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Re: Re: How do I know if my son has Misophonia or something else?

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Well...without trying to come across as a kook--If you are a Christian, you probably know that there are different strongholds the enemy places in our lives. (depression, substance abuse etc..) When this started with my son suddenly, and when I had exhausted all possibilities of any therapy that would cure this, I realized the only way was through God. I picked up a book by Kay Arthur that explained in more detail spiritual warfare and how to tell the devil to 'take a hike', so to speak. So after preparing myself through prayer, fasting I prayed over my son one night while he was asleep and like I said above, basically told the devil to take a hike. The next day his sound sensitivity (pencil writing) was gone. He had relief from it for about a year before it came back.

Now, since then, I have read other Christian authors who have a different school of thought when it comes to spiritual warfare. They believe that we are not to engage the enemy directly, but to pray for Christ to intercede for us. Which makes sense. That if we do- we open ourselves up to much stronger attacks in the future. Kind of like the story in the Bible where the demon was cast out and he just went and got his friends and all moved in. So I'm very hesitant to go through that process again--I still love Kay Arthur, but I'm afraid of taking any chances.

So I do believe God can cure this if he so chooses--especially when you hear there are no other cures. That just gives him an opportunity to reveal His glory.

And if all of that sounds crazy to you, I'm just telling our story of what happened with us. I have no other explanation for his sudden cure--especially since he was asleep and was not even aware of what was going on.


How do I know if my son has Misophonia or something else?

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> > I recently found out about this group. And need some help and advice.

> >

> > Around 6 to 8 months back, my son (14 years old) had sensitivity to Chipotle Restaurant bowl scraping sound. We thought its just a phase and it will pass. Since about last two months his sensitivity got worse, he is now sensitive to Pencil writing on paper, Sliding fingers on paper, Paper rubbing against another paper, Chewing, Shoes scraping against floor. I believe because of these sounds occurring in school, his performance has degraded suddenly and its affecting him making friends in school and outside. He is avoiding talking to friends because of fear of these sounds. He cannot bear these sounds and when I ask him, he is not able to describe how he feels. He just says, he cannot stand and has to close his ears. Does this mean misophonia?

> >

> > I have read here that there is no cure for this, but was hoping to find some coping advise so that he can resume his learning in school and resume his life in general. Wearing earplugs does not seem to work for him and i've read that it actually makes the sensitivity worse.

> >

> > We have visited his physician, ENT, Psychologist but no help so far.

> >

> > How can he cope with this?

> > Anyone tried Hypnotherapy? Will that work with all of these sounds?

> > What can he do so he doesn't have to close his ears in classroom? (earplugs doesn't suppress these and he needs to listen to teachers in classroom)

> >

> > Thanks for your help and advice.

> >

> >

> >

> >


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I am a Christian and I definitely know all about strongholds as I have been delivered (or whatever word you'd like to use) from many of them...But I've prayed for healing for all of these medical issues (all 10 of them) and haven't gotten one yet... so I sure wish it was that easy for all of us!

Though I have been healed of other things.. so I know it is possible.. but for whatever reason, I guess it isn't the right time for God to take this trial away from me.Though if I could pick, I'd much rather be healed from my peripheral neuropathy and POTS... since those affect my life much more than the sound issues (though those continue to worsen so someday they may all 3 be equal)

I'm glad your son is better. :)---------------------------------------------------------


" Hope is more than a word; it's a state of being. It's a firm belief God will come through. Life brings rain... hope turns every drop into the power to bloom like never before. " -Holley Gerth ♥

Follow my story: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/sarahmaeWish Upon A Hero Cafe Moderator and Fee's Assistant


Well...without trying to come across as a kook--If you are a Christian, you probably know that there are different strongholds the enemy places in our lives. (depression, substance abuse etc..) When this started with my son suddenly, and when I had exhausted all possibilities of any therapy that would cure this, I realized the only way was through God. I picked up a book by Kay Arthur that explained in more detail spiritual warfare and how to tell the devil to 'take a hike', so to speak.  So after preparing myself through prayer, fasting I prayed over my son one night while he was asleep and like I said above, basically told the devil to take a hike.  The next day his sound sensitivity (pencil writing) was gone.  He had relief from it for about a year before it came back.


Now, since then, I have read other Christian authors who have a different school of thought when it comes to spiritual warfare. They believe that we are not to engage the enemy directly, but to pray for Christ to intercede for us. Which makes sense.  That if we do- we open ourselves up to much stronger attacks in the future.  Kind of like the story in the Bible where the demon was cast out and he just went and got his friends and all moved in.  So I'm very hesitant to go through that process again--I still love Kay Arthur, but I'm afraid of taking any chances.


So I do believe God can cure this if he so chooses--especially when you hear there are no other cures. That just gives him an opportunity to reveal His glory.

And if all of that sounds crazy to you, I'm just telling our story of what happened with us. I have no other explanation for his sudden cure--especially since he was asleep and was not even aware of what was going on.



How do I know if my son has Misophonia or something else?

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> > I recently found out about this group. And need some help and advice.

> >

> > Around 6 to 8 months back, my son (14 years old) had sensitivity to Chipotle Restaurant bowl scraping sound. We thought its just a phase and it will pass. Since about last two months his sensitivity got worse, he is now sensitive to Pencil writing on paper, Sliding fingers on paper, Paper rubbing against another paper, Chewing, Shoes scraping against floor. I believe because of these sounds occurring in school, his performance has degraded suddenly and its affecting him making friends in school and outside. He is avoiding talking to friends because of fear of these sounds. He cannot bear these sounds and when I ask him, he is not able to describe how he feels. He just says, he cannot stand and has to close his ears. Does this mean misophonia?

> >

> > I have read here that there is no cure for this, but was hoping to find some coping advise so that he can resume his learning in school and resume his life in general. Wearing earplugs does not seem to work for him and i've read that it actually makes the sensitivity worse.

> >

> > We have visited his physician, ENT, Psychologist but no help so far.

> >

> > How can he cope with this?

> > Anyone tried Hypnotherapy? Will that work with all of these sounds?

> > What can he do so he doesn't have to close his ears in classroom? (earplugs doesn't suppress these and he needs to listen to teachers in classroom)

> >

> > Thanks for your help and advice.

> >

> >

> >

> >


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I don't think you should ever feel that you come across as a kook when there is something that is deemed " uncurable " , you do all you can, that includes praying and reading what God's word says on healing (and by the way, healing is meant for today). 

I have cried over this for so long, and I feel helpless for my child.  Nothing hurts worse than seeing someone you love suffer.  So I will do all I can, and that includes praying for healing...and I promise that when, (yes, when) she gets healed, that I will tell you all about it.


I am a Christian and I definitely know all about strongholds as I have been delivered (or whatever word you'd like to use) from many of them...But I've prayed for healing for all of these medical issues (all 10 of them) and haven't gotten one yet... so I sure wish it was that easy for all of us!

Though I have been healed of other things.. so I know it is possible.. but for whatever reason, I guess it isn't the right time for God to take this trial away from me.Though if I could pick, I'd much rather be healed from my peripheral neuropathy and POTS... since those affect my life much more than the sound issues (though those continue to worsen so someday they may all 3 be equal)

I'm glad your son is better. :)---------------------------------------------------------


" Hope is more than a word; it's a state of being. It's a firm belief God will come through. Life brings rain... hope turns every drop into the power to bloom like never before. " -Holley Gerth ♥

Follow my story: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/sarahmaeWish Upon A Hero Cafe Moderator and Fee's Assistant


Well...without trying to come across as a kook--If you are a Christian, you probably know that there are different strongholds the enemy places in our lives. (depression, substance abuse etc..) When this started with my son suddenly, and when I had exhausted all possibilities of any therapy that would cure this, I realized the only way was through God. I picked up a book by Kay Arthur that explained in more detail spiritual warfare and how to tell the devil to 'take a hike', so to speak.  So after preparing myself through prayer, fasting I prayed over my son one night while he was asleep and like I said above, basically told the devil to take a hike.  The next day his sound sensitivity (pencil writing) was gone.  He had relief from it for about a year before it came back.


Now, since then, I have read other Christian authors who have a different school of thought when it comes to spiritual warfare. They believe that we are not to engage the enemy directly, but to pray for Christ to intercede for us. Which makes sense.  That if we do- we open ourselves up to much stronger attacks in the future.  Kind of like the story in the Bible where the demon was cast out and he just went and got his friends and all moved in.  So I'm very hesitant to go through that process again--I still love Kay Arthur, but I'm afraid of taking any chances.


So I do believe God can cure this if he so chooses--especially when you hear there are no other cures. That just gives him an opportunity to reveal His glory.

And if all of that sounds crazy to you, I'm just telling our story of what happened with us. I have no other explanation for his sudden cure--especially since he was asleep and was not even aware of what was going on.



How do I know if my son has Misophonia or something else?

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> > I recently found out about this group. And need some help and advice.

> >

> > Around 6 to 8 months back, my son (14 years old) had sensitivity to Chipotle Restaurant bowl scraping sound. We thought its just a phase and it will pass. Since about last two months his sensitivity got worse, he is now sensitive to Pencil writing on paper, Sliding fingers on paper, Paper rubbing against another paper, Chewing, Shoes scraping against floor. I believe because of these sounds occurring in school, his performance has degraded suddenly and its affecting him making friends in school and outside. He is avoiding talking to friends because of fear of these sounds. He cannot bear these sounds and when I ask him, he is not able to describe how he feels. He just says, he cannot stand and has to close his ears. Does this mean misophonia?

> >

> > I have read here that there is no cure for this, but was hoping to find some coping advise so that he can resume his learning in school and resume his life in general. Wearing earplugs does not seem to work for him and i've read that it actually makes the sensitivity worse.

> >

> > We have visited his physician, ENT, Psychologist but no help so far.

> >

> > How can he cope with this?

> > Anyone tried Hypnotherapy? Will that work with all of these sounds?

> > What can he do so he doesn't have to close his ears in classroom? (earplugs doesn't suppress these and he needs to listen to teachers in classroom)

> >

> > Thanks for your help and advice.

> >

> >

> >

> >


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I remember having OCD tendencies all the way back to when I was 5 or 6. I would be in the car & if I put one arm on the arm rest, I had to put the other immediately after. This happened with any & everything I did - tapping, picking something up, touching, writing, etc. Around 8-9 was when I started having sensitivity to various sounds made by my parents. For me it almost seems as if Misophonia overpowered my OCD, but maybe it actually just narrowed it down to only focusing on these trigger noises?Sent from my iPhone

I didnt mean to say everyone had OCD or Aspergers, but I have noticed that those have been mentioned on here many times - maybe I pick up on that because I can relate. Or maybe its the same few people mentioning it over and over and I just don't notice the names are the same. But its like any condition, where some people show signs of a certain symptom or extenuating condition but others do not. Just because not everyone has that symptom/condition, does not mean there cant be a potential correlation for some people. For example, in Aspergers there are tons of symptoms listed but most people don't have all the symptoms and they also have varying degrees of the symptoms they do have. More likely, Misophonia is an extenuating symptom of OCD and

Aspergers, not the other way around. The following is from the Sound Sensitivity page entitled "What is Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome or "4S"? " http://soundsensitive.org/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=46 & Itemid=102"There appears to be evidence of a genetic component as the condition appears in family members. A certain percentage of people with 4S have also demonstrated signs of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and 4S has been also associated with other pervasive conditions such as the Autism Spectrum. However, the vast majority of people with 4S do not appear to have other pervasive or obviously identifiable disorder." To: Soundsensitivity Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 1:12 AM Subject: Re: How do I know if my son has Misophonia or something else?

I agree with Heidi. I don't have OCD or Asperger's, and have not noticed many people on here with them either. It could be a comorbid condition but it doesn't have to be. Saying it correlates to these conditions is inaccurate at this point and potentially misleading, though I understand the intent was to be helpful.


> > It sounds like misophonia to me. Unfortunately, since this is a newly recognized condition there are not many drs, psychologists, or psychiatrists that have heard of it. There is a list of doctors that 4S has put together, if you are lucky enough to live near one of these few providers http://misophonia-provider.com/PROVIDERS_BY_REGION.html

> >

> > I also encourage you to read the following links

> >

> > http://soundsensitive.org/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=63 & Itemid=89

> >

> > http://soundsensitive.org/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=46:whatis & catid=31 & Itemid=46

> >

> > http://soundsensitive.org/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=44 & Itemid=53

> >

> > I have suffered since I was 8 yrs old. Nowadays, you should be able to get disability accommodations for him, but you will need a doctor to do that. Note that by talking back and forth, we have found a correlation with OCD and/or Aspergers. I feel for your son, and all children living with this condition. Its tough enough to be a teenager without this problem

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To: Soundsensitivity

> > Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 3:16 AM

> > Subject: How do I know if my son has Misophonia or something else?

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> > I recently found out about this group. And need some help and advice.

> >

> > Around 6 to 8 months back, my son (14 years old) had sensitivity to Chipotle Restaurant bowl scraping sound. We thought its just a phase and it will pass. Since about last two months his sensitivity got worse, he is now sensitive to Pencil writing on paper, Sliding fingers on paper, Paper rubbing against another paper, Chewing, Shoes scraping against floor. I believe because of these sounds occurring in school, his performance has degraded suddenly and its affecting him making friends in school and outside. He is avoiding talking to friends because of fear of these sounds. He cannot bear these sounds and when I ask him, he is not able to describe how he feels. He just says, he cannot stand and has to close his ears. Does this mean misophonia?

> >

> > I have read here that there is no cure for this, but was hoping to find some coping advise so that he can resume his learning in school and resume his life in general. Wearing earplugs does not seem to work for him and i've read that it actually makes the sensitivity worse.

> >

> > We have visited his physician, ENT, Psychologist but no help so far.

> >

> > How can he cope with this?

> > Anyone tried Hypnotherapy? Will that work with all of these sounds?

> > What can he do so he doesn't have to close his ears in classroom? (earplugs doesn't suppress these and he needs to listen to teachers in classroom)

> >

> > Thanks for your help and advice.

> >

> >

> >

> >


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As I understand, we misophonics can make our own trigger noises all day long and

it doesn't bother us, so your son's crayon use isn't inconsistent with

misophonia. I quit sniffing myself only because my girlfriend and my sister

complained about my complaints. They were unswayed when I said, " But I'm not

hurting anyone " , so I did what I was asking them to do.

Misophonia poll data shows that while eating sounds are the most common trigger,

breathing sounds (sniffing, throat clearing, etc) are among the other common


Best wishes for your son,

---- Ginger Bender wrote:




> I'm glad your son is better. :)




> Well I wish he still were---it came back on him about a year later. We have

been doing NFB since January. I didn't think he was making much progress with

it, but I also wonder how much of it is just a control mechanism. He has no

desire to want to get better, it's like he enjoys lashing out at us (me and his

sisters). However last week he asked me that if he could get over his 'pencil

problem' if he could get a video game he wanted. I never actually agreed to it

(it's an Mature rated game), but he was almost instantly over it and said they

no longer bother him. However later that day he was complaining about his

sisters using crayons at a restaurant. But then on Mothers Day he was using a

crayon himself at a restaurant (something he hasn't used for a few years). So

either it is gone, or it is better, or it was never as bad as he said, and he

just wants to get this video game....I don't know. For the record, chewing

sounds never bothered him--unless he is trying to study or concentrate on

something, which in that case ANY sound bothers him. So he doesn't seem to have

the same misophonia as most people here.




> How do I know if my son has Misophonia or

something else?

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi,

> > > I recently found out about this group. And need some help and advice.

> > >

> > > Around 6 to 8 months back, my son (14 years old) had sensitivity to

Chipotle Restaurant bowl scraping sound. We thought its just a phase and it will

pass. Since about last two months his sensitivity got worse, he is now sensitive

to Pencil writing on paper, Sliding fingers on paper, Paper rubbing against

another paper, Chewing, Shoes scraping against floor. I believe because of these

sounds occurring in school, his performance has degraded suddenly and its

affecting him making friends in school and outside. He is avoiding talking to

friends because of fear of these sounds. He cannot bear these sounds and when I

ask him, he is not able to describe how he feels. He just says, he cannot stand

and has to close his ears. Does this mean misophonia?

> > >

> > > I have read here that there is no cure for this, but was hoping to find

some coping advise so that he can resume his learning in school and resume his

life in general. Wearing earplugs does not seem to work for him and i've read

that it actually makes the sensitivity worse.

> > >

> > > We have visited his physician, ENT, Psychologist but no help so far.

> > >

> > > How can he cope with this?

> > > Anyone tried Hypnotherapy? Will that work with all of these sounds?

> > > What can he do so he doesn't have to close his ears in classroom?

(earplugs doesn't suppress these and he needs to listen to teachers in


> > >

> > > Thanks for your help and advice.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >











































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