Guest guest Posted July 13, 2012 Report Share Posted July 13, 2012 Have you ever looked into EFT or best?Dennisb.e.s.t. release technique for subconscious emotional clearing (google this)oreft release technique for subconscious emotional clearing Also look on youtube for the above. To: Rife Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 5:39 PM Subject: Dealing with Psychological Problems... A quick history about me. And I'm not sure if this is the right group to post this in, but it's worth a try. I have a history of depression and anxiety dating back to when I was a child. I never knew what caused it. I started to feel really paranoid, scared, and lonely as a kid and would cry a lot at school, feeling strange and not tuned into everyone else. No one including myself knew what was going on. I never received counseling either and just kept it to myself. I did not know what to do as a child. As I got older I started to cope better, but eventually fell into drugs and later alcohol. They gave me, what I know now to be, an escape from my reality. The drugs and alcohol also helped me socialize and "come into my own". I stopped the drugs as a teen and eventually as an adult in my twenties, I received counseling and pharmadrug "therapy". In the span of six years I have been on a multitude of SSRI's, an SNRI, an atypical, anti-psychotic and anti-anxiety medication. All of them came with side effects, some worst than others. Last year I decided to stop the meds and get to the root cause. Upon researching I came across mercury poisoning on various occasions--it kept popping up. I had eight amalgam fillings at the time and I figured that this could be the cause. Fast forward to last month when I finally had them removed and started chelation very enthusiastically. I felt pretty good on round and I felt that I was finally going to make it. Today is a different story. I ran into a old friend and a lot of those feelings of anxiety and depression came back to me. I'm not sure if it was something that I ate the day prior that might have set me up for this or if it just emotional damage triggered in my head. It is a feeling of inadequacy and unsureness, nervousness. I am wondering if aside from chelation there is something else that I should be doing, maybe talk therapy or a supplement like 5htp or rhodiola rosea. I would buy a self help book, but my attention span and patience does not allow me to read for very long or remember much of what I read after a while. Honestly I am scared because today I was reminded that I am not normal and possibly not getting better like I thought I was since I had the amalgams removed--was it all just a placebo effect in my head? Am I wasting time by not doing more right now? I want to feel normal and have a great life like I see others having and deep down I know I can have. I have not socialized at all in the past six plus months and before that not much at all dating back almost two years. I have isolated a lot and don't even know who I can call a friend anymore. Having a hard time obtaining a job too. Emotional energy has been out of wack. My diet is pretty squared away. I tried raw milk yesterday and although it was better than pasteurized stuff, It did cause some discomfort in the gut. That's why I mention that perhaps yesterdays food set me up for this through the gut-brain axis... Sorry for the long post. I appreciate it if you can read it and offer some tips. Josh Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 13, 2012 Report Share Posted July 13, 2012 I'm so sorry you have suffered like this. Some have gotten relief by taking low dose naltrexone. Go to It tricks the body into making more endorphins and a very safe drug at low doses. Christy LaffertyLegacy A quick history about me. And I'm not sure if this is the right group to post this in, but it's worth a try. I have a history of depression and anxiety dating back to when I was a child. I never knew what caused it. I started to feel really paranoid, scared, and lonely as a kid and would cry a lot at school, feeling strange and not tuned into everyone else. No one including myself knew what was going on. I never received counseling either and just kept it to myself. I did not know what to do as a child. As I got older I started to cope better, but eventually fell into drugs and later alcohol. They gave me, what I know now to be, an escape from my reality. The drugs and alcohol also helped me socialize and "come into my own". I stopped the drugs as a teen and eventually as an adult in my twenties, I received counseling and pharmadrug "therapy". In the span of six years I have been on a multitude of SSRI's, an SNRI, an atypical, anti-psychotic and anti-anxiety medication. All of them came with side effects, some worst than others. Last year I decided to stop the meds and get to the root cause. Upon researching I came across mercury poisoning on various occasions--it kept popping up. I had eight amalgam fillings at the time and I figured that this could be the cause. Fast forward to last month when I finally had them removed and started chelation very enthusiastically. I felt pretty good on round and I felt that I was finally going to make it. Today is a different story. I ran into a old friend and a lot of those feelings of anxiety and depression came back to me. I'm not sure if it was something that I ate the day prior that might have set me up for this or if it just emotional damage triggered in my head. It is a feeling of inadequacy and unsureness, nervousness. I am wondering if aside from chelation there is something else that I should be doing, maybe talk therapy or a supplement like 5htp or rhodiola rosea. I would buy a self help book, but my attention span and patience does not allow me to read for very long or remember much of what I read after a while. Honestly I am scared because today I was reminded that I am not normal and possibly not getting better like I thought I was since I had the amalgams removed--was it all just a placebo effect in my head? Am I wasting time by not doing more right now? I want to feel normal and have a great life like I see others having and deep down I know I can have. I have not socialized at all in the past six plus months and before that not much at all dating back almost two years. I have isolated a lot and don't even know who I can call a friend anymore. Having a hard time obtaining a job too. Emotional energy has been out of wack. My diet is pretty squared away. I tried raw milk yesterday and although it was better than pasteurized stuff, It did cause some discomfort in the gut. That's why I mention that perhaps yesterdays food set me up for this through the gut-brain axis... Sorry for the long post. I appreciate it if you can read it and offer some tips. Josh Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 13, 2012 Report Share Posted July 13, 2012 Here are some things that you may want to consider. I cope with anxiety issues frequently and this is what I do to keep things managed. My history is that I have Lyme disease which may have caused my thyroid disease and adrenal disfunction. It is my understanding that there is usually an adrenal issue when experiencing anxiety. Find a doctor who is knowledgable about hormones and get a saliva test for cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. Supplementing with bio-identical hormones can sometimes do a lot to alleviate feelings of overwhelment and anxiety. Have a blood test done to rule out food allergies or sensitivities. Eating things we are allergic to can put stress on our adrenals and cause emotional issues. Read the books " Mood Cure " by Ross and " Adrenal Fatigue " by . Ross explains the connection of amino acids and moods. You are correct....5htp may indeed be something you might benefit from but read the book to see if you fit the profile. Before you try Rhodiola it would be wise to make sure that high cortisol is an issue and not low cortisol. Supplement with B vitamins. Eat healthy fats. (coconut oil, fish oil, butter). Don't eat processed foods. Limit or eliminate sugar and alcohol. Eat whole foods with plenty of organic meat and vegetables. Eat sprouted grains and fruit in moderation. And yes...EFT works for many people. Brad Yates has some great you tube videos guiding you through releasing anxiety. Try a Bach Flower Remedy Called " Rescue Remedy " for mild attacks. Blessings to you and good luck. Sent from my iPad Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 13, 2012 Report Share Posted July 13, 2012 Several thoughts occurred to me. Over the years of treatment at my Environmental Doctor’s office, I saw a lot of things. Little angles who left the clinic for lunch and came back as little monsters, until their symptoms got turned off again by the Environmental doctor’s serum. Cause... food allergies. People I spoke to who where manic depressive from chemical exposures but cured once they learned what to avoid. These symptoms can often be cause by chemicals in food as well i.e. artificial colours, flavours, MSG, Aspartame, (excitotoxins) preservatives, pesticide residues etc. It would be wise to avoid all processed foods i.e. anything from a can, box, bag or fast food restaurant. Even regular restaurants save time by using prepared food ingredients i.e. canned gravy. Eat only real whole organic foods for a while to see if this helps. Avoiding other chemicals i.e. perfumed products, personal care items, household cleaners, especially if they smell stronger to you than others. This is a clue to chemical sensitivity. I use only shampoos, conditioners, soap etc. that have plant only ingredients from the health food store. I use Soap Nuts to do my laundry and Static Eliminator (unscented reusable polyester sheets) in the dryer to get rid of static. Household cleaning can be done with baking soda, vinegar and Borax. I use Coke only to clean the toilet. A nutritional deficiency, called Pyrroluria (a.k.a. Kryptopyrroluria, KPU, HPU) caused by Lyme or other things, causing one to pee out most B6, zinc, Biotin, Manganese etc. Patients with this nutritional deficiency often have psychological issues because of it. Learn more at: With this nutritional deficiency, the immune and detox systems can be shut down, which could result in only moving toxins around instead of eliminating them, allowing toxic build up, plus bugs like Lyme can get the upper hand. You should learn to do muscle response testing, pulse testing or dowsing to help you figure out your sensitivities. It could save you many symptoms. <I am wondering if aside from chelation there is something else that I should be doing, maybe talk therapy or a supplement like 5htp or rhodiola rosea. I would buy a self help book, but my attention span and patience does not allow me to read for very long or remember much of what I read after a while. Honestly I am scared because today I was reminded that I am not normal and possibly not getting better like I thought I was since I had the amalgams removed--was it all just a placebo effect in my head? Am I wasting time by not doing more right now> Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chem ical Sensitivityand other Chem ically Induced Illnesses, Dis eases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military 2 of 2 File(s) Book. Arthur Coca The Pulse Test Find allergies.pdf Muscle ResponseTesting _MRT_.pdf Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 13, 2012 Report Share Posted July 13, 2012 I think Bonita is right to suggest learning to muscle test. I've found anxiety can be created with certain toxins. Once they're dealt with, everything calms down. Bacteria toxins from E-coli and some types of strep to name a couple. Also some metals and any neurotoxins, like mercury, holmium, polonium, PCBs, MSG, asparatame or pesticides are some of the worst. > > Here are some things that you may want to consider. I cope with anxiety issues frequently and this is what I do to keep things managed. My history is that I have Lyme disease which may have caused my thyroid disease and adrenal disfunction. It is my understanding that there is usually an adrenal issue when experiencing anxiety. > > Find a doctor who is knowledgable about hormones and get a saliva test for cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. Supplementing with bio-identical hormones can sometimes do a lot to alleviate feelings of overwhelment and anxiety. > > Have a blood test done to rule out food allergies or sensitivities. Eating things we are allergic to can put stress on our adrenals and cause emotional issues. > > Read the books " Mood Cure " by Ross and " Adrenal Fatigue " by . Ross explains the connection of amino acids and moods. You are correct....5htp may indeed be something you might benefit from but read the book to see if you fit the profile. Before you try Rhodiola it would be wise to make sure that high cortisol is an issue and not low cortisol. > > Supplement with B vitamins. Eat healthy fats. (coconut oil, fish oil, butter). Don't eat processed foods. Limit or eliminate sugar and alcohol. Eat whole foods with plenty of organic meat and vegetables. Eat sprouted grains and fruit in moderation. > > And yes...EFT works for many people. Brad Yates has some great you tube videos guiding you through releasing anxiety. > > Try a Bach Flower Remedy Called " Rescue Remedy " for mild attacks. > > Blessings to you and good luck. > > > Sent from my iPad > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 13, 2012 Report Share Posted July 13, 2012 " I use Coke only to clean the toilet. " This makes me laugh. Can you imagine an advertisement for Coke promoting the benefits of the product for cleaning toilets? Might make some think twice about drinking it. What a great idea. > > Several thoughts occurred to me. Over the years of treatment at my Environmental Doctor's office, I saw a lot of things. Little angles who left the clinic for lunch and came back as little monsters, until their symptoms got turned off again by the Environmental doctor's serum. Cause... food allergies. > People I spoke to who where manic depressive from chemical exposures but cured once they learned what to avoid. These symptoms can often be cause by chemicals in food as well i.e. artificial colours, flavours, MSG, Aspartame, (excitotoxins) preservatives, pesticide residues etc. > It would be wise to avoid all processed foods i.e. anything from a can, box, bag or fast food restaurant. Even regular restaurants save time by using prepared food ingredients i.e. canned gravy. Eat only real whole organic foods for a while to see if this helps. > Avoiding other chemicals i.e. perfumed products, personal care items, household cleaners, especially if they smell stronger to you than others. This is a clue to chemical sensitivity. I use only shampoos, conditioners, soap etc. that have plant only ingredients from the health food store. I use Soap Nuts to do my laundry and Static Eliminator (unscented reusable polyester sheets) in the dryer to get rid of static. Household cleaning can be done with baking soda, vinegar and Borax. I use Coke only to clean the toilet. > A nutritional deficiency, called Pyrroluria (a.k.a. Kryptopyrroluria, KPU, HPU) caused by Lyme or other things, causing one to pee out most B6, zinc, Biotin, Manganese etc. Patients with this nutritional deficiency often have psychological issues because of it. Learn more at:\ ..pdf > With this nutritional deficiency, the immune and detox systems can be shut down, which could result in only moving toxins around instead of eliminating them, allowing toxic build up, plus bugs like Lyme can get the upper hand. > You should learn to do muscle response testing, pulse testing or dowsing to help you figure out your sensitivities. It could save you many symptoms. > > > <I am wondering if aside from chelation there is something else that I should be doing, maybe talk therapy or a supplement like 5htp or rhodiola rosea. I would buy a self help book, but my attention span and patience does not allow me to read for very long or remember much of what I read after a while. Honestly I am scared because today I was reminded that I am not normal and possibly not getting better like I thought I was since I had the amalgams removed--was it all just a placebo effect in my head? Am I wasting time by not doing more right now> > > > Bonita Poulin > > Canadian Coordinator > GLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGN > Multiple Chem ical Sensitivity > and other Chem ically Induced Illnesses, Dis eases & Injury > affecting civilians and military personnel > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 13, 2012 Report Share Posted July 13, 2012 Blood sugar suggests to me for alot of what you said below. Add lyme Rescue Remedy worked opposite for me. The good thing was it worked for my horse who wouldn't get on a trailers. I needed her out of a barn that was going to force West Nile vaccines on her. Adrenals get wasted when constantly battling blood sugar issues? or maybe I will learn something new from this ?? Have you used homeopathics for your lyme? To: "Rife " <Rife > Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 11:32 AMSubject: Re: Dealing with Psychological Problems...Here are some things that you may want to consider. I cope with anxiety issues frequently and this is what I do to keep things managed. My history is that I have Lyme disease which may have caused my thyroid disease and adrenal disfunction. It is my understanding that there is usually an adrenal issue when experiencing anxiety. Find a doctor who is knowledgable about hormones and get a saliva test for cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. Supplementing with bio-identical hormones can sometimes do a lot to alleviate feelings of overwhelment and anxiety. Have a blood test done to rule out food allergies or sensitivities. Eating things we are allergic to can put stress on our adrenals and cause emotional issues.Read the books "Mood Cure" by Ross and "Adrenal Fatigue" by . Ross explains the connection of amino acids and moods. You are correct....5htp may indeed be something you might benefit from but read the book to see if you fit the profile. Before you try Rhodiola it would be wise to make sure that high cortisol is an issue and not low cortisol.Supplement with B vitamins. Eat healthy fats. (coconut oil, fish oil, butter). Don't eat processed foods. Limit or eliminate sugar and alcohol. Eat whole foods with plenty of organic meat and vegetables. Eat sprouted grains and fruit in moderation. And yes...EFT works for many people. Brad Yates has some great you tube videos guiding you through releasing anxiety. Try a Bach Flower Remedy Called "Rescue Remedy" for mild attacks.Blessings to you and good luck.Sent from my iPad------------------------------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 14, 2012 Report Share Posted July 14, 2012 Going on low carb diet helps for anxiety. I had not have any since I started it 10 years ago and helped my diabetes too. Nev From: Debbie Mc Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 4:51 PM To: Rife Subject: Re: Re: Dealing with Psychological Problems... Blood sugar suggests to me for alot of what you said below. Add lyme Rescue Remedy worked opposite for me. The good thing was it worked for my horse who wouldn't get on a trailers. I needed her out of a barn that was going to force West Nile vaccines on her. Adrenals get wasted when constantly battling blood sugar issues? or maybe I will learn something new from this ?? Have you used homeopathics for your lyme? To: "Rife " <Rife > Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 11:32 AMSubject: Re: Dealing with Psychological Problems...Here are some things that you may want to consider. I cope with anxiety issues frequently and this is what I do to keep things managed. My history is that I have Lyme disease which may have caused my thyroid disease and adrenal disfunction. It is my understanding that there is usually an adrenal issue when experiencing anxiety. Find a doctor who is knowledgable about hormones and get a saliva test for cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. Supplementing with bio-identical hormones can sometimes do a lot to alleviate feelings of overwhelment and anxiety. Have a blood test done to rule out food allergies or sensitivities. Eating things we are allergic to can put stress on our adrenals and cause emotional issues.Read the books "Mood Cure" by Ross and "Adrenal Fatigue" by . Ross explains the connection of amino acids and moods. You are correct....5htp may indeed be something you might benefit from but read the book to see if you fit the profile. Before you try Rhodiola it would be wise to make sure that high cortisol is an issue and not low cortisol.Supplement with B vitamins. Eat healthy fats. (coconut oil, fish oil, butter). Don't eat processed foods. Limit or eliminate sugar and alcohol. Eat whole foods with plenty of organic meat and vegetables. Eat sprouted grains and fruit in moderation. And yes...EFT works for many people. Brad Yates has some great you tube videos guiding you through releasing anxiety. Try a Bach Flower Remedy Called "Rescue Remedy" for mild attacks.Blessings to you and good luck.Sent from my iPad------------------------------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 14, 2012 Report Share Posted July 14, 2012 Just out of curiosity, how many carbs are you eating per day? I'm starting to research moving from a carb burning diet to a fat burning diet. Even though I only eat one serving of grains per day, I'm still in sugar burning mode because I'm hungry most of the time. ThanksKaySent from my iPhone Going on low carb diet helps for anxiety. I had not have any since I started it 10 years ago and helped my diabetes too. Nev From: Debbie Mc Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 4:51 PM To: Rife Subject: Re: Re: Dealing with Psychological Problems... Blood sugar suggests to me for alot of what you said below. Add lyme Rescue Remedy worked opposite for me. The good thing was it worked for my horse who wouldn't get on a trailers. I needed her out of a barn that was going to force West Nile vaccines on her. Adrenals get wasted when constantly battling blood sugar issues? or maybe I will learn something new from this ?? Have you used homeopathics for your lyme? To: "Rife " <Rife > Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 11:32 AMSubject: Re: Dealing with Psychological Problems...Here are some things that you may want to consider. I cope with anxiety issues frequently and this is what I do to keep things managed. My history is that I have Lyme disease which may have caused my thyroid disease and adrenal disfunction. It is my understanding that there is usually an adrenal issue when experiencing anxiety. Find a doctor who is knowledgable about hormones and get a saliva test for cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. Supplementing with bio-identical hormones can sometimes do a lot to alleviate feelings of overwhelment and anxiety. Have a blood test done to rule out food allergies or sensitivities. Eating things we are allergic to can put stress on our adrenals and cause emotional issues.Read the books "Mood Cure" by Ross and "Adrenal Fatigue" by . Ross explains the connection of amino acids and moods. You are correct....5htp may indeed be something you might benefit from but read the book to see if you fit the profile. Before you try Rhodiola it would be wise to make sure that high cortisol is an issue and not low cortisol.Supplement with B vitamins. Eat healthy fats. (coconut oil, fish oil, butter). Don't eat processed foods. Limit or eliminate sugar and alcohol. Eat whole foods with plenty of organic meat and vegetables. Eat sprouted grains and fruit in moderation. And yes...EFT works for many people. Brad Yates has some great you tube videos guiding you through releasing anxiety. Try a Bach Flower Remedy Called "Rescue Remedy" for mild attacks.Blessings to you and good luck.Sent from my iPad------------------------------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 14, 2012 Report Share Posted July 14, 2012 For me, not just low carbs helped but, almost total elimination of all grains helped too. Very much less joint pain but, also calmer less unnatural stress. > > Going on low carb diet helps for anxiety. > > I had not have any since I started it 10 years ago and helped my diabetes too. > > Nev > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 15, 2012 Report Share Posted July 15, 2012 Hi Kay, I eat 10 grams of carbs per meal. If you go on the you can print out the list of the foods you can eat, and also buy a fridge magnet so you can have it handy. Go under the Hypoglycemia and will tell you all about it. It helped me with Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Diabetes. I am also researching GAPS diet now, since I have Food Allergies and may go that route. I hope this helps. Nev From: Kay Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 7:31 AM To: Rife Subject: Re: Re: Dealing with Psychological Problems... Just out of curiosity, how many carbs are you eating per day? I'm starting to research moving from a carb burning diet to a fat burning diet. Even though I only eat one serving of grains per day, I'm still in sugar burning mode because I'm hungry most of the time. Thanks KaySent from my iPhone Going on low carb diet helps for anxiety. I had not have any since I started it 10 years ago and helped my diabetes too. Nev From: Debbie Mc Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 4:51 PM To: Rife Subject: Re: Re: Dealing with Psychological Problems... Blood sugar suggests to me for alot of what you said below. Add lyme Rescue Remedy worked opposite for me. The good thing was it worked for my horse who wouldn't get on a trailers. I needed her out of a barn that was going to force West Nile vaccines on her. Adrenals get wasted when constantly battling blood sugar issues? or maybe I will learn something new from this ?? Have you used homeopathics for your lyme? To: "Rife " <Rife > Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 11:32 AMSubject: Re: Dealing with Psychological Problems...Here are some things that you may want to consider. I cope with anxiety issues frequently and this is what I do to keep things managed. My history is that I have Lyme disease which may have caused my thyroid disease and adrenal disfunction. It is my understanding that there is usually an adrenal issue when experiencing anxiety. Find a doctor who is knowledgable about hormones and get a saliva test for cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. Supplementing with bio-identical hormones can sometimes do a lot to alleviate feelings of overwhelment and anxiety. Have a blood test done to rule out food allergies or sensitivities. Eating things we are allergic to can put stress on our adrenals and cause emotional issues.Read the books "Mood Cure" by Ross and "Adrenal Fatigue" by . Ross explains the connection of amino acids and moods. You are correct....5htp may indeed be something you might benefit from but read the book to see if you fit the profile. Before you try Rhodiola it would be wise to make sure that high cortisol is an issue and not low cortisol.Supplement with B vitamins. Eat healthy fats. (coconut oil, fish oil, butter). Don't eat processed foods. Limit or eliminate sugar and alcohol. Eat whole foods with plenty of organic meat and vegetables. Eat sprouted grains and fruit in moderation. And yes...EFT works for many people. Brad Yates has some great you tube videos guiding you through releasing anxiety. Try a Bach Flower Remedy Called "Rescue Remedy" for mild attacks.Blessings to you and good luck.Sent from my iPad------------------------------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2012 Report Share Posted July 16, 2012 Thank you for the information Bonita Poulin, I definitely have pyroluria. I confirmed this when I started experimenting with p5p after seeing that I had elevated amino acids/neuro transmitter precursors in my urine. It definitely helped out for a while and I thought that I made a huge step forward, although I have somewhat regressed in the past couple of weeeks--something that I admitt may be due to poor dietary choices and sleep routine. I may have to consider the muscle response testing for the future. Thanks again for this! Josh > > Several thoughts occurred to me. Over the years of treatment at my Environmental Doctor's office, I saw a lot of things. Little angles who left the clinic for lunch and came back as little monsters, until their symptoms got turned off again by the Environmental doctor's serum. Cause... food allergies. > People I spoke to who where manic depressive from chemical exposures but cured once they learned what to avoid. These symptoms can often be cause by chemicals in food as well i.e. artificial colours, flavours, MSG, Aspartame, (excitotoxins) preservatives, pesticide residues etc. > It would be wise to avoid all processed foods i.e. anything from a can, box, bag or fast food restaurant. Even regular restaurants save time by using prepared food ingredients i.e. canned gravy. Eat only real whole organic foods for a while to see if this helps. > Avoiding other chemicals i.e. perfumed products, personal care items, household cleaners, especially if they smell stronger to you than others. This is a clue to chemical sensitivity. I use only shampoos, conditioners, soap etc. that have plant only ingredients from the health food store. I use Soap Nuts to do my laundry and Static Eliminator (unscented reusable polyester sheets) in the dryer to get rid of static. Household cleaning can be done with baking soda, vinegar and Borax. I use Coke only to clean the toilet. > A nutritional deficiency, called Pyrroluria (a.k.a. Kryptopyrroluria, KPU, HPU) caused by Lyme or other things, causing one to pee out most B6, zinc, Biotin, Manganese etc. Patients with this nutritional deficiency often have psychological issues because of it. Learn more at:\ ..pdf > With this nutritional deficiency, the immune and detox systems can be shut down, which could result in only moving toxins around instead of eliminating them, allowing toxic build up, plus bugs like Lyme can get the upper hand. > You should learn to do muscle response testing, pulse testing or dowsing to help you figure out your sensitivities. It could save you many symptoms. > > > <I am wondering if aside from chelation there is something else that I should be doing, maybe talk therapy or a supplement like 5htp or rhodiola rosea. I would buy a self help book, but my attention span and patience does not allow me to read for very long or remember much of what I read after a while. Honestly I am scared because today I was reminded that I am not normal and possibly not getting better like I thought I was since I had the amalgams removed--was it all just a placebo effect in my head? Am I wasting time by not doing more right now> > > > Bonita Poulin > > Canadian Coordinator > GLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGN > Multiple Chem ical Sensitivity > and other Chem ically Induced Illnesses, Dis eases & Injury > affecting civilians and military personnel > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2012 Report Share Posted July 17, 2012 Thank you all for your replies. I originally meant to post this message to the different group, hence my second post. I recently joined this Rife group and have never posted here before so I didn't think of posting here regarding my psychological problems, but I'm glad I did. You all have provided some great advice. , Thanks for your suggestions. Last year I experimented with niacinamide at 1500mg a dose and honestly I did not feel very good. That was then, and my diet was not very good so perhaps that may work for me now. I like that link to headtrash that talks about goals. I see myself as a shirker and dead duck honestly. I want to review these things with more time. Thanks. Dennis, Someone else recommended EFT. I have to look into this for of therapy. I have a appointment with a counselor scheduled for next Monday and I will discuss this and b.e.s.t. with her. Thank you! Josh > > Have you ever looked into EFT or best? > Dennis > > b.e.s.t. release technique for subconscious emotional clearing (google this) > > or > eft  release technique for subconscious emotional clearing > > Also look on youtube for the above. > > > > ________________________________ > > To: Rife > Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 5:39 PM > Subject: Dealing with Psychological Problems... > > >  > A quick history about me. And I'm not sure if this is the right group to post this in, but it's worth a try. > > I have a history of depression and anxiety dating back to when I was a child. I never knew what caused it. I started to feel really paranoid, scared, and lonely as a kid and would cry a lot at school, feeling strange and not tuned into everyone else. No one including myself knew what was going on. I never received counseling either and just kept it to myself. I did not know what to do as a child. > > As I got older I started to cope better, but eventually fell into drugs and later alcohol. They gave me, what I know now to be, an escape from my reality. The drugs and alcohol also helped me socialize and " come into my own " . I stopped the drugs as a teen and eventually as an adult in my twenties, I received counseling and pharmadrug " therapy " . In the span of six years I have been on a multitude of SSRI's, an SNRI, an atypical, anti-psychotic and anti-anxiety medication. All of them came with side effects, some worst than others. > > Last year I decided to stop the meds and get to the root cause. Upon researching I came across mercury poisoning on various occasions--it kept popping up. I had eight amalgam fillings at the time and I figured that this could be the cause. Fast forward to last month when I finally had them removed and started chelation very enthusiastically. I felt pretty good on round and I felt that I was finally going to make it. > > Today is a different story. I ran into a old friend and a lot of those feelings of anxiety and depression came back to me. I'm not sure if it was something that I ate the day prior that might have set me up for this or if it just emotional damage triggered in my head. It is a feeling of inadequacy and unsureness, nervousness. > > I am wondering if aside from chelation there is something else that I should be doing, maybe talk therapy or a supplement like 5htp or rhodiola rosea. I would buy a self help book, but my attention span and patience does not allow me to read for very long or remember much of what I read after a while. Honestly I am scared because today I was reminded that I am not normal and possibly not getting better like I thought I was since I had the amalgams removed--was it all just a placebo effect in my head? Am I wasting time by not doing more right now? > > I want to feel normal and have a great life like I see others having and deep down I know I can have. I have not socialized at all in the past six plus months and before that not much at all dating back almost two years. I have isolated a lot and don't even know who I can call a friend anymore. Having a hard time obtaining a job too. Emotional energy has been out of wack. > > My diet is pretty squared away. I tried raw milk yesterday and although it was better than pasteurized stuff, It did cause some discomfort in the gut. That's why I mention that perhaps yesterdays food set me up for this through the gut-brain axis... > > Sorry for the long post. I appreciate it if you can read it and offer some tips. > > Josh > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2012 Report Share Posted July 17, 2012 Hi Christy, Thank you. I have hear good things about low dose naltrexone and I am very tempted to try it. Thing is about a year ago I told myself that I would try to sold these issues by getting to the root cause. I have seen progress here and there doing it this way, but no where the relief that I experience with pharmaceuticals. That said, I still don't want to give up on the " natural " approach. I hope that with continued chelation and healthy living I will get healthier and healthier. Wish me luck. ThankS again. Josh > > > A quick history about me. And I'm not sure if this is the right group to post this in, but it's worth a try. > > > > I have a history of depression and anxiety dating back to when I was a child. I never knew what caused it. I started to feel really paranoid, scared, and lonely as a kid and would cry a lot at school, feeling strange and not tuned into everyone else. No one including myself knew what was going on. I never received counseling either and just kept it to myself. I did not know what to do as a child. > > > > As I got older I started to cope better, but eventually fell into drugs and later alcohol. They gave me, what I know now to be, an escape from my reality. The drugs and alcohol also helped me socialize and " come into my own " . I stopped the drugs as a teen and eventually as an adult in my twenties, I received counseling and pharmadrug " therapy " . In the span of six years I have been on a multitude of SSRI's, an SNRI, an atypical, anti-psychotic and anti-anxiety medication. All of them came with side effects, some worst than others. > > > > Last year I decided to stop the meds and get to the root cause. Upon researching I came across mercury poisoning on various occasions--it kept popping up. I had eight amalgam fillings at the time and I figured that this could be the cause. Fast forward to last month when I finally had them removed and started chelation very enthusiastically. I felt pretty good on round and I felt that I was finally going to make it. > > > > Today is a different story. I ran into a old friend and a lot of those feelings of anxiety and depression came back to me. I'm not sure if it was something that I ate the day prior that might have set me up for this or if it just emotional damage triggered in my head. It is a feeling of inadequacy and unsureness, nervousness. > > > > I am wondering if aside from chelation there is something else that I should be doing, maybe talk therapy or a supplement like 5htp or rhodiola rosea. I would buy a self help book, but my attention span and patience does not allow me to read for very long or remember much of what I read after a while. Honestly I am scared because today I was reminded that I am not normal and possibly not getting better like I thought I was since I had the amalgams removed--was it all just a placebo effect in my head? Am I wasting time by not doing more right now? > > > > I want to feel normal and have a great life like I see others having and deep down I know I can have. I have not socialized at all in the past six plus months and before that not much at all dating back almost two years. I have isolated a lot and don't even know who I can call a friend anymore. Having a hard time obtaining a job too. Emotional energy has been out of wack. > > > > My diet is pretty squared away. I tried raw milk yesterday and although it was better than pasteurized stuff, It did cause some discomfort in the gut. That's why I mention that perhaps yesterdays food set me up for this through the gut-brain axis... > > > > Sorry for the long post. I appreciate it if you can read it and offer some tips. > > > > Josh > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2012 Report Share Posted July 17, 2012 Hi , Thanks for your suggestions. I think that I too may have lyme. I know that I have pyroluria or at least had it prior to removing my amalgams. I hope to find a good doctor someday. The blood test that I do have I ordered and interpreted myself with the help of others. I had a saliva cortisol test not long ago. Here were my results: Cortisol Panel 8am- 5.03 ng/ml in 3.5-6.3 range Noon- 2.25 ng/ml in 1.4-2.8 4pm- 1.37 ng/ml in 0.8-2.4 8pm- 1.01 ng/ml in 0.6-1.6 Midnight- 0.82ng/ml 0.3-1.2 4am- 1.80 ng/ml 0.3-1.7 DHEA 8am- 3.0 ng/ml in 2.8-12.7 8pm- 2.2 ng/ml in 2.7-9.0 Midnight- 2.0 ng/ml in 1.8-8.1 Have not really addressed this issue directly except through diet and lifestyle changes. Started taking ashwagandha the other day. Don't know if that is for me yet. May try adrenal cortex extract. Definitely going to look into EFT. Thanks again. Blessings to you too. Josh > > Here are some things that you may want to consider. I cope with anxiety issues frequently and this is what I do to keep things managed. My history is that I have Lyme disease which may have caused my thyroid disease and adrenal disfunction. It is my understanding that there is usually an adrenal issue when experiencing anxiety. > > Find a doctor who is knowledgable about hormones and get a saliva test for cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. Supplementing with bio-identical hormones can sometimes do a lot to alleviate feelings of overwhelment and anxiety. > > Have a blood test done to rule out food allergies or sensitivities. Eating things we are allergic to can put stress on our adrenals and cause emotional issues. > > Read the books " Mood Cure " by Ross and " Adrenal Fatigue " by . Ross explains the connection of amino acids and moods. You are correct....5htp may indeed be something you might benefit from but read the book to see if you fit the profile. Before you try Rhodiola it would be wise to make sure that high cortisol is an issue and not low cortisol. > > Supplement with B vitamins. Eat healthy fats. (coconut oil, fish oil, butter). Don't eat processed foods. Limit or eliminate sugar and alcohol. Eat whole foods with plenty of organic meat and vegetables. Eat sprouted grains and fruit in moderation. > > And yes...EFT works for many people. Brad Yates has some great you tube videos guiding you through releasing anxiety. > > Try a Bach Flower Remedy Called " Rescue Remedy " for mild attacks. > > Blessings to you and good luck. > > > Sent from my iPad > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2012 Report Share Posted July 17, 2012 Hi Nev, I think you are right. I have been on a paleo type of diet, only recently reintroducing sweet potatoes. My anxiety reduced significantly. Some say that this is due to increased anxiety--I'm not sur eif that is accurate. Since reintroducing SPs that anxiety has returned somewhat however I am trying so many things that I honestly don';t know what is causing what for the most part. Josh > > Going on low carb diet helps for anxiety. > > I had not have any since I started it 10 years ago and helped my diabetes too. > > Nev > > From: Debbie Mc > Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 4:51 PM > To: Rife > Subject: Re: Re: Dealing with Psychological Problems... > > > > Blood sugar suggests to me for alot of what you said below. Add lyme > Rescue Remedy worked opposite for me. The good thing was it worked > for my horse who wouldn't get on a trailers. I needed her out of a barn > that was going to force West Nile vaccines on her. > Adrenals get wasted when constantly battling blood sugar issues? or maybe > I will learn something new from this ?? > Have you used homeopathics for your lyme? > > > To: " Rife " <Rife > > Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 11:32 AM > Subject: Re: Dealing with Psychological Problems... > > > Here are some things that you may want to consider. I cope with anxiety issues frequently and this is what I do to keep things managed. My history is that I have Lyme disease which may have caused my thyroid disease and adrenal disfunction. It is my understanding that there is usually an adrenal issue when experiencing anxiety. > > Find a doctor who is knowledgable about hormones and get a saliva test for cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. Supplementing with bio-identical hormones can sometimes do a lot to alleviate feelings of overwhelment and anxiety. > > Have a blood test done to rule out food allergies or sensitivities. Eating things we are allergic to can put stress on our adrenals and cause emotional issues. > > Read the books " Mood Cure " by Ross and " Adrenal Fatigue " by . Ross explains the connection of amino acids and moods. You are correct....5htp may indeed be something you might benefit from but read the book to see if you fit the profile. Before you try Rhodiola it would be wise to make sure that high cortisol is an issue and not low cortisol. > > Supplement with B vitamins. Eat healthy fats. (coconut oil, fish oil, butter). Don't eat processed foods. Limit or eliminate sugar and alcohol. Eat whole foods with plenty of organic meat and vegetables. Eat sprouted grains and fruit in moderation. > > And yes...EFT works for many people. Brad Yates has some great you tube videos guiding you through releasing anxiety. > > Try a Bach Flower Remedy Called " Rescue Remedy " for mild attacks. > > Blessings to you and good luck. > > > Sent from my iPad > > > ------------------------------------ > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2012 Report Share Posted July 18, 2012 Josh,You can go to someone who has a bio-energetic testing system on computer and they can test you for Lyme or whatever.Google your area or go to and contact for someone near you.Dennis To: Rife Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 9:34 PM Subject: Re: Dealing with Psychological Problems... Hi , Thanks for your suggestions. I think that I too may have lyme. I know that I have pyroluria or at least had it prior to removing my amalgams. I hope to find a good doctor someday. The blood test that I do have I ordered and interpreted myself with the help of others. I had a saliva cortisol test not long ago. Here were my results: Cortisol Panel 8am- 5.03 ng/ml in 3.5-6.3 range Noon- 2.25 ng/ml in 1.4-2.8 4pm- 1.37 ng/ml in 0.8-2.4 8pm- 1.01 ng/ml in 0.6-1.6 Midnight- 0.82ng/ml 0.3-1.2 4am- 1.80 ng/ml 0.3-1.7 DHEA 8am- 3.0 ng/ml in 2.8-12.7 8pm- 2.2 ng/ml in 2.7-9.0 Midnight- 2.0 ng/ml in 1.8-8.1 Have not really addressed this issue directly except through diet and lifestyle changes. Started taking ashwagandha the other day. Don't know if that is for me yet. May try adrenal cortex extract. Definitely going to look into EFT. Thanks again. Blessings to you too. Josh > > Here are some things that you may want to consider. I cope with anxiety issues frequently and this is what I do to keep things managed. My history is that I have Lyme disease which may have caused my thyroid disease and adrenal disfunction. It is my understanding that there is usually an adrenal issue when experiencing anxiety. > > Find a doctor who is knowledgable about hormones and get a saliva test for cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. Supplementing with bio-identical hormones can sometimes do a lot to alleviate feelings of overwhelment and anxiety. > > Have a blood test done to rule out food allergies or sensitivities. Eating things we are allergic to can put stress on our adrenals and cause emotional issues. > > Read the books "Mood Cure" by Ross and "Adrenal Fatigue" by . Ross explains the connection of amino acids and moods. You are correct....5htp may indeed be something you might benefit from but read the book to see if you fit the profile. Before you try Rhodiola it would be wise to make sure that high cortisol is an issue and not low cortisol. > > Supplement with B vitamins. Eat healthy fats. (coconut oil, fish oil, butter). Don't eat processed foods. Limit or eliminate sugar and alcohol. Eat whole foods with plenty of organic meat and vegetables. Eat sprouted grains and fruit in moderation. > > And yes...EFT works for many people. Brad Yates has some great you tube videos guiding you through releasing anxiety. > > Try a Bach Flower Remedy Called "Rescue Remedy" for mild attacks. > > Blessings to you and good luck. > > > Sent from my iPad > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2012 Report Share Posted July 18, 2012 Hi Josh and , If Rife machine deos'nt help your condition some how ! Then the next best options are : 1. Hydro Peroxide 2. MMS ( I used this ) Look for them on you tube. Love. Hung Subject: Re: Dealing with Psychological Problems...To: Rife Date: Monday, July 16, 2012, 6:34 PM Hi ,Thanks for your suggestions. I think that I too may have lyme. I know that I have pyroluria or at least had it prior to removing my amalgams. I hope to find a good doctor someday. The blood test that I do have I ordered and interpreted myself with the help of others. I had a saliva cortisol test not long ago. Here were my results:Cortisol Panel8am- 5.03 ng/ml in 3.5-6.3 rangeNoon- 2.25 ng/ml in 1.4-2.84pm- 1.37 ng/ml in 0.8-2.48pm- 1.01 ng/ml in 0.6-1.6Midnight- 0.82ng/ml 0.3-1.24am- 1.80 ng/ml 0.3-1.7DHEA8am- 3.0 ng/ml in 2.8-12.78pm- 2.2 ng/ml in 2.7-9.0Midnight- 2.0 ng/ml in 1.8-8.1 Have not really addressed this issue directly except through diet and lifestyle changes. Started taking ashwagandha the other day. Don't know if that is for me yet. May try adrenal cortex extract.Definitely going to look into EFT.Thanks again. Blessings to you too.Josh>> Here are some things that you may want to consider. I cope with anxiety issues frequently and this is what I do to keep things managed. My history is that I have Lyme disease which may have caused my thyroid disease and adrenal disfunction. It is my understanding that there is usually an adrenal issue when experiencing anxiety. > > Find a doctor who is knowledgable about hormones and get a saliva test for cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. Supplementing with bio-identical hormones can sometimes do a lot to alleviate feelings of overwhelment and anxiety. > > Have a blood test done to rule out food allergies or sensitivities. Eating things we are allergic to can put stress on our adrenals and cause emotional issues.> > Read the books "Mood Cure" by Ross and "Adrenal Fatigue" by . Ross explains the connection of amino acids and moods. You are correct....5htp may indeed be something you might benefit from but read the book to see if you fit the profile. Before you try Rhodiola it would be wise to make sure that high cortisol is an issue and not low cortisol.> > Supplement with B vitamins. Eat healthy fats. (coconut oil, fish oil, butter). Don't eat processed foods. Limit or eliminate sugar and alcohol. Eat whole foods with plenty of organic meat and vegetables. Eat sprouted grains and fruit in moderation. > > And yes...EFT works for many people. Brad Yates has some great you tube videos guiding you through releasing anxiety. > > Try a Bach Flower Remedy Called "Rescue Remedy" for mild attacks.> > Blessings to you and good luck.> > > Sent from my iPad> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 18, 2012 Report Share Posted July 18, 2012 Pyrroluria often causes psychological problems. Addressing this serious nutritional deficiency could clear it. Are you on the protocol to correct it? It will not correct itself, especially if lyme is the cause. <I know that I have pyroluria or at least had it prior to removing my amalgams.> Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chem ical Sensitivityand other Chem ically Induced Illnesses, Dis eases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 19, 2012 Report Share Posted July 19, 2012 Thanks for telling me this Dennis. I guess confirming if I have Lyme is the next step in the journey. Josh > > > > Here are some things that you may want to consider. I cope with anxiety issues frequently and this is what I do to keep things managed. My history is that I have Lyme disease which may have caused my thyroid disease and adrenal disfunction. It is my understanding that there is usually an adrenal issue when experiencing anxiety. > > > > Find a doctor who is knowledgable about hormones and get a saliva test for cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. Supplementing with bio-identical hormones can sometimes do a lot to alleviate feelings of overwhelment and anxiety. > > > > Have a blood test done to rule out food allergies or sensitivities. Eating things we are allergic to can put stress on our adrenals and cause emotional issues. > > > > Read the books " Mood Cure " by Ross and " Adrenal Fatigue " by . Ross explains the connection of amino acids and moods. You are correct....5htp may indeed be something you might benefit from but read the book to see if you fit the profile. Before you try Rhodiola it would be wise to make sure that high cortisol is an issue and not low cortisol. > > > > Supplement with B vitamins. Eat healthy fats. (coconut oil, fish oil, butter). Don't eat processed foods. Limit or eliminate sugar and alcohol. Eat whole foods with plenty of organic meat and vegetables. Eat sprouted grains and fruit in moderation. > > > > And yes...EFT works for many people. Brad Yates has some great you tube videos guiding you through releasing anxiety. > > > > Try a Bach Flower Remedy Called " Rescue Remedy " for mild attacks. > > > > Blessings to you and good luck. > > > > > > Sent from my iPad > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 19, 2012 Report Share Posted July 19, 2012 Thanks Hung. How exactly is the hydro peroxide to be used? Josh > > > > Here are some things that you may want to consider. I cope with anxiety issues frequently and this is what I do to keep things managed. My history is that I have Lyme disease which may have caused my thyroid disease and adrenal disfunction. It is my understanding that there is usually an adrenal issue when experiencing anxiety. > > > > Find a doctor who is knowledgable about hormones and get a saliva test for cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. Supplementing with bio-identical hormones can sometimes do a lot to alleviate feelings of overwhelment and anxiety. > > > > Have a blood test done to rule out food allergies or sensitivities. Eating things we are allergic to can put stress on our adrenals and cause emotional issues. > > > > Read the books " Mood Cure " by Ross and " Adrenal Fatigue " by . Ross explains the connection of amino acids and moods. You are correct....5htp may indeed be something you might benefit from but read the book to see if you fit the profile. Before you try Rhodiola it would be wise to make sure that high cortisol is an issue and not low cortisol. > > > > Supplement with B vitamins. Eat healthy fats. (coconut oil, fish oil, butter). Don't eat processed foods. Limit or eliminate sugar and alcohol. Eat whole foods with plenty of organic meat and vegetables. Eat sprouted grains and fruit in moderation. > > > > And yes...EFT works for many people. Brad Yates has some great you tube videos guiding you through releasing anxiety. > > > > Try a Bach Flower Remedy Called " Rescue Remedy " for mild attacks. > > > > Blessings to you and good luck. > > > > > > Sent from my iPad > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 19, 2012 Report Share Posted July 19, 2012 Hi Bonita, I am not on that protocol. I googled some information. I also knew from my labs comments that b6 was needed and so I started p5p three times a day which I think helped. I also tried a little zinc picolinate. I supplement a bunch of things right now and not all of it is directly for pyroluria, but assist I believe. Josh > > Pyrroluria often causes psychological problems. Addressing this serious nutritional deficiency could clear it. Are you on the protocol to correct it? It will not correct itself, especially if lyme is the cause. >\ ..pdf > > > <I know that I have pyroluria or at least had it prior to removing my amalgams.> > > Bonita Poulin > > Canadian Coordinator > GLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGN > Multiple Chem ical Sensitivity > and other Chem ically Induced Illnesses, Dis eases & Injury > affecting civilians and military personnel > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 20, 2012 Report Share Posted July 20, 2012 Hi Josh, Buy a gallon of "food grade" 35% hydro peroxide, then dilute it down to 3% before use. (1 part of hyd-perox 11 part of distilled water ) . water is H2O, Hydro [eroxide is H2O2, it has one more loosly oxygen that is readied to oxidized/kill all kind of germs as they come in contact. You can mix it with more water to drink many times a day . go to you tube to learn more if you wanted. Love. Hung Subject: Re: Dealing with Psychological Problems...To: Rife Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 8:29 PM Thanks Hung. How exactly is the hydro peroxide to be used?Josh> >> > Here are some things that you may want to consider. I cope with anxiety issues frequently and this is what I do to keep things managed. My history is that I have Lyme disease which may have caused my thyroid disease and adrenal disfunction. It is my understanding that there is usually an adrenal issue when experiencing anxiety. > > > > Find a doctor who is knowledgable about hormones and get a saliva test for cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. Supplementing with bio-identical hormones can sometimes do a lot to alleviate feelings of overwhelment and anxiety. > > > > Have a blood test done to rule out food allergies or sensitivities. Eating things we are allergic to can put stress on our adrenals and cause emotional issues.> > > > Read the books "Mood Cure" by Ross and "Adrenal Fatigue" by . Ross explains the connection of amino acids and moods. You are correct....5htp may indeed be something you might benefit from but read the book to see if you fit the profile. Before you try Rhodiola it would be wise to make sure that high cortisol is an issue and not low cortisol.> > > > Supplement with B vitamins. Eat healthy fats. (coconut oil, fish oil, butter). Don't eat processed foods. Limit or eliminate sugar and alcohol. Eat whole foods with plenty of organic meat and vegetables. Eat sprouted grains and fruit in moderation. > > > > And yes...EFT works for many people. Brad Yates has some great you tube videos guiding you through releasing anxiety. > > > > Try a Bach Flower Remedy Called "Rescue Remedy" for mild attacks.> > > > Blessings to you and good luck.> > > > > > Sent from my iPad> >> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 20, 2012 Report Share Posted July 20, 2012 Hi Josh, Pyrroluria, if severe enough, can cause non-functioning immune and detox systems. That’s where I was at a couple of years ago. If those systems are not working, nothing you will try will get you well. It must be addressed first! To do that, you need to supplement consistently with zinc, B6 (P5P), biotin, manganese etc., all the nutrients being peed out. I use “The Core” from Spectral Supplements which was made in accordance to Dr. Klinghardt’s recommendations. You need to work up slowly to the recommended dosage of the supplements. After a few weeks on this protocol, you will likely start dumping heavy metals, including copper, which could make you quite ill. Therefore it is also necessary to do all you can to assist your body in dumping these toxins while on the protocol. The document I linked to had all of this info and more. <I am not on that protocol. I googled some information. I also knew from my labs comments that b6 was needed and so I started p5p three times a day which I think helped. I also tried a little zinc picolinate. I supplement a bunch of things right now and not all of it is directly for pyroluria, but assist I believe.> Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chem ical Sensitivityand other Chem ically Induced Illnesses, Dis eases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 20, 2012 Report Share Posted July 20, 2012 Hi Bonita, Can you link that The Core supplement please. I can't seem to find it with google. I am taking DMSA right now for mercury and lead. I'm also taking a multivitamin and b complex which contains everything you mentioned needed for pyroluria. The dosage is probably too small for most except for the p5p... Josh > > Hi Josh, > Pyrroluria, if severe enough, can cause non-functioning immune and detox systems. That's where I was at a couple of years ago. If those systems are not working, nothing you will try will get you well. It must be addressed first! To do that, you need to supplement consistently with zinc, B6 (P5P), biotin, manganese etc., all the nutrients being peed out. > I use " The Core " from Spectral Supplements which was made in accordance to Dr. Klinghardt's recommendations. You need to work up slowly to the recommended dosage of the supplements. After a few weeks on this protocol, you will likely start dumping heavy metals, including copper, which could make you quite ill. Therefore it is also necessary to do all you can to assist your body in dumping these toxins while on the protocol. > The document I linked to had all of this info and more. >\ ..pdf > > > > <I am not on that protocol. I googled some information. I also knew from my labs comments that b6 was needed and so I started p5p three times a day which I think helped. I also tried a little zinc picolinate. I supplement a bunch of things right now and not all of it is directly for pyroluria, but assist I believe.> > > > Bonita Poulin > > Canadian Coordinator > GLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGN > Multiple Chem ical Sensitivity > and other Chem ically Induced Illnesses, Dis eases & Injury > affecting civilians and military personnel > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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