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Re: e-groups advertisements

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In a message dated 8/31/00 9:36:21 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

palfeld@... writes:

<< Is anyone else getting the e-group's advertising at the top of the preview

messages instead of the bottom? >>


I am too and it's most annoying! I'm on AOL so I don't think the server makes

any difference. I guess they want you to be sure to read the stuff instead of

skipping it at the end......I just skip it at the beginning but I wish they

hadn't done that.

Peggy McG

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Yes, paying $5.95 a month for an advertising free group or

finding another list server with less (or no) advertising are

among the possibilities.

Egroups recently told all group owners that advertisements would

be placed before each message and how much it would cost to

remove them.


--- Peggy Alfeld wrote:

> Is anyone else getting the e-group's advertising at the top of

> the preview messages instead of the bottom? I use outlook

> express is there anyway of fixing it?

> Peg


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Peg, I am and I hate it !! It keeps moving and making me dizzy. Barb

Is anyone else getting the e-group's advertising at the top of the previewmessages instead of the bottom? I use outlook express is there anyway offixing it?Peg

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I would be willing to pay the $6. a month for no ads. Barb

Re: e-groups advertisements

Yes, paying $5.95 a month for an advertising free group orfinding another list server with less (or no) advertising areamong the possibilities. Egroups recently told all group owners that advertisements wouldbe placed before each message and how much it would cost toremove them.Tim__________________________________________________

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I'm getting the advertisement at the top & all of those Romano out of

office wires - it is really getting on my nerves - I can't wait till the 5th,

at least we will be rid of one!!

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I'm not annoyed by the messages at all. I use the Free internet account

from Bluelight special from Kmart. All it costs me is putting up with


from Michigan (who didn't get any sleep last night because the

neighbor's grandson's decided to play night basketball right outside of my

bedroom window)

Yes, we could pay the monthly fee to have advertisement free


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It doesn't bother me either. I have yet to read one of the ads! It's no

different than the physical highways we drive every day - billboards and

advertisements everywhere. Sure, it'd be nice to clean up the view on the

side of the road...but realistically? You just look straight ahead and keep

on driving.

RE: e-groups advertisements


> I'm not annoyed by the messages at all. I use the Free internet account

> from Bluelight special from Kmart. All it costs me is putting up with

> advertisements.


> from Michigan (who didn't get any sleep last night because the

> neighbor's grandson's decided to play night basketball right outside of my

> bedroom window)



> Yes, we could pay the monthly fee to have advertisement free

> messages.









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