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Until you get your implants out, you've got an uphill battle . . .

That sugar craving - and I'm guessing salt brings on refined grain - comes from the little fungal organisms screaming "feed me, feed me, feed me" . . . It takes about three weeks to overcome the cravings. . .

Once the fungal organisms are under control, the gut needs to be repopulated with beneficial organism . . .like Primal Defense.



Hi Rogene ... I'll just have to try harder ... I do eat many of those things .... probably not enough. The hard part is ,,,, when I am craving salt or sugar .... I want junk .... that food just doesn't suit me. I can go so well for 5 days .... and then need junk ... I eat 80 percent on the good side.

If I slip up, tomorrow's another day ... I just back on again ... :) thru this cleanse though, I did pretty well.


------------ -- Original message ------------ -- From: Rogene S <saxony01 (DOT) com>


Almost anything you can eat raw, you can eat lightly steamed . . . beets, aspargus, spinach, beet greens, carrots, squash, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, green beans, onions, . . . In fact, the only vegetables I can think of I wouldn't eat steamed is lettuce and avacados!

Once you taste steamed veggies, with all their flavor, you'll never want to boil a veggie again! . . .

You can combine so many things to make wonderful salads . . . mandrin oranges, rasins, apples, nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews, pecans, pine nuts), grapes, berries, cheese, bell pepper, onion, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, rice noodles. You can add meats like chicken and salmon. What's neat is that you can toss almost anything together, and with a little dressing come up with a great meal. Toss some Kefir grains in too! . . . or add yogurt to the dressing.


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> Hi,


> Can anyone recommend a diet or foods which would

> prevent cancer. Are there any sepcific vegetables or

> foods which are better than others. Maybe Debby could

> could chime in here. She had been very helpful to

> others with dietary needs.

==>This diet, plus supplements, prevents cancer. All of the foods

recommended work together with the supplements to build up the immune

system. Cancer is caused by toxins and a depressed immune system. A

healthy immune system will kill cells which harbour cancer.



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All the cruciferous vegetables (lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, caulifauer,

brussel sprouts, etc.) are very good.

Pau d'arco tea has been touted as a cancer-curing agent.


On Sun, 22 Apr 2007, natrualhealin wrote:


> Hi,


> Can anyone recommend a diet or foods which would

> prevent cancer. Are there any sepcific vegetables or

> foods which are better than others. Maybe Debby could

> could chime in here. She had been very helpful to

> others with dietary needs.


> I have read that maybe broccoli n tomatoes are

> beneficial.


> Any advice would be greatly appreciated. In helping

> others the rewards go on forever!


> Thanks


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

If its going in your body- count it. 3 T per day is what I aim for 4

would be a little much, but thats

just MHO. Yes I count the oil I fry my lumpia in and spread on my toast,



> Different topic so I can't combine my post or I would.

> I've read that one should take 3 or 4 tbls a day to lose weight. I

> haven't bought the book I'm ashamed to say, but I will.

> In the mean time, I was wondering if part of that amount could be in

> cooking?

> I use oil to season with, well I use to use margarine but I stopped

> that.

> I followed someone's link to Brainy's weightloss an got that

> information.

> My main goal when I started VCO was to get some energy and get my

> cholestrol down. Losing weight is just like the icing on the cake.

> Thanks,

> Barbara



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Thank you zoe for your reply. I'm new to this an I was hoping that

what I used in cooking counted. Eating 3 or 4 tablespoons an then

cooking with it seemed excessive to me.



> If its going in your body- count it. 3 T per day is what I aim

for 4 would be a little much, but thats

> just MHO. Yes I count the oil I fry my lumpia in and spread on

my toast, etc.

> zoe


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Dear Tom

My PA is almost completely in remission by eliminating wheat from my diet.

In addition to that, I try to eat lots of celery, cucumbers and carrots--as

they are good for skin disorders. I used to juice them, but now just try to

consume them raw.

Ks Di

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Tom, I did a serious elimination diet beginning with a 3 day fast to

see if anything I was eating triggered my PA. It took months. For

me, there is no food trigger at all. Eliminating foods did not help

me at all and adding them back did not exacerbate my PA at all. If,

however, you have an allergy or sensitivity to some food, then

eliminating it should help any auto-immune disease.

That being said, eating as healthy a diet as possible is good for

your overall health.

Most of the supplements touted for arthritis - those that have been

legitimized by clinical trials, at least - are helpful for

osteoarthritis but not for inflammatory arthritis like PA and RA.

Things that supposedly boost your immune system are

counterproductive, since our problem is an over- (not under-) active

immune system.

Before jumping on every " good food - bad food " bandwagon, I suggest

you the elimination route. There's no point giving up something you

like if it doesn't matter either way. There are NO (as in ZERO)

supplements or substances that I know of that have been *proven* in

controlled studies to cure or even help PA. I've searched high and

low for such and they just don't exist.

Realize that this is a flare and remit disease, so just because

someone " feels better " doesn't prove that what they just ate or

didn't eat made the difference. Sometimes you just get better

without doing anything. Only a controlled study can tell for sure

that something is making a statistically-significant difference.

best regards,

sherry z

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Dear Tom,

As a nutrition consultant and PA patient I tried to give you a nutritional

support protocol.

Lifestyle recommendations:

1-Regular exercise as well as physical therapy including heat, cold, massage

2-Take hot baths with Epsom salts and plain MSM powder

3-Stool analysis recommended for food allergy testing,ask your MD if he /she

order it for you.

Dietary recommendations:

1-Drink at lease eight glasses off purified water daily

2-Avoid soda drinks

3-Avoid fumaric acid food such as peanut, mustered, cinnamon, all grapes wines,

black pepper

4-Avoid all sugars. Replace sugar with the Stevia

5-Avoid white flour and all refined carbohydrates

6 Avoid safflower, corn, sunflower and soya bean oils, which aggravate

inflammation.Instead favor flax oil

, fish oils, fresh fish, raw nuts and seeds

7-Eat a paleolithic diet low in grains and allergenic foods such as dairy

products and citrus

8-Avoid margarine, hydrogenated vegetable oils and fried foods

9-Avoid damaged fats, including junk foods

10-Carry small amounts of nuts and seeds with you throughout the day to prevent

missing meals or snacks

11-Eat fresh,eat organic, seasonal fruits and vegetables. Eat organic

wholefoods .

Supplement recommendations:

In addition to the core nutrient program recommended by your health care

professional and /or from the results of your most recent is health metabolic


1-MSM powder 2T per day

2-A good quality natural antinflammatory caps, which you can find it in health

food store. Or Internet . Usually is the combination of:

Enzymes: Protease, trypsin ,serrazimes and chumotrypsin.

Turmeric(curcuma longa)(root)






Resveratrol 4 a day on empty stomach

3-GLA(Gamma-Linoleic Acid) 240 mg 3 a day with meal

4-B vitamin with food


For pain you can choose a soothing cream specially modified for arthritis

If you're not seeing any professional health care and hopefully your living in a

city with good health food store(like whole foods) usually they have

nutritionist that can recommend you good quality products or search net for more

information about diets and supplements.for example www.Dr Murray.com

There is no cure for PA ,but by fallowing this kind of protocol you may get some

help for P & A both. I personally fallow alternative ways of

treatment, fortunately my rheumy beliefs in alternative medicine and

he is monitoring my condition carefully and he respects my choice. This way is

very expensive, because

no insurance covers supplements and alternative labs.

I wish you the very best of heath,

Peace soudi

Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant

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this is really catching on. i have alot of guests, we call out customers guests,

that stay away from most wheat. and they do feel better. we cant always try to

understand it. just listen to what our bodies are saying........casey

Costello <costello@...> wrote: Dear Tom

My PA is almost completely in remission by eliminating wheat from my diet.

In addition to that, I try to eat lots of celery, cucumbers and carrots--as

they are good for skin disorders. I used to juice them, but now just try to

consume them raw.

Ks Di

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Thank you for your reply to Tom about diet, Soudi. I like the measured

recommendations you put forth: there is balance, intelligence and

caring in your posting. Peace be with you. Brent

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  • 2 months later...

I am not sure about foods, but spending time in the sun will

increase it.


> How on this diet can you increase vitamin d without

> taking supplements?


> Vitamin D rich foods are ususally i think in dairy and

> morning cereals.


> How can i get more vitamin d from foods?


> e







> Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your

story. Play Sims Stories at Games.

> http://sims./


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> I am not sure about foods, but spending time in the

> sun will

> increase it.

* & * & * Thank you. I am thinking that on the east coast

the fall and winter are coming and the days will be

shorter. So i will soak up the sun as I have it now.




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I'm with you. I would love to take my son off of dairy since I think he has

malabsorption issues.(not as bad as when he was younger) but I simply

can't. My son drinks 1 gallon every other day...and I've tried the soys and

he will not have them. My son only eats about 5 things so I cannot take him

off it . I do buy Lactaid and that seems to be less troublesome than

'regular " milk.



l.com> To

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childrensapraxian m>

et@... cc



[ ] diet

09/21/2007 01:13


Please respond to




We began the fish oil supplements about one month ago, and we've had

remarkable results! Now, I'd like to address the diet issues. My problem

with this is that my 2.5 year old id INCREDIBLY picky! I now realize that

we are also completely dependent on dairy. I took dairy away for about

three days (he seemed to have a better mood), but he wouldn't drink the

rice or soy milk (enriched with vitamin d and calcium). I'm so afraid of

vitamin deficiencies that I chickened out. Any suggestions.....what do I

do with a very picky eater?????



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Have you tried almond milk? it is delicious!

Even rice milk taste pretty good, but it isn't as nutritious.

Re: [ ] diet


I'm with you. I would love to take my son off of dairy since I think he has

malabsorption issues.(not as bad as when he was younger) but I simply

can't. My son drinks 1 gallon every other day...and I've tried the soys and

he will not have them. My son only eats about 5 things so I cannot take him

off it . I do buy Lactaid and that seems to be less troublesome than

'regular " milk.



l.com> To

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childrensapraxian m>

etgroups (DOT) co cc



[childrensapraxiane t] diet

09/21/2007 01:13


Please respond to


etgroups (DOT) co


We began the fish oil supplements about one month ago, and we've had

remarkable results! Now, I'd like to address the diet issues. My problem

with this is that my 2.5 year old id INCREDIBLY picky! I now realize that

we are also completely dependent on dairy. I took dairy away for about

three days (he seemed to have a better mood), but he wouldn't drink the

rice or soy milk (enriched with vitamin d and calcium). I'm so afraid of

vitamin deficiencies that I chickened out. Any suggestions. ....what do I

do with a very picky eater?????


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My son smells everything! So, if Almond Milk smells different than his

current milk, he is going to refuse. It is not a matter of how things

taste. My son has alot of food aversions of which I'm trying desparately to

cure. It is extremely difficult for him to try any new foods. He acts like

he's in pain while tasting. (And for all I know, he may very well be). I'm

scheduled to attend a Food Seminar for Children such as mine in a couple of

weeks. Hopefully, they'll enlighten me with what to do.

The drs don't care about this issue either. My son is in the high

percentile range for height and right in the middle for weight. He rarely

if ever gets sick and that's all they care about. The rest is " our " issue.



> To

Sent by:

childrensapraxian cc


m Subject

Re: [ ] diet

09/21/2007 10:14


Please respond to




Have you tried almond milk? it is delicious!

Even rice milk taste pretty good, but it isn't as nutritious.

Re: [ ] diet


I'm with you. I would love to take my son off of dairy since I think he has

malabsorption issues.(not as bad as when he was younger) but I simply

can't. My son drinks 1 gallon every other day...and I've tried the soys and

he will not have them. My son only eats about 5 things so I cannot take him

off it . I do buy Lactaid and that seems to be less troublesome than

'regular " milk.



l.com> To

Sent by: < @groups. co

childrensapraxian m>

etgroups (DOT) co cc



[childrensapraxiane t] diet

09/21/2007 01:13


Please respond to


etgroups (DOT) co


We began the fish oil supplements about one month ago, and we've had

remarkable results! Now, I'd like to address the diet issues. My problem

with this is that my 2.5 year old id INCREDIBLY picky! I now realize that

we are also completely dependent on dairy. I took dairy away for about

three days (he seemed to have a better mood), but he wouldn't drink the

rice or soy milk (enriched with vitamin d and calcium). I'm so afraid of

vitamin deficiencies that I chickened out. Any suggestions. ....what do I

do with a very picky eater?????


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

Gear up for Halo® 3 with free downloads and an exclusive offer. It’s our

way of saying thanks for using Windows Liveâ„¢.

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1/2 gallon of anything is not good. My kids ate 3 or 4 things before we

wenht GFCF. We only had one bad day. Self-limiting foods by the kid is a

sign of something going wrong, at least that is what we found with our

kids. Just a thought.

Honestly, if you took him off milk and replaced it with water would he

drink that until you addressed the rest of diet? Does he have to have milk?

myra.bauza@... wrote:


> ,

> I'm with you. I would love to take my son off of dairy since I think

> he has

> malabsorption issues.(not as bad as when he was younger) but I simply

> can't. My son drinks 1 gallon every other day...and I've tried the

> soys and

> he will not have them. My son only eats about 5 things so I cannot

> take him

> off it . I do buy Lactaid and that seems to be less troublesome than

> 'regular " milk.




> Hanagan

> <hanagan_8@hotmai

> l.com> To

> Sent by: < @...

> <mailto: %40groups.co>

> childrensapraxian m>

> et@... <mailto:et%40groups.co> cc

> m

> Subject

> [ ] diet

> 09/21/2007 01:13

> AM



> Please respond to

> childrensapraxian

> et@... <mailto:et%40groups.co>

> m







> We began the fish oil supplements about one month ago, and we've had

> remarkable results! Now, I'd like to address the diet issues. My problem

> with this is that my 2.5 year old id INCREDIBLY picky! I now realize that

> we are also completely dependent on dairy. I took dairy away for about

> three days (he seemed to have a better mood), but he wouldn't drink the

> rice or soy milk (enriched with vitamin d and calcium). I'm so afraid of

> vitamin deficiencies that I chickened out. Any suggestions.....what do I

> do with a very picky eater?????


> Thanks



> __________________________________________________________

> Gear up for Halo® 3 with free downloads and an exclusive offer. It’s our

> way of saying thanks for using Windows Liveâ„¢.

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Try to wein him off slowly and do try the Almond milk for most of the kids quite

enjoy it. Actually, it is the only other product that I can stand. Kids who

eat selectively like this tend to REALLY respond to the diet so it just might be

the ticket for your boy. If you don't buy the 'bad food' then he will

eventually eat the good food. Believe me, he won't let himself starve! I am

sure that Mark went through a really nasty withdrawal period when we drastically

changed his diet. It lasted for about a week and then everything was fine.

Since Mark is older, he was able to understand that changing his diet was

necessary to reducing his dyspraxia. Believe me, Mark and dyspraxia are bitter

enemies! He hates it and will do ANYTHING to rid himself of it.


[sPAM] Re: [ ] diet


I'm with you. I would love to take my son off of dairy since I think he has

malabsorption issues.(not as bad as when he was younger) but I simply

can't. My son drinks 1 gallon every other day...and I've tried the soys and

he will not have them. My son only eats about 5 things so I cannot take him

off it . I do buy Lactaid and that seems to be less troublesome than

'regular " milk.



l.com> To

Sent by: < @...

childrensapraxian m>

et@... cc



[ ] diet

09/21/2007 01:13


Please respond to




We began the fish oil supplements about one month ago, and we've had

remarkable results! Now, I'd like to address the diet issues. My problem

with this is that my 2.5 year old id INCREDIBLY picky! I now realize that

we are also completely dependent on dairy. I took dairy away for about

three days (he seemed to have a better mood), but he wouldn't drink the

rice or soy milk (enriched with vitamin d and calcium). I'm so afraid of

vitamin deficiencies that I chickened out. Any suggestions.....what do I

do with a very picky eater?????



Gear up for Halo® 3 with free downloads and an exclusive offer. It’s our

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If you want to take your son off of dairy and he drinks that much. I would start

weaning him down off of it. 1 gallon every other day is really too much. It is

probably why he only eats those things. By luck my daughter stopped drinking

milk when she was 17 mos because she gave up the bottle why on vacation. She was

a very picky eater and her appetite grew overnight. I kept with keeping her off

milk and she began to eat. I am sure you will see the same results. Just do it

slowly and stick with it....

myra.bauza@... wrote:


I'm with you. I would love to take my son off of dairy since I think he has

malabsorption issues.(not as bad as when he was younger) but I simply

can't. My son drinks 1 gallon every other day...and I've tried the soys and

he will not have them. My son only eats about 5 things so I cannot take him

off it . I do buy Lactaid and that seems to be less troublesome than

'regular " milk.



l.com> To

Sent by: < @...

childrensapraxian m>

et@... cc



[ ] diet

09/21/2007 01:13


Please respond to




We began the fish oil supplements about one month ago, and we've had

remarkable results! Now, I'd like to address the diet issues. My problem

with this is that my 2.5 year old id INCREDIBLY picky! I now realize that

we are also completely dependent on dairy. I took dairy away for about

three days (he seemed to have a better mood), but he wouldn't drink the

rice or soy milk (enriched with vitamin d and calcium). I'm so afraid of

vitamin deficiencies that I chickened out. Any suggestions.....what do I

do with a very picky eater?????



Gear up for Halo® 3 with free downloads and an exclusive offer. It’s our

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It sounds like your son has sensory integration issues going on with food. Some

OTs know how to treat this if you call around and ask. Also, picky eaters often

become less picky once the one food they are obsessing over is removed from the

diet. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but kids often obsess over foods that

are the most harmful for them. Once you remove that food, other problems are

often resolved. It's just the transition that can be a monster!

My 5 year old was a milk guzzler and a picky eater. It took him over a month,

but he will now drink almond milk and enjoys it, although he doesn't drink it

often. At first he would have nothing to do with any alternative milks because

he still remembered what the real stuff tasted like and he still craved it. Now

he doesn't miss dairy at all and is a much less picky eater. This type of

transition is very typical for kids who are milk lovers. Sometimes you just

have to be creative and hang tough.

Kim with 4 cuties

myra.bauza@... wrote:

My son smells everything! So, if Almond Milk smells different than his

current milk, he is going to refuse. It is not a matter of how things

taste. My son has alot of food aversions of which I'm trying desparately to

cure. It is extremely difficult for him to try any new foods. He acts like

he's in pain while tasting. (And for all I know, he may very well be). I'm

scheduled to attend a Food Seminar for Children such as mine in a couple of

weeks. Hopefully, they'll enlighten me with what to do.

The drs don't care about this issue either. My son is in the high

percentile range for height and right in the middle for weight. He rarely

if ever gets sick and that's all they care about. The rest is " our " issue.



> To

Sent by:

childrensapraxian cc


m Subject

Re: [ ] diet

09/21/2007 10:14


Please respond to




Have you tried almond milk? it is delicious!

Even rice milk taste pretty good, but it isn't as nutritious.

Re: [ ] diet


I'm with you. I would love to take my son off of dairy since I think he has

malabsorption issues.(not as bad as when he was younger) but I simply

can't. My son drinks 1 gallon every other day...and I've tried the soys and

he will not have them. My son only eats about 5 things so I cannot take him

off it . I do buy Lactaid and that seems to be less troublesome than

'regular " milk.



l.com> To

Sent by: < @groups. co

childrensapraxian m>

etgroups (DOT) co cc



[childrensapraxiane t] diet

09/21/2007 01:13


Please respond to


etgroups (DOT) co


We began the fish oil supplements about one month ago, and we've had

remarkable results! Now, I'd like to address the diet issues. My problem

with this is that my 2.5 year old id INCREDIBLY picky! I now realize that

we are also completely dependent on dairy. I took dairy away for about

three days (he seemed to have a better mood), but he wouldn't drink the

rice or soy milk (enriched with vitamin d and calcium). I'm so afraid of

vitamin deficiencies that I chickened out. Any suggestions. ....what do I

do with a very picky eater?????


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

Gear up for Halo® 3 with free downloads and an exclusive offer. It’s our

way of saying thanks for using Windows Liveâ„¢.

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Thanks for th advice. If it were simply up to me.....I would do this in a

heartbeat..but have a husband who gives into and a MIL who also gives into

him. I'm fighting a losing battle on all fronts. And they just don't

understand how harmful the milk can potentially be for him. Nothing is

easy. I am going to try the enzymes another lister Tracey tried and

succeeded with...


<kimonines (DOT)

com> To

Sent by:

childrensapraxian cc


m Subject

Re: [ ] diet

09/21/2007 01:12


Please respond to




It sounds like your son has sensory integration issues going on with food.

Some OTs know how to treat this if you call around and ask. Also, picky

eaters often become less picky once the one food they are obsessing over is

removed from the diet. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but kids often

obsess over foods that are the most harmful for them. Once you remove that

food, other problems are often resolved. It's just the transition that can

be a monster!

My 5 year old was a milk guzzler and a picky eater. It took him over a

month, but he will now drink almond milk and enjoys it, although he doesn't

drink it often. At first he would have nothing to do with any alternative

milks because he still remembered what the real stuff tasted like and he

still craved it. Now he doesn't miss dairy at all and is a much less picky

eater. This type of transition is very typical for kids who are milk

lovers. Sometimes you just have to be creative and hang tough.

Kim with 4 cuties

myra.bauza@... wrote:

My son smells everything! So, if Almond Milk smells different than his

current milk, he is going to refuse. It is not a matter of how things

taste. My son has alot of food aversions of which I'm trying desparately to

cure. It is extremely difficult for him to try any new foods. He acts like

he's in pain while tasting. (And for all I know, he may very well be). I'm

scheduled to attend a Food Seminar for Children such as mine in a couple of

weeks. Hopefully, they'll enlighten me with what to do.

The drs don't care about this issue either. My son is in the high

percentile range for height and right in the middle for weight. He rarely

if ever gets sick and that's all they care about. The rest is " our " issue.



> To

Sent by:

childrensapraxian cc


m Subject

Re: [ ] diet

09/21/2007 10:14


Please respond to




Have you tried almond milk? it is delicious!

Even rice milk taste pretty good, but it isn't as nutritious.

Re: [ ] diet


I'm with you. I would love to take my son off of dairy since I think he has

malabsorption issues.(not as bad as when he was younger) but I simply

can't. My son drinks 1 gallon every other day...and I've tried the soys and

he will not have them. My son only eats about 5 things so I cannot take him

off it . I do buy Lactaid and that seems to be less troublesome than

'regular " milk.



l.com> To

Sent by: < @groups. co

childrensapraxian m>

etgroups (DOT) co cc



[childrensapraxiane t] diet

09/21/2007 01:13


Please respond to


etgroups (DOT) co


We began the fish oil supplements about one month ago, and we've had

remarkable results! Now, I'd like to address the diet issues. My problem

with this is that my 2.5 year old id INCREDIBLY picky! I now realize that

we are also completely dependent on dairy. I took dairy away for about

three days (he seemed to have a better mood), but he wouldn't drink the

rice or soy milk (enriched with vitamin d and calcium). I'm so afraid of

vitamin deficiencies that I chickened out. Any suggestions. ....what do I

do with a very picky eater?????


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

Gear up for Halo® 3 with free downloads and an exclusive offer. It’s


way of saying thanks for using Windows Liveâ„¢.

http://gethalo3gear .com?ocid= SeptemberWLHalo3 _WLHMTxt_ 2

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Yes, he insists on MILK. He does drink water & juice on occasion (pretty

much when we are at a restaurant). I'm with you..I know that this amount of

milk is not good. I try to minimize it if I'm around him most of the time

but I do have a husband and a MIL who give into his every whim. They don't

understand how MILK (casein) can potentially be harming him or at least not

making him operate at his fullest potential.



.net> To

Sent by:

childrensapraxian cc


m Subject

Re: [ ] diet

09/21/2007 10:41


Please respond to




1/2 gallon of anything is not good. My kids ate 3 or 4 things before we

wenht GFCF. We only had one bad day. Self-limiting foods by the kid is a

sign of something going wrong, at least that is what we found with our

kids. Just a thought.

Honestly, if you took him off milk and replaced it with water would he

drink that until you addressed the rest of diet? Does he have to have milk?

myra.bauza@... wrote:


> ,

> I'm with you. I would love to take my son off of dairy since I think

> he has

> malabsorption issues.(not as bad as when he was younger) but I simply

> can't. My son drinks 1 gallon every other day...and I've tried the

> soys and

> he will not have them. My son only eats about 5 things so I cannot

> take him

> off it . I do buy Lactaid and that seems to be less troublesome than

> 'regular " milk.




> Hanagan

> <hanagan_8@hotmai

> l.com> To

> Sent by: < @...

> <mailto: %40groups.co>

> childrensapraxian m>

> et@... <mailto:et%40groups.co> cc

> m

> Subject

> [ ] diet

> 09/21/2007 01:13

> AM



> Please respond to

> childrensapraxian

> et@... <mailto:et%40groups.co>

> m







> We began the fish oil supplements about one month ago, and we've had

> remarkable results! Now, I'd like to address the diet issues. My problem

> with this is that my 2.5 year old id INCREDIBLY picky! I now realize that

> we are also completely dependent on dairy. I took dairy away for about

> three days (he seemed to have a better mood), but he wouldn't drink the

> rice or soy milk (enriched with vitamin d and calcium). I'm so afraid of

> vitamin deficiencies that I chickened out. Any suggestions.....what do I

> do with a very picky eater?????


> Thanks



> __________________________________________________________

> Gear up for Halo® 3 with free downloads and an exclusive offer. It’s our

> way of saying thanks for using Windows Liveâ„¢.

> http://gethalo3gear.com?ocid=SeptemberWLHalo3_WLHMTxt_2

> <http://gethalo3gear.com?ocid=SeptemberWLHalo3_WLHMTxt_2>



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Thanks. That's my goal. I have been slowly minimizing his intake. Just the

other morning he threw a crying fit because he wanted a second helping of

milk before school and I refused! He's a total milk junkie!



oo.com> To

Sent by:

childrensapraxian cc


m Subject

Re: [ ] diet

09/21/2007 12:54


Please respond to




If you want to take your son off of dairy and he drinks that much. I would

start weaning him down off of it. 1 gallon every other day is really too

much. It is probably why he only eats those things. By luck my daughter

stopped drinking milk when she was 17 mos because she gave up the bottle

why on vacation. She was a very picky eater and her appetite grew

overnight. I kept with keeping her off milk and she began to eat. I am sure

you will see the same results. Just do it slowly and stick with it....

myra.bauza@... wrote:


I'm with you. I would love to take my son off of dairy since I think he has

malabsorption issues.(not as bad as when he was younger) but I simply

can't. My son drinks 1 gallon every other day...and I've tried the soys and

he will not have them. My son only eats about 5 things so I cannot take him

off it . I do buy Lactaid and that seems to be less troublesome than

'regular " milk.



l.com> To

Sent by: < @...

childrensapraxian m>

et@... cc



[ ] diet

09/21/2007 01:13


Please respond to




We began the fish oil supplements about one month ago, and we've had

remarkable results! Now, I'd like to address the diet issues. My problem

with this is that my 2.5 year old id INCREDIBLY picky! I now realize that

we are also completely dependent on dairy. I took dairy away for about

three days (he seemed to have a better mood), but he wouldn't drink the

rice or soy milk (enriched with vitamin d and calcium). I'm so afraid of

vitamin deficiencies that I chickened out. Any suggestions.....what do I

do with a very picky eater?????



Gear up for Halo® 3 with free downloads and an exclusive offer. It’s


way of saying thanks for using Windows Liveâ„¢.


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Thanks, Janice. I do understand it.

" Janice "


.com> To

Sent by: < @...

childrensapraxian m>

et@... cc



Re: [ ] diet

09/21/2007 03:14


Please respond to




Here's the thing about milk.... they call it the casio-morphine effect

(spelling?) or if gluten is your problem, the gluta-morphine effect. Some

call it the opoid effect.

These substances are very close in make-up to morphine. I think it is

something like one or two molecules away.... very similiar at least.

For our kids who are diet responders, we might as well be loading them up

on morphine as it produces the same results. This includes the ADDICTION

aspect. Thus, your child wants milk because it takes him away to 'LA-LA

land' and makes him feel good. Thus, when he doesn't get it, he does feel

some measure of withdrawal. Withdrawal can be a little nasty to go through

(nothing like the real morphine however) but once it is done, the child

really is happier and healthier and more able-bodied.

Now we all have 'feel-good' foods that we enjoy. For me, it is macaroni and

cheese. Gee, guess I like casien and gluten too! But, it simply does not

affect me to such an extent neurologically. For my son, casien messes with

his senses to the level of about 5,000 times what it does for me. No wonder

he never developed properly; the child was chronicly stoned. How on earth

can a person develop neurologically if they never have their true,

god-given wits about them? They are simply walking around in a semi-drug

induced haze.

Is this forever? I have heard stories where the diet can be eliminated at

some point but we certainly are not there yet. My child can tolerate quite

a bit of gluten along with high quality enzymes without issue. But if I

forget to give him enzymes for a few days, he begins to regress once more.

He cannot tolerate milk even with enzymes.

So.... every child is indeed individual and some are able to eventually

leave the diet once the gut is healed and the yeast issues are resolved and

just use dietary enzymes to control the sensitivity in the stomach. But if

your child was a diabetic, you wouldn't give them just a little sugar; you

would completely remove it from their choices of foods. It is the same way

for us and casien.


[sPAM] Re: [ ] diet

If you want to take your son off of dairy and he drinks that much. I would

start weaning him down off of it. 1 gallon every other day is really too

much. It is probably why he only eats those things. By luck my daughter

stopped drinking milk when she was 17 mos because she gave up the bottle

why on vacation. She was a very picky eater and her appetite grew

overnight. I kept with keeping her off milk and she began to eat. I am sure

you will see the same results. Just do it slowly and stick with it....

myra.bauza@... wrote:


I'm with you. I would love to take my son off of dairy since I think he has

malabsorption issues.(not as bad as when he was younger) but I simply

can't. My son drinks 1 gallon every other day...and I've tried the soys and

he will not have them. My son only eats about 5 things so I cannot take him

off it . I do buy Lactaid and that seems to be less troublesome than

'regular " milk.



l.com> To

Sent by: < @...

childrensapraxian m>

et@... cc



[ ] diet

09/21/2007 01:13


Please respond to




We began the fish oil supplements about one month ago, and we've had

remarkable results! Now, I'd like to address the diet issues. My problem

with this is that my 2.5 year old id INCREDIBLY picky! I now realize that

we are also completely dependent on dairy. I took dairy away for about

three days (he seemed to have a better mood), but he wouldn't drink the

rice or soy milk (enriched with vitamin d and calcium). I'm so afraid of

vitamin deficiencies that I chickened out. Any suggestions.....what do I

do with a very picky eater?????



Gear up for Halo® 3 with free downloads and an exclusive offer. Itâ?Ts our

way of saying thanks for using Windows Liveâ " ¢.


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Good Mommy. As for husband and MIL you have to give it to them straight.

In his little body from what your are seeing milk may very well be a

street drug for him. The only way to know one way or the other is

elimination and observation. You simply cannot do that with people who

love him serving as his dealer.

myra.bauza@... wrote:


> Yes, he insists on MILK. He does drink water & juice on occasion (pretty

> much when we are at a restaurant). I'm with you..I know that this

> amount of

> milk is not good. I try to minimize it if I'm around him most of the time

> but I do have a husband and a MIL who give into his every whim. They

> don't

> understand how MILK (casein) can potentially be harming him or at

> least not

> making him operate at his fullest potential.




> Liz

> <lizlaw@optonline

> .net> To

> Sent by:

> <mailto: %40>

> childrensapraxian cc

> et@... <mailto:et%40groups.co>

> m Subject

> Re: [ ] diet


> 09/21/2007 10:41

> AM



> Please respond to

> childrensapraxian

> et@... <mailto:et%40groups.co>

> m







> 1/2 gallon of anything is not good. My kids ate 3 or 4 things before we

> wenht GFCF. We only had one bad day. Self-limiting foods by the kid is a

> sign of something going wrong, at least that is what we found with our

> kids. Just a thought.


> Honestly, if you took him off milk and replaced it with water would he

> drink that until you addressed the rest of diet? Does he have to have

> milk?


> myra.bauza@... <mailto:myra.bauza%40chase.com> wrote:


> >

> > ,

> > I'm with you. I would love to take my son off of dairy since I think

> > he has

> > malabsorption issues.(not as bad as when he was younger) but I simply

> > can't. My son drinks 1 gallon every other day...and I've tried the

> > soys and

> > he will not have them. My son only eats about 5 things so I cannot

> > take him

> > off it . I do buy Lactaid and that seems to be less troublesome than

> > 'regular " milk.

> >

> >

> >

> > Hanagan

> > <hanagan_8@hotmai

> > l.com> To

> > Sent by: < @...

> <mailto: %40groups.co>

> > <mailto: %40groups.co>

> > childrensapraxian m>

> > et@... <mailto:et%40groups.co>

> <mailto:et%40groups.co> cc

> > m

> > Subject

> > [ ] diet

> > 09/21/2007 01:13

> > AM

> >

> >

> > Please respond to

> > childrensapraxian

> > et@... <mailto:et%40groups.co>

> <mailto:et%40groups.co>

> > m

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > We began the fish oil supplements about one month ago, and we've had

> > remarkable results! Now, I'd like to address the diet issues. My

> problem

> > with this is that my 2.5 year old id INCREDIBLY picky! I now realize

> that

> > we are also completely dependent on dairy. I took dairy away for about

> > three days (he seemed to have a better mood), but he wouldn't drink the

> > rice or soy milk (enriched with vitamin d and calcium). I'm so

> afraid of

> > vitamin deficiencies that I chickened out. Any suggestions.....what

> do I

> > do with a very picky eater?????

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________________

> > Gear up for Halo® 3 with free downloads and an exclusive offer. It’s

> our

> > way of saying thanks for using Windows Liveâ„¢.

> > http://gethalo3gear.com?ocid=SeptemberWLHalo3_WLHMTxt_2

> <http://gethalo3gear.com?ocid=SeptemberWLHalo3_WLHMTxt_2>

> > <http://gethalo3gear.com?ocid=SeptemberWLHalo3_WLHMTxt_2

> <http://gethalo3gear.com?ocid=SeptemberWLHalo3_WLHMTxt_2>>

> >

> >

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