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I just started with this group a few weeks ago and have been just reading

people's posts until now.

I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist with Hyperacusis, but, the more she learned

about my issues, she changed the dx to Misophonia. My issues don't reside soley

with loud noises, but rather with the everyday ones - chewing, crumpled bags,

vaccums, normal things.

We are trying to control my anxiety with medication, but it doesn't help with my

sound sensitivity at all. Each day is awful. I have a co-worker who constantly

chews and eats and crumples bags and plays jazz music...all of which drive me

crazy. Some days I feel like I'm going to explode, like my insides are hurting

so much that I can't take it anymore. I can't keep doing this.

I've used any advice that I've found - earplugs, earphones with music or with

pink noise. I take the anti-anxiety medication. I try to relax and breathe.

Nothing is working though.

I've googled and called audiologist, occupational therapists, but no one treats

or even knows about Misophonia. My psychiatrist has tried finding people, my

therapist is currently searching for some answers, and I keep trying, but we've

come up with nothing.

How is it that specialists, doctors, no one knows what Misophonia is? How am I

supposed to ever believe that things can get better if there seems to be NOTHING

out there to help?

I know I'm probably not saying anything that everyone else here hasn't already

said. I guess I'm just wondering how you deal with this? How do you accept

something that, seemingly, can't be helped? How do you keep going?

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