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Re: Re: Cancer cure (Laminine?)

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oxygen is supplied by breathing...rebirthing, a several hours breathing method, cures cancer....i was present when a terminal breast cancer patient did a rebirthing and was healed.To: Rife Sent: Sat, June 23, 2012 5:36:09 AMSubject:

Re: Cancer cure (Laminine?)

Cancer and most other disease conditions are caused by inadequate drainage of the two lymphatic systems. Hypoxia, the starvation of oxygen at the cellular level is the primary cause and this discovery resulted in the 1931 Nobel Prize being given to Otto Warburg who was able to turn cancer on and off by regulating the ambient oxygen supply to tumors.

Drs. Rife and Kendall were able to shift a harmless bacteria into several distinct diseases including one form of cancer and then back again to the original state by regulating the pH of the nutrient media. This proves that cancer can be cured by changing the environment in which it lives; which is also its cause. That is the reason as to why cancer can only be cured by diet. Gerson had it right.

Two physical conditions must be present in order for cancer to develop. First there is local tissue injury of some form whereby lymphatic circulation is attenuated. Second, the systemic body humors must be overly contaminated. Combined, these situations are ripe for the pH shift to occur and Progenator cryptocides advances to the mycelial stage in its life cycle and exists at that stage as a fungus of cancer. Fungi release enzymes that break down living matter which is exactly what cancer does, there is no difference, cancer IS A FUNGUS!

Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen

BTW: We are developing some homeopathics that may prove to be quite effective in shifting the body chemistry when combined with 5mn 660nm lasers. That info is not in the forthcoming book. The publisher is dragging their feet. Its very frustrating to wait them out. Grrrrrr...

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wilhelm reich had a cure for cancer....he said "bacteria etc. can only grow in stagnant water"...only where there is "stasis".....anything that moves energe through such an area will work...he developed a breathing and expressing repressed movement technique....rebirthing developed a breathing technique...ariella(healing the "unhealable")To:

Rife Sent: Sat, June 23, 2012 5:36:09 AMSubject: Re: Cancer cure (Laminine?)

Cancer and most other disease conditions are caused by inadequate drainage of the two lymphatic systems. Hypoxia, the starvation of oxygen at the cellular level is the primary cause and this discovery resulted in the 1931 Nobel Prize being given to Otto Warburg who was able to turn cancer on and off by regulating the ambient oxygen supply to tumors.

Drs. Rife and Kendall were able to shift a harmless bacteria into several distinct diseases including one form of cancer and then back again to the original state by regulating the pH of the nutrient media. This proves that cancer can be cured by changing the environment in which it lives; which is also its cause. That is the reason as to why cancer can only be cured by diet. Gerson had it right.

Two physical conditions must be present in order for cancer to develop. First there is local tissue injury of some form whereby lymphatic circulation is attenuated. Second, the systemic body humors must be overly contaminated. Combined, these situations are ripe for the pH shift to occur and Progenator cryptocides advances to the mycelial stage in its life cycle and exists at that stage as a fungus of cancer. Fungi release enzymes that break down living matter which is exactly what cancer does, there is no difference, cancer IS A FUNGUS!

Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen

BTW: We are developing some homeopathics that may prove to be quite effective in shifting the body chemistry when combined with 5mn 660nm lasers. That info is not in the forthcoming book. The publisher is dragging their feet. Its very frustrating to wait them out. Grrrrrr...

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Oxygenating the tissues is key. Improving the lymphatic circulation goes

hand-in-hand with breathing new life into the tissues.

There are a multitude of things that are secondary causes of cancer, but as Dr.

Warburg so eloquently stated, there is only one primary cause. Deficient


As I stated before, there are areas in the world where our common diseases are

uncommon. Primitive people have (had) diets rich in nitrilocides. The tumors

that form naturally as a part of the healing system are checked by digestive

enzymes that come into play when the levels of hCG hormone drop below 5mIU/ml

which is baseline. These are normal levels as the body recycles necrotic tissue

by digesting it in mini anaerobic chambers we call tumors. When the fuel source

is devoured, there is no longer a requirement for an anerobic vessel and the

subsequent reduced production of hCG hormone no longer holds the white cells at

bay. Then the 3 Muskateers of Trypsin, Chymotrypsin and Amylase arrive to knock

down the tumor which is no longer needed. However, when the lymph supply is

sluggish and the oxygen is depleted, the process is halted and the tumor

continues to grow. Thus oxygen is a key component but be aware that there are

also other factors at work in cancer.

Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen

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http://mylifepharm.com/smay Let me know how it does for you.I have been on it 2 days so far and they tell me it usually takes 2- 4 weeks to see any results.That is actually not long at all.We are going to try my mother in law with Alzheimer's also. She should be a good no bias test.Even if she hears about it , she won't remember it in 12 mins.I really want to hear more 1ST hand experiences.Please email me with how you do, good or bad or nothing.I believe if you order the 3 pack and try it

for month and don't like it you can get your money back.I did a google search for negative reviews and only found 3 and all three were people that seemed non reasonable.SO very interested in your results.thanksDennis To: Rife

Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2012 9:47 PM Subject: Re: Cancer cure (Laminine?)

where is a good place to get it?



> >

> > Has anyone one here tried Laminine?

> >

> > I am looking into it , there seem to be people raving about it.

> >

> > Dennis

> >

> > Below is a google link for reviews but I would like some 1st hand experiences.

> >

> > http://www.google.com/#hl=en & sclient=psy-ab & q=laminine+reviews & oq=laminine & aq=1 & aqi=g4 & aql= & gs_l=hp.1.1.0l4.400.2036.0.5106. & pbx=1 & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb & fp=9db23e47e7df1f35 & biw=1280 & bih=622

> >


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i spent three seperate weeks of training with leanard orr....if you can find a good rebirther it's worth whatever they charge...you can learn to do it on your own if you work with someone for a while.leanard is doing rebirthing trainings.. google for his websiteTo: Rife Sent: Sun, June 24, 2012 10:16:46 AMSubject: Re: Cancer cure (Laminine?)

I did some research on how to do this rebirthing. All I could find was coaches wanting to sell their services. can't we learn this for free at home?


> oxygen is supplied by breathing...rebirthing, a several hours breathing method,

> cures cancer....i was present when a terminal breast cancer patient did a

> rebirthing and was healed.





> ________________________________


> To: Rife

> Sent: Sat, June 23, 2012 5:36:09 AM

> Subject: Re: Cancer cure (Laminine?)



> Cancer and most other disease conditions are caused by inadequate drainage of

> the two lymphatic systems. Hypoxia, the starvation of oxygen at the cellular

> level is the primary cause and this discovery resulted in the 1931 Nobel Prize

> being given to Otto Warburg who was able to turn cancer on and off by regulating

> the ambient oxygen supply to tumors.



> Drs. Rife and Kendall were able to shift a harmless bacteria into several

> distinct diseases including one form of cancer and then back again to the

> original state by regulating the pH of the nutrient media. This proves that

> cancer can be cured by changing the environment in which it lives; which is also

> its cause. That is the reason as to why cancer can only be cured by diet. Gerson

> had it right.


> Two physical conditions must be present in order for cancer to develop. First

> there is local tissue injury of some form whereby lymphatic circulation is

> attenuated. Second, the systemic body humors must be overly contaminated.

> Combined, these situations are ripe for the pH shift to occur and Progenator

> cryptocides advances to the mycelial stage in its life cycle and exists at that

> stage as a fungus of cancer. Fungi release enzymes that break down living matter

> which is exactly what cancer does, there is no difference, cancer IS A FUNGUS!


> Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen


> BTW: We are developing some homeopathics that may prove to be quite effective in

> shifting the body chemistry when combined with 5mn 660nm lasers. That info is

> not in the forthcoming book. The publisher is dragging their feet. Its very

> frustrating to wait them out. Grrrrrr...


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