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Re: Re: GB 4000 MOPA

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You can also research magnetic pads, that send out the frequencies you desire.I'm working with a professor/scientist/rife instrument builder at:http://biophysica.com/content/electromedical-devices-instruments/electromedical-devices/neodyme-3-sinewave-magnetic-stimulator/

And he makes devices that uses magnetic pads to send out the frequencies.check out his website and if you have any questions, he's a really knowledgeable guy on the subject and is willing to make custom devices.

He made a device for me, that involves using magnetic pads and or tens pads. With a default square wave? with a default built in frequency range sweep from 24hz to 42hz. This is via a REAL quartz crystal. it also (which was important) allowed frequency imputs from a frequency generator (f-165).




I'm new to this technology, and have been doing a bit of reading on the various delivery methods.I've had a heart attack and understand that it is not recommended to use hand held electrodes after this has occured.


I also have eye problems and would like to use it to treat my eyes, but was wondering if the plasma tubes give off UV that could damage the eyes?


Are there plasma tubes that have been tested and shown not to damage the eyes even if used in a contact mode?


Any suggestions that would get me started on the correct path and minimize future problems would be appreciated.


Best regards,







Part of the reason, I read is that the manufacturing of quality tubes takes expensive specialized glass blowing lathes and temperature annealing processes to produce a strong glass tube. So, stocking many of the various styles and sizes would be cost prohibited for the rife seller, at least I would suspect. Which tubes to stock and how many?

FYI Ralph's SSQF version with tube and amp should easily end up well under $1,000 for a carrier wave rife device driven by Frex17 software.http://billsplasmat ubes.com/ tubemake. html

-- damn it feels good to be a peaceman

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Hi Glen,

Good question. Leaded and pyrex glass plasma tubes will not pass damaging UV. Quartz however, is capable of transmitting damaging UV wavelengths. If you would like more information about this, please reply and I will dig up some posts and references I've made in years past.

Best wishes,

Charlene Boehm

Member New York Academy of Sciences

Member Bioelectromagnetics Society


I'm new to this technology, and have been doing a bit of reading on the various delivery methods.I've had a heart attack and understand that it is not recommended to use hand held electrodes after this has occured.

I also have eye problems and would like to use it to treat my eyes, but was wondering if the plasma tubes give off UV that could damage the eyes?

Are there plasma tubes that have been tested and shown not to damage the eyes even if used in a contact mode?

Any suggestions that would get me started on the correct path and minimize future problems would be appreciated.

Best regards,


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Hi Charlene and Glen, Charlene, that info is very important, so please do. Thanks.

Glen, there are many different types of eye problem, please make sure that the one that can be help with Rife's machines.About your heart attach, if you reverse your heart problem, you should look into using MMS (miracle mineral solution). I believe after 6 months usage, your ateries blockage will be almost cleared. 14 year ago, I had tripple heart bypass and several stent and baloons after that. 5 years ago, I was having angina every day, the sympem that I had before the bypass ! Then I start to study all kind of causes and treatment . I found out that none of the current theories or proof of heart desease causing are perfected ! Therefore, their treatment method are only partially effective, and won't last long when you stop using them !

The causes are:

1- Bacteria damage your arteries wall .(gum desease caused by bacteria will lead to heart desease as so many doctors confirmed now. but all other bacterias also cause it .)

2- The imbance between calcium More) and vitamine C (less) that caused the calcium to deposit at damaged places in arteries.

3- Fine to very fine bad cholesterol particles also sticked in those cacium deposited places. Big bad fat particles won't stick in those places. (there is a test for cholesterol particles now). There are may treatment options. Quick, slow, medicine, foods, herbals, chemical etc...

A. Nitric Oxide. (NO), can't undo blockages, forever using, not cheap. Only dilating arteries !

B. Pomegranate juice, This is very good but $3-$4 a 33oz botlle . You take 8oz a day for 3 month, you'll see your engina disapear . 2-3 years probably clear most of your blockages. Vitamine C is the KEY in it . There are lots of sugar in it also ! I used it 2 months, my angina disappeared. I still using it because I bought 110 bottles about 6month ago as theywereon sale.

C- Lemon juice mix with aloe vera juice. This is very good combo. Cheap and effective. Lemon should be put in a blender with outer shell, pour aloe vera juice in & some brown sugar 4 taste.

D- MMS . Cheapest, quickest, easiest to carry any where, vit C , citric acid, will open blockage very effective . It also kill all virus bacteria and parasite in your blood as the same time Quick !!!

After 6 months taking MMS, you'll find your heart problem will be much much better. Then you'll have to stocking your good bacteria (probiotic pills, or activa yogurt) in your intestines for longer term health.

This is a bigger picture of our illness and our heart desease in particular.

- In healthy body, as Yin & Yang, Acidic & Alkaline are BALANCED. The word balance is everything to healthy body. Too much or too little of anything is bad for body. Germs are always presented in our bodies, but our white blood cells kill them as they'refound. The YY,AA balance strenghen white blood cells while make it imposible for germs to multiply ! Healthy !!!

When vitamine C is deficenced, white cells are weakened, while germs quickly multiplied, calcium is over consummed into body via meat, drugs, drinks etc... Then germs start to damage arteries, White cell can't keep up with them ! Calcium & bad fat start depositing at arteries damaged places when vit C or acid are not enough to neutralize them ! (put a bone or an egg in acid or vinegar, you'll see the calcium is softenned and disapear later).

If you're having thin bone problem, chose a slow protocol with lower doses of vit C. It take longer, but it's safe.

I want to thank all who are giving me too many wonderfull knowlege in this site. I want to contribute this as a small return favor to all of wonderfull people here.

Love. Hung

Subject: Re: Re: GB 4000 MOPATo: Rife Date: Sunday, July 8, 2012, 6:55 AM

Hi Glen,

Good question. Leaded and pyrex glass plasma tubes will not pass damaging UV. Quartz however, is capable of transmitting damaging UV wavelengths. If you would like more information about this, please reply and I will dig up some posts and references I've made in years past.

Best wishes,

Charlene Boehm

Member New York Academy of Sciences

Member Bioelectromagnetics Society


I'm new to this technology, and have been doing a bit of reading on the various delivery methods.I've had a heart attack and understand that it is not recommended to use hand held electrodes after this has occured.

I also have eye problems and would like to use it to treat my eyes, but was wondering if the plasma tubes give off UV that could damage the eyes?

Are there plasma tubes that have been tested and shown not to damage the eyes even if used in a contact mode?

Any suggestions that would get me started on the correct path and minimize future problems would be appreciated.

Best regards,


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Why not tkae psyllium husk fiber for clearing out arterial plaque and sopping up all that blood cholesterol? To: Rife Sent: Sunday, July 8, 2012 11:37 AM Subject: Re: Re: GB 4000 MOPA

Hi Charlene and Glen, Charlene, that info is very important, so please do. Thanks.

Glen, there are many different types of eye problem, please make sure that the one that can be help with Rife's machines.About your heart attach, if you reverse your heart problem, you should look into using MMS (miracle mineral solution). I believe after 6 months usage, your ateries blockage will be almost cleared. 14 year ago, I had tripple heart bypass and several stent and baloons after that. 5 years ago, I was having angina every day, the sympem that I had before the bypass ! Then I start to study all kind of causes and treatment . I found out that none of the current theories or proof of heart desease causing are perfected ! Therefore, their treatment method are only partially effective, and won't last long when you stop using them !

The causes are:

1- Bacteria damage your arteries wall .(gum desease caused by bacteria will lead to heart desease as so many doctors confirmed now. but all other bacterias also cause it .)

2- The imbance between calcium More) and vitamine C (less) that caused the calcium to deposit at damaged places in arteries.

3- Fine to very fine bad cholesterol particles also sticked in those cacium deposited places. Big bad fat particles won't stick in those places. (there is a test for cholesterol particles now). There are may treatment options. Quick, slow, medicine, foods, herbals, chemical etc...

A. Nitric Oxide. (NO), can't undo blockages, forever using, not cheap. Only dilating arteries !

B. Pomegranate juice, This is very good but $3-$4 a 33oz botlle . You take 8oz a day for 3 month, you'll see your engina disapear . 2-3 years probably clear most of your blockages. Vitamine C is the KEY in it . There are lots of sugar in it also ! I used it 2 months, my angina disappeared. I still using it because I bought 110 bottles about 6month ago as theywereon sale.

C- Lemon juice mix with aloe vera juice. This is very good combo. Cheap and effective. Lemon should be put in a blender with outer shell, pour aloe vera juice in & some brown sugar 4 taste.

D- MMS . Cheapest, quickest, easiest to carry any where, vit C , citric acid, will open blockage very effective . It also kill all virus bacteria and parasite in your blood as the same time Quick !!!

After 6 months taking MMS, you'll find your heart problem will be much much better. Then you'll have to stocking your good bacteria (probiotic pills, or activa yogurt) in your intestines for longer term health.

This is a bigger picture of our illness and our heart desease in particular.

- In healthy body, as Yin & Yang, Acidic & Alkaline are BALANCED. The word balance is everything to healthy body. Too much or too little of anything is bad for body. Germs are always presented in our bodies, but our white blood cells kill them as they'refound. The YY,AA balance strenghen white blood cells while make it imposible for germs to multiply ! Healthy !!!

When vitamine C is deficenced, white cells are weakened, while germs quickly multiplied, calcium is over consummed into body via meat, drugs, drinks etc... Then germs start to damage arteries, White cell can't keep up with them ! Calcium & bad fat start depositing at arteries damaged places when vit C or acid are not enough to neutralize them ! (put a bone or an egg in acid or vinegar, you'll see the calcium is softenned and disapear later).

If you're having thin bone problem, chose a slow protocol with lower doses of vit C. It take longer, but it's safe.

I want to thank all who are giving me too many wonderfull knowlege in this site. I want to contribute this as a small return favor to all of wonderfull people here.

Love. Hung

Subject: Re: Re: GB 4000 MOPATo: Rife Date: Sunday, July 8, 2012, 6:55 AM

Hi Glen,

Good question. Leaded and pyrex glass plasma tubes will not pass damaging UV. Quartz however, is capable of transmitting damaging UV wavelengths. If you would like more information about this, please reply and I will dig up some posts and references I've made in years past.

Best wishes,

Charlene Boehm

Member New York Academy of Sciences

Member Bioelectromagnetics Society


I'm new to this technology, and have been doing a bit of reading on the various delivery methods.I've had a heart attack and understand that it is not recommended to use hand held electrodes after this has occured.

I also have eye problems and would like to use it to treat my eyes, but was wondering if the plasma tubes give off UV that could damage the eyes?

Are there plasma tubes that have been tested and shown not to damage the eyes even if used in a contact mode?

Any suggestions that would get me started on the correct path and minimize future problems would be appreciated.

Best regards,


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I looked into wikipedia, they said that Psyllium husk fiber can't not be absorbed in small intestines. (It is used in Metamucil laxative product for constipation and moderate diarhea cases.) Therefore it can't kill germs or open arteries blockages . We can have arteries blockage with out high bad cholesterol. It may lower cholesterol indirectly by sticking to bad fat that make small intestines can not absorb them, while our body keep throwing out bad fat at the same time constantly . That may be why bad chol is getting lower.

Do we have any frequency to blast off arteries blockages like they do in kidney stone ?


Subject: Re: Re: GB 4000 MOPATo: Rife Date: Sunday, July 8, 2012, 6:55 AM

Hi Glen,

Good question. Leaded and pyrex glass plasma tubes will not pass damaging UV. Quartz however, is capable of transmitting damaging UV wavelengths. If you would like more information about this, please reply and I will dig up some posts and references I've made in years past.

Best wishes,

Charlene Boehm

Member New York Academy of Sciences

Member Bioelectromagnetics Society


I'm new to this technology, and have been doing a bit of reading on the various delivery methods. I've had a heart attack and understand that it is not recommended to use hand held electrodes after this has occured.

I also have eye problems and would like to use it to treat my eyes, but was wondering if the plasma tubes give off UV that could damage the eyes?

Are there plasma tubes that have been tested and shown not to damage the eyes even if used in a contact mode?

Any suggestions that would get me started on the correct path and minimize future problems would be appreciated.

Best regards,


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Dear Glen,Try increasing your water intake to 4 litres per day and see if it helps. Bathing your eyes in water in which a few petals of chryanthemum has been boiled will also helpWith warm regardsDr Manik Hiranandani Sent from my iPad

Hi Charlene,

Thank you for your offer - I would very much appreciate any information you could offer.I have a condition that has developed in both eyes where the pressure in the eye has reduced (The opposite of Glaucoma). Consequently, the retina is not fully supported, causing "Temporal Flashes" - arcs of light above the eyes when I am exposed to variations in light intensity from dark caused by stressing of the retina.

I understand that this problem is more prevalent in "Diabetic" eyes or eyes that are "long" (become short-sighted as they age).

I also have recently been made aware of early symptoms of cataracts in my left eye.

While there is no urgency at the present time, I am under the care of the "Last Hope" opthamologist in our area, and what I see on my visits to his complex is very, very scary for someone who thought that his eyesight would always be a given. All he offers is the standard warning that will get me to his or an emergency facility should the worst case (a torn retina) occur.

The gentle reminders my "away from" personality whacks me up the side of the head after each visit is the driving force to help me become independent of the likes of those people.

I look forward to hearing from you or anyone else that may be able to offer assistance in this area

Best regards,

Glen Halina

Re: GB 4000 MOPA Sun Jul 8, 2012 6:55 am (PDT) .

Posted by: "cb" soundtree01

Hi Glen,

Good question. Leaded and pyrex glass plasma tubes will not pass damaging UV. Quartz however, is capable of transmitting damaging UV wavelengths. If you would like more information about this, please reply and I will dig up some posts and references I've made in years past.

Best wishes,Charlene Boehm

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