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Re: making a decision on machine

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The Doug Coil is easy to put into use from what I read.

Only a few connections. Constructing one is harder of course.

Currently one is on Ebay at $2,400 or make an offer. Last week one sold for only

$1,400 complete.

I often see Gb-4000 models there too.

Both can surely be used for things other than lyme.

Also Meissner's DP100/200/300 have fans

Then there are the frequency generators like Aletier Robin.

As far as I know none are used JUST for lyme.

using the correct frequency is key.

If I had a bank account that would allow, I would have several types.

Plasma,and PEMF and contact.

One can get caught in a never ending spiral doing research on this stuff.

Just pick one, try it, if not for you sell it and try another.

Lyme only gets worse untreated. You need to get going like Yesterday.

Please remember Buhner for herbal remedies too.

I found several Gb4000 doing google searches on craigslist all the way from $500

and up to a set with the MOPA lamp for $4,400


> I've recently gotten reinfected with Lyme and am trying to decide on which

machine to buy. I know the Doug coil is probably the most recommended for Lyme,

but I want a machine that will serve other needs as well. And, the coil sounds

more difficult to put together and use.


> The particular machines I've been considering are the Perl, Bare rife, or

GB4000. I have heard that the Perl is a stellar machine, but I don't know if

it's effective for Lyme. Is the Bare rife basically the same as the Perl?


> I want something that is pretty much dummy proof as I know nothing about

electronics or programming. I also would like to only purchase one machine that

can address a variety of health issues. I don't have anything else that I'm

dealing with now other than Lyme and the co-infections that tend to go with it,

but I would like my husband or other family members to use whatever machine I

get for their needs, too.


> Someone is selling a Bare rife on the forum and I would like to be able to

save money (as everyone probably wants to do), but I'm wondering if it's a good

idea to buy used vs. buying a new one? Can anyone give me some input about the

machines I mentioned (pros/cons to getting or not getting a particular one)?


> Thanks for your advice. I surely appreciate it!




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The PERL <www.ResonantLight.com>, like other Rife/Bare machines including my

self-made machine, is based on the patents of Dr. Bare

<www.rifetechnologies.com/non_technical.html>. My experience with this

technology over several years has been excellent. However, I have not worked

with Lyme so cannot speak from experience in that situation.

The use of any machine (like R/Bs) that incorporates a programmable frequency

generator will require creating and entering frequency programs into the

generator. Learning to do so is well worth the effort so that you will be able

to create and run frequency programs for whatever need you may encounter in the

future. Info about programming the ProGen unit that comes with the PERL is at

<www.resonantlight.com/products/progen_wizard.htm>. Info about programming F100

units is at <atelierrobin.net/docs/userGuides/3.0/guide.html>. To minimize

involvement with the electronics it may be advisable to acquire a machine from

an established manufacturer who provides reliable support.

I've recently gotten reinfected with Lyme and am trying to decide on which

machine to buy. I know the Doug coil is probably the most recommended for Lyme,

but I want a machine that will serve other needs as well. And, the coil sounds

more difficult to put together and use.

The particular machines I've been considering are the Perl, Bare rife, or

GB4000. I have heard that the Perl is a stellar machine, but I don't know if

it's effective for Lyme. Is the Bare rife basically the same as the Perl?

I want something that is pretty much dummy proof as I know nothing about

electronics or programming. I also would like to only purchase one machine that

can address a variety of health issues. I don't have anything else that I'm

dealing with now other than Lyme and the co-infections that tend to go with it,

but I would like my husband or other family members to use whatever machine I

get for their needs, too.

Someone is selling a Bare rife on the forum and I would like to be able to save

money (as everyone probably wants to do), but I'm wondering if it's a good idea

to buy used vs. buying a new one? Can anyone give me some input about the

machines I mentioned (pros/cons to getting or not getting a particular one)?

Thanks for your advice. I surely appreciate it!

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What catagory on craigslist do you search ? Small appliances maybe ? SteveTo: Rife Sent: Fri, July 27, 2012 5:06:18 PMSubject: Re: making a decision on machine

The Doug Coil is easy to put into use from what I read.

Only a few connections. Constructing one is harder of course.

Currently one is on Ebay at $2,400 or make an offer. Last week one sold for only $1,400 complete.

I often see Gb-4000 models there too.

Both can surely be used for things other than lyme.

Also Meissner's DP100/200/300 have fans

Then there are the frequency generators like Aletier Robin.

As far as I know none are used JUST for lyme.

using the correct frequency is key.

If I had a bank account that would allow, I would have several types.

Plasma,and PEMF and contact.

One can get caught in a never ending spiral doing research on this stuff.

Just pick one, try it, if not for you sell it and try another.

Lyme only gets worse untreated. You need to get going like Yesterday.

Please remember Buhner for herbal remedies too.

I found several Gb4000 doing google searches on craigslist all the way from $500 and up to a set with the MOPA lamp for $4,400


> I've recently gotten reinfected with Lyme and am trying to decide on which machine to buy. I know the Doug coil is probably the most recommended for Lyme, but I want a machine that will serve other needs as well. And, the coil sounds more difficult to put together and use.


> The particular machines I've been considering are the Perl, Bare rife, or GB4000. I have heard that the Perl is a stellar machine, but I don't know if it's effective for Lyme. Is the Bare rife basically the same as the Perl?


> I want something that is pretty much dummy proof as I know nothing about electronics or programming. I also would like to only purchase one machine that can address a variety of health issues. I don't have anything else that I'm dealing with now other than Lyme and the co-infections that tend to go with it, but I would like my husband or other family members to use whatever machine I get for their needs, too.


> Someone is selling a Bare rife on the forum and I would like to be able to save money (as everyone probably wants to do), but I'm wondering if it's a good idea to buy used vs. buying a new one? Can anyone give me some input about the machines I mentioned (pros/cons to getting or not getting a particular one)?


> Thanks for your advice. I surely appreciate it!




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usually they can be found in the " health and beauty " area

and best to search larger populated cities and known alternative areas where old

hippies live ;)



> What catagory on craigslist do you search ? Small appliances maybe ?


> Steve




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google craigslist.org "rife machine"or craigslist.org " whatever brand"or craigslist.org "doug coil"http://www.google.com/#hl=en & sugexp=cqn%2Ccconf%3D1.0%2Cmin_length%3D2%2Crate_low%3D0.025%2Crate_high%3D0.025%2Csecond_pass%3Dfalse%2Cnum_suggestions%3D2%2Cignore_bad_origquery%3Dtrue & gs_nf=1 & gs_mss=craigslist.org%20%22rif & cp=29 & gs_id=39 & xhr=t & q=craigslist.org+%22rife+machine%22 & pf=p & sclient=psy-ab & oq=craigslist.org+%22rife+machine%22 & gs_l= & pbx=1 & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf. & fp=3d04e930a01db91d & biw=1517 & bih=714

To: Rife Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2012 7:59 AM Subject: Re: Re: making a decision on machine

What catagory on craigslist do you search ? Small appliances maybe ? SteveTo: Rife Sent: Fri, July 27, 2012 5:06:18 PMSubject: Re: making a decision on machine

The Doug Coil is easy to put into use from what I read.

Only a few connections. Constructing one is harder of course.

Currently one is on Ebay at $2,400 or make an offer. Last week one sold for only $1,400 complete.

I often see Gb-4000 models there too.

Both can surely be used for things other than lyme.

Also Meissner's DP100/200/300 have fans

Then there are the frequency generators like Aletier Robin.

As far as I know none are used JUST for lyme.

using the correct frequency is key.

If I had a bank account that would allow, I would have several types.

Plasma,and PEMF and contact.

One can get caught in a never ending spiral doing research on this stuff.

Just pick one, try it, if not for you sell it and try another.

Lyme only gets worse untreated. You need to get going like Yesterday.

Please remember Buhner for herbal remedies too.

I found several Gb4000 doing google searches on craigslist all the way from $500 and up to a set with the MOPA lamp for $4,400


> I've recently gotten reinfected with Lyme and am trying to decide on which machine to buy. I know the Doug coil is probably the most recommended for Lyme, but I want a machine that will serve other needs as well. And, the coil sounds more difficult to put together and use.


> The particular machines I've been considering are the Perl, Bare rife, or GB4000. I have heard that the Perl is a stellar machine, but I don't know if it's effective for Lyme. Is the Bare rife basically the same as the Perl?


> I want something that is pretty much dummy proof as I know nothing about electronics or programming. I also would like to only purchase one machine that can address a variety of health issues. I don't have anything else that I'm dealing with now other than Lyme and the co-infections that tend to go with it, but I would like my husband or other family members to use whatever machine I get for their needs, too.


> Someone is selling a Bare rife on the forum and I would like to be able to save money (as everyone probably wants to do), but I'm wondering if it's a good idea to buy used vs. buying a new one? Can anyone give me some input about the machines I mentioned (pros/cons to getting or not getting a particular one)?


> Thanks for your advice. I surely appreciate it!




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Thanks for your responses. I've gotten good recommendations from both of the

Rife groups. I, too, wish I had the bank account to buy different models. That's

been the stressor for me, fearing that I'll spend money on something and not be

satisfied or not know how to operate it correctly. But, it seems (from users

responses) there are several good models and reputable dealers to choose from.


> The Doug Coil is easy to put into use from what I read.

> Only a few connections. Constructing one is harder of course.

> Currently one is on Ebay at $2,400 or make an offer. Last week one sold for

only $1,400 complete.

> I often see Gb-4000 models there too.

> Both can surely be used for things other than lyme.

> Also Meissner's DP100/200/300 have fans

> Then there are the frequency generators like Aletier Robin.


> As far as I know none are used JUST for lyme.

> using the correct frequency is key.

> If I had a bank account that would allow, I would have several types.

> Plasma,and PEMF and contact.


> One can get caught in a never ending spiral doing research on this stuff.


> Just pick one, try it, if not for you sell it and try another.


> Lyme only gets worse untreated. You need to get going like Yesterday.


> Please remember Buhner for herbal remedies too.


> I found several Gb4000 doing google searches on craigslist all the way from

$500 and up to a set with the MOPA lamp for $4,400



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Hi ,You could also try the herb Cat Claw form Raintree Nutrition and Resveratrol 200 by Source Naturals. Both of these really do a number on Lyme. My doctor uses these instead of antibiotics. My pain was dramatically better in about a month. You have to take more then the label directs. If you're interested you can email me privately and I can give you the details along with some websites to find it cheaper. This may help get you through until you figure out which rife machine to buy.



Thanks for your responses. I've gotten good recommendations from both of the Rife groups. I, too, wish I had the bank account to buy different models. That's been the stressor for me, fearing that I'll spend money on something and not be satisfied or not know how to operate it correctly. But, it seems (from users responses) there are several good models and reputable dealers to choose from.


> The Doug Coil is easy to put into use from what I read.

> Only a few connections. Constructing one is harder of course.

> Currently one is on Ebay at $2,400 or make an offer. Last week one sold for only $1,400 complete.

> I often see Gb-4000 models there too.

> Both can surely be used for things other than lyme.

> Also Meissner's DP100/200/300 have fans

> Then there are the frequency generators like Aletier Robin.


> As far as I know none are used JUST for lyme.

> using the correct frequency is key.

> If I had a bank account that would allow, I would have several types.

> Plasma,and PEMF and contact.


> One can get caught in a never ending spiral doing research on this stuff.


> Just pick one, try it, if not for you sell it and try another.


> Lyme only gets worse untreated. You need to get going like Yesterday.


> Please remember Buhner for herbal remedies too.


> I found several Gb4000 doing google searches on craigslist all the way from $500 and up to a set with the MOPA lamp for $4,400



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I have four models of the Rife frequency gen. from the '90s if any of you are interested. They work very well and I do not need all of them.If interested, email for details. They are practically identical except for the name. Two of them are Infinitech Model D.Jerry at ancientnotebook85@...

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what is needed besides the frequency generator?thanks.ariellaTo: "Rife " <Rife >Sent: Sun, July 29, 2012 1:40:23 PMSubject: Re: Re: making a decision on machine

I have four models of the Rife frequency gen. from the '90s if any of you are interested. They work very well and I do not need all of them.If interested, email for details. They are practically identical except for the name. Two of them are Infinitech Model D.Jerry at ancientnotebook85@...

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Oooooh! that is a nice and useful search string!

Thanks much.


> google    craigslist.org   " rife machine "


> or craigslist.org " whatever brand "


> or craigslist.org " doug coil "



http://www.google.com/#hl=en & sugexp=cqn%2Ccconf%3D1.0%2Cmin_length%3D2%2Crate_lo\


re_bad_origquery%3Dtrue & gs_nf=1 & gs_mss=craigslist.org%20%22rif & cp=29 & gs_id=39 & xh\

r=t & q=craigslist.org+%22rife+machine%22 & pf=p & sclient=psy-ab & oq=craigslist.org+%2\

2rife+machine%22 & gs_l= & pbx=1 & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf. & fp=3d04e930a01db91d & biw\

=1517 & bih=714




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Hi ,

I am quite satisfied with a much less expensive digital model, which is very

portable and user-friendly. It's the Rife digital...see the FB page


The people who made this model wanted to come up with a Rife machine that was

effective but also affordable to the general public.

If you want to ask for a Rife Manual, they will send you one freely.

Heals so many conditions, I am really pleased that I found one I could afford.

Best luck,



> Thanks for your responses. I've gotten good recommendations from both of the

Rife groups. I, too, wish I had the bank account to buy different models. That's

been the stressor for me, fearing that I'll spend money on something and not be

satisfied or not know how to operate it correctly. But, it seems (from users

responses) there are several good models and reputable dealers to choose from.





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Well i have the same problem, but it seems, the gb4000 and Mopa are the most powerful (and expensive) devicesThe rife digital is less expensive , well it's digital, but does it really work, i mean, well the power is alot lesser than the GB4000+MOPA.I live in Europe (Belgium) is there anyone who sells these machines in europe?I'm a little panic because, i have a friend and is diagnosed with a tumor in the femur and it still grows, and it must be chirurgical removed, with the risk of damage the nerves to his foot, so he has the risk not to walk again :(To: Rife From: sundaram108@...Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2012 18:15:37 +0000Subject: Re: making a decision on machine

Hi ,

I am quite satisfied with a much less expensive digital model, which is very portable and user-friendly. It's the Rife digital...see the FB page


The people who made this model wanted to come up with a Rife machine that was effective but also affordable to the general public.

If you want to ask for a Rife Manual, they will send you one freely.

Heals so many conditions, I am really pleased that I found one I could afford.

Best luck,



> Thanks for your responses. I've gotten good recommendations from both of the Rife groups. I, too, wish I had the bank account to buy different models. That's been the stressor for me, fearing that I'll spend money on something and not be satisfied or not know how to operate it correctly. But, it seems (from users responses) there are several good models and reputable dealers to choose from.





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