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I would suggest an ophthalmologist. Eyesight is too precious to mess

around with.


On Wednesday, December 6, 2006, at 12:22 PM, Carla wrote:

> I have seen ear specialists, dermatologists (for supposed

> psoriasis in my ears only) and even had an MRI done but no one is

> seeing

> anything.... Next specialist??


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Joy,

Good luck with your appt tomorrow. Your doctor should be able to

tell if something is off. When I was a child, I had two different

eye surgeries on the muscles in my eyes. " they won't working

properly " is what I was told. Never had a problem since.

Debbie L


> I am going to the eye doc tomorrow. I have been having problems

with my eyes.

> Sometimes my eyes feel like they are going the wrong way and not


> properly. I work in a library and it is really getting to me.

When I asked the rheumie

> she said none of the meds I was on would effect my eyes but I

have seen a lot

> of talk on here that say otherwise. I stopped taking humira

about a month ago and

> now I am on prednisone 5mg a day, voltaren 75mg twice a day,

arava every other day

> 20mg. I'm kind of nervous about what he will find tomorrow.



> Joy

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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> http://jhoormann-ivil.tripod.com

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Hi Joy,

I will say a prayer for you tonight. Let us know how it goes I had problem

with my eyes but it was my age (before RA meds) I now have bifolds contacts it

works I can now see the person I am talking to. I use to just have the near

sighted contacts but people's faces were fuzzy then went I got my new contacts I

could see people I decided I didn't care what was a mile or so away I wanted to

see the people I am talking to. I am 48 I started not being able to see close

up at 41 or so.


Joy <jhoorm01@...> wrote:

I am going to the eye doc tomorrow. I have been having problems with

my eyes.

Sometimes my eyes feel like they are going the wrong way and not focusing

properly. I work in a library and it is really getting to me. When I asked the


she said none of the meds I was on would effect my eyes but I have seen a lot

of talk on here that say otherwise. I stopped taking humira about a month ago


now I am on prednisone 5mg a day, voltaren 75mg twice a day, arava every other


20mg. I'm kind of nervous about what he will find tomorrow.



Visit Joy's Homepage and Reading Room!


Come see My Dog Salsa!


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Speak to your doc ASAP. It could be a number of things, but my first

symptoms 14 months ago was trouble with my eyes tracking, and I was

eventually diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. There are so many eye

related problems linked to different meds and different diseases.

Keep in mind that once you have any Auto Immune Disorder, you are

suseptible to many others. I started out with RA, and then was

diagnosed with Sjogren's, Reynauds, MS, the Vasculitis of the Brain.

Make sure and post to let us know what's up.

Best of luck,

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Hi .

He just kept saying well now that you are over 40.... I wanted to sock him..

I even asked him if he thought it could be neurological and he said

not if it just lasts a few seconds when it happens it would have to happen

for minutes at a time. Is that true you think?

<ltlmisscrankypants@...> wrote:


Speak to your doc ASAP. It could be a number of things, but my first

symptoms 14 months ago was trouble with my eyes tracking, and I was

eventually diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. There are so many eye

related problems linked to different meds and different diseases.

Keep in mind that once you have any Auto Immune Disorder, you are

suseptible to many others. I started out with RA, and then was

diagnosed with Sjogren's, Reynauds, MS, the Vasculitis of the Brain.

Make sure and post to let us know what's up.

Best of luck,



Visit Joy's Homepage and Reading Room!


Come see My Dog Salsa!


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He said my vision had not changed much since my last exam but he wondered

if my optimitrist made the lenses too strong but the prescription is a little


a year old so I don't know. He said I might try wearing the very cheapest of


glasses for close up but that I was not needing bifocals yet...

Marsha Hostetler <marshahostetler@...> wrote:

Hi Joy,

I will say a prayer for you tonight. Let us know how it goes I had problem with

my eyes but it was my age (before RA meds) I now have bifolds contacts it works

I can now see the person I am talking to. I use to just have the near sighted

contacts but people's faces were fuzzy then went I got my new contacts I could

see people I decided I didn't care what was a mile or so away I wanted to see

the people I am talking to. I am 48 I started not being able to see close up at

41 or so.


Joy <jhoorm01@...> wrote:

I am going to the eye doc tomorrow. I have been having problems with my eyes.

Sometimes my eyes feel like they are going the wrong way and not focusing

properly. I work in a library and it is really getting to me. When I asked the


she said none of the meds I was on would effect my eyes but I have seen a lot

of talk on here that say otherwise. I stopped taking humira about a month ago


now I am on prednisone 5mg a day, voltaren 75mg twice a day, arava every other


20mg. I'm kind of nervous about what he will find tomorrow.



Visit Joy's Homepage and Reading Room!


Come see My Dog Salsa!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a detached retina in one eye, glaucoma @ 47 and

extremely dry eyes -- and eye doc thinks that some of

my eye issues are from my under-treated thyroid

condition. I've had all sorts of Hypo_T problems for

years and didn't know it was all thyroid related until

I was dx'd with Hashi's this past summer.

I'm now off Synthroid and take Armour Thyroid. In less

than 2 months I'm doing better than I have been in 10

years. My pain levels are so low -- that I no longer

need meds, I'm sleeping good without sleep aids, have

energy again -- when before I felt like a slug, etc.

I suggest to the person that first posted this thread

to see an eye doctor that understands the connection

of dry eyes to thyroid disease.

OR -- if you want to start learning about how you can

help yourself & NOT depend on those stupid TSH ranges

start reading here:



--- Sandy Carroll <sunshineinindiana1@...>


I guess we have to find

> something to help us on our own because the doctors

> cant. I go to endro and he doesnt even know. Sandy

> __________________________________________________


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HI Sandy,

What medicines are you on for your thyroid and what diet are you on... I too

have always been 110 and lower my whole life until Cushings then after surgery I

was able to lose all of that and then some and now the thyroid got me big , I

gainned 57 lbs.. I tried & tried to take it off the ways I always used too.

but no more,, so I found a diet called the South Beach Diet and have lost 37

lbs. but the holidays put back on about 4 lbs. and that will soon come off as

soon as New Years day is over with.. and I will be on my way to losing the rest

of it,, I'm not going to go back down to 110 unless that's what God has in store

for me.. I'm aimming for 125 lbs. at first and do some toning and if that

doesn't do it I'll take another 5 to 8 lbs. but not more unless like I said...

I don't think most hypo's can eat sugar hardly ever and we have to really

watch the fat intake too.. I can't even eat hardly any animal food any more,, I

have become a vegetarian and have lost more that way..I'm getting there.. I'm

not going to make my goal dead line on Dec. 31, 2006 I have 8.5 lbs. more to go

but that's ok,, I will keep going and make my goal a little later..

hope it works for you


Sandy Carroll <sunshineinindiana1@...> wrote:

My husband and I went to reno gambling and was there 5 days. Upon

returning our son met us at the airport. he wanted to get some sushi so we said

yes. We weren't in there 5 minutes when my LEFT eye starting seeing black

floating things in front of me. I told my husband and son and they felt it was

all the gambling I did. So I agreed and decided sleep is what I needed. the next

day I still had it and decided to call and get an appointment with my eye

doctor. they took me the next morning. I could tell that something was wrong on

the docs face. Then I asked him what was wrong. I had a torn retina. I

immediately went to a specialisits and he lasered it. I am ok now. I feel that

it was from my thyroid and not just from getting older. Another thing that is

really bothering me is that Im not losing this weight that is around my middle.

I have always been 112 and now I hate to say it but I weight 171 because of the

thyroid. I dont even have to eat and I get bigger.

I am very disguisted. Also the more I exercise the bigger I get. And I know its

not from eating. It is from this thyroid. I guess we have to find something to

help us on our own because the doctors cant. I go to endro and he doesnt even

know. Sandy


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one mans food is blessing, another is a poison. Do you know you blood type?

Really can help YOUR body. check out the books

Eat right for your blood type, and

The metabolic typing diet. www.mercola.com talks about it. Has a lot of

success reversing disease ect with it.

Each of these are not really diets, they are foods that are good for you.

It was a godsend when I read the blood type book. I never wanted bananas,

or citrus as a young person. But, everyone said you have to eat them. They

are good for you. Well, they are for most, but A+ like I am explained a

lot. I don't digest that well. I knew what the rest of my family was

before finding out their blood type. When there is a meal they want meat

first. That is trademark for O

blood types. They were the first blood type.

Remember it is not what you eat it is WHAT YOU DIGEST. So if you are not

digesting food well you eat, even if it is good food, it is not worth

eating. tata

Re: eyes

> HI Sandy,

> What medicines are you on for your thyroid and what diet are you on... I

> too have always been 110 and lower my whole life until Cushings then after

> surgery I was able to lose all of that and then some and now the thyroid

> got me big , I gainned 57 lbs.. I tried & tried to take it off the ways I

> always used too. but no more,, so I found a diet called the South Beach

> Diet and have lost 37 lbs. but the holidays put back on about 4 lbs. and

> that will soon come off as soon as New Years day is over with.. and I will

> be on my way to losing the rest of it,, I'm not going to go back down to

> 110 unless that's what God has in store for me.. I'm aimming for 125 lbs.

> at first and do some toning and if that doesn't do it I'll take another 5

> to 8 lbs. but not more unless like I said...

> I don't think most hypo's can eat sugar hardly ever and we have to

> really watch the fat intake too.. I can't even eat hardly any animal food

> any more,, I have become a vegetarian and have lost more that way..I'm

> getting there.. I'm not going to make my goal dead line on Dec. 31, 2006

> I have 8.5 lbs. more to go but that's ok,, I will keep going and make my

> goal a little later..

> hope it works for you

> Bev


> Sandy Carroll <sunshineinindiana1@...> wrote:

> My husband and I went to reno gambling and was there 5 days. Upon

> returning our son met us at the airport. he wanted to get some sushi so we

> said yes. We weren't in there 5 minutes when my LEFT eye starting seeing

> black floating things in front of me. I told my husband and son and they

> felt it was all the gambling I did. So I agreed and decided sleep is what

> I needed. the next day I still had it and decided to call and get an

> appointment with my eye doctor. they took me the next morning. I could

> tell that something was wrong on the docs face. Then I asked him what was

> wrong. I had a torn retina. I immediately went to a specialisits and he

> lasered it. I am ok now. I feel that it was from my thyroid and not just

> from getting older. Another thing that is really bothering me is that Im

> not losing this weight that is around my middle. I have always been 112

> and now I hate to say it but I weight 171 because of the thyroid. I dont

> even have to eat and I get bigger.

> I am very disguisted. Also the more I exercise the bigger I get. And I

> know its not from eating. It is from this thyroid. I guess we have to find

> something to help us on our own because the doctors cant. I go to endro

> and he doesnt even know. Sandy

> __________________________________________________


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Hi Bev,

First, Congrats on your weightloss! Second, you mentioned that you are

basically a vegetarian, What is the South Beach Diet? I thought it was more for

meat eaters? Please share, as I have some weight that i need to lose too!



bev <bdowns45681@...> wrote:

HI Sandy,

What medicines are you on for your thyroid and what diet are you on... I too

have always been 110 and lower my whole life until Cushings then after surgery I

was able to lose all of that and then some and now the thyroid got me big , I

gainned 57 lbs.. I tried & tried to take it off the ways I always used too. but

no more,, so I found a diet called the South Beach Diet and have lost 37 lbs.

but the holidays put back on about 4 lbs. and that will soon come off as soon as

New Years day is over with.. and I will be on my way to losing the rest of it,,

I'm not going to go back down to 110 unless that's what God has in store for

me.. I'm aimming for 125 lbs. at first and do some toning and if that doesn't do

it I'll take another 5 to 8 lbs. but not more unless like I said...

I don't think most hypo's can eat sugar hardly ever and we have to really watch

the fat intake too.. I can't even eat hardly any animal food any more,, I have

become a vegetarian and have lost more that way..I'm getting there.. I'm not

going to make my goal dead line on Dec. 31, 2006 I have 8.5 lbs. more to go but

that's ok,, I will keep going and make my goal a little later..

hope it works for you


Sandy Carroll <sunshineinindiana1@...> wrote:

My husband and I went to reno gambling and was there 5 days. Upon returning our

son met us at the airport. he wanted to get some sushi so we said yes. We

weren't in there 5 minutes when my LEFT eye starting seeing black floating

things in front of me. I told my husband and son and they felt it was all the

gambling I did. So I agreed and decided sleep is what I needed. the next day I

still had it and decided to call and get an appointment with my eye doctor. they

took me the next morning. I could tell that something was wrong on the docs

face. Then I asked him what was wrong. I had a torn retina. I immediately went

to a specialisits and he lasered it. I am ok now. I feel that it was from my

thyroid and not just from getting older. Another thing that is really bothering

me is that Im not losing this weight that is around my middle. I have always

been 112 and now I hate to say it but I weight 171 because of the thyroid. I

dont even have to eat and I get bigger.

I am very disguisted. Also the more I exercise the bigger I get. And I know its

not from eating. It is from this thyroid. I guess we have to find something to

help us on our own because the doctors cant. I go to endro and he doesnt even

know. Sandy


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Hi ,


If you are serious and would like to try the diet you really need to read the

book before started. It's well worth it.. I checked it out at the library.

No, it's not a meat eating diet like atkins.. but you do eat meat (low fat

certain meats). You can also do it as a veggie diet too, like myself.. I had to

stop eating meat this summer because I had to have my gallbladder out in Aug.

and have just chose to keep eating that way and am feeling better than I have in

years too. I do eat just a touch of dairy but not very much or often and for a

reason.. if I can accomplish the same thing with nonanimal foods I will.. I have

that for the most part so far my body does better without animal foods..and I

lose more weight. I fixed some coctail weenies about a month or so ago for my

grandkids that had stayed the night and they smelled good so I tried them and

boy was I sick for about 1 1/2 days.... yuck, fixed me....I'm not going close

again...I only had 4 of them too. It's a way of life and it works if you work

it. All of other ways just didn't do for me cause you had to measure or count

points or something....you don't do any

of that with the SBD. You just learn what you can eat & what you can't eat & so

on..then go for it..

So get the book or check it out at the Lib. because I might not relay all the

info there is, I'm sure I wouldn't....and you do need to know it at least once

before going on.. the first two weeks is the 1st level and a detox level and boy

you sure do appreciate the sweetness of foods after that.....and not added


I'm on the South Beach Diet support group online too. if anyone would like the

address just let me know..

good luck


and Irwin <familyirwin@...> wrote:

Hi Bev,

First, Congrats on your weightloss! Second, you mentioned that you are basically

a vegetarian, What is the South Beach Diet? I thought it was more for meat

eaters? Please share, as I have some weight that i need to lose too!



bev <bdowns45681@...> wrote:

HI Sandy,

What medicines are you on for your thyroid and what diet are you on... I too

have always been 110 and lower my whole life until Cushings then after surgery I

was able to lose all of that and then some and now the thyroid got me big , I

gainned 57 lbs.. I tried & tried to take it off the ways I always used too. but

no more,, so I found a diet called the South Beach Diet and have lost 37 lbs.

but the holidays put back on about 4 lbs. and that will soon come off as soon as

New Years day is over with.. and I will be on my way to losing the rest of it,,

I'm not going to go back down to 110 unless that's what God has in store for

me.. I'm aimming for 125 lbs. at first and do some toning and if that doesn't do

it I'll take another 5 to 8 lbs. but not more unless like I said...

I don't think most hypo's can eat sugar hardly ever and we have to really watch

the fat intake too.. I can't even eat hardly any animal food any more,, I have

become a vegetarian and have lost more that way..I'm getting there.. I'm not

going to make my goal dead line on Dec. 31, 2006 I have 8.5 lbs. more to go but

that's ok,, I will keep going and make my goal a little later..

hope it works for you


Sandy Carroll <sunshineinindiana1@...> wrote:

My husband and I went to reno gambling and was there 5 days. Upon returning our

son met us at the airport. he wanted to get some sushi so we said yes. We

weren't in there 5 minutes when my LEFT eye starting seeing black floating

things in front of me. I told my husband and son and they felt it was all the

gambling I did. So I agreed and decided sleep is what I needed. the next day I

still had it and decided to call and get an appointment with my eye doctor. they

took me the next morning. I could tell that something was wrong on the docs

face. Then I asked him what was wrong. I had a torn retina. I immediately went

to a specialisits and he lasered it. I am ok now. I feel that it was from my

thyroid and not just from getting older. Another thing that is really bothering

me is that Im not losing this weight that is around my middle. I have always

been 112 and now I hate to say it but I weight 171 because of the thyroid. I

dont even have to eat and I get bigger.

I am very disguisted. Also the more I exercise the bigger I get. And I know its

not from eating. It is from this thyroid. I guess we have to find something to

help us on our own because the doctors cant. I go to endro and he doesnt even

know. Sandy


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I use to have black floaters in my eyes. I used to be very worried

about it. But they seem to have gone away since i was put on

synthroid. Should i tell my doctor about it?


> My husband and I went to reno gambling and was there 5 days. Upon

returning our son met us at the airport. he wanted to get some sushi

so we said yes. We weren't in there 5 minutes when my LEFT eye

starting seeing black floating things in front of me. I told my

husband and son and they felt it was all the gambling I did. So I

agreed and decided sleep is what I needed. the next day I still had

it and decided to call and get an appointment with my eye doctor.

they took me the next morning. I could tell that something was wrong

on the docs face. Then I asked him what was wrong. I had a torn

retina. I immediately went to a specialisits and he lasered it. I am

ok now. I feel that it was from my thyroid and not just from getting

older. Another thing that is really bothering me is that Im not

losing this weight that is around my middle. I have always been 112

and now I hate to say it but I weight 171 because of the thyroid. I

dont even have to eat and I get bigger.

> I am very disguisted. Also the more I exercise the bigger I get.

And I know its not from eating. It is from this thyroid. I guess we

have to find something to help us on our own because the doctors cant.

I go to endro and he doesnt even know. Sandy

> __________________________________________________


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Hi Bev!

Thank you for the information! That is very encouraging and much appreciated!


bev <bdowns45681@...> wrote:

Hi ,


If you are serious and would like to try the diet you really need to read the

book before started. It's well worth it.. I checked it out at the library.

No, it's not a meat eating diet like atkins.. but you do eat meat (low fat

certain meats). You can also do it as a veggie diet too, like myself.. I had to

stop eating meat this summer because I had to have my gallbladder out in Aug.

and have just chose to keep eating that way and am feeling better than I have in

years too. I do eat just a touch of dairy but not very much or often and for a

reason.. if I can accomplish the same thing with nonanimal foods I will.. I have

that for the most part so far my body does better without animal foods..and I

lose more weight. I fixed some coctail weenies about a month or so ago for my

grandkids that had stayed the night and they smelled good so I tried them and

boy was I sick for about 1 1/2 days.... yuck, fixed me....I'm not going close

again...I only had 4 of them too. It's a way of life and it works if you work

it. All of other ways just didn't do for me cause you had to measure or count

points or something....you don't do any

of that with the SBD. You just learn what you can eat & what you can't eat & so

on..then go for it..

So get the book or check it out at the Lib. because I might not relay all the

info there is, I'm sure I wouldn't....and you do need to know it at least once

before going on.. the first two weeks is the 1st level and a detox level and boy

you sure do appreciate the sweetness of foods after that.....and not added


I'm on the South Beach Diet support group online too. if anyone would like the

address just let me know..

good luck


and Irwin <familyirwin@...> wrote:

Hi Bev,

First, Congrats on your weightloss! Second, you mentioned that you are basically

a vegetarian, What is the South Beach Diet? I thought it was more for meat

eaters? Please share, as I have some weight that i need to lose too!



bev <bdowns45681@...> wrote:

HI Sandy,

What medicines are you on for your thyroid and what diet are you on... I too

have always been 110 and lower my whole life until Cushings then after surgery I

was able to lose all of that and then some and now the thyroid got me big , I

gainned 57 lbs.. I tried & tried to take it off the ways I always used too. but

no more,, so I found a diet called the South Beach Diet and have lost 37 lbs.

but the holidays put back on about 4 lbs. and that will soon come off as soon as

New Years day is over with.. and I will be on my way to losing the rest of it,,

I'm not going to go back down to 110 unless that's what God has in store for

me.. I'm aimming for 125 lbs. at first and do some toning and if that doesn't do

it I'll take another 5 to 8 lbs. but not more unless like I said...

I don't think most hypo's can eat sugar hardly ever and we have to really watch

the fat intake too.. I can't even eat hardly any animal food any more,, I have

become a vegetarian and have lost more that way..I'm getting there.. I'm not

going to make my goal dead line on Dec. 31, 2006 I have 8.5 lbs. more to go but

that's ok,, I will keep going and make my goal a little later..

hope it works for you


Sandy Carroll <sunshineinindiana1@...> wrote:

My husband and I went to reno gambling and was there 5 days. Upon returning our

son met us at the airport. he wanted to get some sushi so we said yes. We

weren't in there 5 minutes when my LEFT eye starting seeing black floating

things in front of me. I told my husband and son and they felt it was all the

gambling I did. So I agreed and decided sleep is what I needed. the next day I

still had it and decided to call and get an appointment with my eye doctor. they

took me the next morning. I could tell that something was wrong on the docs

face. Then I asked him what was wrong. I had a torn retina. I immediately went

to a specialisits and he lasered it. I am ok now. I feel that it was from my

thyroid and not just from getting older. Another thing that is really bothering

me is that Im not losing this weight that is around my middle. I have always

been 112 and now I hate to say it but I weight 171 because of the thyroid. I

dont even have to eat and I get bigger.

I am very disguisted. Also the more I exercise the bigger I get. And I know its

not from eating. It is from this thyroid. I guess we have to find something to

help us on our own because the doctors cant. I go to endro and he doesnt even

know. Sandy


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Jeff: That is very dangerous. Go to a good retinal specialists and he will

look at them. My floaters was a torn retina. You can go blind if you have that

and you dont take care of it. I found that out. But if its gone then you dont

have a torn retina. Sandy and yes tell your doctor everything you have

experienced. Get the book Thyroid Solutions and read it. It will explain

everything about us and thyroid. My best friend has thyroid and she went to

Texas several times to Dr. Arem who wrote the book.

jeffrey <tootal2@...> wrote: I use to have black floaters in my

eyes. I used to be very worried

about it. But they seem to have gone away since i was put on

synthroid. Should i tell my doctor about it?


> My husband and I went to reno gambling and was there 5 days. Upon

returning our son met us at the airport. he wanted to get some sushi

so we said yes. We weren't in there 5 minutes when my LEFT eye

starting seeing black floating things in front of me. I told my

husband and son and they felt it was all the gambling I did. So I

agreed and decided sleep is what I needed. the next day I still had

it and decided to call and get an appointment with my eye doctor.

they took me the next morning. I could tell that something was wrong

on the docs face. Then I asked him what was wrong. I had a torn

retina. I immediately went to a specialisits and he lasered it. I am

ok now. I feel that it was from my thyroid and not just from getting

older. Another thing that is really bothering me is that Im not

losing this weight that is around my middle. I have always been 112

and now I hate to say it but I weight 171 because of the thyroid. I

dont even have to eat and I get bigger.

> I am very disguisted. Also the more I exercise the bigger I get.

And I know its not from eating. It is from this thyroid. I guess we

have to find something to help us on our own because the doctors cant.

I go to endro and he doesnt even know. Sandy

> __________________________________________________


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A guy at work had his retinals detach. He woke up blind. But the

doctors fixed it. I don't know how good his eye site is now. I use to

have all kinds of problems before i found thyroid was low. I use to

have dry eyes, joint pain, dry skin and black spots in my eyes.

> >

> > My husband and I went to reno gambling and was there 5 days. Upon

> returning our son met us at the airport. he wanted to get some sushi

> so we said yes. We weren't in there 5 minutes when my LEFT eye

> starting seeing black floating things in front of me. I told my

> husband and son and they felt it was all the gambling I did. So I

> agreed and decided sleep is what I needed. the next day I still had

> it and decided to call and get an appointment with my eye doctor.

> they took me the next morning. I could tell that something was wrong

> on the docs face. Then I asked him what was wrong. I had a torn

> retina. I immediately went to a specialisits and he lasered it. I am

> ok now. I feel that it was from my thyroid and not just from getting

> older. Another thing that is really bothering me is that Im not

> losing this weight that is around my middle. I have always been 112

> and now I hate to say it but I weight 171 because of the thyroid. I

> dont even have to eat and I get bigger.

> > I am very disguisted. Also the more I exercise the bigger I get.

> And I know its not from eating. It is from this thyroid. I guess we

> have to find something to help us on our own because the doctors cant.

> I go to endro and he doesnt even know. Sandy

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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I couldn't find anything on this diet.. it was from ediets and you had to buy

before getting any info....if you have something else on this let me know, I'm

always looking for something better...


Sharon <s.s.t@...> wrote:

one mans food is blessing, another is a poison. Do you know you blood


Really can help YOUR body. check out the books

Eat right for your blood type, and

The metabolic typing diet. www.mercola.com talks about it. Has a lot of

success reversing disease ect with it.

Each of these are not really diets, they are foods that are good for you.

It was a godsend when I read the blood type book. I never wanted bananas,

or citrus as a young person. But, everyone said you have to eat them. They

are good for you. Well, they are for most, but A+ like I am explained a

lot. I don't digest that well. I knew what the rest of my family was

before finding out their blood type. When there is a meal they want meat

first. That is trademark for O

blood types. They were the first blood type.

Remember it is not what you eat it is WHAT YOU DIGEST. So if you are not

digesting food well you eat, even if it is good food, it is not worth

eating. tata

Re: eyes

> HI Sandy,

> What medicines are you on for your thyroid and what diet are you on... I

> too have always been 110 and lower my whole life until Cushings then after

> surgery I was able to lose all of that and then some and now the thyroid

> got me big , I gainned 57 lbs.. I tried & tried to take it off the ways I

> always used too. but no more,, so I found a diet called the South Beach

> Diet and have lost 37 lbs. but the holidays put back on about 4 lbs. and

> that will soon come off as soon as New Years day is over with.. and I will

> be on my way to losing the rest of it,, I'm not going to go back down to

> 110 unless that's what God has in store for me.. I'm aimming for 125 lbs.

> at first and do some toning and if that doesn't do it I'll take another 5

> to 8 lbs. but not more unless like I said...

> I don't think most hypo's can eat sugar hardly ever and we have to

> really watch the fat intake too.. I can't even eat hardly any animal food

> any more,, I have become a vegetarian and have lost more that way..I'm

> getting there.. I'm not going to make my goal dead line on Dec. 31, 2006

> I have 8.5 lbs. more to go but that's ok,, I will keep going and make my

> goal a little later..

> hope it works for you

> Bev


> Sandy Carroll <sunshineinindiana1@...> wrote:

> My husband and I went to reno gambling and was there 5 days. Upon

> returning our son met us at the airport. he wanted to get some sushi so we

> said yes. We weren't in there 5 minutes when my LEFT eye starting seeing

> black floating things in front of me. I told my husband and son and they

> felt it was all the gambling I did. So I agreed and decided sleep is what

> I needed. the next day I still had it and decided to call and get an

> appointment with my eye doctor. they took me the next morning. I could

> tell that something was wrong on the docs face. Then I asked him what was

> wrong. I had a torn retina. I immediately went to a specialisits and he

> lasered it. I am ok now. I feel that it was from my thyroid and not just

> from getting older. Another thing that is really bothering me is that Im

> not losing this weight that is around my middle. I have always been 112

> and now I hate to say it but I weight 171 because of the thyroid. I dont

> even have to eat and I get bigger.

> I am very disguisted. Also the more I exercise the bigger I get. And I

> know its not from eating. It is from this thyroid. I guess we have to find

> something to help us on our own because the doctors cant. I go to endro

> and he doesnt even know. Sandy

> __________________________________________________


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Oh yes! ! ! ! I can relate so well. More thyroxine did help me there.


This is the first time since I was diagnosed with hypoT that my eyes

have hurt. Has anyone else experienced pain in their eyes? Before I

was first diagnosed I had vision problems but my eyes didn't hurt.

This is a headache in my forehead (weeks now) and my eyes hurt. If

anyone else out there has dealt with this, what helped?


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I have had this before, and it was blocked sinuses. My

doctor sent me for a sinus MRI, because I pestered him

about me getting bronchitis all the time which leads

to an asthma attack.

He was very surprised, because the sinuses were almost

all blocked up. Two totally blocked, two half blocked,

and the reason for my forehead headaches and all the

other things became instantly apparant.


--- sweetenloe1 <sweetnwright@...> wrote:

> This is the first time since I was diagnosed with

> hypoT that my eyes

> have hurt. Has anyone else experienced pain in

> their eyes? Before I

> was first diagnosed I had vision problems but my

> eyes didn't hurt.

> This is a headache in my forehead (weeks now) and my

> eyes hurt. If

> anyone else out there has dealt with this, what

> helped?





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Do you have a or some red spots in your eyes too?



> This is the first time since I was diagnosed with hypoT that my eyes

> have hurt. Has anyone else experienced pain in their eyes? Before I

> was first diagnosed I had vision problems but my eyes didn't hurt.

> This is a headache in my forehead (weeks now) and my eyes hurt. If

> anyone else out there has dealt with this, what helped?


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Guest guest

Not that I can see. Why?

> >

> > This is the first time since I was diagnosed with hypoT that my eyes

> > have hurt. Has anyone else experienced pain in their eyes? Before I

> > was first diagnosed I had vision problems but my eyes didn't hurt.

> > This is a headache in my forehead (weeks now) and my eyes hurt. If

> > anyone else out there has dealt with this, what helped?

> >


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Guest guest

well, i had an mri last week (because i have had the same headache for

4 weeks) and there was no obvious sinus problems or clots or anything

else. Hopefully, the increase in synthroid will help soon.


> > This is the first time since I was diagnosed with

> > hypoT that my eyes

> > have hurt. Has anyone else experienced pain in

> > their eyes? Before I

> > was first diagnosed I had vision problems but my

> > eyes didn't hurt.

> > This is a headache in my forehead (weeks now) and my

> > eyes hurt. If

> > anyone else out there has dealt with this, what

> > helped?

> >

> >








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Well, at least your doctor is doing checking with

tests. Just make sure that you don't let it go. The

human body is amazing in the way it can adjust to

different aches and pains, almost as if they were

normal. Don't let this happen to you. Keep on top of

the doc.

I hope you feel better soon.


--- sweetenloe1 <sweetnwright@...> wrote:

> well, i had an mri last week (because i have had the

> same headache for

> 4 weeks) and there was no obvious sinus problems or

> clots or anything

> else. Hopefully, the increase in synthroid will

> help soon.


> >

> > I have had this before, and it was blocked

> sinuses. My

> > doctor sent me for a sinus MRI, because I pestered

> him

> > about me getting bronchitis all the time which

> leads

> > to an asthma attack.

> >

> > He was very surprised, because the sinuses were

> almost

> > all blocked up. Two totally blocked, two half

> blocked,

> > and the reason for my forehead headaches and all

> the

> > other things became instantly apparant.

> >

> > Roni




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Guest guest

you can look forward to high blood pressure and diabetes up the road;

aint it great? I use peppermint oil on my forehead now for headaches

and it works very well, and it smells good too!!

> >

> > This is the first time since I was diagnosed with hypoT that my eyes

> > have hurt. Has anyone else experienced pain in their eyes? Before


> > was first diagnosed I had vision problems but my eyes didn't hurt.

> > This is a headache in my forehead (weeks now) and my eyes hurt. If

> > anyone else out there has dealt with this, what helped?

> >


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Guest guest

Because since I have been dx-ed hypo, I also have been dx-ed with

Episcleritis, my eye doc. said it is like eye arthitis... very painful


> Not that I can see. Why?


> >

> > Do you have a or some red spots in your eyes too?

> >

> > Bev

> >

> >

> >

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