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Hello, a rather long post...

I have just joined and reading through many posts.

I applaud the courage for discussing

these many private " quirks? " (smile)

The symptoms described for this group is a list of issues...

I have exhibited since childhood...I am now 55.

Many times I have been called " eccentric " " quirky " " odd "


The " uncontrollable rage " ...I learned to live with...sort of.

Twice... a high pitch frequency from an electric motor...

literally put me to my knees...from nuasia...vertigo...

intense pain inside my head

the chemical plant safety personel

I was working in...

thought I had been exposed to poisionous materials

The blood work showed not so.

I was 2 weeks later...when that exact electric motor started up..

and I saw it swtiched on...it occured again.

We tested this 6 more times...same results.

and then tested me with 6 different electric motors in the same

plant....I had no adverse health reactions.

I was 35 years old at the time...healthy as a horse.

I am also a historical inventor concerning energy management.

The Hull Effect Technology...(not advertising)

This seems to " allow justification for my bad behaviors "

The moderator...in assembling this group...may want to investigate

the work of Dr. Weston A Price...

the pioneering dentist in the 1920's

that traced many " maladies impossible to describe "

to the teeth and gums.

The Weston A Price Foundation works with nutitional specifics of diets and

enzymes of autistic children...

many of these same symptoms match with

" diagnosed autistic children "

with changes in diet

they are sometimes re-diagnosed " NOT autistic children "

For many people...to test this theory...possibility

is as simple as using a mouthwash...every hour...for two days...

if sleep improves...or any feeling of health improves...

it is an indicator that these maladies...

reactions to sounds...is the adrenaline gland spiking...

I use medications to control this spiking...

and many of the sensitivity to soft sounds...

are more manageable.

It is sometimes diagnosed as a diabetic condition...

can be traceable to the teeth and gum diseases...

people are NOT aware of.

The medical world has re-visited Dr. Weston A Price and his work

as statistics... now gathered...by people outside his peer group

of dentistry...

found many startling connections of maladies

and people with root canals...

or even general cleaning of the teeth and cavities.

I do KNOW that some people are born with different sound

sensitivities...I do not discount any of these complaints

of the posts I have read.

I do know that addressing the teeth and gum issues...

lessen/slowed my reactions to sensitivitiy to sounds.

In just 30 days...

my " temper is just not as intense as it once was "

If any members can get any amount of relief...like I have

a little goes a long ways...with people afflicted.

I am not a doctor by any means...but 5 years ago..

doctors gave me about 6 months to live...

I have studied many many options...

and tryed many many ... " therapies "

suffered 3 major heart attacks...

the most recent was just 2 weeks ago.

Dr. Weston A Price was a pioneer Far Far ahead of his times.

as the medical equipment and trained lab personel...

did not exist as it does today.

The group gathered here might do all the world a great service

by trying and telling the TRUTH about results.

no matter how slight.

The historical technology I developed...

cleans the air while the engine is operating...

so I, and my students,

always felt much better after 30 minutes of exposure.

I have been hunting the medical reasons WHY.

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Good stuff - Dr. Weston A. Price.

Hello, a rather long post...

I have just joined and reading through many posts.

I applaud the courage for discussing

these many private "quirks?" (smile)

The symptoms described for this group is a list of issues...

I have exhibited since childhood...I am now 55.

Many times I have been called "eccentric" "quirky" "odd"


The "uncontrollable rage"...I learned to live with...sort of.

Twice... a high pitch frequency from an electric motor...

literally put me to my knees...from nuasia...vertigo...

intense pain inside my head

the chemical plant safety personel

I was working in...

thought I had been exposed to poisionous materials

The blood work showed not so.

I was 2 weeks later...when that exact electric motor started up..

and I saw it swtiched on...it occured again.

We tested this 6 more times...same results.

and then tested me with 6 different electric motors in the same

plant....I had no adverse health reactions.

I was 35 years old at the time...healthy as a horse.

I am also a historical inventor concerning energy management.

The Hull Effect Technology...(not advertising)

This seems to "allow justification for my bad behaviors"

The moderator...in assembling this group...may want to investigate

the work of Dr. Weston A Price...

the pioneering dentist in the 1920's

that traced many "maladies impossible to describe"

to the teeth and gums.

The Weston A Price Foundation works with nutitional specifics of diets and enzymes of autistic children...

many of these same symptoms match with

"diagnosed autistic children"

with changes in diet

they are sometimes re-diagnosed " NOT autistic children"

For many people...to test this theory...possibility

is as simple as using a mouthwash...every hour...for two days...

if sleep improves...or any feeling of health improves...

it is an indicator that these maladies...

reactions to sounds...is the adrenaline gland spiking...

I use medications to control this spiking...

and many of the sensitivity to soft sounds...

are more manageable.

It is sometimes diagnosed as a diabetic condition...

can be traceable to the teeth and gum diseases...

people are NOT aware of.

The medical world has re-visited Dr. Weston A Price and his work

as statistics... now gathered...by people outside his peer group

of dentistry...

found many startling connections of maladies

and people with root canals...

or even general cleaning of the teeth and cavities.

I do KNOW that some people are born with different sound

sensitivities...I do not discount any of these complaints

of the posts I have read.

I do know that addressing the teeth and gum issues...

lessen/slowed my reactions to sensitivitiy to sounds.

In just 30 days...

my "temper is just not as intense as it once was"

If any members can get any amount of relief...like I have

a little goes a long ways...with people afflicted.

I am not a doctor by any means...but 5 years ago..

doctors gave me about 6 months to live...

I have studied many many options...

and tryed many many ..."therapies"

suffered 3 major heart attacks...

the most recent was just 2 weeks ago.

Dr. Weston A Price was a pioneer Far Far ahead of his times.

as the medical equipment and trained lab personel...

did not exist as it does today.

The group gathered here might do all the world a great service

by trying and telling the TRUTH about results.

no matter how slight.

The historical technology I developed...

cleans the air while the engine is operating...

so I, and my students,

always felt much better after 30 minutes of exposure.

I have been hunting the medical reasons WHY.

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Hello all.

My credence/interest to sound manipulation...

The Hull Effect Technology...uses sound energy...

to improve manage the thermo-dymanics

of the internal combustion engine.

What Dr. Weston A Price does NOT address...is how sound...

affects the metabolism especially WHEN...

hardening of the arteries and veins occurs.

Medical tests( very new) are now revealing indicators of heart disease

and vacscular disease in people as young as 25.

As a sufferer of severe Raynuads' Phenomina...

doctors considering ampuations and other surgeries

before my 3 heart attacks...

I made the connections to sound...while I was tuning my engines.

Sounds... can trigger the body to feel cold...

when it is not really cold.

The work of Dr. Broda A ...MD...of Rush Univerty of Chicago..

devised/invented the subjective human body temperature scale.

proving that by monitoring the core blood temperature...

specific emzymes and nutients are not absorbed.

I am one of the few people living...

that my body was so " messed up " I could control my body tempterature by 0.1

degrees and manitain that specific temperature

for 4-5 hours...validating the work of Dr. Broda O .

Visit " The Cold Body Page "

The medical doctors...are taught...

this excercise with the human body is IMPOSSIBLE !!!

They are correct with those observations.

My treatment consisted of using a noraml electric heat pad applied

to my chest for 30 minutes everday at the same time...

to avoid too much stress on my system.

I did that for 4 months...

Reverisng Raynauds' Phenomina and carpal tunnel syndrome.

noting my sensity to sounds...

lessened as my blood temperature was increased and maintained.

It was very " mind bending experiences " .

with NO authority to consult with.

Basic thermo-dynamics...

specific sound waves (energy) can be blocked by temperature

changes ONLY..in many metals.

these are the " lower frequencies " and the " higher frequencies "

our body is designed to " block naturally " in the healthy state.

The human body is designed to constant cycle up and down

the core body temperature...the blood.

Many of the sufferes of these sound maladies...

will discover the sound sensitivties...

are directly related to blood temperature...

The subjective human body temperature scale...

created by Dr, Broda O ,

does NOT include exterior sound as issues.

We are living in a world of radio waves and internet frequencies

bombarding us 24/7...sound waves.

The body can only adjust to these stresses...as normal...

and thus rest REM sleep does not occur...to regenerate itself.

The proof of the pudding...find a " cave like environment " ...

spend 2 days inside...most of the time.

Measure your core body temperature...in 30 minutes intervals...

making a chart...before and after.

Within 7 days of returning to the exposure of these radio and

internet frequencies ...

the body will return to " its previous normal "

This effort expended by the individual...

gives the medical world...the moderators ...

concerning bio-feed back techniques...

which can vary with the measured ph of the blood.(<<<<)

a better starting point...a baseline.

Yes, what I have posted was tested, was verified, by a very accredited

bio-feedback person...several years ago...privately.

These tests were controlled with 6 oz of clean water...

and the heat pad technique...occurring at the same time...

Proving I was more de-hydrated than I thought...

which " thickens the blood by volume " . naturally

Figure out if it is that simple ...to learn to self-manage.


> Hello, a rather long post...

> I have just joined and reading through many posts.

> I applaud the courage for discussing

> these many private " quirks? " (smile)

> The symptoms described for this group is a list of issues...

> I have exhibited since childhood...I am now 55.

> Many times I have been called " eccentric " " quirky " " odd "

> anti-social...totally

> The " uncontrollable rage " ...I learned to live with...sort of.

> Twice... a high pitch frequency from an electric motor...

> literally put me to my knees...from nuasia...vertigo...

> intense pain inside my head

> the chemical plant safety personel

> I was working in...

> thought I had been exposed to poisionous materials

> The blood work showed not so.

> I was 2 weeks later...when that exact electric motor started up..

> and I saw it swtiched on...it occured again.

> We tested this 6 more times...same results.

> and then tested me with 6 different electric motors in the same

> plant....I had no adverse health reactions.

> I was 35 years old at the time...healthy as a horse.


> I am also a historical inventor concerning energy management.

> The Hull Effect Technology...(not advertising)

> This seems to " allow justification for my bad behaviors "


> The moderator...in assembling this group...may want to investigate

> the work of Dr. Weston A Price...

> the pioneering dentist in the 1920's

> that traced many " maladies impossible to describe "

> to the teeth and gums.

> The Weston A Price Foundation works with nutitional specifics of diets and

enzymes of autistic children...

> many of these same symptoms match with

> " diagnosed autistic children "

> with changes in diet

> they are sometimes re-diagnosed " NOT autistic children "



> For many people...to test this theory...possibility

> is as simple as using a mouthwash...every hour...for two days...

> if sleep improves...or any feeling of health improves...

> it is an indicator that these maladies...

> reactions to sounds...is the adrenaline gland spiking...

> I use medications to control this spiking...

> and many of the sensitivity to soft sounds...

> are more manageable.

> It is sometimes diagnosed as a diabetic condition...

> can be traceable to the teeth and gum diseases...

> people are NOT aware of.

> The medical world has re-visited Dr. Weston A Price and his work

> as statistics... now gathered...by people outside his peer group

> of dentistry...

> found many startling connections of maladies

> and people with root canals...

> or even general cleaning of the teeth and cavities.


> I do KNOW that some people are born with different sound

> sensitivities...I do not discount any of these complaints

> of the posts I have read.


> I do know that addressing the teeth and gum issues...

> lessen/slowed my reactions to sensitivitiy to sounds.

> In just 30 days...

> my " temper is just not as intense as it once was "


> If any members can get any amount of relief...like I have

> a little goes a long ways...with people afflicted.


> I am not a doctor by any means...but 5 years ago..

> doctors gave me about 6 months to live...

> I have studied many many options...

> and tryed many many ... " therapies "

> suffered 3 major heart attacks...

> the most recent was just 2 weeks ago.

> Dr. Weston A Price was a pioneer Far Far ahead of his times.

> as the medical equipment and trained lab personel...

> did not exist as it does today.


> The group gathered here might do all the world a great service

> by trying and telling the TRUTH about results.

> no matter how slight.


> The historical technology I developed...

> cleans the air while the engine is operating...

> so I, and my students,

> always felt much better after 30 minutes of exposure.

> I have been hunting the medical reasons WHY.


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Hello and all,

In my years of personal research... tracing back to childhood

the underlying mechnaism...

chromium deficiencies....considered a rare scenario...

The 1975 Physician's Merck Manual...

mostly relates this rare condition to some pregnant women...

who are overly sensitive to smells ...and sounds.

emotional roller coaster rides.

People with " bad tempers " ...hard to get along with...temperamental

considered just part of their " personality quirks " .

I am a male...been chasing these issues for 55 years...

All the symptoms match up with pregnant women...

Prenatal vitamins and all that focused attentions...

the symptoms ...go away... are resolved.

Imagine that yeast infection/ imbalance emotional roller coaster ride

being a " normal state of mind for a child growing up "

unable to communicate...emotionally...

It was a very close honest trusted friend

who told me I behaved like a pregnant woman...during my episodes.

That was the clue...

I traced it back to chromium defficienices.

It was not easy...nor is it 100% absolute conclusive yet.

Here is why....

if chromium is just on the edge of being too low...

one or two starchy meals...can upset the balance

This can go on for years...and it becomes accepted as

personality behaviours/quirks


> > Hello, a rather long post...

> > I have just joined and reading through many posts.

> > I applaud the courage for discussing

> > these many private " quirks? " (smile)

> > The symptoms described for this group is a list of issues...

> > I have exhibited since childhood...I am now 55.

> > Many times I have been called " eccentric " " quirky " " odd "

> > anti-social...totally

> > The " uncontrollable rage " ...I learned to live with...sort of.

> > Twice... a high pitch frequency from an electric motor...

> > literally put me to my knees...from nuasia...vertigo...

> > intense pain inside my head

> > the chemical plant safety personel

> > I was working in...

> > thought I had been exposed to poisionous materials

> > The blood work showed not so.

> > I was 2 weeks later...when that exact electric motor started up..

> > and I saw it swtiched on...it occured again.

> > We tested this 6 more times...same results.

> > and then tested me with 6 different electric motors in the same

> > plant....I had no adverse health reactions.

> > I was 35 years old at the time...healthy as a horse.

> >

> > I am also a historical inventor concerning energy management.

> > The Hull Effect Technology...(not advertising)

> > This seems to " allow justification for my bad behaviors "

> >

> > The moderator...in assembling this group...may want to investigate

> > the work of Dr. Weston A Price...

> > the pioneering dentist in the 1920's

> > that traced many " maladies impossible to describe "

> > to the teeth and gums.

> > The Weston A Price Foundation works with nutitional specifics of diets and

enzymes of autistic children...

> > many of these same symptoms match with

> > " diagnosed autistic children "

> > with changes in diet

> > they are sometimes re-diagnosed " NOT autistic children "

> >

> >

> > For many people...to test this theory...possibility

> > is as simple as using a mouthwash...every hour...for two days...

> > if sleep improves...or any feeling of health improves...

> > it is an indicator that these maladies...

> > reactions to sounds...is the adrenaline gland spiking...

> > I use medications to control this spiking...

> > and many of the sensitivity to soft sounds...

> > are more manageable.

> > It is sometimes diagnosed as a diabetic condition...

> > can be traceable to the teeth and gum diseases...

> > people are NOT aware of.

> > The medical world has re-visited Dr. Weston A Price and his work

> > as statistics... now gathered...by people outside his peer group

> > of dentistry...

> > found many startling connections of maladies

> > and people with root canals...

> > or even general cleaning of the teeth and cavities.

> >

> > I do KNOW that some people are born with different sound

> > sensitivities...I do not discount any of these complaints

> > of the posts I have read.

> >

> > I do know that addressing the teeth and gum issues...

> > lessen/slowed my reactions to sensitivitiy to sounds.

> > In just 30 days...

> > my " temper is just not as intense as it once was "

> >

> > If any members can get any amount of relief...like I have

> > a little goes a long ways...with people afflicted.

> >

> > I am not a doctor by any means...but 5 years ago..

> > doctors gave me about 6 months to live...

> > I have studied many many options...

> > and tryed many many ... " therapies "

> > suffered 3 major heart attacks...

> > the most recent was just 2 weeks ago.

> > Dr. Weston A Price was a pioneer Far Far ahead of his times.

> > as the medical equipment and trained lab personel...

> > did not exist as it does today.

> >

> > The group gathered here might do all the world a great service

> > by trying and telling the TRUTH about results.

> > no matter how slight.

> >

> > The historical technology I developed...

> > cleans the air while the engine is operating...

> > so I, and my students,

> > always felt much better after 30 minutes of exposure.

> > I have been hunting the medical reasons WHY.

> >

> >

> >


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