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Enjoy the Many Health Benefits of Berries . . .

Scientific Research Shows that Berries Can Help Prevent Heart Disease and

Cancer, Control Blood Glucose, Slow Aging, Sharpen Brain Function, and Improve


Berry good berries: The new super food

Has modern nutritional science now identified every food compound that is

essential for optimum health? Could we now live off our nutritional supplement

pill along with a source of protein and generic carbohydrates?

Obviously, the answer is " no, " and that's why all health experts recommend that

you eat a diet containing a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. These foods

contain great mysteries that are still being uncovered. Indeed, it seems that

every month some new plant constituent—i.e. a phytochemical—is discovered and

characterized that has a remarkable health benefit.

And, of all the fruit and vegetables that you can eat, berries beat them all.

Berries, more than any other food, are associated with a remarkably long list of

health benefits.

Considering their size, berries contain a giant portion of phytochemicals, in

addition to vitamins, minerals and fiber that provide numerous health benefits.

Here are just a few examples of the various types of berries and the health

benefits they provide :

* Dark berries like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and goji berries all

contain powerful antioxidants.

* Blueberries, bilberries and raspberries contain lutein, which is important

for healthy vision.

* Raspberries are rich in anthocyanins and cancer-fighting phytochemicals such

as ellagic, coumaric and ferulic acid.

* Pomegranate fruit extract (yes, it is considered a berry) has strong

antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and has been found to be

particularly beneficial in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells23-35, and

improving symptoms of coronary heart disease15-21 and periodontitis (gum

disease).22 Raspberry, strawberry, cranberry, elderberry, blueberry and bilberry

extracts have all been found to significantly inhibit H. pylori bacteria, when

compared with the controls.1

Blueberries come out on topIn a test that measures the antioxidant potency of a

variety of foods—the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) test—blueberries

came out on top.2

This tiny, magnificent berry contains a huge serving of antioxidants that have

been demonstrated to benefit numerous health conditions, including the

prevention of oxidative and inflammatory stress on the lining of blood vessels

and red blood cells.3,4

Berries as Smart Nutrients

In a landmark study in 1999, researchers at Tufts University discovered just how

powerful this berry is by feeding old rats the equivalent of one cup of

blueberries a day. The results were dramatic. The old rats that were fed the


* learned faster than the young rats

* were more coordinated

* showed improved motor skills

* outperformed the young rats in memory tests

In one test, 6-month-old rats were able to run on a rod an average of 14

seconds, when compared to old rats, which fell off after six seconds. But

remarkably, the old rats that were fed a blueberry supplement could stay on the

rod for 10 seconds. Although the rats didn't become young again, their skills

improved tremendously. When the researchers examined the rats' brains, they

found that the brain neurons of the rats that ate the blueberries were able to

communicate better.

The study was significant because the researchers discovered blueberry's

potential for reversing some age-related impairments in both memory and motor

coordination. The researchers concluded that these findings suggest that, in

addition to their known beneficial effects on cancer and heart disease, the

phytochemicals present in antioxidant-rich foods may be beneficial in reversing

the course of neuronal and behavioral aging.5

Since then, hundreds of studies have been done showing that all kinds of berries

exert a protective effect against oxidation—a principal cause of cellular damage

and death—which ultimately results in illness and disease. Recently, researchers

at the Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts

University published research showing that nutritional antioxidants, such as the

phytochemicals found in blueberries, can reverse age-related declines in brain

function, namely the cognitive and motor deficits associated with Alzheimer's

and Parkinson's disease.6

Protects against brain damageAmong blueberry varieties, wild or low bush

blueberry contains the highest antioxidant power7, which were shown to protect

laboratory animals from brain damage from an induced stroke, after they ate

blueberries for six weeks.8

Inhibits growth of cancer cellsIn animal studies done at Department of Food

Science and Human Nutrition, University of Illinois, wild blueberry extracts

inhibited an enzyme called ornithine decarboxylase, which is responsible for

tumor progression.9

Bilberry extract is rich in anthocyaninsAnthocyanins are a class of flavonoids—a

type of phytochemical—which often occur together with proanthocyanidins.

Proanthocyanidins are the precursors of anthocyanins, and also excellent

antioxidants in their own right.

Long known for its beneficial effect on vision and eye health, bilberry contains

five anthocyanins which have also been shown to inhibit the growth of human

leukemia cells10 and human colon cancer cells in vitro.10,11 One anthocyanin was

also found to support the gastrointestinal mucosa in laboratory animals,

indicating that it could be a protectant against ulcers.12

Pomegranate powerAlthough we usually don't think of pomegranates as berries,

technically, the fruit is called a many-seeded berry that is surrounded by a

juicy, fleshy outer layer. The pomegranate tree is native to Africa and the Near

East, and is one of the first fruits cultivated in the world. In ancient times,

the fruit was a symbol of fertility and abundance that was broken open on a

newlywed's bedroom floor so the red seeds would scatter. This practice was

believed to insure the procreation of lots of children. Interestingly, the

French word for pomegranate is " grenade " —a hand-thrown bomb that scatters

shrapnel (pieces of metal) instead of seeds.13

Scientific studies

Pomegranate extract has been studied extensively at the Technion-Israel

Institute of Technology, Haifa, where human, animal and cell culture models have

shown benefits in several areas.

Many berries, such as raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, and strawberries

contain ellagic acid, which preliminary research suggests may help to prevent

certain types of cancer.

Reduces inflammationIn the past several years, inflammation has become a

buzzword in the medical community, as a major cause of diseases ranging from

arthritis to Alzheimer's. Pomegranate seeds possess anti-inflammatory properties

because they inhibit cyclooxygenase and lipoxgenase enzymes, which are

responsible for inflammation.

In fact, scientists at the Laboratories of Food Engineering and Biotechnology,

Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, showed that fermented

pomegranate juice and cold pressed pomegranate seed oil have antioxidant

activity close to that of green tea, and significantly greater than that of red


Protects against cardiovascular disease

Pomegranate juice offers wide protection against cardiovascular disease by


* macrophage lipid peroxidation15

* cholesterol accumulation16,17

* the development of atherosclerosis18,20

* stress-induced myocardial ischemia in patients who have CHD19

* systolic blood pressure20,21

* thickening of the carotid artery20

A 2004 study that appeared in Clinical Nutrition found that 19 patients with

severe atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries who drank about two ounces of

pomegranate juice each day for three years had remarkable results. Ultrasound

tests showed that narrowing of the arteries decreased by 35% on average in the

pomegranate group, while the condition worsened by nearly 10% in the control

group. The average systolic blood pressure was also significantly lowered in the

group that drank pomegranate juice.20

Anthocyanins—the pigment that gives blueberries their color—act as antioxidants

and play an important role in preventing disease.

It is interesting to note that pomegranate juice extract has also been found to

improve signs of clinical gum disease22, which is considered by some to be a

precursor and/or indication of cardiovascular disease.

Cancer PreventionRecent studies have also shown the anti-cancer effects that

pomegranate juice has on human breast23 and prostate cells24, and human skin

cells damaged by ultraviolet radiation.25

Pomegranate juice reduces oxidative stressOne specific measure of oxidative

stress is TBARS (thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances), harmful products of

lipid (fat) oxidation found in our blood that are created when cells are damaged

by oxidation. Lower levels of TBARS are seen in healthy and younger individuals,

and higher levels are found in unhealthy individuals. As we age, the amount of

TBARS increases in our blood—and is a marker of oxidative stress.

Pomegranate juice has been found to reduce oxidative stress in a number of

studies26,27 and in a recent study at the Herbal Medicines Research and

Education Centre, The University of Sydney, Australia, it reduced TBARS in

diabetic patients, without affecting insulin levels.28

Diabetes is associated with increased oxidative stress and the development of

atherosclerosis. Researchers at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel,

recently investigated the effects of pomegranate juice on diabetic blood

parameters and oxidative stress levels in diabetic patients. After 3 months of

drinking 50 ml of pomegranate juice per day, the 10 non-insulin dependent

diabetes II patients had a 350% reduction in serum levels of lipid peroxides and

a 51% reduction in TBARS, when compared to the 10 healthy control subjects. And

although pomegranate juice contains sugars, it did not affect the patients'

serum glucose, cholesterol or triglyceride levels. The researchers concluded

that pomegranate juice can help prevent the development of atherosclerosis in

diabetic patients.29

The wonders of Goji Berry Also known as Lycium barbarum fruit or wolfberry, goji

berry grows on a bush and is native to northwestern China. It has been used in

Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years as a health tonic to promote

healthy eyesight and overall health, as well as a remedy for diabetes, anemia,

tinnitus, and lung diseases.

Goji Berry is rich in polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates, made up of

multiple sugar molecules), and phytochemicals, particularly carotenoids,

riboflavin, ascorbic acid, thiamine and nicotinic acid.30 Most of the research

on goji berry over the past 30 years has come out of China, but international

awareness about its health benefits is growing.

A Taiwanese investigation of the antioxidant activity of goji berry and two

other Chinese herbs found goji berry to be the strongest inhibitor of lipid

peroxidation (a major factor in cardiovascular disease) in animal models.31

Reduces blood glucose and lipids in animal modelsAfter three weeks of eating a

diet supplemented with goji berry, laboratory animals with non-insulin dependent

diabetes II showed a significant decrease in weight, cholesterol, triglycerides

and insulin levels, leading the researchers to conclude that goji berry may be

helpful in improving insulin resistance.32

A second study found that gogi berry contains potent antioxidants that reduced

blood glucose levels and total cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in

rabbits, while increasing high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL)— " good

cholesterol " levels after 10 days of treatment.30

Supports brain healthAlzheimer's disease is predicted to become an epidemic for

baby boomers, and there are currently about 70,000 scientists working around the

world to find a cure. In a recent study at the University of Hong Kong,

researchers theorized that since goji berry extract has anti-aging effects, it

probably also has neuroprotective effects against toxins in neurodegenerative

diseases, namely Alzheimer's disease. They were right. Goji berry extract

protected the brain neurons of laboratory animals from the toxic effects of beta

amyloid protein—a culprit in Alzheimer's disease. The researchers concluded that

studies on anti-aging herbal medicine like goji berry might open up a new

therapeutic window for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.33

More health benefits

Goji berry has also been found to:

* Support the immune system34,35

* Exhibit anti-tumor effects34

* Protect the liver from toxins36

Drug contraindication

It should be noted that in a study of herbal medicines on pharmaceutical drugs

goji berry was found to increase the anti-coagulation effect of warfarin.37

How does cranberry extract work?

Cranberry extract is an extract of the red acidic fruit of the shrubby viburnum

of North America and Europe. It contains phytochemicals that include flavonol

glycosides, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins), and organic and

phenolic acids. But it is the proanthocyanidins that exhibit potent bacterial

anti-adhesion activity.38 The proanthocyanidins found in cranberry differ from

those found in other plants by their unique structures and very potent

antibacterial activity. In the case of UTIs, these proanthocyanidins prevent E.

coli from adhering to the urethra and bladder.39

Here's how: The cell wall of E. coli bacteria has tiny finger-like projections

that contain complex molecules called lectins on their surfaces. These lectins

are cellular glue that binds the bacteria to the bladder wall so they cannot be

easily rinsed out by urination. But because proanthocyanidin molecules attach

themselves to these lectins and fill up all of the bacterial anchoring sites,

the bacteria can no longer stick to the bladder wall and are flushed away.

The likelihood of infection is significantly reduced because bacteria must first

adhere to the mucosal lining before they can proliferate—and without the ability

to stick, the bacteria cannot infect.

* In a study of 153 elderly women, those who drank 10 oz of commercial

cranberry drink each day had less than half the risk of developing an infection

and were more likely to clear an already present infection.40

* A study of 10 young women with recurrent bladder infections found that,

compared with placebo, taking a capsule containing 400 mg of cranberry extract

daily for three months significantly reduced new infections. Of the 21 bladder

infections that arose, only six occurred among women taking Cranberry.41

* A year-long Canadian study of 150 sexually active women found that cranberry

juice and tablets significantly decreased the number of patients experiencing at

least 1 symptomatic UTI/year compared with placebo. The study also found that

taking cranberry was much more cost effective than taking antibiotics.42

* In February 2004, France allowed food, drink, and dietary supplement

manufacturers a " function use claim " to highlight the health benefits of

products containing cranberry to consumers. In turn, this will permit the claim

that the North American cranberry VM (Vaccinium macrocarpon) can 'help reduce

the adhesion of certain E. coli bacteria to the urinary tract walls.'

How safe is cranberry extract?

Very. It has not been reported to cause side effects and can be used safely

during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Individuals with a history of kidney stones

should consult a medical professional before using cranberry extract for long

periods of time, since there is some indication long term use might increase the

risk of developing a kidney stone.43

Berries help control blood glucoseTwo of the nutrients in berries—chlorogenic

acid and caffeic acid—help control blood sugar, thus offering protection against

insulin resistance, Syndrome X and diabetes.

In an in-vitro study, scientists at the National Cheng Kung University in

Taiwan, found that caffeic acid increases glucose uptake into cells, helping to

remove it from the bloodstream.44

When researchers at nearby Taipei Medical College injected caffeic acid into

diabetic rats, they observed a dose-dependent reduction in plasma glucose.36

However, a similar effect was not observed in normal rats, suggesting that

insulin is not involved in this action. In a related experiment, the researchers

observed that caffeic acid reduced elevated plasma glucose in insulin-resistant

rats that received a glucose challenge test.45

Chlorogenic acid has been shown to inhibit the glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme—an

enzyme essential to the regulation of blood sugar. Glucose production from

glycogen stored in the liver is usually overactive in people with high blood

sugar,46 so by reducing the activity of the glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme blood

sugar levels decrease, ultimately resulting in better health.47

ConclusionThere are thousands of health-promoting phytochemicals in plants—which

is why it's so important to eat a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables

every day. Berries contain numerous phytochemicals (including anthocyanins,

lutein, carotenoids, ellagic acid, chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid) that have

potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects—that have specifically been

shown to protect us from numerous health ailments and diseases.

But most Americans do not meet the Recommended Daily Allowance of five to eight

fruits and vegetables a day. The good news is that taking a daily nutritional

supplement containing a mixture of berry extracts is an excellent way to get a

variety of unique phytochemicals, and cover your antioxidant protection needs.


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