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Re: How many people have you healed with yourt rife machine?

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I don’t think this is a wise discussion to have here since we are not licenced to treat anyone and would be openly admitting to breaking the law. We would have to word things carefully.

That being said, I let one person use my Doug Coil and he cured his tinnitus in one ear and greatly reduced it in the other with just 2 short treatments.

I did cure my Rottweiler’s kidney/bladder stones which caused her to leak urine. I’m still working on my Lyme.

Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chem ical Sensitivityand other Chem ically Induced Illnesses, Dis eases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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I assure you that the internet police are not disecting the Rife related

yahoo,google,lycos and various internaet forums looking for lowly practitioners

that admit to letting others use their machines.

Now I don't really want to go into my number... If you check my posting history

here you can read all about it. Some of the folks I have found here others I

have found elsewhere...

Most importantly I think We should not be shy about sharing our machines or our

experiences. It is not like we live in a constitutional state to begin with. At

least not us US based folks... The Germans here seem to have a tighter reign on

their government... But I digress... We in the US live in tyranny. It is not a

constitutional republic...Presidents are not allowed to murder American children

without trials or due process in a constitutional republic. We are a rouge

nation. With that in mind their is no reason to be reasonably afraid of anything

other than the illigitment government forces.

So take heart and talk freely about how many people you have been able to help

with your particular rife unit.

Let not fear diminish us.


> I don't think this is a wise discussion to have here since we are not licenced

to treat anyone and would be openly admitting to breaking the law. We would have

to word things carefully.

> That being said, I let one person use my Doug Coil and he cured his tinnitus

in one ear and greatly reduced it in the other with just 2 short treatments.

> I did cure my Rottweiler's kidney/bladder stones which caused her to leak

urine. I'm still working on my Lyme.


> Bonita Poulin


> Canadian Coordinator


> Multiple Chem ical Sensitivity

> and other Chem ically Induced Illnesses, Dis eases & Injury

> affecting civilians and military personnel

> www.mcs-global.org

> www.mcsglobalawareness.com


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I think you mean the body healed itself when given the tools to heal itself.Unfortunately there is no cure for any ailment.But the body can heal itself when given the tools.If you know what I mean.To: Rife From: bpoulin@...Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 14:07:41 -0400Subject: Re: How many people have you healed with yourt rife machine?

I don’t think this is a wise discussion to have here since we are not licenced to treat anyone and would be openly admitting to breaking the law. We would have to word things carefully.

That being said, I let one person use my Doug Coil and he cured his tinnitus in one ear and greatly reduced it in the other with just 2 short treatments.

I did cure my Rottweiler’s kidney/bladder stones which caused her to leak urine. I’m still working on my Lyme.

Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chem ical Sensitivityand other Chem ically Induced Illnesses, Dis eases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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Someone Pick Me !!! Pick Me Please ;')


To: Rife Sent: Tue, July 3, 2012 1:37:18 PMSubject: How many people have you healed with yourt rife machine?

Many of us here are Rife machine owners of some fashion or sort... To play with our machines we need sick people to heal right? SO I know how many people I have helped however I am more curious about making it a contest between all of us... For good sport and to get the conversational ball rolling in the direction of reaching out to heal more people if we can....How about it then? How many people have you healed with your particular?

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Actually no... that is not what I meant but if it makes people feel more

comfortable then by all means I would love to know who has allowed others to use

their rife machines and then watched their bodies heal themselves.

That sounds like a mouth full.

What I am really asking is Who here is trying to use them on a regular basis and

how many people have you healed?

Sounds like Bonita has healed a few folks but doesn't really want to get too

much into it...

How about you phil? Care to share?



> I think you mean the body healed itself when given the tools to heal itself.

> Unfortunately there is no cure for any ailment.

> But the body can heal itself when given the tools.

> If you know what I mean.


> To: Rife

> From: bpoulin@...

> Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 14:07:41 -0400

> Subject: Re: How many people have you healed with yourt rife machine?































> I don't think this is a wise discussion to have here since we are not

> licenced to treat anyone and would be openly admitting to breaking the law. We

> would have to word things carefully.

> That being said, I let one person use my Doug Coil and he cured his

> tinnitus in one ear and greatly reduced it in the other with just 2 short

> treatments.

> I did cure my Rottweiler's kidney/bladder stones which caused her to leak

> urine. I'm still working on my Lyme.


> Bonita

> Poulin


> Canadian Coordinator


> Multiple

> Chem ical Sensitivity

> and other Chem ically Induced Illnesses, Dis eases

> & Injury

> affecting civilians and military personnel

> www.mcs-global.org


> www.mcsglobalawareness.com


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You all have to say where you live to see if it is even possible.


Someone Pick Me !!! Pick Me Please ;')


To: Rife

Sent: Tue, July 3, 2012 1:37:18 PM

Subject: How many people have you healed with yourt rife machine?

Many of us here are Rife machine owners of some fashion or sort... To play with our machines we need sick people to heal right?

SO I know how many people I have helped however I am more curious about making it a contest between all of us... For good sport and to get the conversational ball rolling in the direction of reaching out to heal more people if we can....

How about it then? How many people have you healed with your particular?

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I have not helped anyone yet but whenever I find someone advertising a car for sale for health reasons, I email them to ask for specifics of what the health issue is.When they respond, I tell them I have friends who can help them.But so far no one has taken me seriously.I also look through local newspapers in search of people fundraising for this health cause or that health cause.I write their names down and any contact info so when I have money for basics like gas, I can meet with them to ask them if they want to hear about my solutions to their problems.To: Rife From: russell.shipp@...Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2012 22:24:28 +0000Subject: Re: How many people have you healed with yourt rife machine?

Actually no... that is not what I meant but if it makes people feel more comfortable then by all means I would love to know who has allowed others to use their rife machines and then watched their bodies heal themselves.

That sounds like a mouth full.

What I am really asking is Who here is trying to use them on a regular basis and how many people have you healed?

Sounds like Bonita has healed a few folks but doesn't really want to get too much into it...

How about you phil? Care to share?



> I think you mean the body healed itself when given the tools to heal itself.

> Unfortunately there is no cure for any ailment.

> But the body can heal itself when given the tools.

> If you know what I mean.


> To: Rife

> From: bpoulin@...

> Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 14:07:41 -0400

> Subject: Re: How many people have you healed with yourt rife machine?































> I don't think this is a wise discussion to have here since we are not

> licenced to treat anyone and would be openly admitting to breaking the law. We

> would have to word things carefully.

> That being said, I let one person use my Doug Coil and he cured his

> tinnitus in one ear and greatly reduced it in the other with just 2 short

> treatments.

> I did cure my Rottweiler's kidney/bladder stones which caused her to leak

> urine. I'm still working on my Lyme.


> Bonita

> Poulin


> Canadian Coordinator


> Multiple

> Chem ical Sensitivity

> and other Chem ically Induced Illnesses, Dis eases

> & Injury

> affecting civilians and military personnel

> www.mcs-global.org


> www.mcsglobalawareness.com


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I live in the Ottawa area.To: Rife From: parhamdesign@...Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2012 17:10:29 -0700Subject: Re: How many people have you healed with yourt rife machine?

You all have to say where you live to see if it is even possible.


Someone Pick Me !!! Pick Me Please ;')


To: Rife

Sent: Tue, July 3, 2012 1:37:18 PM

Subject: How many people have you healed with yourt rife machine?

Many of us here are Rife machine owners of some fashion or sort... To play with our machines we need sick people to heal right?

SO I know how many people I have helped however I am more curious about making it a contest between all of us... For good sport and to get the conversational ball rolling in the direction of reaching out to heal more people if we can....

How about it then? How many people have you healed with your particular?

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I live on the Monterey/ Santa Cruz Peninsula in California.

I have Prostate cancer and would love to have the oppertunity to try a Rife Machine. I'll sign release wavers if necessary ; )

Steve B

To: Rife Sent: Fri, July 6, 2012 6:47:23 PMSubject: Re: How many people have you healed with yourt rife machine?

You all have to say where you live to see if it is even possible.Sharon

Someone Pick Me !!! Pick Me Please ;') Steve

To: Rife Sent: Tue, July 3, 2012 1:37:18 PMSubject: How many people have you healed with yourt rife machine? Many of us here are Rife machine owners of some fashion or sort... To play with our machines we need sick people to heal right? SO I know how many people I have helped however I am more curious about making it a contest between all of us... For good sport and to get the conversational ball rolling in the direction of reaching out to heal more people if we can....How about it then? How many people have you healed with your particular?

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Call around to local churches and ask at your local health food store.

It is unfortunate that so many think that a Rife Machine is the key to their

salvation. For some it may be but for most, it's a disappointment. There simply

isn't a magic bullet. Disease comes from within. It is our internal soil that

becomes a fertile playground for cooties. Diet and hygiene are key. Just because

you may be able to break up some pathogens with the correct vibratory

frequencies does not mean that the problem which caused the cootie to be present

has been eliminated.

The flies didn't create the swamp. Draining the swamp is the appropriate action.

To cure yourself of a disease you must make changes in your internal swamp.

Killing the flies isn't the answer.

Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen

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Well we have had success with it, but it is a very slow process...but after a year and a half of anti b we switched to rife and using lots and lots of detox methods, vit, minerals very important, heathy foods, on and on.....Sent from my iPad

Call around to local churches and ask at your local health food store.

It is unfortunate that so many think that a Rife Machine is the key to their salvation. For some it may be but for most, it's a disappointment. There simply isn't a magic bullet. Disease comes from within. It is our internal soil that becomes a fertile playground for cooties. Diet and hygiene are key. Just because you may be able to break up some pathogens with the correct vibratory frequencies does not mean that the problem which caused the cootie to be present has been eliminated.

The flies didn't create the swamp. Draining the swamp is the appropriate action. To cure yourself of a disease you must make changes in your internal swamp. Killing the flies isn't the answer.

Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen


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I live 150 miles west of Ottawa, in Quadeville, Ontario.

Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chem ical Sensitivityand other Chem ically Induced Illnesses, Dis eases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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I live near Chicago, Il close to the Indiana boarder. I would love to try a rife

machine out before I purchase one to see if I can tolerate it.



> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Someone Pick Me !!! Pick Me Please ;')

> >

> > Steve

> >

> >

> >

> > To: Rife

> > Sent: Tue, July 3, 2012 1:37:18 PM

> > Subject: How many people have you healed with yourt rife machine?

> >

> >

> > Many of us here are Rife machine owners of some fashion or sort... To play

> > with our machines we need sick people to heal right?

> >

> > SO I know how many people I have helped however I am more curious about


> > it a contest between all of us... For good sport and to get the


> > ball rolling in the direction of reaching out to heal more people if we

> > can....

> >

> > How about it then? How many people have you healed with your particular?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Oh my goodness thats awesome! I do some of the same. Cancer donation lines

LOVE to call me. I LOVE to tell them that I have a rife machine. I always try to

keep the conversation going and do my best to let them know all about it.

Neat to see others boldly sharing.



> I have not helped anyone yet but whenever I find someone advertising a car for

sale for health reasons, I email them to ask for specifics of what the health

issue is.

> When they respond, I tell them I have friends who can help them.

> But so far no one has taken me seriously.

> I also look through local newspapers in search of people fundraising for this

health cause or that health cause.

> I write their names down and any contact info so when I have money for basics

like gas, I can meet with them to ask them if they want to hear about my

solutions to their problems.


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Stuff just got real.

Monterey Santa Cruz. Well buddy you are in extreme luck because you live in the

mecca of it. If you can't find a rife operator out there you must need

assistance.... LOTS of assistance. And thats understandable.

Ummmm shoot..OK I have recently helped an Austin Texas fellow. Swollen Prostate.

Weeks before the doctors wanted to operate. So theirs hope. In spades. I used

my global wellness rife machine.. This means I have no idea what frequencies I

used as the exact frequency numbers are not shown... everything is

preprogrammed. That is my rife machine for better or worse. I use a colloidal

silver protocal of 30 ppm in a throat spray... throat spray gets into your

system faster and better IMO. I always have my clients take that first.. then I

use the rife machine.

I still wouldn't recommend colonics or coffee enemas. God no. Not for a prostate

issue. Others swear by them... I swear at them.

I know if you can do rife sessions with while drinking some ozanated water

before hand.... That is very beneficial.

So that is some of what I know and some of what I've done.

You need help finding a local... A good local that wont take you for a ride...

I would check chiropractors. Call some up and ask them with they have rife

machines , especially if one of them says they have a GB4000 !!! IF they do then

hook up with them and start running the thing for prostate cancer..

Trust your MD too... many don't I would highly recommend trusting your doctor.

NOt blindly per se but the MD has all the great diagnoses stuff and biopsy


IF you find no chiropractor with one start checking the alternative holistic

healers.... but just be careful to double check your common sense working with

them.. If that fails, Use craigslist , Check the other rife forums and

groups, maybe try reaching out with a classified ad of your own...their are

lots and lots of Rife Operators in California... You should be able to find

one.....If not , you're always welcome to visit me in texas :D




> > 

> > 

> >   

> >

> >Someone Pick Me !!! Pick Me Please ;')

> > 

> > Steve

> >

> >

> ________________________________

> From: S

> >To: Rife

> >Sent: Tue, July 3, 2012 1:37:18 PM

> >Subject: How many people have you healed with yourt rife machine?

> >

> >  

> >Many of us here are Rife machine owners of some fashion or sort... To play


> >our machines we need sick people to heal right?

> >

> >

> >SO I know how many people I have helped however I am more curious about


> >it a contest between all of us... For good sport and to get the


> >ball rolling in the direction of reaching out to heal more people if we


> >

> >How about it then? How many people have you healed with your particular?

> >

> >

> >   

> >

> >

> >


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