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I can't believe there's a name for it!

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Hi everyone! All along I just thought I was just overly sensitive. It's weird to

read others experiences that sound so much like my own.

I don't think I have Misophonia as bad as some, I do get mad, stare at people,

sometimes mimic them (to mock them), and once in a while my skin crawls at

certain repetitive sounds. I have never cried or raged although there have been

a few arguments with loved ones through the years.

My triggers are chewing, gum cracking/popping, sniffling, foot dragging sounds,

sloppy kissing and humming (to a lesser extent.) Funny thing is, it doesn't

always bother me, for instance, I could sit at a table where everyone is eating

but there will be that ONE person who can drive me to distraction with their

chewing. Also, none of these sounds bother me if I'm the one making the noise.

I'm 41 now but I can remember sitting at the dinner table with my family when I

was about 13 years old and getting SO mad at my brother for chewing loudly. He

had breathing issues and probably couldn't help it much but I used to sit at the

table with my fingers jammed into my ears as far as they could go.

My ex-boyfriend used to sniffle so much when we were trying to go to sleep that

we ended up fighting almost every night and me threatening to go sleep on the

couch if he couldn't stop. A few times I did.

When I really realized it was MY issue was recently at work there was someone

sitting in a cubicle next to mine who drank about a zillion cups of tea a day

and each sip would be a very loud and very long slurrrppppp. To make matters

worse, after each slurp was a loud AHHHH and then the sound of the mug being put

down on the desk. I literally thought I was going to go insane. I even

considered going to HR and complaining but knew that I would sound crazy

complaining about someone drinking too loudly. I talked to everyone else that

sat around us to see if they noticed and to my real surprise, NO ONE ELSE EVEN

NOTICED IT! How could that possibly be? That's when I realized this was my

issue. In any case, that person left the company so I'm ok. For now.

Sorry for the extra long post but I really needed to get that out. :)

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