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My husband has substantial improvement if he does not eat wheat. He is now

on Enbrel but when he was on MTX they only way he could manage the PA was to

also not eat the wheat

Hope this helps.

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> My husband has substantial improvement if he does not eat wheat.

He is now on Enbrel but when he was on MTX they only way he could

manage the PA was to also not eat the wheat


> Hope this helps.



Hi - I found the same thing in combination with my antibiotic

therapy, and I have heard of quite a few other people who also find

they do better on a wheat-free diet. I've been curious about why

this might be true, and have found out a few things. First, quite a

few people, particularly of european descent, have inherited some

degree of sensitivity (allergy) to some of the proteins in wheat,

which collectively are known as gluten. If a person has this,

antibodies to these proteins can be found in a blood test. This

gluten sensitivity damages the wall of the small intestine, making it

more permeable to bacteria and large molecules in food that can stir

up the immune system in several different ways. This story is very

widely known and may be connected with making arthritis and other

autoimmune diseases worse. Luckily, the damage is usually


and within a few weeks of a gluten-free diet the problem gets better.

Just last weekend, I was talking with a molecular biologist who told

me that gluten proteins also cause nonspecific activation of T cells

even in non-allergic people. This really struck me as important for

arthritis, because T cells are the immune system cells that direct


autoimmune attack that causes arthritis. One of the mysteries about

arthritis is why T cells stay activated so that they continue this

attack over long periods of time even though the body has strong

mechanisms to discourage this. Nonspecific activation means that

antibodies specific to the protein are not involved, so even if you

are not allergic to gluten, eating it may still encourage the immune

system to perpetuate its attack on your joints.

Though a gluten-free diet is not so easy to do, I really think it is

worth a try, especially because it takes only a few weeks to find out

if it helps. I noticed a real change after about two weeks. There's

lots of info on the Web about this diet.

Best regards, Greenly

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What do those of you on a wheat-free diet eat in place of bread? My doctor

suggested I might try to eliminate wheat (among other substances) from my diet,

but I found it nearly impossible. what do you eat? -- Jan O', Alaska

jbgreenly@... wrote:


> > My husband has substantial improvement if he does not eat wheat.

> He is now on Enbrel but when he was on MTX they only way he could

> manage the PA was to also not eat the wheat

> >

> > Hope this helps.

> >

> >


> Hi - I found the same thing in combination with my antibiotic

> therapy, and I have heard of quite a few other people who also find

> they do better on a wheat-free diet.



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I have heard of quite a few other people who also find

> they do better on a wheat-free diet, Greenly

: Thanks so much for this information. I did do a search and

found lots of really great information. I also found that a great

deal of the symptoms listed whereas gluten free diets were of

benefit, are they same symptoms I have that reoccur over my health

history. Thanks so much. I've started to eliminate wheat and sugar

to see how this effects my body. You are right that not eating wheat

and its products will not be easy...but you know... if it works, then

it will be worth everything. I just can't live with this skin the

way it is now any longer.

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I found the same thing in combination with my antibiotic

> therapy, and I have heard of quite a few other people who also find

> they do better on a wheat-free diet. I've been curious about why

> this might be true, and have found out a few things. >

> Best regards, Greenly

: I read with great interest your story about using a gluten

free diet. I started trying this yesterday and think I can manage

with the information that I have found on the internet as you

suggested. One site that I found particularly useful is

http://www.gicare.com/pated/edtgs06.htm It lists foods that are

gluten free or not.

, I was wondering if you would share with me some of the things

that you have found you enjoy eating. This morning I was thinking

about breakfast and ended up eating grits and a banana. I normally

like to eat oatmeal but for a gluten free diet, I should not eat the


I don't think that a gluten free diet would be something I would want

to live with for the rest of my life.... but then again... if this

works and my psoriasis improves and the total body skin itch

disappears, then I'll continue for sure.

What I am hoping is that trying this gluten free diet will help me

gain control and then I can just be very careful and only eat gluten

foods as a treat. That I would enjoy. :)

Any thoughts you can add would be appreciated.


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Hi Jan

I don't know if you can get these there but in

Australia you can buy rice cakes, rice crackers, corn

cakes and a lot of the health food stores sell wheat

and gluten free breads. My daughter finds the sugar

affects her more than the wheat but she is only young

Take care


--- Jan <wizard@...> wrote:

> What do those of you on a wheat-free diet eat in

> place of bread? My doctor suggested I might try to

> eliminate wheat (among other substances) from my

> diet, but I found it nearly impossible. what do you

> eat? -- Jan O', Alaska


> jbgreenly@... wrote:


> >

> > > My husband has substantial improvement if he

> does not eat wheat.

> > He is now on Enbrel but when he was on MTX they

> only way he could

> > manage the PA was to also not eat the wheat

> > >

> > > Hope this helps.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Hi - I found the same thing in combination

> with my antibiotic

> > therapy, and I have heard of quite a few other

> people who also find

> > they do better on a wheat-free diet.

> >

> >

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GREAT info!!!!! I agree 1000% - I am wondering what kind of acidic

reactions would you be referring to? My daughter (3 1/2) takes c everyday -

500mg chewables and she does tend to have constipation. I'm wondering now if

that acidic condition you refer to isn't the cause. I need to give her the

akaline strip test to see. Which C do you recommend? Also do you know of

any liquid prenatals? I havent' been able to find any so I use Country life

- capsule instead of tablet - hoping its more digestable. Any ideas for

others? Thanks!

In a message dated 11/14/01 6:45:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,

oxyssage@... writes:

<< Because it is not a complete balanced C complex many people have

acidic reactions to it. They are not using the complete Vitamin C. >>

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In a message dated 11/14/01 4:38:08 PM GTB Standard Time,

Terzi@... writes:

<< Which C do you recommend? Also do you know of

any liquid prenatals? >>

Soudium ascorbate is the best.Chewables,esp. asorbic acid ,will damage the

tooth enamel in the long run.

I don't know about prenatal liquid.I take a folic acid tablet,and some liquid

iron/herbs by Floradix.Sometimes I eat a gummy vite.

sara in ohio

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Thanks a lot for the info - I'll check it out!

In a message dated 11/14/01 9:55:50 AM Eastern Standard Time,

walterkt@... writes:

<< But I wanted to

let you know about both a liquid Vitamin C and a

liquid multi-vitamin. >>

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Thanks! I take the iron too from Floradix. I'll have to order the sodium

ascorbate c.

In a message dated 11/14/01 10:03:35 AM Eastern Standard Time, nnu29@...


<< Soudium ascorbate is the best.Chewables,esp. asorbic acid ,will damage the

tooth enamel in the long run.

I don't know about prenatal liquid.I take a folic acid tablet,and some


iron/herbs by Floradix.Sometimes I eat a gummy vite.

sara in ohio >>

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Message: 9

Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 16:56:52 EST

From: nnu29@...

Subject: Re: question for all mamas re: vaccinating ...

In a message dated 11/11/01 11:44:53 PM GTB Standard Time,

chaunamarie@... writes:

<< so, my

question is...are we better off immunizing our kiddos? thanks in

advance for any advice! >>


As for diet you can make healthier choices even with safeway foods.Not

everyone has a local hfs,or can afford to shop at one.First replace the


with wheat,and look into baking your own bread every so often.If your kids

prefer a chewable vit then consider switching to the elmo sesame street

brand.I found the ingredients to be a little better than flinstones.Also

there are gummi bear vitamins.I bought some at Walmart,and they are the same

as the ones sold at the hfs.

Go to McD once a month instead of 2 and instead make burgers and fries at

home.If it is the playground that interests them I know some grocery stores

have the same type of thing. Your kids will survive. Browse through some

vegetarian/vegan sites for recipes.



Hi -

I agree with Sara, but for me and mine I would add 'ABSOLUTELY' in front of

the NO.

I'm fairly new to this list and have just been lurking and reading to gain

more current information regarding vacs. My youngest son, now 9 years old,

did not receive any of the Hep shots, although he did receive some of the

others. I was aware of alot of controversy years ago regarding these

particular vacs and refused to subject him to them. Since Alaska mandated

the Hep shots for school kids now, we found a doctor to get him an

exemption. No need to go into the whys and why nots regarding immune

system disfunction from immunizations as from what I can see in reading the

list these issues are pretty very well covered.

What I haven't seen is alot of information regarding the importance of

understanding nutrition, particularly with regards to actually receiving any

benefits from the food we eat, or nutritional supplements being consumed.

Unfortunately, most supplements go in the top end and come out the bottom

with very little being left inside the body that will accomplish any good.

Major cities have hundreds of pounds of these vitamin/mineral pills, some

with the manufacturers name still legible, that have to be removed from

their treatment plants on a monthly basis. They just don't break down to be

utilized by the body. A related problem is just because it says Vitamin C

on the label, doesn't mean that's what is actually in the container. Most

people are only taking ascorbic acid, which is a small part of the Vitamin C

complex. Because it is not a complete balanced C complex many people have

acidic reactions to it. They are not using the complete Vitamin C. This

holds true for many of the other vitamins and minerals as well because - and

it's important to understand this - " It's because they are synthetic copies

made by man in an attempt to duplicate what nature originally created. " You

can easily spot the containers that have the synthetics as they all list the

contents and give the quantity of mgs. or mcgs. contained. The only way to

measure and quantify them is to manufacture and measure them into each


In order for V & Ms to function within the body in the manner in which they

are required to operate to maintain or reobtain good health, there is the

requirement for balance among them. Balance could even be more important

than potency, as the requirement for certain ones to be used in conjunction

with others at the same time (eg: Calcium requires mag, Vit D, and others to

be utilized) is of paramount importance. Perhaps most important is the

requirement for the cell receptors throughout the body to 'recognize' them

and admit them at the cellular level. What's the big difference between

'natural' vs synthetic? Chemically, very little - but because of the

hundreds, perhaps thousands of other cofactors found in the naturally

occuring V & Ms which are not duplicated in the manmade synthetic ones, the

body can absorb multiples of times the natural versus the synthetic because

they are recognized as a beneficial element that is to be admitted into the

cellular system. They get to Pass GO. The PDR lists the absorbtion rate for

synthetic pills as approximately 10-20% getting into the body. Then, only

about 10-20% of that actually gets into the cells. That is a pretty dismal

showing for the money spent to buy them. Of every $100 spent over $90 of it

is wasted. Another consideration is the absorbtion rate of liquids vs

pills and capsules. Liquids are close to 100%.

God made foods to contain all the naturally balanced nutritional factors,

and then man decided he could improve upon Gods work and man decided to

alter everything. First man depleted the soils of the basic minerals and

began to use NPK fertilizers to quicken the growth of the plants and keep

alittle nutrition available. Then, man created hybrids that look like the

original, but contain only a fraction of the vitamins. Then man decided he

could pick them long before they were ripened in the sun thereby ensuring

the myriad benefits for nutrient content the sun provides would never be.

Man could do that because the product could be stored in warehouses under

gas at cool temperatures, held for long periods of time, transported over

long distances, and then another gas could be applied to cause them to

" appear " to ripen and they would be bought in the grocery store by those who

thought they were getting quality nutritious foods. Apples and oranges also

get their proper colored paint applied to really make them appear as

" delicious " . The next step where man improved upon the product is to cut,

dice, slice, mix, and cook it. Cook it at a high enough temperature so you

can be sure all the enzymes are dead, and you'll not only get to enjoy

eating it but can also enjoy the accompanying stomach ache that comes along

because it's not being properly digested. Oh, and let's not forget the milk

that is pasteurized to kill bacteria that also kills all the enzymes. It's

no wonder so many people are lactose intolerant. If it doesn't have the

enzymes, it can't be properly digested. Then the milk is homogenized and

that breaks the fats down into miniscule sizes that can easily penetrate

deep into our bodies and get deposited in places it was never intended by

nature to be found. Oh, and let's not forget the added V & Ms that can no

longer be utilized because the heat destroyed their organic state and turned

them into unusable inorganics. If you're drinking milk for calcium, sorry,

but it's no longer recognized as a nutrient unless you have Bessie in the

back yard and she's giving you the real stuff. Then there's the bread.

Let's strip the bran off and package it so it can be sold separately in

health food stores as a food supplement. Then let's bleach the flour so we

destroy all the naturally occuring V & Ms there and then we'll replace all

those with a couple of synthetic ones and call it " enriched " . In reality,

the only people being enriched from that bread are the ones who are selling

it. Even most so-called " whole wheat " breads are nothing more than enriched

flour with alittle whole wheat flour thrown in to give it a brown coloring.

The bottom line is that DEAD FOOD CREATES DEAD BODIES. The stores are

loaded with dead foods. You can easily recognize them as they are the ones

that come in boxes and cans. They've been through mans creative methods for

visual appeal and the virtual destruction of most nutritional value. A

constant intake of only these foods will lead one down the road to sickness,

incompentency, suffering, embarrassment, and an early death. Because our

body must deal with eliminating these dead substances much energy is used

up, but is not replaced. 30 - 40 - 60 years of this abuse and the body

begins to rebel, sometimes it's much sooner. The body, like a battery,

eventually just loses it's charge. While dead foods will " sustain " life

for a time, unlike living foods, they do not " regenerate " life. Good health

requires that our batteries be recharged by foods that will regenerate life.

This includes our children. LIVING FOODS CREATE LIVING BODIES. These foods

are found around the outer edges of most stores.

Is supplementing expensive? I suppose that depends upon ones point of view.

For me, it's the difference between Health Care - which I have control of -

or Sick Care - where the doctor is usually the boss. Personally, I prefer

to be my own boss. The expense of Sick Care far out weighs the cost of

Health Care. Our health, or lack thereof, is always paid for. It can be

paid for at the beginning and the attendant benefits are a long, healthy,

enjoyable life - or - It can be paid for at the end with misery, suffering

and an early death. We make that choice for ourselves and our children.

I believe our best defense against disease and illness is a strong immune

system. A body that is fortified with quality nutritional factors from

living food complemented by a good supplementation program is a good start.


Also in Alaska


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In a message dated 11/14/01 6:30:14 PM GTB Standard Time,

Terzi@... writes:


Thanks! I take the iron too from Floradix. I'll have to order the sodium

ascorbate c. >>

I have to get mine online too.My hfs never even heard of it!

I love the floradix,but it is darn expensive.


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Hi -

I'm a little behind on this discussion so I am not

100% sure of the points being made. But I wanted to

let you know about both a liquid Vitamin C and a

liquid multi-vitamin. The vitamin C is called

Emer'gen-C, it comes in a powder form and you mix it

with water. My 2 year old loves it. You can get it

at most health food stores or order it online at


The liquid multi-vitamin is called " Body Balance " and

is made by Lifeforce International. You can only get

this one by ordering it through a distributor or on

line at www.lifeforce-intl.com

I am 6 months pregnant and take it instead of a

" pre-natal. " It absorbs more completely and quickly

and does not upset my stomach.

Check these out -- you might like them.

Take care,


--- Terzi@... wrote:

> GREAT info!!!!! I agree 1000% - I am wondering

> what kind of acidic

> reactions would you be referring to? My daughter (3

> 1/2) takes c everyday -

> 500mg chewables and she does tend to have

> constipation. I'm wondering now if

> that acidic condition you refer to isn't the cause.

> I need to give her the

> akaline strip test to see. Which C do you

> recommend? Also do you know of

> any liquid prenatals? I havent' been able to find

> any so I use Country life

> - capsule instead of tablet - hoping its more

> digestable. Any ideas for

> others? Thanks!



> In a message dated 11/14/01 6:45:55 AM Eastern

> Standard Time,

> oxyssage@... writes:


> << Because it is not a complete balanced C complex

> many people have

> acidic reactions to it. They are not using the

> complete Vitamin C. >>



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It's generally manifest by an upset stomach, however an acidic reaction

could show up in other in other ways also. The pH test strips are a great

idea. They've been referred to as " The one cent health test " as they are

inexpensive to use and give a readily available reading as to where your

body is on the acid/alkaline scale. Acidity is the cause of most diseases

as it destroys the cells ability to maintain a high level of oxygen which is

the cells protector. Dr. Otto Warburg received a Nobel Prize 70 years ago

for discovering the cause of cancer (and most other diseases) which is a

lack of oxygen at the cellular level. An example of the ability to absorb

oxygen in an alkaline or acidic solution is demonstrated by using two

glasses of water. Into one a teaspoon of vinager is added, and into the

other a teaspoon of baking soda. Then with an oxygen bath over both glasses

it has been shown the baking soda, which is the alkaline solution, will

absorb 20 times more oxygen than the acidic vinager solution. An alkaline

solution will draw in oxygen and an acidic solution will repel it. Our

bodies cells are no different. We can bathe them in oxygen or we can

destroy them in acid. I switched to the Emergen-C products several years

ago. Many grocery stores also carry it in their nutrition sections.

www.alacercorp.com Lots of really good information located there on health

related subjects. At one time I was using the Lifeforce Body Balance but I

now use a product called SEASILVER http://oxyssage.seasilverhealth.com



Message: 2

Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 09:34:20 EST

From: Terzi@...

Subject: Re: Re: Diet

GREAT info!!!!! I agree 1000% - I am wondering what kind of acidic

reactions would you be referring to? My daughter (3 1/2) takes c everyday -

500mg chewables and she does tend to have constipation. I'm wondering now


that acidic condition you refer to isn't the cause. I need to give her the

akaline strip test to see. Which C do you recommend? Also do you know of

any liquid prenatals? I havent' been able to find any so I use Country life

- capsule instead of tablet - hoping its more digestable. Any ideas for

others? Thanks!

In a message dated 11/14/01 6:45:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,

oxyssage@... writes:

<< Because it is not a complete balanced C complex many people have

acidic reactions to it. They are not using the complete Vitamin C. >>

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I'm familiar with Alacer corp and Emergen C - I will try to get baby girl to

drink it up! She is pretty good with that and I only need to give her a

small portion. This sea silver sounds interesting. Is it multi level? Do

you sell it? Have you really felt a big difference in your health from it?


In a message dated 11/14/01 4:14:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

oxyssage@... writes:

<< At one time I was using the Lifeforce Body Balance but I

now use a product called SEASILVER http://oxyssage.seasilverhealth.com >>

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Yes, it is a network marketing company. When I first heard about it I

told the lady I was not interested. Then I read the website. I

decided that if even half of the information was true it would be

worth a try so I ordered a case. I wanted to try it myself, and had

some friends who if it would help them, it would be wonderful as

nothing else really had. I have seen some virtual miracles happening

with people using the product and my personal experience upon

starting it was rather exciting. Do I feel a difference? Within 4

days of beginning to use the SEASILVER I literally felt like my body

was regenerating itself. This was very surprising to me as I was

already on what I considered a very good nutritional program using

many supplements from various sources and I really did not expect to

see much of a difference, if any. The company recommends using 2 oz.

daily to begin with. I started with 8 oz. because I wanted to see if

I would actually feel any of the purported benefits. My second day I

awoke with a nasty headache. That was exciting because it told me

that perhaps a detox was beginning. It was. Because of the

complexity of nutritional factors found in it my shelves are not

covered with as

many products, and my wallet is not as thin either. I had been

spending the equivalent ofa car payment monthly on health related

items. I figured out some time ago that I don't live in a car but I

do have to live in my body. When the doctors wanted to cut me open

35 years ago because of stomach ulcers I made the decision to heal

myself through nutrition. Now, when someone asks me who my doctor is

I just say, Mother Nature. If we're going to protect ourselves I

believe the best solution is building the immune system through

nutrition. Cut, burn, poison, and pricks in the arm (or other

places) are not the answer. It can be ordered from the company

through the website. www.oxyssage.seasilverhealth.com



> I'm familiar with Alacer corp and Emergen C - I will try to get

baby girl to

> drink it up! She is pretty good with that and I only need to give

her a

> small portion. This sea silver sounds interesting. Is it multi

level? Do

> you sell it? Have you really felt a big difference in your health

from it?

> Thanks,



> In a message dated 11/14/01 4:14:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> oxyssage@p... writes:


> << At one time I was using the Lifeforce Body Balance but I

> now use a product called SEASILVER

http://oxyssage.seasilverhealth.com >>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wonderful Idea!


At 08:42 AM 11/26/2001 -0800, you wrote:

>Hi Gang.


>I'm in the process of assembling an online diet/problem database for us.

>The idea is that you'll be able to search on a food and see the problems

>others experience from it, how long the trouble lasts and what, if

>anything, they have done which has successfully mitigated it. For

>instance, the post about how corn causes the writers finger joints to

>stiffen and remain that way for 24 hours (assuming no more corn is

>ingested.) When it's all done it will be posted at

>http://www.healingyou.org/ and will be user add/edit capable, meaning

>that you will be able to add content from your own experiences online

>and edit same (others will not be able to edit your entries.)


>If you feel this is a worthwhile project and wish to contribute to it,

>please contact me privately.


>Regards, -----------------------

>Geoff ** Usual Disclaimers **

> -----------------------

>The Formula:



>Je31.15+Mi5.2=SarShalom HaMoshiach


>http://www.healingyou.org/ NonRx Herbs, Homeopathics & supp's.

>http://www.800-800-cruise.com/index-aff.html Make money & travel!

>http://www.800-800-cruise.com/ Over a MILLION travel deals!





>To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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  • 2 months later...

Hi Ali! Geoff here.

> Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 15:29:03 -0000

> From: " abbuttercup55 " <abbuttercup55@...>


> hi~ i just went to the nutritionist on campus and i would like to say

> in not so many words that she sucked.

Welcome to the world of arthritis... you will need to do a lot on your own.

This is just a mild example. Many people find they must seek help from many

places, a few happen to be fortunate enough to find, and be able to afford,

truly caring and effective professionals to help them; but that is the

exception, not the rule.

> i don't mean that to be rude, but she did not help me one bit.

Don't worry about it, we've all been there.

> knows of any good links that would help me with this diet i will be

Water. Clean, filtered plain, room temperature water. By the gallon.

Depending on your weight, 2-3 large glasses on rising, 1-2 glasses with

breakfast, 2-3 glasses between breakfast & lunch, 1-2 glasses with lunch,

2-3 glasses between lunch and dinner, 1-2 glasses with dinner, 2-3 glasses

between dinner and retiring.

NO SODA, NO COFFEE, for the most part no teas, alcohol, NOTHING WITH

BUBBLES, i.e., no carbonated stuff

The www.rheumatic.org has some links that may be of help. Here is one to Dr.

Mercola's site which addresses diet & FM specifically:


Here's a browse area: http://www.rheumatic.org/docs.htm

As a rule of thumb you can eat anything and everything EXCEPT:



DAIRY <<--- there goes the pizza!








and other stuff - lengthy list & I don't know them all



REFINED SUGAR <<--- there goes the candy!

CHOCOLATE (this is the worst... :_(


YEAST <<--- there goes the beer!

CARBONATED ANYTHING <<--- there goes the soda!

The reason I said you can eat anything is that we get into patterns of

eating just a few things fixed in a zillion ways. When we take these things

out, we tend to feel like we can't eat. It's just not so, but it does

require a " new " way of thinking.

Try very, very hard to eat organic foods: fruits, vegetables, chicken.

You'll need to be wary of wild fish in your area, farm-raised are generally

fine. There are about a bazillion different fish and everyone tastes

different (hint.)


Rotate your foods. Eat reasonably, but whatever you eat try not to

repeat that food in your diet more than once every 4 days. If you find you

experience gas, bloating, etc., be aware that gas indicates food fermenting

in the gut. It does this when you are not digesting it properly, IOW, that

food is not good FOR YOU, regardless of how good it may be for other people.

If you do not defecate regularly, your food is rotting in your gut.

Ideally, every time a meal goes in, a prior one comes out. Fecal matter

should be dark, soft but well-formed, expelled easily and sink to the bottom

of the bowl. Fecal matter which floats is filled with gas, again, a sign of

digestive troubles. If you only defecate a couple of times a day, that is

fine. If you defecate only once a day or less, you have a problem. Address

this easily with roughage (raw veggies) and increased water intake.

Urine should be light to clear and free of odor. If you do not urinate

regularly, if your urine is yellow to dark, or any other color, and if it is

odiferous, you have a problem: Address this easily by increasing water


Flatulence (gas) indicates foods are not digesting properly. Gas that

does not smell indicates a peculiar sort of fermentation in the gut - again,

you have a problem: Increase water, alter foods, add Aloe Vera and enzymes.









Do not stress your body with piercing, tattooing, partying, etc. Get lots of

sleep -- become --- DULL.

Perhaps the most difficult of all this for you to face will not, in the end,

be the prospect of losing your fiancé, it may be having to leave college for

a time and move home to get this issue under control. Hopefully you will not

have to face that, but if you do remember, college will be there tomorrow.


soli Deo gloria

http://www.healingyou.org/ NonRx herbals, homeopathics & supplements

http://www.800-800-cruise.com/ Cruises, tours, resorts & luxury trains

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Hi, I have a sample diet I would like to share with you.


Slow-cooked oatmeal with fruit. Blueberries, apples, cinnamon, strawberries.

Egg white omelet with vegetable. Cooked in olive oil. Cantaloupe, honeydew or orange slices.

Yogurt with fresh fruit.

Baked or grilled salmon. A bowl of fresh berries, cantaloupe, peaches, plums, or pears.

Drink. Decaf. green tea or herb tea. Or better yet water.


Avocado stuffed with tuna, onion & celery. Served with tossed salad with lemon & olive oil dressing. Fruit for dessert.

Vegetable or bean soup made with low-fat chicken broth. Add onions, garlic, carrots, parsley and favorite herbs.

Grilled tuna or salmon. With tossed salad and fruit.

Sliced white meat of turkey or chicken. Served with spinach salad or Spinach stir fried with garlic and olive oil.(saute garlic in olive oil and then add spinach and stir until wilted). Fresh fruit.

Lunch or dinner.

Veggie burger with onion, lettuce, on wheat less bread. Served with raw vegetables, like broccoli, celery sticks, cucumbers, etc.

Turkey burger (without bun). Served with stir fried vegetables cooked in olive oil.

Fresh strawberries or blueberries with yogurt.

Roasted white meat of chicken or turkey. Served with collards, spinach, mustard

greens or kale. Baked apple with cinnamon.

Grilled shrimp with garlic and soy sauce. Served with brown rice and broccoli.

Favorite fresh fruit.


Apple, orange, pear, plum, peach, etc.

Fresh unsalted nuts.

Fresh veggies, celery sticks, carrot sticks, broccoli, cucumber, etc.etc,

Six black or green olives.

The ideal meal which I tore out of USA Weekend is: Ginger carrot soup, Salmon filet with fruit salsa, spinach with garlic, mashed sweet potatoes, green salad plus and berries with yogurt.

I hope this diet helps. This type of diet is also recommended by Dr. Perricone in his book "The Wrinkle Cure." He also has a list of fruits and vegetables to eat. And he has a three day diet that is supposed to make your skin look its best.

The reason I mention his book is because he believes inflammation causes wrinkles and this diet is supposed to cut inflammation. This diet is also similar to Dr. Null's diet in "Get Healthy Now!"

Wishing you well, Janette

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  • 4 weeks later...
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In a message dated 3/21/02 7:53:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,

ddudzik@... writes:


> I have a question for those of you that are following strict diet

> guidelines

> for autism or for candida. What can you eat? I see you can eat brown rice,

> which is what I've started using, but what about pasta? Is there a pasta

> you can eat? I printed out the do's and don'ts, but I feel a little

> overwhelmed by it. It seems like there's nothing left but fruits and

> vegetables, and maybe not even fruit. Help!


> Diane



> Diane:

If you visit this website, it will answer all your questions and

provide you with many resources for locating foods:


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  • 3 months later...
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Hi Kate,

Mercury is toxic to the liver, and removing it in large quantities dumps the

mercury into the liver....I call it liver overload....the liver is supposed

to be our detox organ...but it can be overloaded.

For my diet, with AIH, I try to avoid too much fat in my foods, especially

deep fried foods, and I avoid foods with chemicals and preservatives, and I

avoid foods (as much as possible) with my food allergens, in my case wheat,

dairy, refined sugar, red meat.

More later...


>From: " Brent Forbis " <bforbis@...>


>< >

>Subject: [ ] diet

>Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 09:33:45 -0400


>Hey! I'm new to this group - I've been reading with interest and I have a

>couple of questions:

>1. What is the relation between the mercury fillings and AIH?

>2. What can you tell me about the special diet you all seem to be using?

>Has this help decrease your symptoms?




MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:


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Not all of us are on such a strict diet. I have moderate to severe liver

damage and would never think of restricting my diet that drastically. Be

careful and always check with your doctor before starting a special diet.

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Hi ,

I don't know what book you are referring too, but from the websites I have

seen and the diet i am following eggs are okay but bacon isn't.


I am juts following there diet only, nothing else. I am going to see my doc

next week to find out what natural antifungals i can take. I don't endorse

that website i only used it for the diet.

Best Wishes,


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