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Re: What's the best way to keep cancer pain down while fighting cancer?

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Do you like this handbook? I am thinking of ordering it. Does it have much on treating Type 1 Diabetes? I am completely new at this and know very little. I need a manual for dummies. I don't even know where to start.

Christy LaffertyLegacy Portraiturelegacyportraiture@...www.PictureALegacy.com

After reading about the benefits of rifing in combating cancer I obtained a Rife Machine (GB-4000 M.O.P.A) and "The Rife Handbook" by Nenah Sylver.

Then I found in this handbook, under "All About Frequency Devices and Rifing Sessions" and "Special Precautions", that taking pharmaceuticals can be hazardous, as "the body's tissues are now more permeable and receptive to whatever they are being fed, rifing without monitoring the dose's effect may cause an even worse problem than what you were originally addressing....Overdosing ... may cause permanent organ damage."

The manufacturer of the opiate derived pain medication warns, that an overdose could be lethal.

With this in mind I'm unsure as to how to best keep cancer pain down and still actively (or even aggressively) fight cancer.

I would like to here from people that have won this fight and how they did it.

If you have experience in this, would you be willing to share?

Thanks very much indeed.


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Not sure where you bought your GB 4000 M.O.P.A., but the vendor for the one that is mentioned on cancer tutor is very knowledgeable about all of this. You may be able to find some information about this on www.cancertutor.com or call that vendor. There's a link with his contact info on the website. He may be willing to answer some questions for you. Good luck


After reading about the benefits of rifing in combating cancer I obtained a Rife Machine (GB-4000 M.O.P.A) and " The Rife Handbook " by Nenah Sylver.

Then I found in this handbook, under " All About Frequency Devices and Rifing Sessions " and " Special Precautions " , that taking pharmaceuticals can be hazardous, as " the body's tissues are now more permeable and receptive to whatever they are being fed, rifing without monitoring the dose's effect may cause an even worse problem than what you were originally addressing....Overdosing ... may cause permanent organ damage. "

The manufacturer of the opiate derived pain medication warns, that an overdose could be lethal.

With this in mind I'm unsure as to how to best keep cancer pain down and still actively (or even aggressively) fight cancer.

I would like to here from people that have won this fight and how they did it.

If you have experience in this, would you be willing to share?

Thanks very much indeed.


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Type 1 diabetes is untreatable. The damage has been done and it is permanent.

There has been some research with stem cell transplantation but the results have

not been verified. Some (very few) have responded to cedar berries as apparently

a few cells remained quasi-functional but the likelihood of full pancreatic

restoration is very moot. Rife machines nor anything else will resolve this

problem, the damage has been done. Looking for a cure will be nothing but

continuing disappointment. Unfortunately hope in resolving this form of diabetes

is a pipe dream and nothing more. Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen


>Does it have much on treating Type 1 Diabetes?

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If you aren't yet willing to surrender

to a diabetes death sentence, you might join this yahoo group on

Herbal Remedies:


Type 1 diabetes is untreatable. The damage has been done

and it is permanent. There has been some research with

stem cell transplantation but the results have not been

verified. Some (very few) have responded to cedar berries

as apparently a few cells remained quasi-functional but

the likelihood of full pancreatic restoration is very

moot. Rife machines nor anything else will resolve this

problem, the damage has been done. Looking for a cure will

be nothing but continuing disappointment. Unfortunately

hope in resolving this form of diabetes is a pipe dream

and nothing more. Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen

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I disagree, although not many, there are people who have cured Type 1, some by diet and/or herbal methods, some by certain methods of treating cancer also resolved their Type 1 diagnosis. Linn

Type 1 diabetes is untreatable. The damage has been done and it is permanent. There has been some research with stem cell transplantation but the results have not been verified. Some (very few) have responded to cedar berries as apparently a few cells remained quasi-functional but the likelihood of full pancreatic restoration is very moot. Rife machines nor anything else will resolve this problem, the damage has been done. Looking for a cure will be nothing but continuing disappointment. Unfortunately hope in resolving this form of diabetes is a pipe dream and nothing more. Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen


>Does it have much on treating Type 1 Diabetes?

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Vitamin c in divided doses. Take as much as you can tolerate (between

10 and 100 grams a day). When I had pneumonia, I took 1 gram every

half hour. It will make people with cancer feel better, reduce their

pain, and improve their immune system. But in order to achieve levels

of vitamin C that will kill cancer cells, it takes an IV.

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as a pain patient myself I can say that I have not

found any enhancement t of opioid as a general rule. As a matter

of fact I have had the opposite be true. I have had more mishaps

with withdrawal type symptoms than the opposite. Rife

can help with pain though as some frequencies can help some...not

to the level of pain meds but it can prove valuable on a number

of issues. If you are on a tight meds schedule and

don't have nay extra meds in case of withdrawl then have an

alternative substance to help you in case that should arise. Be

slow and cautious.. good luck...


Do you like this handbook? I am thinking of ordering it. Does it

have much on treating Type 1 Diabetes? I am completely new at this

and know very little. I need a manual for dummies. I don't even

know where to start.

Christy Lafferty

Legacy Portraiture



After reading about the benefits of rifing in

combating cancer I obtained a Rife Machine (GB-4000

M.O.P.A) and "The Rife Handbook" by Nenah Sylver.

Then I found in this handbook, under "All About

Frequency Devices and Rifing Sessions" and "Special

Precautions", that taking pharmaceuticals can be

hazardous, as "the body's tissues are now more

permeable and receptive to whatever they are being

fed, rifing without monitoring the dose's effect may

cause an even worse problem than what you were

originally addressing....Overdosing ... may cause

permanent organ damage."

The manufacturer of the opiate derived pain medication

warns, that an overdose could be lethal.

With this in mind I'm unsure as to how to best keep

cancer pain down and still actively (or even

aggressively) fight cancer.

I would like to here from people that have won this

fight and how they did it.

If you have experience in this, would you be willing

to share?

Thanks very much indeed.


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Hello All,

Intravenous Vitamin C is usually administered by a doctor in or out of a

hospital and there appears to be a feeling among allopathic doctors (probably

because big pharma who control their continuing access to their medical licenses

and way of making a living frown on the use of remedies that really work and

don't make everyone concerned obscene amounts of money) that it shouldn't be

used (even if it works) since it ain't written up in a recognized medical urinal

(oops Journal) even if it pure fabrication and fiction.

Anyone with information on what the frequency or frequencies are that will mimic

Ascorbic acid could make this much simpler since this is a list for believers in

Rife Technology. This would make everyone's life easier especially the lives of

people in places like Germany where Ascorbic Acid (like many other supplements)

require prescriptions and are therefore priced like prescription drugs.

Alternatively, anyone with information on how to turn on or otherwise repair the

defective gene in our livers that would allow us to once again be more like the

rest of the mammals and create our own supply of Vitmin C could make the rest of

this post optional reading.

Ascorbic acid is (to my understanding) an electron donor that will (possibly

among other things) assist a living system's innate ability to achieve the

electrical potential to heal. It has normally been administered orally, but can

be a problem for certain people, and there is a bowel tolerance for almost

everyone. Some people say it makes expensive urine as it is a water soluble

vitamin and flushes thru the body very quickly. Needless to say, this

effectively exemplifies the old adage that " if you don't use it, you lose it " .

The bioavailability of oral Vitamin C is much lower than via the IV delivery

system, so that while it can easily prevent scurvy, the limiting amount

determined by your body's ability to " handle " it, means that it is only

effective for relatively minor problems.

This can make it difficult for people in need of what larger doses can do since

there is (to my knowledge) no inexpensive " test drive " diy for iv vitamin c.

Even alternate clinics with well intentioned owners have to cover their costs

and, as the supply is usually small, pricing is not necessarily very


An analogy that applies to both of these methods of delivery is like the effect

of the " load " from a shot gun or from a rifle. A shotgun is the preferred home

defense weapon as the pelets (or other load) won't, like Elvis, " Leave the

Building " , and cause damage elsewhere. In the body you need a larger quantity to

make it available everywhere so as to ensure that it is readily available to

every cell so as to include " The Protagonist " (aka " The Unwanted Intruder " ).

But the rifle, like the laser, is better able to bring down big game than random

shot especially if and when if it can be targeted to a critical part of the

intended recipient.

There is a new (to me) technology that uses the body's innate wisdom to deliver

a package that, at the surface, looks like a nutrient that will help repair a

physical malady, while it surrounds, or cloaks, a beneficial " Trojan Horse " that

is released when the nutrient of interest is consumed by the body. But more of

that later.

No matter your situation, if you are able, you can get the informantion that you

need, even if in the end it's not what you hoped to hear. (In that case, you

change conditions and start over again with the desired result in mind)

A sort of a template for me has been to

(1)look and ask without any re-conceived notions including in " higher places "

(2) refine your search to look in more productive places, get references, and

apply new-found information

(3) go to (1)

or go to (4) Mission Accomplished! and hopefully > (5) Share with others

or go to (6) quit in despair.

If money isn't a problem, there are any number of specialty clincs that will

attempt to help you get thru what's ailing you and your search is easier.

If your budget is a constraint, your search is only satisfactorily completed

when you have what you believe may work at a cost that you can afford.

Even if money isn't a problem, what I've experienced is that remedies are

available for almost anything and that there is almost no new knowledge - but

there are great truths in old adages such as " you can lead a horse to water,

but.... " or " You Can't teach an old dog n... " or " Ostriches stick their heads in

the sand " ..ad nauseum.... The school system and the media would portray the

" normal " person as one who trusts all that she or he reads and hears and sees on

the media and from persons in respected places. Unfortunately, there normally

isn't a connection of the conflict of interest or the intentions of the owners

of the media or their collabration with those who would " use us for all we're

worth " , so a feeling of trust develops for what is adverized or publicized.

For instance, wouldn't we all want to risk death or worse so as not to have to

carry around a port-a-pottie on our backs? I imagine most people would say;

" That Depends "

So a new way of getting to your desired state is only limited by the routes that

make available to yourself, and often there are ways and means that will fit

almost any budget. Someone very near and dear to me suffered from severe

arrythmia that the best of the best in the medical establishment in our province

could not solve, As most of such organizations are inclined to do when they

can't (or won't) help you, they told her (essentially) to " Suck it up and learn

to live with it " . (other common " help you out the door gems because we're as

baffled as you are but won't admit it " include " Go home and get your affairs in

order " and the well known " Don't let the door hit you in... " )

This person of interest in this case was open to any suggestion (wouldn't anyone

be if your heart was missing up to every second beat?) I asked for a solution,

and was guided to search for a medical intuitive - who appeared at a BBQ we

attended. Short story long, a 3 minute stroll through a lovely meadow was all

it took to discover that a blocked open Iliosecal valve was causing the

arrythmia, whereupon a remedy that I had heard of was rediscovered and

administered, bringing this adventure to a happy and healthy ending. (The

medical tests had spanned an agonizing 6 to 8 week period)

That was just the lead-in. I understand that this list desires to separate

itself from anything that cannot be scientific verified, but sometimes you have

to go outside your own " normal " channels to find your unique (or not) solution,

and I have presented frequency based alternatives that at this point in time I

am unable to offer or articulate as well.

I have a condition that is said to be remedied historically by ingesting large

doses of Ascorbic Acid (aka Vitamin C) and the continuing search for a more

effective means got me to where I am today. (I also regularly treat myself with

Rife Frequencies for this and other concerns, so I'm not riding a " One Trick "


There is a form of vitamin C - Liposome encapsulated (LET)- that has been shown

to be more effective than intravenous vitamin C - that can be administered at

home (or snuck into a hospital). I've listened and read a considerable amount

about its abiliies to make positive changes and would recommend the works of Dr.

Levy for more detailed information.

You'll read here about my version of a complete, simple, and understandable

explanation of how and why LET is more effective than IV administered - for the

first time anywhere (to my knowledge).

The synergistic combination of an encapsulating material (Liposomes - the

afore-mentioned healing nutrient) that the body dispatches to an injured area

and is consumed in making physical repair releases the enclosed Acscorbic Acid

(Vit C) (the afore-mentioned electron donor aka " pH Modifier " ) that is vital to

allow healing to occur. The combination is combined in various ways to create

nano-sized particles that have a form similar to that of healthy cells.

The lazer like sighting and delivery ability of the body's innate wisdom enables

the required (and normally scarce) resources to be delivered where it is

required, and as it " cloaked " until ready to consume does not cause it to be

wasted in the urine.

The IV delivered Vit C needs to be just like the US president's secret service

contingency - anywhere and everywhere there could be a problem, before and after

the potential problem, and more when there is a definite problem.

Now if Superperson (Or the analagous " SuperC " ) with X-Ray vision and great speed

and strength was available......

See this site


from that site

" As effective and absorbed intracellularly as IV doses. 5 packets daily is equal

to a 50 Gm Infusion "

and the question (which I can't answer, but possibly the owner of this page can:

" Yes, but I have read that you need 1000 micromols/L of viatmin C to cure

cancer. How does that translate between the packets of Lypo Spheric Vitamin C

and 10000 micromols/L of vitamin C? any ideas? "

For as long as they are able to, commercial products are available - and the one

that I use is from Liv-On labs


Please note: They also offer other critical nutrients that are delivered by the

same method that may be of interest to some of the readers of this post (or not)

(There is an interview with the founder of L*v-O* that indicates that he is well

aware that the life of his business and products are subject to the same sort of

scrutiny and harrasement that the founder of the technology that this list

celebrates, endured)

There are many youtubes on this form of delivery of vitamin c

One that piqued my interest was the one depicting a " condemned to die from Avian

(Bird) Flu NZ dairy farmer " who was brougnt back to life after receiving 7 grams

of lipo-C (worth a whole $7) after the hospital refused to continue the vit c iv

requested by the family.

See an article found by googling for

Vitamin C Recovery From Viral Pneumonia in New Zealand Farmer at



Also this youtube at the Vitamin C Foundation forum at

http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3 & t=8454



I have noticed that many of the videos relating to this product and this

adventure are no longer available, and I wonder why?

But like the Huna tradition that was outlawed in - where else - but the " home of

the brave and the land of the free " for about 160 years(snippet from

http://www.ancienthuna.com/hunach1.htm )

" That a country whose pride lies in, among other things, freedom of speech the

practice and teaching of Huna was illegal in Hawaii from 1820 to 1979, is

absolutely inconceivable. How could that have happened? What did we not see that

allowed us to disenfranchise the dear, sweet, loving people of this land?

Further, we shall see that this has not been, even as of today, been fully

addressed. "

those same insidious forces seem to be driving this remedy underground, and as

the Huna was able to survive undrground for almost 160 years, hopefully this one

also will be able to endure.

Fortunately, Rife technology has!

....but I digress...

The bad news is that even though this product works, the monetary output can be

considerable to get effective doses for tough cases - but inexpensive if

compared to specialized (ie chemotherapy) toxins.

The good news is that you can " test drive " smaller quantities from several

resellers including iherb.com.

Beter news is that a number of like-minded individuals have offered " Do It

Yourself " information on how to set up your own " LET Lab " for under $200, the

time to learn, and a willingness to go outside your comfort zone (even if it is

just mental). Using easily available tools - a kitchen blender, a " sonifier "

disguised as an ultra sonic cleaner, a bevy of glass containers and maybe a

chopstick or two - and supplies such as ascorbic acid (Vit C) (aka " The Main

Actor " ), a source of Lecithin (from soy (preferably GMO) or Sunflower) (aka " The

Big CoverUp " ), some aluminum-free baking soda (aka " The Neutralizer " ), and

possibly one or two other easily available products, you can make your own soy

lecithin based variety for about $0.07 per gram (or $2.40 per 40g batch) (give

or take) for the supplies.

There's more good news. There is a yahoogroup dedicated to this technology

called LET DIY See it at


If you are interested, that list is like this list, a treasure trove of recipes,

how-tos, and personal anecdotes that can assist any interested person to get up

and running in the shortest possible time if that is your intention.

I don't know if there is a list or forum with ways and means to " get a horse to

water and MAKE it drink " , but maybe that would go against the idea that we all

have free will.

Just my thoughts......



> Vitamin c in divided doses. Take as much as you can tolerate (between

> 10 and 100 grams a day). When I had pneumonia, I took 1 gram every

> half hour. It will make people with cancer feel better, reduce their

> pain, and improve their immune system. But in order to achieve levels

> of vitamin C that will kill cancer cells, it takes an IV.


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Hi Joerg

i have stage 4 Prostate cancer and have got my daily dose of methadone down to 5 miligrams per day by taking MSM. I've been shering it with many of my friends that have pain and they are all buying it now. I hope to be off the methadone completely soon. MSM is said to have tumor shrinking abilities. Also to creat a celular atmosphere that helps absorb nutrients and illiminate toxins.

Good luck Steve

To: Rife Sent: Tue, July 10, 2012 2:47:31 PMSubject: Re: What's the best way to keep cancer pain down while fighting cancer?

Not sure where you bought your GB 4000 M.O.P.A., but the vendor for the one that is mentioned on cancer tutor is very knowledgeable about all of this. You may be able to find some information about this on www.cancertutor.com or call that vendor. There's a link with his contact info on the website. He may be willing to answer some questions for you. Good luck

After reading about the benefits of rifing in combating cancer I obtained a Rife Machine (GB-4000 M.O.P.A) and "The Rife Handbook" by Nenah Sylver. Then I found in this handbook, under "All About Frequency Devices and Rifing Sessions" and "Special Precautions", that taking pharmaceuticals can be hazardous, as "the body's tissues are now more permeable and receptive to whatever they are being fed, rifing without monitoring the dose's effect may cause an even worse problem than what you were originally addressing....Overdosing ... may cause permanent organ damage."The manufacturer of the opiate derived pain medication warns, that an overdose could be lethal.With this in mind I'm unsure as to how to best keep cancer pain down and still actively (or even aggressively) fight cancer.I would like to here from people that have won this fight and how they did it.If you have experience in this, would you be willing to

share?Thanks very much indeed.Joerg

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Dear Joerg Rauh:

The Rife Handbook is written for a general audience. It reports the range of

possibilities of what +could+ or +might+ happen when people use frequency

therapy. However, since everyone is different, what they will feel from Rife

Therapy can be different.

You quoted from part of the section in my book, but you did not quote the

part that says: " Sessions on all sorts of electromedical devices can greatly

lessen the need for either drugs or natural substances such as herbs. The

reason for this reduced intake is increased efficiency in cell function. One

aspect of improved cell function is the desirable separation of previously

clustered cells. (Clustering is common in people who are ill). Each cell

maintaining its individual integrity allows for much better absorption of

oxygen, nutrients and medications. " This is a +positive+ thing. I would not

be afraid of using Rife Therapy-especially because once the degeneration and

malfunction from cancer is addressed, and the cells begin to function

better, the pain will decrease, and hence the need for pain medication

should also decrease. Remove the source of the problem, and the body is no

longer in pain. (There are frequencies for pain, by the way, in Chapter 5 of

the book.)

Most pharmaceuticals are poisonous to the body, as they simply cover up

symptoms rather than address the cause of the body's malfunction. So,

without trying to minimize the pain that you are feeling, I ask you: is it

really worth using toxic drugs that have so many nasty effects? I ask this

because there are many natural remedies that could be used instead, which

are reported to be highly effective. Again, once the malfunction in the body

is addressed, the pain will decrease and the need for dangerous

pharmaceuticals will decrease as well. But I strongly advise anyone who is

using potentially toxic medications to be monitored by a physician-and a

holistic practitioner if possible.

There is a highly respected natural health practitioner in Germany whom I

understand you have seen. I would ask him to help you with the drug issue,

and to give you safe and effective alternatives to the pain medications you

are taking. I remain optimistic that there are alternatives to what we are

currently using, if we can only find what they are.

Best regards,



What's the best way to keep cancer pain down while fighting


After reading about the benefits of rifing in combating cancer I obtained a

Rife Machine (GB-4000 M.O.P.A) and " The Rife Handbook " by Nenah Sylver.

Then I found in this handbook, under " All About Frequency Devices and Rifing

Sessions " and " Special Precautions " , that taking pharmaceuticals can be

hazardous, as " the body's tissues are now more permeable and receptive to

whatever they are being fed, rifing without monitoring the dose's effect may

cause an even worse problem than what you were originally

addressing....Overdosing ... may cause permanent organ damage. "

The manufacturer of the opiate derived pain medication warns, that an

overdose could be lethal.

With this in mind I'm unsure as to how to best keep cancer pain down and

still actively (or even aggressively) fight cancer.

I would like to here from people that have won this fight and how they did


If you have experience in this, would you be willing to share?

Thanks very much indeed.


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