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Re: GB 4000 MOPA

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YES! Let me assure you before you get any more advice. that YES you can safely

use that GB4000 with the MOPA especially.... (And you're gonna need to buy a

phantron tube seperately ... various people make em... but it is not sold with

it..Heck If I know why,...


> Hello, I'm a new member with some questions. Has anyone heard of the GB 4000

MOPA? Can this be safely used on a dog with cancer? Thanks


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Also, feed the dog FLOR*ESSENCE tea 3 times daily about 2 - 3 oz each time through a Turkey Baster.  I use an eye dropper with my cats.  Also, mix Colloidal Silver Water into the dog's food - or feed that through a Turkey Baster, too.  About 3 oz. 3 times daily in between the FLOR*ESSENCE feeding.  I cured my feline's respiratory cancer with this system when the Vet said she should be put down.  She lived another 8 years after the Vet's infamous words...


RE: Dog with cancer. Line the bottom of the dog's bed with large ceramic block magnets. Use a thin mattress on top. Be sure to only have the north poles all facing up.

To determine the biological north pole do the following:

Attach a string (or use dental floss) to a shower curtain rail.

Suspend two magnets with the string sandwiched between them so that they are free to swing. When they come to rest, the surface facing south is the biological north pole.

Put betaine HCL tablets in his food. Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen

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Thank you so very much for your response. I'm very unfamiliar with this device. I've been reading about it on  cancer tutor. What is a phantron tube and where do I get it?

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Thank you for your response. Do either of these treatment need to be given hours apart from the treatments with the GB 4000 MOPA (Rife Machine)? Is the Flor*Essence Tea similar to Essiac Tea? How long do I wait between the tea and the colloidal silver water? 



Also, feed the dog FLOR*ESSENCE tea 3 times daily about 2 - 3 oz each time through a Turkey Baster.  I use an eye dropper with my cats.  Also, mix Colloidal Silver Water into the dog's food - or feed that through a Turkey Baster, too.  About 3 oz. 3 times daily in between the FLOR*ESSENCE feeding.  I cured my feline's respiratory cancer with this system when the Vet said she should be put down.  She lived another 8 years after the Vet's infamous words...


RE: Dog with cancer. Line the bottom of the dog's bed with large ceramic block magnets. Use a thin mattress on top. Be sure to only have the north poles all facing up.

To determine the biological north pole do the following:

Attach a string (or use dental floss) to a shower curtain rail.

Suspend two magnets with the string sandwiched between them so that they are free to swing. When they come to rest, the surface facing south is the biological north pole.

Put betaine HCL tablets in his food. Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen

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Part of the reason, I read is that the manufacturing of quality tubes takes

expensive specialized glass blowing lathes and temperature annealing processes

to produce a strong glass tube. So, stocking many of the various styles and

sizes would be cost prohibited for the rife seller, at least I would suspect.

Which tubes to stock and how many?

FYI Ralph's SSQF version with tube and amp should easily end up well under

$1,000 for a carrier wave rife device driven by Frex17 software.


> >

> > Hello, I'm a new member with some questions. Has anyone heard of the GB 4000

MOPA? Can this be safely used on a dog with cancer? Thanks

> >


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I'm new to this technology, and have been doing a bit of reading on the various delivery methods.I've had a heart attack and understand that it is not recommended to use hand held electrodes after this has occured.

I also have eye problems and would like to use it to treat my eyes, but was wondering if the plasma tubes give off UV that could damage the eyes?

Are there plasma tubes that have been tested and shown not to damage the eyes even if used in a contact mode?

Any suggestions that would get me started on the correct path and minimize future problems would be appreciated.

Best regards,


Part of the reason, I read is that the manufacturing of quality tubes takes expensive specialized glass blowing lathes and temperature annealing processes to produce a strong glass tube. So, stocking many of the various styles and sizes would be cost prohibited for the rife seller, at least I would suspect. Which tubes to stock and how many?FYI Ralph's SSQF version with tube and amp should easily end up well under $1,000 for a carrier wave rife device driven by Frex17 software.http://billsplasmat ubes.com/ tubemake. html

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Dear Carmie, I've noticed through your posts that you appear to be very well educated on health, especially Cancer. You recommend Betaine HCL for the dog with cancer. Would you recommend Betaine HCL for a person suffering with Esophageal Cancer secondary to Barrett's Esophagus? My Mom has had acid reflux for many years. Doctors seemed to arbitrarily prescribe acid blockers for this condition. Apparently, it did nothing to prevent the cancer in her esophagus. Since now doing research I have discovered that the signs for hypoacidity are the same as hyperacidity. I have since discontinued all the pharmaceuticals she had been placed on. I have read that Betaine HCL can correct acid

reflux. My problem is my Mom also suffers with Dementia so I have difficulty assessing if I am giving enough or too much Betaine HCL. If Betaine HCL would help her what would you recommend, please. Carmie would you have any suggestions as to how I can stimulate my Mom's appetite? As of late she is not desiring much food. I have attempted to alter her diet for the better but sometimes she can be very uncooperative. The doctors had prescribed Magace for stimulating my Mom's appetite in the past. I was not too keen on pharmaceuticals to begin with but was so desperate for a solution I agreed to administering this substance to her. I saw no appreciable improvement so I discontinued this. We have also tried Rick Simpson's oil but that also did not give us great appetite results. Then out of the blue her appetite returned to

normal. Prior to the return of a more normal appetite I had been attempting utilization of various supplements so I am not sure what produced the little miracle. However, in the past several days her appetite has fallen off again. I wonder if it could be a result of the many additional supplements I have incorporated into her daily regime. Also, you have written on the acid/alkaline ph and I am not real clear on how to achieve the proper bodily ph. Is is wrong of me to be supplying her with a product called Alkalete which is very pricey. This product is supposed to produce a more alkaline internal enviornment. There is so much controversey regarding health that it is often difficult to ascertain if the course of action I have chosen is the best. I have many questions but if you

could supply some information that would be helpful in the healing of my Mom I would be greatly appeciative. Thank you, Kincaid To: Rife Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2012 2:20 AM Subject:

GB 4000 MOPA

RE: Dog with cancer. Line the bottom of the dog's bed with large ceramic block magnets. Use a thin mattress on top. Be sure to only have the north poles all facing up.

To determine the biological north pole do the following:

Attach a string (or use dental floss) to a shower curtain rail.

Suspend two magnets with the string sandwiched between them so that they are free to swing. When they come to rest, the surface facing south is the biological north pole.

Put betaine HCL tablets in his food. Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen

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Hello and All,

I noticed that you are seeking information on acid reflux, and I may be able to point you in a direction that is off topic for this list - unless someone has a frequency for sauerkraut.

I had the good fortune to meet Jim Strauss - a 7th generation herbalist who developed Strauss Heart Drops - a formulation that was so successful at curing heart diseases that (at least for some time) was able to advertise that he could "cure heart disease" - and spent a very pleasant afternoon with him. I have also visited their faciltiy in Kamloops, BC as my parents lived there in their later years and met his son who now manages the business.

I have a genetic disposition to arterial problems (an deep ear lobe crease) and with a probably less than optimal diet, they were unable to do for me what they did for him. In 1959 at the age of 57 he had a severe heart attack that he was told required a multiple bypass by the experts in Vancouver, BC. He returned home to Kamloops, and (as he was taught) chewed various formulations of herbs until he got one that worked. He was back to work in 2 weeks, and when I met him probably 10 to 15 years ago, he was lucid and spry and was a most knowledgeable and charming individual. And, I might add, still spreading the good word.

If you are interested and unable to find their site, email me and I will provide it.

That was the background - here's the point I wanted to make.

A distributor who brought the product to our part of Canada was so impressed with what this formulation was able to do for him that he spent about 2 weeks with Jim Strauss as he treated patients and attended information nights. He later created a Video presentation about the many "Jim Strauss" remedies he had heard of and seen administered during that time as an information tool for his sales staff.

From that video, I learned that for stomach remedies, Jim Strauss suggests sauerkraut - fermented cabbage made only from cabbage, sea salt and water. For acid indigestion, my wife and I have found that the recommended one or two forkfulls will cure almost anything we can eat our way into. When we travel, we buy a jar (if available - else a can) and keep it with us should we need it. It has never failed us!!

And while we use it for reflux - I understand that he was able to save the life of the father of someone who contacted him when he was on his death bed in a hospital with stomach problems, and this same remedy got him out in a very short time.

Sauerkraut got good press in 2005 when a form of sauerkraut was shown to have potential in treating Bird (avian) flu. Mentions were also made about other potential benefits due to the lactic acid bacteria.

It is interesting that there are many agricultural based traditions where sauerkraut is a staple, and the ability to do what is now being found that it may be able to do could help us to live happier, healthier lives. And it tastes good, too!

If anyone is interested in learning more, email me directly

Best regards,


Re: GB 4000 MOPA Sun Jul 8, 2012 6:09 pm (PDT) . Posted by: " Kincaid" cancerbgone

Dear Carmie, I've noticed through your posts that you appear to be very well educated on health, especially Cancer. You recommend Betaine HCL for the dog with cancer. Would you recommend Betaine HCL for a person suffering with Esophageal Cancer secondary to Barrett's Esophagus? My Mom has had acid reflux for many years. Doctors seemed to arbitrarily prescribe acid blockers for this condition.

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Hi Charlene,

Thank you for your offer - I would very much appreciate any information you could offer.I have a condition that has developed in both eyes where the pressure in the eye has reduced (The opposite of Glaucoma). Consequently, the retina is not fully supported, causing "Temporal Flashes" - arcs of light above the eyes when I am exposed to variations in light intensity from dark caused by stressing of the retina.

I understand that this problem is more prevalent in "Diabetic" eyes or eyes that are "long" (become short-sighted as they age).

I also have recently been made aware of early symptoms of cataracts in my left eye.

While there is no urgency at the present time, I am under the care of the "Last Hope" opthamologist in our area, and what I see on my visits to his complex is very, very scary for someone who thought that his eyesight would always be a given. All he offers is the standard warning that will get me to his or an emergency facility should the worst case (a torn retina) occur.

The gentle reminders my "away from" personality whacks me up the side of the head after each visit is the driving force to help me become independent of the likes of those people.

I look forward to hearing from you or anyone else that may be able to offer assistance in this area

Best regards,

Glen Halina

Re: GB 4000 MOPA Sun Jul 8, 2012 6:55 am (PDT) .

Posted by: "cb" soundtree01

Hi Glen,

Good question. Leaded and pyrex glass plasma tubes will not pass damaging UV. Quartz however, is capable of transmitting damaging UV wavelengths. If you would like more information about this, please reply and I will dig up some posts and references I've made in years past.

Best wishes,Charlene Boehm

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Acid channel blockers will kill you. The body MUST have hydrochloric acid.

Everyone or creature with cancer has a severely imbalanced body chemistry that

is insidiously missing this critical acid that is indigenous to the mammailian

frame. Acid blockers, PPIs etc., inhibit the absorption of minerals through the

gut wall and without the required supply of them the pH of the body will appear

to become hyperacidic when in reality it is actually hyperalkaline. The mineral

concentrations in the tissues increases so as to counter-react the excessive

acid generation that fails to leave the body because acids are required to

maintain stasis due to the lack of the required normal acid, hydrochloric acid.

The excess waste acids unbalance the body chemistry which shifts the pH of the

Cyclogenia pleomorphia to the mycelial stages where fungal disorders become the

norm. All disease is due to the terrain in which the cells live. Germs arrive

after the fact and the cancer scavenger, Progenitor cryptocides is among them.

The end result is that potassium increases in the humors while calcium becomes

dangerously depleted. Phosphorus also increases and is greatly worsened when

dairy products are consumed with the mistaken belief that they supply calcium to

the bones when, in fact, that form of calcium becomes base material for the

formation of plaques, bone spurs and fodder for arthritic joints. Dairy is for

cows, not people. The human is the only creature that will supp at the teats of

a beast! Thoroughly disgusting...!

Vitamin D is key as it modulates the activity of the parathyroid glands whose

single hormone PTH regulates the calcium levels in the body. All cancer patients

are found to be depleted of serum calcium in the blood and under the

hyperalkaline condition that persists because of this lack of this important

element, cancer flourishes. Taking supplemental calcium will not be utilized by

the blood and will only contaminate the blood with more waste acids further

reducing oxygen levels thereby establishing an anaerobic cellular environment

that exacerbates the proliferation of cancer. Supplemental calcium is slow

suicide IMO. We get plenty in the vegetation that is a required part of a good


As I have said before, cancer can only be cured by reestablishing a non-vitiated

blood supply and this can only be accomplished via the proper diet. Everyone

should be taking supplemental HCL, absolutely!

Supplementing with HCL is difficult for some and the statements about using

sauerkraut is excellent advice. My book is in the forth correctional cycle and

If I have room, I will add this excellent advice to the work. I knew about this

but failed to realize its importance in the over-all scheme of things. I cover

the appropriate method of taking supplemental HCL so that it dosen't burn and

cause more discomfort.

Those with Barrett's esophagus often get relief by elevating the headboard end

of the bed with cinder blocks.

Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen (pronounced " car my " which is short for Carmichael)


I've noticed through your posts that you appear to be very well educated on

health, especially Cancer. You recommend Betaine HCL for the dog with cancer.

Would you recommend Betaine HCL for a person suffering with Esophageal Cancer

secondary to Barrett's Esophagus?

My Mom has had acid reflux for many years. Doctors seemed to arbitrarily

prescribe acid blockers for this condition.

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