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Re: IQ a part of it?

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Hmm I have no idea. I haven't had an IQ test since high school, but I was above average then. I don't imagine it would change too drastically in the last 8-10 years. I'm 26 now. I know I was above average, but couldn't tell you what my number was. I'm sure I have it somewhere, but not easily accessible.



" Hope is more than a word; it's a state of being. It's a firm belief God will come through. Life brings rain... hope turns every drop into the power to bloom like never before. " -Holley Gerth ♥


Has anyone noted whether or not misophonics are average, below average, or above average in IQ? If we pay attention to sounds that others do not notice, do we also pay attention to other things that result in our simply containing more knowledge than others? Perhaps even more especially trivial knowledge?

What say ye?

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My daughter has not officially had an IQ test, but is slated for one in the near future. However, she scores in the 99th percentile nationally on all standardized testing and has been praised by her school's TAG teacher who has taken a special interest in her even though they don't do TAG at her grade level. She is an extremely bright child. I would be curious to hear from more people about their intellectual ability. 


Hmm I have no idea. I haven't had an IQ test since high school, but I was above average then. I don't imagine it would change too drastically in the last 8-10 years. I'm 26 now. I know I was above average, but couldn't tell you what my number was. I'm sure I have it somewhere, but not easily accessible.



" Hope is more than a word; it's a state of being. It's a firm belief God will come through. Life brings rain... hope turns every drop into the power to bloom like never before. " -Holley Gerth ♥


Has anyone noted whether or not misophonics are average, below average, or above average in IQ? If we pay attention to sounds that others do not notice, do we also pay attention to other things that result in our simply containing more knowledge than others? Perhaps even more especially trivial knowledge?

What say ye?

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Interesting concept. I haven't been tested in years, but was always at the top of my class, scoring high grades even when I didn't study at all. To: Soundsensitivity Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 12:44 AM Subject: Re:

IQ a part of it?

My daughter has not officially had an IQ test, but is slated for one in the near future. However, she scores in the 99th percentile nationally on all standardized testing and has been praised by her school's TAG teacher who has taken a special interest in her even though they don't do TAG at her grade level. She is an extremely bright child. I would be curious to hear from more people about their intellectual ability.

Hmm I have no idea. I haven't had an IQ test since high school, but I was above average then. I don't imagine it would change too drastically in the last 8-10 years. I'm 26 now. I know I was above average, but couldn't tell you what my number was. I'm sure I have it somewhere, but not easily accessible.



"Hope is more than a word; it's a state of being. It's a firm belief God will come through. Life brings rain... hope turns every drop into the power to bloom like never before." -Holley Gerth ♥

Has anyone noted whether or not misophonics are average, below average, or above average in IQ? If we pay attention to sounds that others do not notice, do we also pay attention to other things that result in our simply containing more knowledge than others? Perhaps even more especially trivial knowledge?

What say ye?

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I'm above average as well, I always wondered that too...if it had something to

do with...ah, what we could do with research funding!!!

> >

> >

> >> 

> >>Has anyone noted whether or not misophonics are average, below average, or

above average in IQ? If we pay attention to sounds that others do not notice,

do we also pay attention to other things that result in our simply containing

more knowledge than others? Perhaps even more especially trivial knowledge?

> >>

> >>What say ye?

> >>

> >>

> >


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I have a higher than average " non-verbal " IQ, and a lower than average " verbal "

IQ; whatever the hell that means.

I don't think IQ has any difference with misophonia in general; though it may

just depend on where your sensitivity stems from.

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Mt misophonic daughters graduated from Duke and Cal Berkeley. No sluffs there <L>. in Ca

My daughter has not officially had an IQ test, but is slated for one in the near future. However, she scores in the 99th percentile nationally on all standardized testing and has been praised by her school's TAG teacher who has taken a special interest in her even though they don't do TAG at her grade level. She is an extremely bright child. I would be curious to hear from more people about their intellectual ability.

Hmm I have no idea. I haven't had an IQ test since high school, but I was above average then. I don't imagine it would change too drastically in the last 8-10 years. I'm 26 now. I know I was above average, but couldn't tell you what my number was. I'm sure I have it somewhere, but not easily accessible.



"Hope is more than a word; it's a state of being. It's a firm belief God will come through. Life brings rain... hope turns every drop into the power to bloom like never before." -Holley Gerth ♥

Has anyone noted whether or not misophonics are average, below average, or above average in IQ? If we pay attention to sounds that others do not notice, do we also pay attention to other things that result in our simply containing more knowledge than others? Perhaps even more especially trivial knowledge?

What say ye?

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I'm a 99%, I don't like to say what my IQ is really but its up there. I'm also

an introvert and a visual artist.


>My daughter has not officially had an IQ test, but is slated for one in the

>near future. However, she scores in the 99th percentile nationally on all

>standardized testing and has been praised by her school's TAG teacher who

>has taken a special interest in her even though they don't do TAG at her

>grade level. She is an extremely bright child. I would be curious to hear

>from more people about their intellectual ability.




>> **



>> Hmm I have no idea. I haven't had an IQ test since high school, but I was

>> above average then. I don't imagine it would change too drastically in the

>> last 8-10 years. I'm 26 now. I know I was above average, but couldn't tell

>> you what my number was. I'm sure I have it somewhere, but not easily

>> accessible.

>> ---------------------------------------------------------

>> *♥ * " ***Hope *is more than a word; it's a state of being. It's a firm

>> belief God will come through. Life brings rain... hope turns every drop

>> into the power to bloom like never before. " -Holley Gerth ♥ ***


>> *







>> **



>> Has anyone noted whether or not misophonics are average, below average,

>> or above average in IQ? If we pay attention to sounds that others do not

>> notice, do we also pay attention to other things that result in our simply

>> containing more knowledge than others? Perhaps even more especially trivial

>> knowledge?


>> What say ye?





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I have been interested for many years in clinical and ethnic groups with

normal non-verbal IQ but with reduced verbal IQ. This pattern is seen in

congenital deafness, dyslexia, autism, etc, due I think to a common cause,

reduced or distorted auditory input during a critical period in infancy when the

structure of language is stamped into the brain. I do not think this pattern is

ever due to primary damage to the brain, and have stated this dogmatically in

Brain in 2009 (see link below to my list of publications). As far as I know, no

one has yet challenged this or produced a brain-damage group with normal

Wechsler PIQ and subnormal V IQ.

http://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=yEsgjrAAAAAJ & hl=en & pagesize=100



> I have a higher than average " non-verbal " IQ, and a lower than average

" verbal " IQ; whatever the hell that means.


> I don't think IQ has any difference with misophonia in general; though it may

just depend on where your sensitivity stems from.


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In response to discussions regarding IQ:

My son hit the ceiling on several of the verbal subtests and came close on the

others which resulted in scores in this area approximating 160. I was told

that this could be an underestimate due to hitting the ceilings on those

subtests. His scores on performance subtests were scattered from above average

to average with a few in the below average range Essentially, there was over a

20 point discrepancy between the two with written expression and processing

speed the lowest. Essentially, he is the opposite of what you have been


I find this all very interesting. My husband also suffers from misophonia.

While his IQ has never been assessed, he is highly intelligent. I encourage you

to explore these correlations further.

Thanks! K

Sent from my iPad

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