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> This is . I'm following the diet as closely as I can right now,

> and I have seen improvement, along with the coconut oil and some

> garlic and pau'darco tea. However, it is difficult for me to follow it

> completely as I am vegetarian, so no eggs or chicken, etc. and I've

> had a swallowing problem, so I can't eat normally either, along with

> acid reflux. Any menu suggestions for vegetarians?

Hi . Unfortunately the human body cannot to be healthy eating

vegetarian, since according to nature we are omnivores (eat both meats

and plants) and our bodies require the oil, fats, and proteins found

only in meats and eggs. In fact B12 can only be obtained from them -

see this article:


We've had many members who have added meats and eggs because it was

more important to them to be healthy. See this article about

vegetarianism and how damaging it is:


You can search our message archives for messages and discussions on

this - the Search is above Messages on the Group's Website.

The best to you, Bee

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  • 2 months later...

My son is one of those that craves gluten. I have tried lots of gluten free

products and I just restrict how often he can have his preferred items, it has

been a long road of trying different things, I think being on the autism

spectrum with apraxia makes him even a more picky eater. I really have tried, so

I do the best that I can on that, but here is my question regarding the

dairy. My son ate two ice cream cones at Grandpa's and he didnt have the soy


cream and my son's butt is bright red, the same type looking rash that when

we took him to the pediatrician they said it was yeast related. I have a call

into our Dr about getting an anti fungal started, but do gluten and caesin

always go together? Also, when gluten free mixes include a packet of yeast,

isnt that adding to the problem? Jen

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Hi Jen,

Okay.... this is what I 'know' so far!

Somehow with our little diet responders, the gut lining becomes permeable and

particles of food enter the body, this sets off a histimine reaction as the

immune system kicks in and recognizes the particles as 'foe' to the system.

Over time, the foods that you eat most often are the ones that start to enter

the body and so become sources of reaction. The polysaccharide carbohydrates

are the foods that are most likely to do this. Milk, soybean, starches just as

gluten, corn and even rice are the nasty offenders. The more you eat them, the

more likely you are to become sensitive to them if you have an injured gut

lining. So.... this is the food sensitivity aspect of all of this.

But along with the food particles entering the system, so does bad bacteria,

yeast and sometimes even parasites. These 'nasties' will often cause really

stimmy and ASD behaviour in our children. I believe that McCarthy did a

lot of wonders with her son just by treating yeast along with diet and supps.

These pathogens are further fed by sugars and any starchy carbohydrates that the

individuals are eating and they grow, multiply and overwhelm the immune system.

This is why so many individuals have found such profound success using the

Specific Carbohydrate Diet to get control of this issue. (SCD Diet, see


With Mark, I got really serious about this issue this past June and it has paid

wonderful dividends! We did a combonation of an anti-yeast diet and the SCD

diet, eliminated all sugars and only used honey. Honey is a monosaccharide and

thus is absorbed into the gut lining without passing through. It was tough at

first but we did pretty good after a while and now we are all used to it. We

used anti-fungals to get control of the yeast, used Physicians Strength Wild Oil

of Oregano to get rid of the bacteria and we worked extremely hard to repair the

gut lining.

What I discovered is that you must remove ALL foods that your son has shown a

sensitivity to in order for this to be successful. The problem I had was in

determining which foods he was sensitive too! It was an overwhelming mystery.

Finally I took Mark to get Electro Dermal Screening aka Biomeridian Scan which

cost me about $100. Colleen does this with little Charlie as well and we both

swear by it! So... this helped me to determine which foods were problematic.

If you don't remove the sensitive foods, that gut will NOT heal. You need the

gut to be good and healed before reintroducing 'bad' foods. We also now eat

'limited' amounts of rice and potatoes but I had to clear the body of the yeast

overgrowth first.

Then I attacked all of the pathogens at once with the prescription meds and the

herbals while keeping the diet clear of all yeastfeeders. In October we went

back to get an Electro dermal screening and Mark had lost his gluten sensitivity

so we have been able to add it back into his diet successfully without issue.

We now take low dose oral antigen drops for the soybean and the dairy

sensitivity. We still don't eat ice-cream but we can eat hard cheeses without


Another godsend for us which helps to heal the gut are digestive enzymes. They

really help with the small infractions and I suspect will eventually enable Mark

to have 'large' infractions ie. milk without having a reaction. Huston

Neutraceuticals make some wonderful enzymes for our kids and they work really

well to help heal the tummy. We always have enzymes with ALL of our food and I

believe that they have helped Mark's healing in a substantive way.

You may want to consider getting a DAN doctor to guide you with this. It is so

much easier then doing it alone and not nearly as costly as you might think. It

helps to have a knowledgeable partner when you're trying to heal that tummy

since it can be very confusing and overwhelming.

But.... we have had wonderful results! No more brain fog or ADD type

behaviours. We still have to do therapy to catch up on some areas but at least

my son is always 'present' and clear thinking now.

One of the books that I read that really helped me to understand all of this and

which helped me to get a good plan going was " Allergies: Disease in Disguise :

How to Heal Your Allergic Condition Permanently and Naturally " by Carolee

Bateson-Koch. This book really made some inroads to my understanding of all of

this and along with my doctor, I followed this book and it has worked extremely

well to get rid of these pesky food sensitivities and their related neurological

effects. It was very helpful to me.

This stuff is 'extremely' overwhelming at first! But once you see what is

happening with your child.... something inside you begins to get extremely

committed. Once you find a plan that works for you..... you charge forth and

really begin to see improvements! They don't take long in coming either. The

body has this amazing ability to heal.

I don't know if Mark will ever tolerate milk, sour cream or ice-cream. I don't

think he cares anymore. He feels so ill after eating ice-cream that he's scared

of it now and will gladly replace it with a popsicle!

Good luck and all my very best to you on this journey. It isn't an easy

one..... esp. with all of the other problems we moms have with school system

issues, therapy issues, etc. but when you see your child healing, it is the BEST

thing in the whole wide world. You are on the right track, keep moving forward.


Mother of Mark, 13

PS. We like Almond milk over Rice Milk but Mark is older and can absolutely

tolerate almonds.... of course, almonds are not really a nut, they are actually

a seed. Buy the unsweetened version of Almond Breeze and give it a try. I find

it quite yummy.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, Meghan.

Have you considered buying all new underwear? During my cloth diaper days a

lot of moms reported that they had to sanitize all their diapers after the

baby would go through a round of yeast infection, otherwise they just keep

coming back. You can try adding natural antifungals in the sink to soak them

like grapefruit seed extract, tea tree oil, add a bit of vinegar to make the

water acidic. Then wash on very hot, and dry on hot. This should kill the

yeast. You can even boil them, but I don't think it's good for elastic.

Otherwise you might be looking at immune deficiency. Has your doctor done a

CBC to check your neutrophils count? Neutrophils is responsible for killing

yeast overgrowth. If you have yeast below, then you could have yeast in the

gut also.

Also make sure your partner, if you have one, is free of yeast in the mouth,

etc (sorry TMI).

Eat lots of yogurt and kefir or take probiotics if not already.

I'm experimenting with natural antifungals myself, and I don't have the guts

to shove a piece of garlic up there, but I add 1 drop of GSE to a bit of

lubricant and insert it a few times a day. This seems to work well. I have

Nutribiotics GSE in liquid form.

Or you can try taking something like Candex - it has directions on how to

get rid of yeast infections. It contains enzymes that eat yeast cell walls.

It works in the gut too, obviously.


You should be able to find them at Vitamin Shoppe, GNC, vitacost.com,

iherb.com, etc. They need to be taken on an empty stomach, so it's hard for

me to take since I can't get myself go hungry due to blood sugar issues.

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 5:22 PM, megbmw <megbmw@...> wrote:

> I have been suffering from yeast infection for 2.5 yrs now. My doctor

> had not been able to help. I have tried every pill and cream he

> perscribed to me. I went off birthcontrol pill and they went away for

> 3 months and now they are back. Has anyone had success with diet or

> natural cures? Please let me know. I'm not sure I can stand this too

> much longer.


> Meghan


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I forgot to add a few things:

Make sure to wear cotton underwear for breathability. Don't wear one to bed.

You could be allergic to fabric in your underwear (I think that's the case

with me). This can apparently cause yeast problems - I don't know why.

pH is off - there's something called reHresh that corrects your vaginal pH.

I just saw it at Walmart. You might want to look into your overall body pH

using pHion test strips.

Google frequent yeast infection - lots of good info.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 1:40 PM, McCartney


> Hi, Meghan.


> Have you considered buying all new underwear? During my cloth diaper days a

> lot of moms reported that they had to sanitize all their diapers after the

> baby would go through a round of yeast infection, otherwise they just keep

> coming back. You can try adding natural antifungals in the sink to soak them

> like grapefruit seed extract, tea tree oil, add a bit of vinegar to make the

> water acidic. Then wash on very hot, and dry on hot. This should kill the

> yeast. You can even boil them, but I don't think it's good for elastic.


> Otherwise you might be looking at immune deficiency. Has your doctor done a

> CBC to check your neutrophils count? Neutrophils is responsible for killing

> yeast overgrowth. If you have yeast below, then you could have yeast in the

> gut also.


> Also make sure your partner, if you have one, is free of yeast in the

> mouth, etc (sorry TMI).


> Eat lots of yogurt and kefir or take probiotics if not already.


> I'm experimenting with natural antifungals myself, and I don't have the

> guts to shove a piece of garlic up there, but I add 1 drop of GSE to a bit

> of lubricant and insert it a few times a day. This seems to work well. I

> have Nutribiotics GSE in liquid form.


> Or you can try taking something like Candex - it has directions on how to

> get rid of yeast infections. It contains enzymes that eat yeast cell walls.

> It works in the gut too, obviously.


> http://www.pureessencelabs.com/candex.html


> You should be able to find them at Vitamin Shoppe, GNC, vitacost.com,

> iherb.com, etc. They need to be taken on an empty stomach, so it's hard

> for me to take since I can't get myself go hungry due to blood sugar issues.




> On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 5:22 PM, megbmw <megbmw@...> wrote:


>> I have been suffering from yeast infection for 2.5 yrs now. My doctor

>> had not been able to help. I have tried every pill and cream he

>> perscribed to me. I went off birthcontrol pill and they went away for

>> 3 months and now they are back. Has anyone had success with diet or

>> natural cures? Please let me know. I'm not sure I can stand this too

>> much longer.


>> Meghan




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, this struck me. My neutrophils and lymphocytes have been

reversed for years (I think the white cells are low). Doctors always

ask me if I had a virus when the tests were done and I say no, then

they change the subject. (I haven't talked to my good doctor about

it yet). I have CFS and candida, had Lyme. Do you know of a way to

get the white cells up? Is fish oil a way? I take some supplements

including whey protein but nothing seems to make much difference (D

and iron have helped as I tested low in those and now those levels

are normal). Thanks


> Otherwise you might be looking at immune deficiency. Has your

doctor done a

> CBC to check your neutrophils count? Neutrophils is responsible

for killing

> yeast overgrowth. If you have yeast below, then you could have

yeast in the

> gut also.



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Hi, Vicky.

This file is in frequent-dose-chelation group. I think it'll be OK for

me to post it here since the copyright info is in there... It's related to

how a chelating agent DMSA lowers neutrophils, but it's about what you can

take. I think Neutrophil Plus has been discussed a lot in the past with good

results. You can go to www.onibasu.com and search the archives on

autism treatment and frequent-dose-chelation if you'd like to read

testimonials, etc.

Neutrophils, yeast and DMSA

copyright 2002 Hall Cutler

Many people have reported yeast flare ups with DMSA.

DMSA is known to lower neutrophil numbers. Neutrophils are in charge of


off extra yeast. Mercury is known to inhibit some of the specific chemistry

neutrophils use to kill yeast.

Here are some things that help with neutrophils in case people want to try


Arginine increases neutrophil production of NO, which neutrophils use to


yeast. If you give too much arginine without lysine then you may increase

susceptibility to certain viral infections. Adding some lysine fixes this.

Taurine increases neutrophil ability to withstand their own OCl- (bleach)


they also use to kill yeast.

The product " neutrophil plus " by Biotics increases neutrophil number. It is


glandular extract. Biotics sells to licensed health care practitioners


Lithium increases neutrophil numbers. Lithium orotate is available from


Research Products over the counter, or lithium carbonate is Rx as Eskalith.

These are typically used for manic depressive disorder but may also benefit

people with abnormal brain electrical activity.

Ornithine alpha ketoglutarate increases neutrophil numbers.

Neutrophils need lots of zinc, which of course is always a problem for


poisoned people.

Goldenseal and other berberine containing materials may increase neutrophil

number or activity.

DMG greatly increases antibody production and lymphocyte function. It is not

clear if it also stimulates neutrophils.

Cimetidine (Tagamet) the anti-stomach acid H2 blocker may increase


number or function. It also generally increases immune system reactivity.

DMG and cimetidine may make allergic people MORE allergically


Other over the counter anti-yeast things are:

Caprylic acid which is also in most liquid MCT supplements as the


and is also in coconut oil in substantial amount,

Aloe Vera gel,


Garlic (which is sulfury),

Grapefruit Seed Extract (which also slows down phase 1 a LOT),

and oregano oil (which is icky for people with slow phase 1).

Biotin may also help control yeast and is very helpful for those with


regulating blood sugar, or elevated pyruvate, or trouble metabolizing


amino acids,

probiotics help supply " healthy " organisms to compete with the yeast and

push it


FOS (fructooligosacccarides) feed the " healthy " organisms,

and there are of course the Rx antifungals.

Hopefully this list gives people enough things to try that they can find one


two that are practical for them.

Andy . . . . . .

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 1:57 PM, multitoed <whimwham@...> wrote:

> , this struck me. My neutrophils and lymphocytes have been

> reversed for years (I think the white cells are low). Doctors always

> ask me if I had a virus when the tests were done and I say no, then

> they change the subject. (I haven't talked to my good doctor about

> it yet). I have CFS and candida, had Lyme. Do you know of a way to

> get the white cells up? Is fish oil a way? I take some supplements

> including whey protein but nothing seems to make much difference (D

> and iron have helped as I tested low in those and now those levels

> are normal). Thanks



> Vicky


> > Otherwise you might be looking at immune deficiency. Has your

> doctor done a

> > CBC to check your neutrophils count? Neutrophils is responsible

> for killing

> > yeast overgrowth. If you have yeast below, then you could have

> yeast in the

> > gut also.

> >


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You may have adrenal fatigue like me. Now I even think it was the

major reason for immune deficiency together with vitamin D

deficiency. 25 years ago I have severe fatique after the birth of my

son probably adrenal fatique or CFS or thyroid problem. I lost a

half of my hear and I was so weak and cold that i wasn`t able to

take care of my son. I also had very strong and long lasting stress

about 10 years ago due to financial crisis and still have many other

reasons to worry and to be anxious.

I didn`t pay much attention to my anxiety and fatigue last two yesrs

bc I red that candida cause that.But now I change my opinion.

I think candida and H Pylori come up as a result of all this

stresses and intake of synthetic hormones and antibitotics.Probably

even acid reflux is from that too. You can see article here



> , this struck me. My neutrophils and lymphocytes have been

> reversed for years (I think the white cells are low). Doctors


> ask me if I had a virus when the tests were done and I say no,


> they change the subject. (I haven't talked to my good doctor about

> it yet). I have CFS and candida, had Lyme. Do you know of a way to

> get the white cells up? Is fish oil a way? I take some supplements

> including whey protein but nothing seems to make much difference


> and iron have helped as I tested low in those and now those levels

> are normal). Thanks



> Vicky


> > Otherwise you might be looking at immune deficiency. Has your

> doctor done a

> > CBC to check your neutrophils count? Neutrophils is responsible

> for killing

> > yeast overgrowth. If you have yeast below, then you could have

> yeast in the

> > gut also.

> >

> >


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Thank you , I will look into all this.



> Hi, Vicky.


> This file is in frequent-dose-chelation group. I think it'll

be OK for

> me to post it here since the copyright info is in there... It's

related to


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi there,

I have a little tidbit based on some of my experience

here, it may be right or wrong but it is what I have

experienced nonetheless...I didn't really start really

tweeking the diet until after the antifungal because

my daughter's stools got so much better (normal

really) and then all of a sudden, her allergies flared

up and they went bad again!

My advice to you is to avoid the known allergens (go

GF/CF/stay away from nuts and sugar, too) and once

your boy is through the antifungal then you can start

tweeking the diet (if its even necessary) Some kids

have great poops forever after the antifungal. But

me, I got one of the more challenging kiddos (Kathy

on said to me) and my daughter is having other

issues now.

If your boy has a yeast overgrowth that could

definitely be causing the bloating. And if after that

he still has problems eliminate any food you could be

suspecting an issue. Unfortunately that seems to be

the only way because our kids can have an allergy to

something and it won't show up on tests.

I understand it is so hard to keep foods away and

leave them out in yet another way from their peers and

family. But its worth it in the long run if we can

get our kids better! The diet is imporant for keeping

their immune systems in check...

Hope I helped you and didn't confuse you.

--- nm042 <sd042@...> wrote:

> I am pretty new to --We were more on the DAN

> porotocol previous to this. I was thinking about

> doing the SCD with my child due to continued

> intermittent stomach distention which seems to now

> be occuring after complex carbs(potatoes-rice

> pasta). We are df/gf/cf/and mainly s/f. From what

> I understand Dr.goldberg is not in love with nuts,

> which the SCD diet is highly composed of once you

> get past the inital stage. I have recently started

> with Dr. , he is aware of our present diet,

> but we never really got into the do's and don'ts as

> far as diet with . I have been giving rice milk

> and almond milk for years. Now I am reading that

> this is alos a nono. We have tried Vances potatoe

> milk , but that did not agree with him(however that

> was along time ago). I would think this drink would

> take alot of digesting. Does anyone have any advice

> for me. I have even tried to look at some of the

> more processed breads(cheap white bread) and it has

> soy in addition to the wheat, so I am concerned that

> I would not know what is making his belly sick with

> these two things in it. I have doing this diet for

> years, we are definitely not were we should be. We

> just started the anitfungals, so I want him to get

> used to these, but I know I need to start tweeking

> things after that. I feel really bad for him. We

> try so hard to treat him like a normal kid, but the

> stomach issues take a huge part of that away. He is

> really starting to ask for normal things like pizza.

> dunkin donuts, rita's water ice, etc. He always

> aske why he cannot have it. He knows his belly gets

> distended, but what kid really ares about that. He

> just wants the food. Any advice would be woderful.

> On a good note, we had a history of pale stools, we

> had not seen them almost in a long while. A little

> green at times, but at least here is some color.



May the Lord bless you and keep you!

Visit my blog :)


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

I also looked into the SCD diet before starting last fall.  I really had a

hard time transitioning into thinking more about the diet making sense for

my son.  I was more of the mindset of keeping the yeast down in different ways. 

I do know my son still responds negativley to sugar, but also can see how his

immune response fires up from foods is just as bad for him. 

After reading the rationale behind the diet, it really makes sense to me.

It  did take me a bit of reading about it and also being open minded into a

reasoning for a diet.  I can really see how complex foods and whole grains are

alot for the body to digest and also deal with for the immune system.

I know an adult with immune system problems and food allergies and she cannot

really tolerate whole grains and also said they made her feel bloated and

gassy.  This also includes the healthy ones like millet bread- which is even one

of the most easily digested whole grains.  She also cannot tolerate nuts and are

hard to digest. 

Maybe some others have ideas for treats that can be used for your son when he

wants things he cant have, this helps a bit with my son.  We also try to focus

on doing fun things alot that are treats too.


From: nm042 <sd042@...>

Subject: Diet

Date: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 10:23 PM

I am pretty new to --We were more on the DAN porotocol previous to this. I

was thinking about doing the SCD with my child due to continued intermittent

stomach distention which seems to now be occuring after complex carbs(potatoes-

rice pasta). We are df/gf/cf/and mainly s/f. From what I understand Dr.goldberg

is not in love with nuts, which the SCD diet is highly composed of once you get

past the inital stage. I have recently started with Dr. , he is aware of

our present diet, but we never really got into the do's and don'ts as far as

diet with . I have been giving rice milk and almond milk for years. Now I am

reading that this is alos a nono. We have tried Vances potatoe milk , but that

did not agree with him(however that was along time ago). I would think this

drink would take alot of digesting. Does anyone have any advice for me. I have

even tried to look at some of the more processed breads(cheap white bread) and

it has soy in

addition to the wheat, so I am concerned that I would not know what is making

his belly sick with these two things in it. I have doing this diet for years, we

are definitely not were we should be. We just started the anitfungals, so I want

him to get used to these, but I know I need to start tweeking things after that.

I feel really bad for him. We try so hard to treat him like a normal kid, but

the stomach issues take a huge part of that away. He is really starting to ask

for normal things like pizza. dunkin donuts, rita's water ice, etc. He always

aske why he cannot have it. He knows his belly gets distended, but what kid

really ares about that. He just wants the food. Any advice would be woderful. On

a good note, we had a history of pale stools, we had not seen them almost in a

long while. A little green at times, but at least here is some color.

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Guest guest

Hi Angie,

How about Rice Krispy treats once in a while? just cut them very small.

On Mar 23, 2009, at 6:34 PM, angie huiz wrote:

> I also looked into the SCD diet before starting last fall. I

> really had a hard time transitioning into thinking more about the

> diet making sense for my son. I was more of the mindset of

> keeping the yeast down in different ways. I do know my son still

> responds negativley to sugar, but also can see how his immune

> response fires up from foods is just as bad for him.

> After reading the rationale behind the diet, it really makes

> sense to me. It did take me a bit of reading about it and also

> being open minded into a reasoning for a diet. I can really see how

> complex foods and whole grains are alot for the body to digest and

> also deal with for the immune system.

> I know an adult with immune system problems and food allergies and

> she cannot really tolerate whole grains and also said they made her

> feel bloated and gassy. This also includes the healthy ones like

> millet bread- which is even one of the most easily digested whole

> grains. She also cannot tolerate nuts and are hard to digest.

> Maybe some others have ideas for treats that can be used for your

> son when he wants things he cant have, this helps a bit with my

> son. We also try to focus on doing fun things alot that are treats

> too.

> Angie




> From: nm042 <sd042@...>

> Subject: Diet


> Date: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 10:23 PM


> I am pretty new to --We were more on the DAN porotocol previous

> to this. I was thinking about doing the SCD with my child due to

> continued intermittent stomach distention which seems to now be

> occuring after complex carbs(potatoes- rice pasta). We are df/gf/cf/

> and mainly s/f. From what I understand Dr.goldberg is not in love

> with nuts, which the SCD diet is highly composed of once you get

> past the inital stage. I have recently started with Dr. , he

> is aware of our present diet, but we never really got into the do's

> and don'ts as far as diet with . I have been giving rice milk

> and almond milk for years. Now I am reading that this is alos a

> nono. We have tried Vances potatoe milk , but that did not agree

> with him(however that was along time ago). I would think this drink

> would take alot of digesting. Does anyone have any advice for me. I

> have even tried to look at some of the more processed breads(cheap

> white bread) and it has soy in

> addition to the wheat, so I am concerned that I would not know what

> is making his belly sick with these two things in it. I have doing

> this diet for years, we are definitely not were we should be. We

> just started the anitfungals, so I want him to get used to these,

> but I know I need to start tweeking things after that. I feel really

> bad for him. We try so hard to treat him like a normal kid, but the

> stomach issues take a huge part of that away. He is really starting

> to ask for normal things like pizza. dunkin donuts, rita's water

> ice, etc. He always aske why he cannot have it. He knows his belly

> gets distended, but what kid really ares about that. He just wants

> the food. Any advice would be woderful. On a good note, we had a

> history of pale stools, we had not seen them almost in a long while.

> A little green at times, but at least here is some color.



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Guest guest

Thanks, did not know marshmellows were ok,


> From: nm042 <sd042verizon (DOT) net>

> Subject: Diet

> groups (DOT) com

> Date: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 10:23 PM


> I am pretty new to --We were more on the DAN porotocol previous

> to this. I was thinking about doing the SCD with my child due to

> continued intermittent stomach distention which seems to now be

> occuring after complex carbs(potatoes- rice pasta). We are df/gf/cf/

> and mainly s/f. From what I understand Dr.goldberg is not in love

> with nuts, which the SCD diet is highly composed of once you get

> past the inital stage. I have recently started with Dr. , he

> is aware of our present diet, but we never really got into the do's

> and don'ts as far as diet with . I have been giving rice milk

> and almond milk for years. Now I am reading that this is alos a

> nono. We have tried Vances potatoe milk , but that did not agree

> with him(however that was along time ago). I would think this drink

> would take alot of digesting. Does anyone have any advice for me. I

> have even tried to look at some of the more processed breads(cheap

> white bread) and it has soy in

> addition to the wheat, so I am concerned that I would not know what

> is making his belly sick with these two things in it. I have doing

> this diet for years, we are definitely not were we should be. We

> just started the anitfungals, so I want him to get used to these,

> but I know I need to start tweeking things after that. I feel really

> bad for him. We try so hard to treat him like a normal kid, but the

> stomach issues take a huge part of that away. He is really starting

> to ask for normal things like pizza. dunkin donuts, rita's water

> ice, etc. He always aske why he cannot have it. He knows his belly

> gets distended, but what kid really ares about that. He just wants

> the food. Any advice would be woderful. On a good note, we had a

> history of pale stools, we had not seen them almost in a long while.

> A little green at times, but at least here is some color.



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When I make Rice Krispy treats, I use canola oil instead of margarine (we

have a soy problem at our house). The treats turn out a little drier but

they¹re still good! I do the same thing with other cookie recipes. So far

so good.

Caroline G.

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Welcome to our group! Is your name Lee? We like people to use their first

names here so we can identify who is who.

The diet we are all following is Bee's program. Please read these articles so

you know how to treat your candida and how to incorporate this program into your


How to Successfully Overcome Candida:


Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


I've researched candida for a number of years and this program is the best there

is. This program has helped me and many others to improve their health. Take a

look at these Success Stories for inspiration:


Take your time to read first to understand how this program works and then get

back to us with your questions.

Good luck!


> hi

> sorry for all the questions , but really want to get cracking & get this

tingling gone .. what exactly is the bees diet ? can i eat potatoes these are

the only thing that make me feel full at lunch time , i am having lots of veg &

salads , with plenty of spring water ..but still feel hungry .. thanks again

good luck to All .


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> Hi Bee/everyone,


> Forgive me if I am repeating my previous question but it is still not sinking

in. :0(


> If I am not hungry, can I skip a meal? I feel that I am forcing myself to eat

when I am not hungry.... I am taking in more energy then I am using.


> I understand that I can cut carbs if I need to but what about cutting the

whole meal. Of course, I will then be under the 75gs of protien, 60gs of carbs,

and 187-261 gs of fat that I need per day.

> PS During the day I take several tablespoons of olive oil by itself. Is that


+++It is important to eat enough foods which will supply nutrients your body

needs, which is the total of the ratios per day. Some people can eat 2 meals a

day and still meet their ratios, and that's okay.

Also try to stimulate your appetite by adding spices to your foods. Often a

person's appetite lowers because they are stressed, which includes stress on

your body by starting on this program. So I highly recommend you do regular

deep breathing exercises to help alleviate the stress and increase your

appetite, which will also help your digestion:


If you aren't as hungry you can eat less carbs, which won't cause any problems.

When you don't feel hungry it is better to consume liquid foods, i.e. soup,

Bee's Egg Drink, broths, etc. Maybe this is a good time for you to do the 9-Day

Program: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/dig6.php

You should try to consume most of your " good " fats with complete meals since

nutrients all work together, and only take small amounts between meals to curb



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Not me...we can't get him to try new foods so i don't think that would work for us...unless you mean a "sensory" diet. We definately have and use that!!

From: lilliachampion <lilliachampion@...>Subject: ( ) Diet Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 4:23 AM

Do any of you parents try any type of diet with your child??

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi ,

You will most likely feel it later that day or the next day. Other than

that, just get back on the diet. Since it takes most people many months to

overcome candida on the diet anyway, an occasional cheat isn't going to do

you in. But your body will let you know afterward why you're on the diet!


On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 8:42 AM, jwtgbn <jwtgbn@...> wrote:



> Hi Bee,

> I have a question about going off the diet for an occasion. I have now been

> on the diet for almost 5 months without cheating at all. I am taking all of

> my supplements in your program now and drinking the egg drink. My question

> is how bad will I set myself back if I cheat a little on my birthday coming

> up in a few weeks? I'm thinking of having one or two drinks and possibly

> some sushi. Please let me know if this will set me back all my hard work so

> far but if it's just going to cause some reaction for a day or two I was

> wondering if it would be okay?

> Thanks Bee!





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> Hi Bee,

> I have a question about going off the diet for an occasion. I have now been on

the diet for almost 5 months without cheating at all. I am taking all of my

supplements in your program now and drinking the egg drink. My question is how

bad will I set myself back if I cheat a little on my birthday coming up in a few

weeks? I'm thinking of having one or two drinks and possibly some sushi. Please

let me know if this will set me back all my hard work so far but if it's just

going to cause some reaction for a day or two I was wondering if it would be


+++Hi . You won't set yourself back much since it is mainly " proper

nutrients " that heal the body. It make take you 5 days to recover from such a

cheat where you'll feel sick, getting more symptoms, etc., but it won't set you

back to the beginning as long as you are on the diet and supplements

consistently other than that.


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Thanks for the info. I am very strict on myself and I'm not even sure if I will

bring myself to cheat. I even went to a wedding recently and didn't eat the meal

or drink anything. I made my husband eat both meals. ;) It's hard to cheat when

you start to feel so much better.


> Hi Bee,

> I have a question about going off the diet for an occasion. I have now been on

the diet for almost 5 months without cheating at all. I am taking all of my

supplements in your program now and drinking the egg drink. My question is how

bad will I set myself back if I cheat a little on my birthday coming up in a few

weeks? I'm thinking of having one or two drinks and possibly some sushi. Please

let me know if this will set me back all my hard work so far but if it's just

going to cause some reaction for a day or two I was wondering if it would be


+++Hi . You won't set yourself back much since it is mainly " proper

nutrients " that heal the body. It make take you 5 days to recover from such a

cheat where you'll feel sick, getting more symptoms, etc., but it won't set you

back to the beginning as long as you are on the diet and supplements

consistently other than that.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Glucosamine works for some and not for others. It did not work for me.


Gizmo & Yoda

Max, Jazzy, Bertie, Shelby, Padme'


Has anyone tried any kind of special diet or the glucosamine with positive

response? I have read that carrot juicing works wonders for many ailments.

Has anyone tried carrot juicing?

Thanks in advance,


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I tried glucosamine for over a year. It didn't help me, but I wouldn't be

afraid to try it if I were you.




Has anyone tried any kind of special diet or the glucosamine with positive

response? I have read that carrot juicing works wonders for many ailments. Has

anyone tried carrot juicing?

Thanks in advance,

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I went through a period of several years of my chondromalacia not bothering me.

During that time I was taking glucosamine/chondroitin. But I do remember also

getting a Euflexxa shot during that time, and it lasting a year (I quit taking

the G/C during that time). Now I have the Curse again, interfering with my

getting exercise, so I think I'll start taking G/C again. Maybe it was actually

doing something.



Has anyone tried any kind of special diet or the glucosamine with positive

response? I have read that carrot juicing works wonders for many ailments.

Has anyone tried carrot juicing?

Thanks in advance,


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Glucosamine has helped me - I can definitely tell the difference when I take it

as compared to when I have slacked off.  My doc recommended osteo bi-flex (which

is what I use) and anothe brand that I cannnot remember...


From: Mike Bernhardt <mlbernhardt@...>

chondromalacia treatment

Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 1:04:48 PM

Subject: Re: Diet

I tried glucosamine for over a year. It didn't help me, but I wouldn't be afraid

to try it if I were you.




Has anyone tried any kind of special diet or the glucosamine with positive

response? I have read that carrot juicing works wonders for many ailments. Has

anyone tried carrot juicing?

Thanks in advance,

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Does Osteobiflex contain MSM?



Has anyone tried any kind of special diet or the glucosamine with positive

response? I have read that carrot juicing works wonders for many ailments. Has

anyone tried carrot juicing?

Thanks in advance,

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