bother my head/ears after about a half

hour. I have a sound machine, but I don't think it will cover that sound (plus

it's noise bugs me too). Hope my description wasn't too long and boring. Would

love thoughts or advice!


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" My husband and I are in a fight about something he thinks I'm being totally

unreasonable about. A new neighbor has a LOUD dirt bike. I've actually become

desensitized to the sound, except when it jolts me out of a sleep at 1:30 in the

morning. At that point I become shaken, then furious. The next day I'm tired and

lose productivity. " -tazzmainiandevils

If you're in the country, as I am, it is understandable that people would shoot

guns, ride four-wheelers, make loud noise in general; or in your case, ride dirt

bikes. However, noise ordinances exist for a reason, and you don't have to have

a noise sensitivity to be awakened by loud noises, or bothered by noises that

are just really really loud (my neigbors would shoot guns that were so loud,

they raddled our windows; thankfully they eventually stopped, their kid who were

doing it moved out). It Isn't all that uncommon for a spouse not to " get the

point " so to speak, but even beyond the Misophonia, your husband is still being

selfcentered and unreasonable.

At anyrate, I would talk to the neigbors. However, due to lack of noise

ordinace, be prepaired to offer something in exchange if necessary; maybe you'll

buy a part for his bike or something he'd like. You need to put yourself in an

advantagious position to make friends and create an obligation not based solely

on kindness.

The only other thing you could do, is spend some money on extra sheetrock and

damping glue (quietglue or greenglue) and see about your windows, which are

usually a big noise penetration culprit.

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" I have a similar problem in my new condo building -- the door outside slams

right next to my bedroom at about 1:30am and then again a couple of times at

around 2:30 a.m. " -jamilbroom

Adding extra mass (5/8inch sheetrock) and damping glue to the walls closest to

the noise source is one of the better ways to help with low frequency vibration.

" ...I can actually feel the vibration of the door slamming shut " -jamilbroom

Add neoprene anti-vibration pads under your bed's posts to stop the vibration.

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Lot's of good ideas here.Thanks! I'll check into them. I had some bell shaped

earplugs that I thought were the best. I need to find them!

I just wanted to add that despite my post, my husband really isn't a selfish

jerk. He did apologize when he came home and we talked about it. He just really

doesn't understand my huge complaint with the neighbor simply riding into his

garage, even at that hour. He feels the the guy is minding his own business,

living his life. He said if they guy was revving the motor at that hour or drag

racing up and down the road, then it would be a jack-ass action. I have polled

various people at work, and almost everyone agreed that it was okay what the

neighbor was doing. So, I don't feel I can talk to the other neighbor's about it

either. I " m pretty sure I will seem like an intolerant, trouble-maker.

So for now, I am holding off on talking to the guy. I did think about going over

with cookies and " welcoming him to the neighborhood (6 months late) " , but it

feels manipulative and will be obvious there's an agenda once I bring up the

noise. I feel confident I could be kind and non-confrontational and offer a

simple solution, or even a motivational incentive, but there's also a risk

that this person isn't a decent human being, and I could create a life-long

enemy (I've seen it happen over soft wind chimes and front porch lightbulbs).

Last night I put on the white-noise machine, but it wasn't as restful as sacred

silence. I lay in a twilight consciousness of half awake-asleep, wondering

whether this night-rider will come on certain nights only or be totally random,

and how commonly it will happen. I'm not sure if it's the neighbor, the noise,

or my feelings that are the main problem.

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" Last night I put on the white-noise machine, but it wasn't as restful as sacred

silence. I lay in a twilight consciousness of half awake-asleep, wondering

whether this night-rider will come on certain nights only or be totally random,

and how commonly it will happen. I'm not sure if it's the neighbor, the noise,

or my feelings that are the main problem. " -tazzmainiandevils

First of all, white-noise will be odd at first but, then again, so is sleeping

with earbuds and alternative music; however, after getting used to it, I find it

difficult to sleep without them in. And no, it's not like I'm just doomed

forever; I could always just get used to sleeping without them in again, as it

just takes a transitional period.

Secondly, I think it's all three (neighbor + noise + feelings). Personally, I'm

just sensitive to intrusions of any kind, and if I feel the noise is

unwarrented, it makes it worse.

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Also, it really seems like soundproofing would be a godsend to you; extra

sheetrock + damping glue, and fix up the windows. And even if the neighbor

decides to move, concidering your condition, it would be a good idea regardless,

as you never know what noises who ever would replace them would make.

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> First of all, white-noise will be odd at first but, then again, so is sleeping

with earbuds and alternative music; however, after getting used to it, I find it

difficult to sleep without them in. And no, it's not like I'm just doomed

forever; I could always just get used to sleeping without them in again, as it

just takes a transitional period.


> Secondly, I think it's all three (neighbor + noise + feelings). Personally,

I'm just sensitive to intrusions of any kind, and if I feel the noise is

unwarrented, it makes it worse.


You know what, I found this very encouraging and validating. That is why I

joined this group. I will experiment with all these ideas, including

soundproofing the room. You're right, it's essential for someone like me.


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