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Re: Cancer cure (Laminine?)

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Has anyone one here tried Laminine? I am looking into it , there seem to be people raving about it. Dennis Below is a google link for reviews but I would like some 1st hand experiences.

http://www.google.com/#hl=en & sclient=psy-ab & q=laminine+reviews & oq=laminine & aq=1 & aqi=g4 & aql= & gs_l=hp.1.1.0l4.400.2036.0.5106. & pbx=1 & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb & fp=9db23e47e7df1f35 & biw=1280 & bih=622

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People must come up to reality. There is not now, nor has there ever been, or

will there ever be a true cure for cancer. No Therapia Sterilisans Magna! Cancer

is a disease of impaired metabolism. It is caused by attenuated lymphatic flow

brought on by injury in most cases coupled with contaminated lymphatic fluid

resulting in inadequate drainage. That's it folks! Thant's cancer!

The solution is a proper diet! PERIOD! Caveat Emptor! Carmi hazen

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Just like we will never see fossil fuel replaced due to $$$$$$$$$

BIG Pharma makes BIG $$$$$$$$$$$$ too.

If cancer was " cured " today, most likely the economy would collapse due to so

many people and businesses out of work.

Same goes for Wars, it is BIG $$$$$$


> People must come up to reality. There is not now, nor has there ever been, or

will there ever be a true cure for cancer. No Therapia Sterilisans Magna! Cancer

is a disease of impaired metabolism. It is caused by attenuated lymphatic flow

brought on by injury in most cases coupled with contaminated lymphatic fluid

resulting in inadequate drainage. That's it folks! Thant's cancer!


> The solution is a proper diet! PERIOD! Caveat Emptor! Carmi hazen


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There already exists a cure for cancer. Its correcting your diet and maintaining

stasis of the GI tract. Gerson is the best example.

Cancer is a disease of civilization. There are and were clusters of people

across the earth that never suffered modern diseases. When they become

'civilized' by adopting the diets of the rest of us, they too become diseased.

Its all about diet and it doesn't require a doctor to apply the cure. All it

takes is some knowledge and a great deal of self-discipline. Caveat Emptor!

Carmi Hazen

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While I look forward to your posts, Carmi, and I have learned a lot from

them....I have to question diet as being THE issue in ALL cases.

I watched that Burzynski movie and one of the people that went to Washington

in Burzynski's defense had a daughter that died of a brain tumor. What grabbed

my attention was that she was young (maybe 7?) and she was a twin. Why would ONE

twin get the brain tumor and the other be perfectly healthy?

I also think that other factors contribute to homeostasis or lack thereof.

Thoughts and emotions and belief systems have a large role in our well being. I

think thats why its important to have 'tools' other than just diet.

That said, I am waiting for your book which I will be first in line to

purchase! :-D


> There already exists a cure for cancer. Its correcting your diet and

maintaining stasis of the GI tract. Gerson is the best example.


> Cancer is a disease of civilization. There are and were clusters of people

across the earth that never suffered modern diseases. When they become

'civilized' by adopting the diets of the rest of us, they too become diseased.

Its all about diet and it doesn't require a doctor to apply the cure. All it

takes is some knowledge and a great deal of self-discipline. Caveat Emptor!

Carmi Hazen


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Cancer and most other disease conditions are caused by inadequate drainage of

the two lymphatic systems. Hypoxia, the starvation of oxygen at the cellular

level is the primary cause and this discovery resulted in the 1931 Nobel Prize

being given to Otto Warburg who was able to turn cancer on and off by regulating

the ambient oxygen supply to tumors.

Drs. Rife and Kendall were able to shift a harmless bacteria into several

distinct diseases including one form of cancer and then back again to the

original state by regulating the pH of the nutrient media. This proves that

cancer can be cured by changing the environment in which it lives; which is also

its cause. That is the reason as to why cancer can only be cured by diet. Gerson

had it right.

Two physical conditions must be present in order for cancer to develop. First

there is local tissue injury of some form whereby lymphatic circulation is

attenuated. Second, the systemic body humors must be overly contaminated.

Combined, these situations are ripe for the pH shift to occur and Progenator

cryptocides advances to the mycelial stage in its life cycle and exists at that

stage as a fungus of cancer. Fungi release enzymes that break down living matter

which is exactly what cancer does, there is no difference, cancer IS A FUNGUS!

Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen

BTW: We are developing some homeopathics that may prove to be quite effective in

shifting the body chemistry when combined with 5mn 660nm lasers. That info is

not in the forthcoming book. The publisher is dragging their feet. Its very

frustrating to wait them out. Grrrrrr...

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I can only tell you what it has done for me. I take it every day and started it

about 2 months ago.

When I started taking it, I was unable to walk up hills, even small hills for

more than 2 blocks were impossible. I had great fatigue and neurological issues

like balance. My blood pressure was uncontrollable all my my life and it was

high at the time even with taking 3 medications. Then my blood sugar levels

were through the roof.

Now I ride my bike and get up hills just fine. I take no more blood pressure

medications and my blood sugar levels are much much lower. I dont nap nearly as

much as I did and I can put a shoe on while standing on the other foot and not

holding onto any thing - this was totally impossible before and it had been

years - at least 12 - since I was able to do this before.

Got a lot of my life back since I started taking it so for what it is worth, I

certainly believe that it has great benefits. I think it is the amino acids that

really make the difference.

I have no personal experience regarding cancer, but best wishes to you in your

search for beneficial therapies.



> Has anyone one here tried Laminine?


> I am looking into it , there seem to be people raving about it.


> Dennis


> Below is a google link for reviews but I would like some 1st hand experiences.



http://www.google.com/#hl=en & sclient=psy-ab & q=laminine+reviews & oq=laminine & aq=1 & \

aqi=g4 & aql= & gs_l=hp.1.1.0l4.400.2036.0.5106.\

LpquSrsaxyU & pbx=1 & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb & fp=9db23e47e7df1f35 & biw=128\

0 & bih=622


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where is a good place to get it?



> >

> > Has anyone one here tried Laminine?

> >  

> > I am looking into it , there seem to be people raving about it.

> >  

> > Dennis

> >  

> > Below is a google link for reviews but I would like some 1st hand


> >  

> >

http://www.google.com/#hl=en & sclient=psy-ab & q=laminine+reviews & oq=laminine & aq=1 & \

aqi=g4 & aql= & gs_l=hp.1.1.0l4.400.2036.0.5106.\

LpquSrsaxyU & pbx=1 & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb & fp=9db23e47e7df1f35 & biw=128\

0 & bih=622

> >


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I did some research on how to do this rebirthing. All I could find was coaches

wanting to sell their services. can't we learn this for free at home?


> oxygen is supplied by breathing...rebirthing, a several hours breathing


> cures cancer....i was present when a terminal breast cancer patient did a

> rebirthing and was healed.





> ________________________________


> To: Rife

> Sent: Sat, June 23, 2012 5:36:09 AM

> Subject: Re: Cancer cure (Laminine?)



> Cancer and most other disease conditions are caused by inadequate drainage of

> the two lymphatic systems. Hypoxia, the starvation of oxygen at the cellular

> level is the primary cause and this discovery resulted in the 1931 Nobel Prize

> being given to Otto Warburg who was able to turn cancer on and off by


> the ambient oxygen supply to tumors.



> Drs. Rife and Kendall were able to shift a harmless bacteria into several

> distinct diseases including one form of cancer and then back again to the

> original state by regulating the pH of the nutrient media. This proves that

> cancer can be cured by changing the environment in which it lives; which is


> its cause. That is the reason as to why cancer can only be cured by diet.


> had it right.


> Two physical conditions must be present in order for cancer to develop. First

> there is local tissue injury of some form whereby lymphatic circulation is

> attenuated. Second, the systemic body humors must be overly contaminated.

> Combined, these situations are ripe for the pH shift to occur and Progenator

> cryptocides advances to the mycelial stage in its life cycle and exists at


> stage as a fungus of cancer. Fungi release enzymes that break down living


> which is exactly what cancer does, there is no difference, cancer IS A FUNGUS!


> Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen


> BTW: We are developing some homeopathics that may prove to be quite effective


> shifting the body chemistry when combined with 5mn 660nm lasers. That info is

> not in the forthcoming book. The publisher is dragging their feet. Its very

> frustrating to wait them out. Grrrrrr...


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