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Zoloft survivor - New to Group

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Hi my name is Cyndi and I started taking Zoloft in early 2000 for

depression and anxiety related to spousal abuse and a very nasty

divorce. I stopped taking Zoloft approximately 3 weeks ago and

I've been through hell to say the least. A week after discontinuing

the Zoloft, I came down with a pretty bad sinus and upper respiratory

infection. I think in retrospect, it was to my advantage that I was

layed up in bed for 3 days because I don't think I would have been

able to function otherwise. I did not consult with my doctor

concerning my plan to stop, but I did go from taking 100 mg a day to

50 mg a day for the last two weeks before I quit all together. I've

had every single withdrawal symptom that I've found researching this

subject, which of course has made me feel not so alone and crazy, but

I don't seem to be able to find much information regarding a way to

naturally detox your body of this drug. I feel much worse now

physically than I did when I was prescribed the drug. God, if I had

only known. The worst of the symptoms have been the buzzing feeling

in my head which almost always followed by exteme dizziness and then

nauseau. Yesterday I spent more time with my head on my desk or

leaning over the garbage can that I did doing any work. I feel like

I have the flu, with lots of aches and such. I also believe that

Zoloft has caused me to gain approximately 25 pounds that I am

fighting to get rid of. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm forwarding this for Josh who sent it to me.--

Re: Zoloft survivor - New to Group

| hi cindi i'm josh. i know what you are going through. i withdrew off of

an antideppresant as well as many other drugs about 3 years ago. i have

also battled with the harshest addictions and withdrawn many times since

from alchol and drugs. i have battled alone so much of the time, but you

dont have to. you, dear, are at the right place, asking the right questions

and you're making it when many a fool would tell you otherwise.

cindi hang on it will get better. your going to feel ill and its actually

a blessing that your body is telling you its unhappy. what this means is

your system can still detect changes. in some this healing affect is almost

unnoticable and these unfortunate sadly enough may be long gone. cindi you

are where you should be .

please be not afraid.withdrawel is the introduction to emotions and

creativity and self awareness. cindi believe me when i say that you are on

the path of the living.y ou asked of some ways to support your system

during this PASSING crisis. first thing drink a lot

of water then drink some more. Then take a good quality multivitamin and

mineral supplement ( recommends one), fish oil(omega3 fats),

minimum 6 grams but 10+/day is better.

make sure you are eating enough high quality protein to ennabled your

body to heal. eggs fish dairy meat and whey. soy is ok but the amino

acid profile is not as complete as the others. make sure your multi has

at least the rda standard for zinc. and even so you may want to

supplement with 5mg a day. this will support tissue recovery and reduce

any psychotic symptom which can be common.

sleep can be very hard in the beginning. Food with tryptophan in it

may help you sleep. basicly cindi at bed worries end because that turkey leg

sure was delicious. cottage cheese is also very good. please don't

struggle with you weight at this moment. your focus now is stay off the

drug long enough to feel again.healing the brain a priority.

as you become

well you should be improving on the whole and there is time then for

dietary and exercise counsel. it really helped me to walk 1-3 miles

3-5xweek. this walking is a healthy life style change that bring calmness

and acceptance and hope. it worked for me. it will as a by product

set the stage for vascular efficiency which will help your thoughts to

appear and register more clear and sound.

last but certainly by far and away NOT LEAST pray to anything. ask for

faith if you have none. pray often. a prayer i used daily for2 years

and still use often - 'God thank you for allowing me to feel again'.

cindi through all of this please remember its a joy and a great gift to

be able to feel. i know this now because i have been dead. something is

always better than nothing. cindi i believe in you. i do not believe in

zoloft. email me if you need help i'm here.



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Re: Zoloft survivor - New to Group




|| hi cindi i'm josh. i know what you are going through. i withdrew off of

| an antideppresant as well as many other drugs about 3 years ago. i have

| also battled with the harshest addictions and withdrawn many times since

| from alchol and drugs. i have battled alone so much of the time, but


| dont have to. you, dear, are at the right place, asking the right


| and you're making it when many a fool would tell you otherwise.



| cindi hang on it will get better. your going to feel ill and its


| a blessing that your body is telling you its unhappy. what this means is

| your system can still detect changes. in some this healing affect is


| unnoticable and these unfortunate sadly enough may be long gone. cindi


| are where you should be .



| please be not afraid.withdrawel is the introduction to emotions and

| creativity and self awareness. cindi believe me when i say that you are


| the path of the living.y ou asked of some ways to support your system

| during this PASSING crisis. first thing drink a lot

| of water then drink some more. Then take a good quality multivitamin and

| mineral supplement ( recommends one), fish oil(omega3 fats),

| minimum 6 grams but 10+/day is better.




| make sure you are eating enough high quality protein to ennabled your

| body to heal. eggs fish dairy meat and whey. soy is ok but the amino

| acid profile is not as complete as the others. make sure your multi


| at least the rda standard for zinc. and even so you may want to

| supplement with 5mg a day. this will support tissue recovery and


| any psychotic symptom which can be common.




| sleep can be very hard in the beginning. Food with tryptophan in it

| may help you sleep. basicly cindi at bed worries end because that turkey


| sure was delicious. cottage cheese is also very good. please don't

| struggle with you weight at this moment. your focus now is stay off the

| drug long enough to feel again.healing the brain a priority.




| as you become

| well you should be improving on the whole and there is time then for

| dietary and exercise counsel. it really helped me to walk 1-3 miles

| 3-5xweek. this walking is a healthy life style change that bring


| and acceptance and hope. it worked for me. it will as a by product

| set the stage for vascular efficiency which will help your thoughts to

| appear and register more clear and sound.



| last but certainly by far and away NOT LEAST pray to anything. ask for

| faith if you have none. pray often. a prayer i used daily for2 years

| and still use often - 'God thank you for allowing me to feel again'.



| cindi through all of this please remember its a joy and a great gift to

| be able to feel. i know this now because i have been dead. something


| always better than nothing. cindi i believe in you. i do not believe


| zoloft. email me if you need help i'm here.


| love,

| josh


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