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Twinkies contain beef tallow. Although the health food store does sell a

veggie version of them that I find much tastier than the real ones (and I

used to be a big fan of twinkies). Whole Foods used to have an online quiz

(I can't find it now) that gave an incredible amount of insight into what we

were putting into our bodies. I always joke that it's o.k. to eat the whole

bag of chips/cookies/yummies, they came from the health food store! We have

a friend who comments on how healthy her family's diet is all the time, yet

the only veggies she serves is as a snack alongside a big bowl of spicy

ranch dip . And the " healthy granola cereal " is mainstream and the list of

ingredients starts off with 3 different types of corn syrup and sugars and

adds more in between the proccessed grains. And the youghurt is basically

sugar, geletain and milk along with some artificial flavourings to make it

edible by today's children. Even though I am still not very good at it, I

have discovered the importance of label reading. While pregnant, I was

dealing with GB and had to cut out all sugars and sweeteners. I had quite a

search to deal with to find bread. Even the health food store carried honey

sweetened bread. We don't always eat as healthy as we should but we have

become very aware of what we eat. Even young children can easily learn to

identify ill effects after eating something not good for them (headaches,

belly aches, behavioural problems) and make the connection. In our world of

alergies, I feel this is an important thing.

And it is important to get your children involved with the whole proccess.

If they help decide what is going to be for dinner, help pick it out at the

store (I think my son is even pickier than I am now about getting the most

perfect piece of fruit or veggie on display) and helping in the making of

the meal, they are MUCH more inclined to eat it. When we make pizza at home

(wow! once I found out how easy that was!) everyone gets to pick out what

veggie they are going to put on theirs. It can be any veggie they want.

Often, it ends up being either broccoli, spinich or asparagus. You know,

those things that kids won't eat. You can introduce quite a few healthy

things into your diet when you give everyone choices. And always go for the

freshest, least proccessed version you can find. You can easily change your

favourite recipes to contain more healthy ingredients. Anytime you make

something with flour, use organic flour or throw in some wheat flour if you

are used to white. Your palletes get quickly used to the health food and you

find that when you splurge on " junk food " it just doesn't hold the same

temptation as before. Well, I seem to have gone all over the place with this

post so I will end it now.


>From: teresav26@...



>Subject: Re: diet

>Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 07:27:32 EDT


>In a message dated 8/18/00 4:24:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

>marius8.selly@... writes:



><< I think it is an assumption that to

>not eat meat means healthy eaters but that just isn't always the case >>


>True, I've run into " vegetarians " whose diet consisted of twinkies and



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OOOOOOooohhhh feta cheese! Don't get me started! Goat based feta is even

betetr but, expensive. Nicely though sheep and goat dairy seems to be ok and

not a no no for our condition.


> From: " Gillian Rowe " <roweg@...>

> Reply- egroups

> Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 14:05:37 +0100

> " " < egroups>

> Subject: [ ] Diet


> Hi Cassie

>> If I left off all the stuff that Gillian listed I would dry up and blow

> away<

> Irish logic: but at least you would be cured, dead but cured!

> It is not MY list but a list located in The Arthritis Bible. " Arthritis What

> Really Works " Dava Sobel and Arthur C Klein. I call it The Bible because the

> contents were compiled by a Survey of people with Arthritis residing in

> America. Of all the self-help books I have digested, this is the ONE. That

> is why I kept it, did NOT donate it to the local Library!

> I think Red Meat came top of the list, of foods they avoided. Coming from

> someone who adores Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding [Traditional English

> Dinner], we now have this as a special treat once a month. Odd because not

> eating it every Sunday, means that when we do cook it, it tastes better than

> every before. I have noticed that my foods have changed over the years. I am

> addicted to Tuna, had some last night, along with fish? This could have

> something to do with the lack of Traditional Fish and Chip shops here,

> unlike England where there are several in each town. However that fish is

> battered and very much deep fried, slightly unhealthy!

> Mom does wonder at my cooking skills, especially when I grill rashers of

> bacon to a crisp and then cut them up, place them in a mixed salad. Then add

> Tuna!

> I recall a Holiday to Crete, requesting a Steak with Tuna side salad! Poor

> waiter, almost had a fit, just could not comprehend this order whatsoever.

> He even produced the Menu in picture form, asked me to point out what I

> wanted, so I did! After it arrived I requested another helping of Fete

> cheese? Fete cheese is expensive here, but I adore it. Thankfully a Greek

> Chef working on the Ring of Kerry, has added, Deep Fried Fete Cheese to the

> menu. Tis worth driving fifty miles for, over the mountains!

> Am I deranged, probably, but I find the Arthritis craves for certain foods?

> I am now entering my youth phase, Fish cakes are on my menu and I have not

> eaten them since I was ten!

> Love and God Bless

> Gillian

> To be blind is not miserable; not to be able to bear blindness, that is

> miserable.






> Please visit our new web page at:

> http://www.wpunj.edu/icip/pa


> We are currently discussing new chat times. moderates a chat on

> arthritis at

> www.about.com on Thursday evenings, so check that

> out in the meantime! E mail at RA@... for details.



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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 03-Sep-00 04:06:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time, jpein@...


<< 9:30am - 1 scoop of eggs (about 1.5 eggs) and a small bagel. >>

I know that 1.5 eggs is not a full portion of protein. Are these just egg

whites or whole eggs? It's supposed to be just egg whites since the yolks are

nasty with fat and cholesterol. Is that a whole wheat bagel???? You need

more vegatables too, at least 2 portions a day. I would also recommend taking

an essential fatty acid supplement like flax seed oil.


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I know that everyone tweaks the diet as to their own taste. I am trying to

do the best I can, and still enjoy what I eat.

I have a few rules that I try to stick to. I try not to eat bread, pasta, or

sugars. That is to say stuff like candy and cakes.

I will eat a pitta pocket if I need to eat a sandwich. I do not use mayo or

butter with anything, and that I have done since I started. I eat whole

wheat past only and I have stuck to that one too. I do eat my veggies more

than I ever did before, and I am beginning to like them, all of them, yes

Mom, even broccoli and asparagus and cauliflower. I eat lean beef and

chicken. I drink 3 shakes a day, take a multi vitamin 2 times a day, BetaGen

2 times a day, PhenFree 2 times a day, and CytoVol at night. I drink a great

deal of water every day, and I take a 100% protein shake at night too.

I have no idea if that helps at all.


" Once I was a prisoner

Lost in myself

With the world surrounding me

Wandering through the misery,

But now I AM FREE..... "

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In a message dated 9/5/00 11:09:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, hoops@...


<< Certainly not brussel sprouts too??? >>

I have not tryed them yet, are they any good?


" Once I was a prisoner

Lost in myself

With the world surrounding me

Wandering through the misery,

But now I AM FREE..... "

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In a message dated 9/6/00 1:10:51 AM Central Daylight Time,

One@... writes:

> have not tryed them yet, are they any good?

Brussels sprouts rock! I have a great recipe with Brussels sprouts, onions,

a bit of oil/margarine and some balsamic vinegar - ooooh baby LOL


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In a message dated 9/6/00 12:18:06 PM Central Daylight Time,

kit.keyes@... writes:

> Better modify it for Butter Buds........

Well, it may affect my results somewhat but I can't get anal about a little

fat here or there. I don't think a tablespoon of oil spread out over a whole

recipe is all that much to worry about. (No offense to anyone who chooses to

omit!) But thanks for the suggestion :)


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In a message dated 9/6/00 9:24:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

TexasAggie1991@... writes:

<< Brussels sprouts rock! I have a great recipe with Brussels sprouts,


a bit of oil/margarine and some balsamic vinegar - ooooh baby LOL



Well, , send me the recipe so I can make them. Now for the good laugh,

what does a Brussels Sprout look like?

" Once I was a prisoner

Lost in myself

With the world surrounding me

Wandering through the misery,

But now I AM FREE..... "

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In a message dated 9/6/00 9:37:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

kit.keyes@... writes:

<< Like a little dark green cabbage about an inch to 1 1/2 inches in diameter.


hmmmm...I am thinking

" Once I was a prisoner

Lost in myself

With the world surrounding me

Wandering through the misery,

But now I AM FREE..... "

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In a message dated 9/6/00 9:51:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

dddeaton@... writes:

<< sometimes these little cabages taste bitter---I just think

they are grrrroooose! I'll choose brocoli anyday. " Taz "



I will do thih OK? I will eat them once, and get back to you. =)

Peace and love,


" Once I was a prisoner

Lost in myself

With the world surrounding me

Wandering through the misery,

But now I AM FREE..... "

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In a message dated 06-Sep-00 09:51:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

dddeaton@... writes:

<< sometimes these little cabages taste bitter---I just think

they are grrrroooose! I'll choose brocoli anyday. " Taz " >>

Broccoli, the official vegatable of the Body for Life program.

BUT DENISE, Ms.Taz Dear, do you know what the official unauthorized food of

the BFL program is? Hint....we all took over this little cafe at the

Excalibur in Vegas.


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In a message dated 06-Sep-00 10:17:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

dddeaton@... writes:

<< - Hmmmmm could it be DOUGHNUTS ?! I seem to remember the evidence

is in print---color that is. LOL Taz >>



Ladies and Gentleman of the jury...may I present to you ex-zip-it

" A " ....attached to this email (ha ha ha Ron as Dr. Eevil!!!! He's the


Eat that doughnut Bill!!!!

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In a message dated 06-Sep-00 11:15:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, hoops@...


<< It must have been your free day???


It was free weekend for most of us! But for myself, the staunch and strict

BFL'er that I was partook of only that one unauthorized sitting. I was too

tired and strung out on adrenalin to eat anything besides what I was supposed



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In a message dated 06-Sep-00 11:15:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, hoops@...


<< It must have been your free day???


It was free weekend for most of us! But for myself, the staunch and strict

BFL'er that I was partook of only that one unauthorized sitting. I was too

tired and strung out on adrenalin to eat anything besides what I was supposed



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I needed a good laugh before bed! But I am still going to try one, but now I

will expect the worst. I will recon and get back to you.

" Once I was a prisoner

Lost in myself

With the world surrounding me

Wandering through the misery,

But now I AM FREE..... "

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-No they do not equal ea other. Evening Primrose oil is an excellant

herp for women to decrease breast pain/tenderness. Usually given to

peri and post menopausal women. Flax seed oil is an EFA, which in

turns decreases bad fatty acids in the blood vessels, and aids in fat

lose and increases cell repair.

I'm sure you can research this more to get a clearing understanding

of how they work in the body and why they are taken.

" Taz "

-- In bodyforlifeegroups, FitnessFreak29@a... wrote:

> I take EVENING PRIMEROSE OIL is that anywhere in comparison to FLAX


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-No they do not equal ea other. Evening Primrose oil is an excellant

herp for women to decrease breast pain/tenderness. Usually given to

peri and post menopausal women. Flax seed oil is an EFA, which in

turns decreases bad fatty acids in the blood vessels, and aids in fat

lose and increases cell repair.

I'm sure you can research this more to get a clearing understanding

of how they work in the body and why they are taken.

" Taz "

-- In bodyforlifeegroups, FitnessFreak29@a... wrote:

> I take EVENING PRIMEROSE OIL is that anywhere in comparison to FLAX


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- sometimes these little cabages taste bitter---I just think

they are grrrroooose! I'll choose brocoli anyday. " Taz "

-- In bodyforlifeegroups, One@a... wrote:

> In a message dated 9/6/00 9:37:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> kit.keyes@l... writes:



> << Like a little dark green cabbage about an inch to 1 1/2 inches

in diameter.


> >>


> hmmmm...I am thinking


> " Once I was a prisoner

> Lost in myself

> With the world surrounding me

> Wandering through the misery,

> But now I AM FREE..... "

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- Hmmmmm could it be DOUGHNUTS ?! I seem to remember the evidence

is in print---color that is. LOL Taz

-- In bodyforlifeegroups, habibsangl@a... wrote:

> In a message dated 06-Sep-00 09:51:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> dddeaton@a... writes:


> << sometimes these little cabages taste bitter---I just


> they are grrrroooose! I'll choose brocoli anyday. " Taz "



> Broccoli, the official vegatable of the Body for Life program.


> BUT DENISE, Ms.Taz Dear, do you know what the official unauthorized

food of

> the BFL program is? Hint....we all took over this little cafe at


> Excalibur in Vegas.


> -

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I take the EVENING PRIMROSE OIL because of a medical condition I have and my

doctor recommended it.

I know it's a GOOD essential oil that I need, but I just was curious how it

ranks in closeness to FLAX SEED OIL, if at all.

Just curious.


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In a message dated 07-Sep-00 08:21:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

FitnessFreak29@... writes:

<< I take the EVENING PRIMROSE OIL because of a medical condition I have and


doctor recommended it.

I know it's a GOOD essential oil that I need, but I just was curious how it

ranks in closeness to FLAX SEED OIL, if at all.

Just curious.


No clue. Why not ask the doc since he prescribed it for you. Couldn't hurt.


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In a message dated 07-Sep-00 08:21:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

FitnessFreak29@... writes:

<< I take the EVENING PRIMROSE OIL because of a medical condition I have and


doctor recommended it.

I know it's a GOOD essential oil that I need, but I just was curious how it

ranks in closeness to FLAX SEED OIL, if at all.

Just curious.


No clue. Why not ask the doc since he prescribed it for you. Couldn't hurt.


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