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PA1 and 3.1 MHz link coil coupler progress report

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Hello everyone,

I've been pretty busy for the past few days, but have made a considerable amount

of progress with the new PA1 and the redesign of my 3.1 MHz link coil coupler.

After spending almost an entire day on the telephone, I finally managed to

locate some better thermal pads for the MOSFET transistor on the PA1. The new

thermal pad works much better than all of the other thermal pads that I have

tested. All kits and assembled units of the PA1 will be furnished with these new

thermal pads.

The thermal performance improvement is remarkable. I have been able to do better

than a half-hour run at a full 500 Watts peak power output from the PA1 with no

overheating. In fact, I have been able to run the PA1 at 500 Watts and 100%

modulation, that is, full carrier, for extended periods of time without

overheating. Measurements show that the new thermal pad keeps the output

transistor of the PA1 cooler when it is running at 500 Watts and 100% modulation

(full carrier), then it did when it was running at 300 Watts and 50% modulation

while using the old thermal pad.

This improved cooling using the new thermal pad will allow considerably more

output from the PA1 for those who need lots of power to drive a large plasma

tubes. This is more than sufficient power to drive one of Bill Cheb’s 2 inch

super tubes or his 8 inch Phanotron tube to full output.

As for my 3.1 MHz link coil coupler, I was able to come up with an inexpensive

solution to the problem of a high voltage variable capacitor for the matching

system. The same the matching system can be used with the PA1 to drive either

the 8 inch Phanotron or the 2 inch super tube with no changes to the matching

circuit. Only a very slight adjustment is needed only a very slight change is

needed to the 3.1 MHz link coil coupler when it is connected between the SSQ-2F

v3.10 and Bill Cheb's 1 x 14 " straight plasma tube design for the SSQ-2F v3.10.

Construction of the modified 3.1 MHz link coil coupler is simple, and I expect

that just about everyone will be able to do it. This will save researchers a

considerable amount of money over purchasing a commercial antenna tuner. I plan

to make pre-wound coil assemblies available for purchase on my website

http://rife-beam-ray.com. Full information about building the revised 3.1 MHz

link coil coupler will be placed on my website http://rife-beam-ray.com.

I am still trying to get the instruction manual for the PA1 complete. At this

point, I have about one third of the manual complete. I have taken most of the

photographs I will need to include in the manual and edited them. Hopefully I

will have it finished by this weekend so that I can put it on the website for

download. When it is available, I recommend that everyone who is interested in a

PA1 download the manual and rated. It will have just about everything you will

need to get it set up and running.

As soon as I get the manual complete, I will start updating the website

http://rife-beam-ray.com with information about the PA1. I have placed an order

for the first production run of PA1 blank circuit boards and I expect to have

them in-house by the middle of this coming week. The first shipments of the PA1

should begin shortly after that area.


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