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It's enough to drive us crazy, isn't it?

Alley/Pat wrote:

> Anne me too.. my eyesite varies and it bugs me. I have 2 pairs of magnifying

> glasses - one mild and one stronger - so I can use the one i need.

> Alley/Pat

> alleypat@...

> http://clubs./clubs/writingandpublishing


> " When confusion ceases, tranquility comes; when tranquility comes, wisdom

> appears, and when wisdom appears, reality is seen. "

> Keizan Jokan (1264-1325)



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In a message dated 1/13/01 7:57:35 PM !!!First Boot!!!, decriswell2@...


<< Re: the eyes. Just a couple of weeks ago, my hubby announced to me that

he thought he should get his eyes checked. The results of that was that

he is both nearsighted and slightly farsighted. And we couldn't help but

think that all this might be related to hep. As it came as such a

surprize, he's never had any trouble with his eyes before.


Dear Elin, Exactly the same thing happened to me. And I started all this

with 20/15 in my left eye and 20/20 in my right. I expected to need reading

glasses at some point as I as 45, but not overnight. My biggest problem is

that my vision is inconsistent. Your husband might want to make more than

one trip to the optometrist before he decides on a prescription. Anne

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  • 3 weeks later...

In a message dated 1/16/01 2:14:45 AM !!!First Boot!!!, tatezi@... writes:

> It's enough to drive us crazy, isn't it?


Yes, but I've been putting it off to the combo treatment :-) Anne

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In a message dated 1/16/01 2:14:45 AM !!!First Boot!!!, tatezi@... writes:

> It's enough to drive us crazy, isn't it?


Yes, but I've been putting it off to the combo treatment :-) Anne

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In a message dated 1/16/01 2:14:45 AM !!!First Boot!!!, tatezi@... writes:

> It's enough to drive us crazy, isn't it?


Yes, but I've been putting it off to the combo treatment :-) Anne

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In a message dated 1/16/01 2:14:45 AM !!!First Boot!!!, tatezi@... writes:

> It's enough to drive us crazy, isn't it?


Yes, but I've been putting it off to the combo treatment :-) Anne

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Vilik,

I am one that posted success with the herbal eyebright formula. I have since

been disillusioned by it's progress. I don't know if I was using too much,

or too strong a solution. The one eye is now categorized as a dead eye by my

vet and the other now has glaucoma. Unfortunately her kidneys aren't strong

enough to undergo surgery to remove the dead eye. I am having to give her

antibiotics daily.

I am thinking of going to get the brand product Eyebright today instead of

using my homemade recipe. I have since discovered the health food store I

frequented has tried to pass off expired products, some expired by more than

2 years. Now I distrust the herbs he sold me to make the solution.

Congrats with the success on your dog's eyes. I personally would recommend

you only use 1-3 drops of the diluted solution in the eyes rather than an

eyedropper full.

God Bless,



> Message: 1

> Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 23:14:07 -0700

> From: Vilik Rapheles <vilik@...>

> Subject: eyes



> My dog was having very watery eyes and squinting recently.

> I got a formula similar to one that has been mentioned on

> the list, based on eyebright and cayenne, for making

> drops. She seemed to really want it in her eyes and turned

> her head toward me when I did it. Don't know what the problem

> was but it cleared up quickly....


> ~^^V^^~



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It is an axiom of Chinese medicine that all eye and ear problems involve

the kidney. So, if your dog has a weak kidney, that is likely the cause

of the eye trouble. COncentrate on cleansing the kidney. A dog can live

a lifetime with a dead eye, to no harm. And, if the kidney can be

rehabilitated, eyesight might possibly return (regardless what a vet

thinks about this possibility).

jim :)

J Gagne wrote:


> Hi Vilik,


> I am one that posted success with the herbal eyebright formula. I have since

> been disillusioned by it's progress. I don't know if I was using too much,

> or too strong a solution. The one eye is now categorized as a dead eye by my

> vet and the other now has glaucoma. Unfortunately her kidneys aren't strong

> enough to undergo surgery to remove the dead eye. I am having to give her

> antibiotics daily.



The TRUTH in 11 words:

Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened!

-- anon

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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Hi Jeanne, I wouldn't worry about old herbs. I have used herbs that were 15

years old and were still effective.


-----Original Message-----


. I have since discovered the health food store I

frequented has tried to pass off expired products, some expired by more than

2 years. Now I distrust the herbs he sold me to make the solution.


God Bless,


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" J Gagne " <jbg@...> wrote:

I am one that posted success with the herbal eyebright formula. I have since

been disillusioned by it's progress. I don't know if I was using too much,

or too strong a solution. The one eye is now categorized as a dead eye by my

vet and the other now has glaucoma. Unfortunately her kidneys aren't strong

enough to undergo surgery to remove the dead eye. I am having to give her

antibiotics daily.

I am thinking of going to get the brand product Eyebright today instead of

using my homemade recipe. I have since discovered the health food store I

frequented has tried to pass off expired products, some expired by more than

2 years. Now I distrust the herbs he sold me to make the solution.

Congrats with the success on your dog's eyes. I personally would recommend

you only use 1-3 drops of the diluted solution in the eyes rather than an

eyedropper full.



Your post just broke my heart. How very very sad for you to think

you were on the right track and then to have this happen. I

remember how very happy you were to be able to help your dog.

I am guessing you did not do any harm...that what happened was

already happening, and perhaps the herbs temporarily slowed it

down but couldn't handle the whole job.

Jim's idea to work on the kidneys is a good one...but just how

do you work on a cat's kidneys? Do herbs work they same way

on cats that they do on humans? Can you find a wholistic vet

to talk it over with?

I just talked to someone whose cat wasn't drinking enough water,

and the vet told her to put salt on the cat's food. She was aghast,

but the vet said cats don't get high blood pressure and it really

was a good thing to do. Well, she tried it, the cat drank much more

water and seemed to be doing much better, and lived a good bit

after that. I sure wouldn't try it without asking around, but

it's a thought.

A friend of mine had a cat that seemed to be nearing the end.

She is a doctor and started giving the cat iv's of I think

saline solution under the skin every day. She did it for months...

the cat got better.

I don't know how much hydration can do, but maybe you can figure

out how to get more H2O into your cat.

Also there is a product called Missing Link -- a combination

of natural ingredients that people I know really rave about.

I'm just about to get some for my pooches. Sure couldn't hurt.

What do you feed her? I don't know whether I read it or just

thought it, but I have a feeling dry food is hard on the kidneys.

How about exploring a more raw food diet? I went to a workshop

on making your own raw food. You have to know what you're doing

to get it right, but there are some raw foods out there already

made up...one here contains raw meat plus raw veggies.

Finally, I have had wonderful success, when all else seemed

to be failing, working with an animal intuitive. She communicates

with animals telepathically, and she doesn't have to be near them

to do it. Her name is Morgine and her rates are very reasonable.

She has saved my dogs' asses more than once. She works via email

or phone. I can't recommend her highly enough.


I accept your advice to take it easy with the drops with great

gratitude. I tend to " up the ante " too much, and I was thinking

I should keep upping the drops. Thank you for bringing me back

to the path of moderation.

All my love to you and your precious pet. I hope and pray that

you find a way to work with and improve her situation.

Very big hug from me to you!


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  • 7 months later...


My eyes have improved a great deal. The cataract is disappearing.

The sight is not perfect due to the laser in the past but I can see more and

where it was darkness now it is bright.

I miss occassionally but I try to do it every evening.


Re: Eyes


>Thank you for posting that. But what I would really like to know, is

>how YOUR eyes are doing now. Your last update was the Nov.

>13. Could you post your current status?


>Are you still using the FO in your eyes?

>Have you seen the ophtalmologist recently?

>Has your vision improved?

>Are your cataracts getting smaller?


>I hope you can find some time to post your update.









>> HI,


>> Another thing that will be on the www.beckwithfamily.com

>website as soon as

>> my son has time is the document which will follow.


>> It is not cancer, forgive me, but it is exciting to me in the use of

>> flaxseed oil.


>> Hi,


>> I want to summarize what we have been doing concerning

>> eyes and flax oil.


>> There is nothing here that is any guarantee and nothing that

>we have read

>> or have followed.


>> Quite a while ago, my cousin Rich told me he had been having

>trouble seeing

>> enough to drive at night. Having great faith in the ability of

>flaxseed oil

>> to help about any condition involving poor health, Rich began to

>put it in

>> his eyes with an eyedropper before going to bed.


>> I am hazy about the length of time it took, but before long his

>night vision

>> had improved greatly. I tried it a little and it seemed to help me.


>> Just as an observation, I put that info on the flaxseed oil group.


>> Before long some other folks emailed the group and told of

>this approach

>> helping them.


>> One lady said that it had helped her, but it had helped her

>neighbor more.

>> The neighbor had macular degeneration and lost her driver's

>license, and now

>> she had it back.


>> Another lady said that she had faced cataract surgery and put a

>drop of oil

>> in each eye at night and the cataracts cleared up.


>> Monday, October 1st 2001, I had a yearly eye exam. Six or

>seven years ago I

>> had

>> a " bleeder " in the retina of my right eye. That is something

>about which

>> there is very little that can be done. It did not clear by itself after


>> few years. By that time the " bleeder " had rerouted but some

>blood was still

>> there.


>> The doctor recommended laser surgery to remove pressure.

>That was a

>> disaster as I can no longer read with both eyes open. The

>sight was

>> distorted due to the holes in the retina. The sight began to be

>more cloudy

>> which I attributed to the laser damage.


>> On October 1, 2001, my wife and I had yearly examinations.


>> During the examination the doctor discovered that there was a


>> cataract in that eye. He said my sight in that eye, though not


>> anyway, could

>> perhaps be helped by cataract surgery. I wasn't interested

>because I don't

>> use it much anyway.


>> Then I remembered the lady who had cleared cataracts with

>flaxseed oil. I

>> talked with the doctor about it. He asked me what literature I

>had read and

>> I told him that there was no literature but we might be making

>it. He is

>> quite interested and if this works he said he will write it up in a


>> or two, and it it was rejected he would at least write a letter to


>> editor.


>> During the exam I could only make out the big E with my right

>eye. Any of

>> the rest was virtual darkness. Twelve days after that and

>regular use of

>> drops of flax oil in my eye my wife went for new glasses. They


>> right and we will go again this week. However, the technician

>put the eye

>> chart on and I can already make out some letters in the next

>size smaller.

>> I can now use my right eye alone and read a lot of the TV

>commercials. The

>> " cloud " is still there but seems much less dense.


>> During the exam, , the tecnician who did the examination

>with the chart

>> told me that she had an aunt in Texas who cleared cataracts

>with Flaxseed

>> oil.


>> If this cataract is cleared I may again be able to read with both

>eyes open.

>> I am hardly daring to believe this can be possible, but

>somewhat excited

>> nevertheless.


>> What I have written is not a recommendation. I do not know

>what will

>> happen. It is simply an account of what has happened.


>> The Opthamologist has assured me that there can be no

>danger in doing what I

>> am doing. I would say that if any tries this one should use the

>golden oil

>> from the top of a bottle before it is mixed up in the case of

>Lignan Rich

>> oil.


>> Today, November 13, 2001, I can read the computer screen

>with both eyes open

>> and little discomfort.


>> Saturday Dec 1 I recieved a phone call from a lady in our area.

>She has

>> macular degeration in one eye and a developing cataract in the

>other. She

>> is

>> 83.


>> A few weeks ago she began putting a drop of oil in each eye

>and she called

>> to tell me there is a lot of improvement in the eye with Macular

>> Degeneration. She

>> is all excited. She was calling to see if it was alright to use it

>twice a

>> day.


>> Cliff



>Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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Thank you for posting that. But what I would really like to know, is

how YOUR eyes are doing now. Your last update was the Nov.

13. Could you post your current status?

Are you still using the FO in your eyes?

Have you seen the ophtalmologist recently?

Has your vision improved?

Are your cataracts getting smaller?

I hope you can find some time to post your update.




> HI,


> Another thing that will be on the www.beckwithfamily.com

website as soon as

> my son has time is the document which will follow.


> It is not cancer, forgive me, but it is exciting to me in the use of

> flaxseed oil.


> Hi,


> I want to summarize what we have been doing concerning

> eyes and flax oil.


> There is nothing here that is any guarantee and nothing that

we have read

> or have followed.


> Quite a while ago, my cousin Rich told me he had been having

trouble seeing

> enough to drive at night. Having great faith in the ability of

flaxseed oil

> to help about any condition involving poor health, Rich began to

put it in

> his eyes with an eyedropper before going to bed.


> I am hazy about the length of time it took, but before long his

night vision

> had improved greatly. I tried it a little and it seemed to help me.


> Just as an observation, I put that info on the flaxseed oil group.


> Before long some other folks emailed the group and told of

this approach

> helping them.


> One lady said that it had helped her, but it had helped her

neighbor more.

> The neighbor had macular degeneration and lost her driver's

license, and now

> she had it back.


> Another lady said that she had faced cataract surgery and put a

drop of oil

> in each eye at night and the cataracts cleared up.


> Monday, October 1st 2001, I had a yearly eye exam. Six or

seven years ago I

> had

> a " bleeder " in the retina of my right eye. That is something

about which

> there is very little that can be done. It did not clear by itself after


> few years. By that time the " bleeder " had rerouted but some

blood was still

> there.


> The doctor recommended laser surgery to remove pressure.

That was a

> disaster as I can no longer read with both eyes open. The

sight was

> distorted due to the holes in the retina. The sight began to be

more cloudy

> which I attributed to the laser damage.


> On October 1, 2001, my wife and I had yearly examinations.


> During the examination the doctor discovered that there was a


> cataract in that eye. He said my sight in that eye, though not


> anyway, could

> perhaps be helped by cataract surgery. I wasn't interested

because I don't

> use it much anyway.


> Then I remembered the lady who had cleared cataracts with

flaxseed oil. I

> talked with the doctor about it. He asked me what literature I

had read and

> I told him that there was no literature but we might be making

it. He is

> quite interested and if this works he said he will write it up in a


> or two, and it it was rejected he would at least write a letter to


> editor.


> During the exam I could only make out the big E with my right

eye. Any of

> the rest was virtual darkness. Twelve days after that and

regular use of

> drops of flax oil in my eye my wife went for new glasses. They


> right and we will go again this week. However, the technician

put the eye

> chart on and I can already make out some letters in the next

size smaller.

> I can now use my right eye alone and read a lot of the TV

commercials. The

> " cloud " is still there but seems much less dense.


> During the exam, , the tecnician who did the examination

with the chart

> told me that she had an aunt in Texas who cleared cataracts

with Flaxseed

> oil.


> If this cataract is cleared I may again be able to read with both

eyes open.

> I am hardly daring to believe this can be possible, but

somewhat excited

> nevertheless.


> What I have written is not a recommendation. I do not know

what will

> happen. It is simply an account of what has happened.


> The Opthamologist has assured me that there can be no

danger in doing what I

> am doing. I would say that if any tries this one should use the

golden oil

> from the top of a bottle before it is mixed up in the case of

Lignan Rich

> oil.


> Today, November 13, 2001, I can read the computer screen

with both eyes open

> and little discomfort.


> Saturday Dec 1 I recieved a phone call from a lady in our area.

She has

> macular degeration in one eye and a developing cataract in the

other. She

> is

> 83.


> A few weeks ago she began putting a drop of oil in each eye

and she called

> to tell me there is a lot of improvement in the eye with Macular

> Degeneration. She

> is all excited. She was calling to see if it was alright to use it

twice a

> day.


> Cliff

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  • 4 weeks later...

Read with interest your e-mail re: flaxseed oil. I've been using with 1/4

cup ofcottage cheese.+ one tablespoon a day as an anti-oxident. Does appear

to give me heartburn. Possibly should cut down to 1 tsp. But from all I've

read, flaxseed oil seems to have the greatest effect on many illnesses and

prevention also.

Would like to hear comments and experience from other people.

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About the flaxseed oil ,there is a e-mail list where you will get a ton of

info.on flaxseed oil and the healing properties of flaxseed and cottage cheese.

to join the list.it is moderated by Cliff Beckworth.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Beckie!

This is Carol and I just got back from the Optometrist with my 14 yo daughter . We had a scare as she was have real difficulty seeing the board and she is in the front row most classes. She goes every six months as the secondary problems with JRA or AS is myopia, iritis and uveitis. The only one we can identify without any equipment is the iritis. This is broken capillaries around the iris. Technecially this is the inflammation of the iris. Not a blood shot eye just really red around the iris. The others involve the posterior layer of the iris which is called the Uvea.When this becomes inflammed it is called uveitis. Myopia is when the visual images focus in FRONT of the retina which will result in a defect in the vision of objects that are far away.

An optician is someone who can dispense glasses & contacts but CANNOT prescribe them.

An optometrist is someone who is trained to examine the eye for defects, faults of refraction and write the prescription for them or exercise instructions but NOT prescribe drugs or do surgery.

An opthamologist is the surgeon.

I really hope this is helpful. Have you checked where you go for your rheumy appointment if there is a doctor close by there? My doctor here used as a round table discussion as to whether or not contacts can aggrevate dormant secondary problems of JRA or AS. The answer was no. He still gets letters about that one.

Anyway, we have GREAT news! It was just astigmatism. So now she is 600+ on both eyes and has a new pair of glasses on the way.

About seeing a dentist. GO! has a root canal & crown on one of her permenant teeth as she was on so many meds when she was 2-5 years of age that her tooth developed mottled. It actually came in like chalk... This is the only tooth that needed ANY thing done. No other cavities or anything. The drugs a good for letting you know what organs can be affected, however, the teeth are never mentioned or considered.

~thanks for the site info for . She has kinda cooled her heals on that one for now.

Wishing all of you a sunny day! It is nice here now but we are supposed to be in the 20's tonight. got dialated today too......ooo la la......


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Becki, Yes it's very important that you see an opthamologist, no so sure a pediatric one is necessary , I've never seen a pediatric one even when I was a kid I'm sure he'd let you know if a pediatric Opthamologist was necessary Optometrist can do a slit lamp test but they couldn't treat him if he had iritis or uveitis two conditions that i've had even as a child and I would have hated to go to someone new with those conditions ..was very painful. :):):)Tree:):):) eyes hey gang, like Rob is systemic probably not ANA positive,doesnttake Plaqnequil,definatelly not a girl,although everyone thought he wasuntill I had 4 inches of hair cut off the back of his head.But we areaproaching the one year mark on high to intermediate doses ofsteroids.Can they check really little kids eyes?and do you have to seean opthamoligist,instead of an optomitrist?Cant find a pediatricopthamoligist in my city but there is a wonderful optomitrist that tookreally good care of my dad and brother who had diabetis.Just wonderingif I should set up an appointment now if we are to have him seen inJuly.Thanks yall,Becki and 3systemic

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Carol..that is great about s eyes! the websites i gave you are great

as far as reading about others with jra and plus the chats are one way of

chatting with someone our childrens ages who also deal with what they do.


From: " Carol Shroyer " <car54ol@...>


< >

Subject: Re: eyes

Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 13:35:08 -0500

Hi Beckie!

This is Carol and I just got back from the Optometrist with my 14 yo

daughter . We had a scare as she was have real difficulty seeing the

board and she is in the front row most classes. She goes every six months as

the secondary problems with JRA or AS is myopia, iritis and uveitis. The

only one we can identify without any equipment is the iritis. This is broken

capillaries around the iris. Technecially this is the inflammation of the

iris. Not a blood shot eye just really red around the iris. The others

involve the posterior layer of the iris which is called the Uvea.When this

becomes inflammed it is called uveitis. Myopia is when the visual images

focus in FRONT of the retina which will result in a defect in the vision of

objects that are far away.

An optician is someone who can dispense glasses & contacts but CANNOT

prescribe them.

An optometrist is someone who is trained to examine the eye for

defects, faults of refraction and write the prescription for them or

exercise instructions but NOT prescribe drugs or do surgery.

An opthamologist is the surgeon.

I really hope this is helpful. Have you checked where you go for your

rheumy appointment if there is a doctor close by there? My doctor here used

as a round table discussion as to whether or not contacts can

aggrevate dormant secondary problems of JRA or AS. The answer was no. He

still gets letters about that one.

Anyway, we have GREAT news! It was just astigmatism. So now she is 600+

on both eyes and has a new pair of glasses on the way.

About seeing a dentist. GO! has a root canal & crown on one of

her permenant teeth as she was on so many meds when she was 2-5 years of age

that her tooth developed mottled. It actually came in like chalk... This is

the only tooth that needed ANY thing done. No other cavities or anything.

The drugs a good for letting you know what organs can be affected, however,

the teeth are never mentioned or considered.

~thanks for the site info for . She has kinda cooled her

heals on that one for now.

Wishing all of you a sunny day! It is nice here now but we are supposed

to be in the 20's tonight. got dialated today too......ooo la




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  • 2 months later...
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Well I just got back from the eye dr. for the glaucoma checkup. My pressures

are still at 24, but no problems with the visual fields so I just need to

follow up in 6 months - no treatment for now (thank God, like I need another


but ...

I didn't realize how PA and PA drugs can effect your eyes so much. If you

haven't had an eye exam by an opthamologist (not an optician who isn't an MD)

in the last year, have them checked NOW. It's important if you are on MTX or

other DMARDS.

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In a message dated 6/6/02 11:47:06 AM Pacific Daylight Time, TADEL630@...



> Well, I just got back from the eye dr. for the glaucoma checkup. My

> pressures

> are still at 24, but no problems with the visual fields so I just need to

> follow up in 6 months - no treatment for now (thank God, like I need

> another

> drug?!?!)

> but ...

> I didn't realize how PA and PA drugs can effect your eyes so much. If you

> haven't had an eye exam by an opthamologist (not an optician who isn't an

> MD)

> in the last year, have them checked NOW. It's important if you are on MTX

> or

> other DMARDS.




Guess what? I just went to the eye doctor and my ocular pressure in 24 also.

I am going to be scheduled for the visual field test in the 1-2 months, and

then back for another glaucoma check in September and probably to the


Wouldn't you know, I was in the pharmacy at my clinic waiting to pick up all

my drugs (8 prescriptions) and thought while I was waiting, I would just

check and see how soon I would get an appointment to get my eyes checked. It

has been 2-1/2 years since my last eye exam and I knew my prescription had

changed (feeling a little blurred). They had an opening in an hour, so I took


Surprise! Surprise! They told me the results and I thought, God, another

medication! Just what I need!

For, now like you, no drops-----YET!!!! I know it's coming though. Both my

mother and her sister have glaucoma, so it is almost inevitable.

Anyway, I just wanted you to know we're in this boat together, for better or

worse. I will let you know how it goes.

Carol in Vancouver, Washington.

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My eye pressures have been hovering at 24/25 for the past six years and I

too take no medications for it. I only receive artificial tears for severe

dry eyes, which seems to go with our problems. I now only have to see my

eye specialist every twelve months to have them checked. However, you need

to watch your peripheral vision and if you feel you are starting to lose it,

then contact your eye specialist immediately.

Regards, Gordon

Re: [ ] eyes

> Well I just got back from the eye dr. for the glaucoma checkup. My


> are still at 24, but no problems with the visual fields so I just need to

> follow up in 6 months - no treatment for now (thank God, like I need


> drug?!?!)

> but ...

> I didn't realize how PA and PA drugs can effect your eyes so much. If you

> haven't had an eye exam by an opthamologist (not an optician who isn't an


> in the last year, have them checked NOW. It's important if you are on MTX


> other DMARDS.





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In a message dated 06/07/2002 2:26:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

cacombe@... writes:

> For, now like you, no drops-----YET!!!! I know it's coming though. Both my

> mother and her sister have glaucoma, so it is almost inevitable.



Hi Carol - sorry to hear we are in the same boat, but at least now we have

company right? I have no family history of glaucoma so I was a bit

surprised, but I am diabetic so I guess I shouldn't have been. Anyway, just

want to re-iterate to EVERYONE on this list - get your eyes checked!!

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I've already had the lower tear duct plugs for dry eyes put in and

have been going in for pressure tests etc for the last couple years.

The eye doc says sjogren's syndrome but the Rheumy says no. I

currently have to put one drop in each eye at night to keep the

pressures down. The tests had shown that the pressures were roller

coastering and doc said that was worse than a steady rise during the

day. I think the drops are fairly new, Lumigan. Something to be aware



> In a message dated 6/6/02 11:47:06 AM Pacific Daylight Time,


> writes:



> >

> > Well, I just got back from the eye dr. for the glaucoma checkup.


> > pressures

> > are still at 24, but no problems with the visual fields so I just

need to

> > follow up in 6 months - no treatment for now (thank God, like I


> > another

> > drug?!?!)

> > but ...

> > I didn't realize how PA and PA drugs can effect your eyes so

much. If you

> > haven't had an eye exam by an opthamologist (not an optician who

isn't an

> > MD)

> > in the last year, have them checked NOW. It's important if you

are on MTX

> > or

> > other DMARDS.

> >

> >


> ,


> Guess what? I just went to the eye doctor and my ocular pressure

in 24 also.

> I am going to be scheduled for the visual field test in the 1-2

months, and

> then back for another glaucoma check in September and probably to


> ophthalmologist.


> Wouldn't you know, I was in the pharmacy at my clinic waiting to

pick up all

> my drugs (8 prescriptions) and thought while I was waiting, I would


> check and see how soon I would get an appointment to get my eyes

checked. It

> has been 2-1/2 years since my last eye exam and I knew my

prescription had

> changed (feeling a little blurred). They had an opening in an hour,

so I took

> it.


> Surprise! Surprise! They told me the results and I thought, God,


> medication! Just what I need!


> For, now like you, no drops-----YET!!!! I know it's coming though.

Both my

> mother and her sister have glaucoma, so it is almost inevitable.


> Anyway, I just wanted you to know we're in this boat together, for

better or

> worse. I will let you know how it goes.


> Carol in Vancouver, Washington.




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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Guys,

I have been having a problem with my vision while driving long distances. My

left eye seems to lose focus and I find that my right eye gets tired and then

I start to drift. I know that this can be dangerous, so I'm trying not to do

the long drives. But, I've noticed it is getting worse. Any thoughts? I

know that some of our medications can cause eye problems, but, I thought it

was things like Sjogrens. Let me know if you have any advise. I am going to

the eye doctor, because when I told my regular doctor, he seemed to think the

eye doc was my best bet for a start.

Amy Deel

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  • 7 months later...

W......just as an off-shoot....my optician dx a major problem (he thought at the time it was diabetes) and wrote a letter to my doctor to be checked out...it was this letter that sent me on the path of a diagnosis of AIH when my old doctor said there was nothing wrong with me and said I was just doing too much!! I think I would be pushing up daisies (sorry about the expression) if it wasnt for my optician. Surprising how they can learn so much just looking in our eyes.


Re: [ ] prednisone/ dry skin and eyes


Actually I have not mentioned my blurry vision or dry eyes to my doctor. I have to get my eyes checked every six months because of being on plaquenil. I think my next appt is in April. I may go ahead and move it up a few weeks just to make sure all is okay. I've had a corneal ulcer in one eye, so I don't want to take any chances with my eyes.

I do know the candy you are talking about but can't remember the name. I'll pick some up to keep in my purse.



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