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Re: breast cancer and copd

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There are may good machines out there! I cannot recommend one specific brand over another for those two specific issues. There are also many other alternative cures for cancer i.e. Essiac Tea, Budwig protocol, baking soda with maple syrup, peach pits, juicing etc. Cleansing the body with various detox methods to flush out toxins would also be very beneficial. Here’s a good free e-book with many ideas: http://www.drkelley.com/CANLIVER55.html

It is also essential to clean up your diet of sugars (which feed cancers), artificial additives etc. Eat only whole organic foods, no processed foods i.e. no fast food, anything from a can, bottle, package etc. Stop using carcinogenic chemicals on your body, in your food and in your home. There are many safer alternatives. If all ingredients aren’t listed, don’t use it. If you can’t pronounce ingredients, don’t use it!

<I have cancer and copd. I really want to purchase a rife machine. I know there are different brands. Which do you think I should purchase? I know someone who has a natures wave 101, but they just bought it. Which one do you think? >

Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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