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There is a drug OTC called Aphcon A its for allergies in the eyes you

should get relief right away. Its eye drops.


Dave Brantl wrote:


> From: " Dave Brantl " <dbrantl@...>


> hi mark

> i am going through the same thing right now. went to the ophthalmologist

> and we first put in plugs in my drain ducts to see if that would help. they

> are still in, but didnt make a differance because im not generating any

> tears. so now i use a natural tear product everyday to keep them from

> burning all the time. i also use celluvisc when i go to bed....that really

> feels great at the end of the day. its a bit thicker than drops.

> sorry to hear you are going through this same thing

> dave


> > Has anyone with RA had problems with their eyes burning? Actually

> > it's my eyelids - feel kind of like they've been sandpapered at

> > times. I put in some moisture drops, which can sting like crazy

> > at first (kind of bizarre I think), and they help a bit but not

> > much. Seems to bother me more at night and first thing in the

> > morning, but can on some days persist throughout the day. Causes

> > me to blink a lot. Perhaps is allergies, as I've been sneezing a

> > lot lately - maybe the dead leaves - not sure.

> >

> > If you have RA, do you think a yearly appt w/ an opthomologist is

> > necessary or would an optometrist suffice? None of my docs have

> > suggested I should be doing this, but with my eyes bugging me,

> > I'm wondering.

> >

> > Mark

> >

> > >



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Hi Mark:

One can never be too cautious with one eyes. I do the yearly with an

opthamologist and I also have RA. Also if you are taking any DMARDs I was told

that it is wise to have your eyes checkes yearly. Plaquenil is known to be

susceptible for cataracts and Metro. for glucoma.

As you guys say, mes .02¢. Mado

rheumatic eyes

Has anyone with RA had problems with their eyes burning? Actually it's my

eyelids - feel kind of like they've been sandpapered at times. I put in some

moisture drops, which can sting like crazy at first (kind of bizarre I think),

and they help a bit but not much. Seems to bother me more at night and first

thing in the morning, but can on some days persist throughout the day. Causes me

to blink a lot. Perhaps is allergies, as I've been sneezing a lot lately - maybe

the dead leaves - not sure.

If you have RA, do you think a yearly appt w/ an opthomologist is necessary

or would an optometrist suffice? None of my docs have suggested I should be

doing this, but with my eyes bugging me, I'm wondering.


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Ultram is a pain reliever, not an anti-inflammatory. Seems to work

pretty well.


ette Portnoy wrote:

> ,


> What is ultram for? Is it a pain killer or an anti-inflammatory?


> Thanks,

> ette

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  • 2 months later...

Way to go Cooky !!!!!

What a nice Christmas revelation<big smile>

Our bodies do have the ability to do these things provided all systems are

functioning as they should, we just have to get them to that state again,


Thanks for sharing your good news with us



rheumatic eyes

>From: Cooky <cooky1@...>


>Hi everyone,


>I've been on AP for 26 months now. I have no pain and am taking no

>NSAIDS. I do still have very minor flares infrequently which are so

>unusual I don't recognize them till they are almost over. The last one I

>was sleepy a lot and my legs from my knees down ached a lot. I kept

>saying it was from preperations for christmas.


>Any way the real reason I'm writing is that a few years befor I was dxed

>with RA, my right lower lid of my eye toward the outer corner

>disapeared. My make up would slide off and make a mess. I just chocked

>up to an old infection (I wear contacts). Last week I was putting on eye

>liner and I noticed a lid to put it on. At first I didn't believe it but

>It actually grew back. I am floored. I really think the AP had something

>to do with it.


>I wish you all a very Happy New Year and a big thanks for being here!!!





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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Are there eye problems that people with RA are susceptable to? I started out

with a sinus infection that lasted a long time and from then I've had an eye

infection? for about two and a half months. I've been to the opthamologist who

gave me all kinds of different medications - antibiotic drops, allergy drops and

other stuff. Anyway, I went back to him yesterday, and he said I could have

something in my eyes that is running all through my body and I have to have the

eye cultured. So now I have to go without any eye meds until next Tuesday and

my eyes are all round and running like crazy. I will be going to a doctor from

NY Eye and Ear Hospital for her opinion and to have the eye scraped and

cultured. Anyone have any experience like this or know what we with RA can

get. Thanks for any info.


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Guest guest

> Are there eye problems that people with RA are susceptable to? I started


> with a sinus infection that lasted a long time and from then I've had an


> infection? for about two and a half months. I've been to the

opthamologist who

> gave me all kinds of different medications - antibiotic drops, allergy

drops and

> other stuff.

Dear ette,

Has the opthamologist considered some of the " itis " es that can accompany

RA, like uveitis, iritis? Or inflammation from irritation of dry eyes from

secondary Sjogren's syndrome? Have they tried steroid drops?

I am glad you are going to get a second opinion from another specialist.

If your eyes get really red and painful while you are waiting for the

appointment, I would consider going to the ER and being evaluated there.

There are some risks to letting inflammation in the eye go on, like the iris

getting fixed if there is untreated inflammation there. (not meant to scare

you, just a nudge towards addressing it with ER treatment if it gets worse)

Best wishes, Liz G

PS: Here is a good informational site on eye disorders, including autoimmune

disorders of the eye: http://www.uveitis.org/Enhanced/index.htm

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I had constant " eye infections " for the last couple of years (My eyes

would be very runny and I would wake up with all sorts of bluky stuff in

them). I also have the dry eyes syndrome that comes with RA and that

acts up if I eat dairy or corn or whatever. Anyway, I had some old

bacitracin eye ointment and some medrol drops and another antibiotic that

I used for this. I would use the drops or ointment and the condition

would get better, but it would always come back.

finally I went to the eye doctor to get an unexpired prescription and

he annoyingly told me to stop using all antibiotics and such stuff and

just to use a replacement tears eye drop you can buy over the counter. I

just knew this was a crock, but I tried it since he would not give me any

other medicine and said I was hurting my eyes with all the stuff. My

eyes got worse... and then better. can you believe it? Now I don't get

the stuff much any more and when I do, I just have to put these drops in

about three or six times a day and it does away again. PRESTO! who would

have thunk it? I always go for MORE is better.




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  • 6 months later...

I don't really know how to tell if my eyes are dry. They feel like I've been

in a smokey room and maybe like sleepy or grit is in them at times. I'm sure

I'm focusing on them more now. Is there anyone on here that's had the eye

disease for years and hasn't gone blind? I feel like pains or strain in them

at time too..thanks Kim

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  • 3 weeks later...

Your maid is lucky to have her sight. Change the bottle & dropper set up

before some one else really does a permanent job. And label it very well

with POISON.

Stop experimenting on yourself, you do not get a second chance with eye




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Sapere Aude: Dare to be wise.

All truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed: then it is

violently opposed: finally it is accepted as self evident. Schopenhauer.


Dear list

Today I have what seems to be colloquially termed 'pink eye' i.e. the whites

of my eyes are red and my eye is sore. This happened to my maid some months

ago and thinking my dropper bottle of 35% H202in my bathroom cabinet was an

eye dropper she put it in her eye - well as you can imagine it burned like

h.... and she rinsed it with water - next day - eye completely clear - I

thought she might be blinded for life when I heard what she'd done - I only

found out when I got home that evening.

So, this morning I made up a very dilute solution of distilled water and 35%

H202 and washed my eye with it. But, there doesn't seem to be any

improvement and I'm reluctant to try it again. Any other suggestions.


OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.


This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.

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message! :


oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.

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I got some Skin Answer in my eye recently and I used Colloidal silver to

wash it out. It took several applications with an eyedropper to start

feeling better. Skin Answer is a skin exfollient and it really stung.

A friend of mine had a stye forming in the corner of her eye and I gave

her some CS and some MSM to dissolve in the CS and she used that to get

rid of the stye in a couple of days.




> Dear list


> Today I have what seems to be colloquially termed 'pink eye' i.e. the whites

> of my eyes are red and my eye is sore. This happened to my maid some months

> ago and thinking my dropper bottle of 35% H202in my bathroom cabinet was an

> eye dropper she put it in her eye - well as you can imagine it burned like

> h.... and she rinsed it with water - next day - eye completely clear - I

> thought she might be blinded for life when I heard what she'd done - I only

> found out when I got home that evening.


> So, this morning I made up a very dilute solution of distilled water and 35%

> H202 and washed my eye with it. But, there doesn't seem to be any

> improvement and I'm reluctant to try it again. Any other suggestions.


> Thanks




> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing information

we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own risk.

Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take

responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to hold

yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found here

without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher or health

care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.

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I have not had the occasion to use them in my eye, but.... I hear colloidal

silver or Willard Water will knock out conjunctivitis


I'm including Noel's message because it is very important!


RE: Eyes

> Your maid is lucky to have her sight. Change the bottle & dropper set up

> before some one else really does a permanent job. And label it very well

> with POISON.


> Stop experimenting on yourself, you do not get a second chance with eye

> sight.


> Regards

> Noel

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Have her chop onions--tonight, have some french onion soup for dinner.

The tearing will wash away the infection. Tears have antibacterial

agents in it. Seriously--it is not any more complicated than that.

Or put a few drops of colloidal silver in the eyes.

In either case, place hot, hot, wet washclothes over the eyes and the

face around the eyes.

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In 'The Townsend Newsletter for Doctors', nutritional consultant N.

Steinberg writes about the many benefits of the herb 'Cat's Claw',


" I have also been successful at clearing up conjunctivitis, by putting drops

of Cat's Claw tea in the eyes and a case of athletes foot, by putting the

powdered herb in between the infected toes. "

> Have her chop onions--tonight, have some french onion soup for dinner.

> The tearing will wash away the infection. Tears have antibacterial

> agents in it. Seriously--it is not any more complicated than that.


> Or put a few drops of colloidal silver in the eyes.


> In either case, place hot, hot, wet washclothes over the eyes and the

> face around the eyes.








> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.



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> Just to let all of you know that my pinkeye (conjuctivitis) cleared up

> overnight after bathing my eye with colloidal silver. There was immediate

> relief from the discomfort however, so I'm bright eyed and bushy-tailed

> this morning! Thanks.

> Love and light


Does anyone know what's good for a bushy tail?


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  • 1 month later...

My eye pressure went up about 4 years ago when I went in for an annual check

up. A second test a couple of weeks later showed no problem so nothing was

followed up. I really don't know how long my eyes have been bad but I do know

that shortly after I had been diagnosed I had a couple of early morning family

emergencies and my eyes were almost swollen shut. I thought it was just that I

don't do mornings. But the doctor of the week confirmed that it was TED.

Didn't tell me to get it checked out . So I've known about it for about a year.

" Horten, Mona " wrote:

> Kate, hang on to this doc if you're comfortable with him.....sounds like

> he's willing to work with you! Does he measure your eyes? Do you use

> preservative free eye drops? I used tons at one time....REFRESH -

> preservative free is the brand I used and still use when my eyes feel dry.

> Oh yes, the prescription change....not my favorite thing to do. I had the

> prescription change 4-5 times within a month so doc finally decided to

> settle me on one until my eyes stabilized. Now have to use bifocals! It's

> very frustrating isn't it? Changed prescriptions again this past June and

> bumped bifocal up to 150...sometimes I notice the bifocal being too strong

> and other times it's ok. Weird. How long have you had problems with your

> eyes? Mona




> Mona

> I have TED also. I am currently being monitored by an optometrist not an

> opthalmologist. He has been checking the pressure on my eyes every 2

> months. I

> have developed a blind spot due to pressure on the optic nerve. He feels

> there

> is nothing more to do at this point but monitor it and 'ride it out'. I am

> relatively comfortable with his care. He has made it clear that if I want

> to be

> seen the same day all I have to do is pick up the phone. I'm not convinced

> of

> the necessity of seing an opthalmologist under these conditions. But you're

> right. Record everything. Did you go through many prescription changes?

> I'm

> in need again for the third time in less than a year.


> Kate


> " Horten, Mona " wrote:


> > Hi all.....I've noticed this BB has become DEAD and worried about those

> that

> > need help that are not posting. Contrary to the negative feedback some of

> > us were receiving on the side, this is an open forum and anyone may answer

> > or ask questions SO PLEASE RETURN TO THE BB!! Don't allow a disgruntled,

> > angry person to interfere with the necessity of this board.

> >

> > Bonner and Zoey - I know you're out there so hurry back. Marilyn, you had

> a

> > question you need to repost (something about eye involvement and RAI??)

> >

> > Some info I can give some you regarding TED. I was diagnosed 4 years ago

> > and had some bulging and lid retraction and lid lag. I was checked on a

> > routine basis where the eye clinic measured my eyes, checked my vision and

> > pressure. My eye pressure jumped to 22 and the floaters increased

> > considerably. I didn't understand why my regular eye doc was checking me

> > every 6 months (I thought it was because of the floaters)....turns out

> they

> > were watching the eye pressure and were concerned about glaucoma. My

> visit

> > to the eye doc yesterday showed a decrease of pressure to 16!!!! This is

> > great news. (my Endo is sure I'm in remission too) Elaine can give you

> the

> > finer details about the relationship between eye pressure and Graves

> > disease. If any of you have eye involvement of any kind, even minor, you

> > should be checked routinely by an ophthalmologist (MD). Also keep a

> record

> > of any changes in the event you have to change doctors - keeping a history

> > allows you to keep track of changes, improvements, etc. Take care all,

> Mona

> > :-)

> >


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The first 3 docs didn't tell me to get checked either. I went to the eye

doc on my own after reading the books and the BBs. First words out of my

current doc was " your left is retracted somewhat - you need a complete eye

exam " . I was floored - a doc that knows his stuff! From what I've learned

getting the thyroid stabilized will often stabilize the eyes. It took over

a year for my eyes to return to normal....the pain was awful. Wish you

didn't have to go through this, Mona



> Mona

> I have TED also. I am currently being monitored by an optometrist not an

> opthalmologist. He has been checking the pressure on my eyes every 2

> months. I

> have developed a blind spot due to pressure on the optic nerve. He feels

> there

> is nothing more to do at this point but monitor it and 'ride it out'. I


> relatively comfortable with his care. He has made it clear that if I want

> to be

> seen the same day all I have to do is pick up the phone. I'm not


> of

> the necessity of seing an opthalmologist under these conditions. But


> right. Record everything. Did you go through many prescription changes?

> I'm

> in need again for the third time in less than a year.


> Kate


> " Horten, Mona " wrote:


> > Hi all.....I've noticed this BB has become DEAD and worried about those

> that

> > need help that are not posting. Contrary to the negative feedback some


> > us were receiving on the side, this is an open forum and anyone may


> > or ask questions SO PLEASE RETURN TO THE BB!! Don't allow a


> > angry person to interfere with the necessity of this board.

> >

> > Bonner and Zoey - I know you're out there so hurry back. Marilyn, you


> a

> > question you need to repost (something about eye involvement and RAI??)

> >

> > Some info I can give some you regarding TED. I was diagnosed 4 years


> > and had some bulging and lid retraction and lid lag. I was checked on a

> > routine basis where the eye clinic measured my eyes, checked my vision


> > pressure. My eye pressure jumped to 22 and the floaters increased

> > considerably. I didn't understand why my regular eye doc was checking


> > every 6 months (I thought it was because of the floaters)....turns out

> they

> > were watching the eye pressure and were concerned about glaucoma. My

> visit

> > to the eye doc yesterday showed a decrease of pressure to 16!!!! This


> > great news. (my Endo is sure I'm in remission too) Elaine can give you

> the

> > finer details about the relationship between eye pressure and Graves

> > disease. If any of you have eye involvement of any kind, even minor,


> > should be checked routinely by an ophthalmologist (MD). Also keep a

> record

> > of any changes in the event you have to change doctors - keeping a


> > allows you to keep track of changes, improvements, etc. Take care all,

> Mona

> > :-)

> >


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes....if not necessarily the hep, the treatment can. Blurred, double

vision, inability to focus, and a feeling of very tired eyes are just some of

the symptoms. Other people may have some different problems too.

Since some permanent damage can occur, you need to see an eye doc to make

sure this doesn't happen. It seems I've heard that in almost all cases, it's

the treatment though, and the problems go away when you quit.

Good luck!


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--- hkamp5@... wrote:

> I'm wondering if the effects of HVC can affect

> vision. If so, how?


There is a disorder that has often been associated

with HCV called Sjogrens Syndrome. One of it's

characteristics is dry eyes, grainy feeling, etc. Also

dry mouth. I think I have some info I can post.

Interferon can cause problems in your eyes, so if you

are on treatment and having eye problems let your

doctor know. Sometimes interferon will cause tiny

amounts of bleeding in the eye, which could even lead

to blindness, so it shouldn't be ignored.



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hey I'm on treatment and got dry mouth, dry eyes, weakening eyesite. I did

get my eyes checked prior to starting treatment. I wanted a " baseline " of as

much stuff as I could afford.


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hey I'm on treatment and got dry mouth, dry eyes, weakening eyesite. I did

get my eyes checked prior to starting treatment. I wanted a " baseline " of as

much stuff as I could afford.


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I also noticed my eyes getting weaker, even after not

on Combo. They seem better now since I got on the

meds for the Diabetes, and got my sugar down. The

Health Department got an appointment with a Dr for me

that was free for the first one, so I could get on

Medication for the Diabetes. My blood sugar was up to

404. It is amazing what they charge for the meds. I

feel that it is wrong, because, it is something people

have to have, and can not do without....Take Care,


--- Alley/Pat <alleypat@...> wrote:

> Oh yes definitely. HCV has affected my vision, made

> my eyes weaker.


> alley




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I also noticed my eyes getting weaker, even after not

on Combo. They seem better now since I got on the

meds for the Diabetes, and got my sugar down. The

Health Department got an appointment with a Dr for me

that was free for the first one, so I could get on

Medication for the Diabetes. My blood sugar was up to

404. It is amazing what they charge for the meds. I

feel that it is wrong, because, it is something people

have to have, and can not do without....Take Care,


--- Alley/Pat <alleypat@...> wrote:

> Oh yes definitely. HCV has affected my vision, made

> my eyes weaker.


> alley




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