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Re: Lyme disease

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Hello Niko

I am using RIFE with much success for Lyme and coinfections. I have a list of

frequencies on my informational web site. I use the Coil. I also have a RIFE

Digital and it also is effective, but I just don't have the patience for all the

time it takes.For every minute of the Coil it takes ten minutes with a hand held

device like the RIFE Digital or an other.

Here is an example of what treating Lyme seriously looks like. Three minutes

daily for bartonella, three minutes daily for Lyme, 3 minutes daily for

Mycoplasma and 2 minutes of 306 for detox. This is one daily session and then

there are the extras to do that day such as muscle relief pain, esophagus,

parasites, flukes, inflammation, etc. etc. What I am saying is that treating

with the powerful coil is the shortest RIFE treatment and still it is tedious

and time consuming. It takes no less then two years of consistent treatment with

serious daily detox...but, much well worth it.

I will give you a few links of the web site. I hope you will find it helpful. I

find treating Lyme and co's is a full time job and the more information one can

have about it the easier it is on us and the quicker we find some relief.



Take what you want and leave the rest


> Does anyone have personal experience with using Rife for Lyme Disease?

> Also any experience with Rife for Ulcerative Colitis/IBS?

> What do you think about the new Rife Digital? Any feedback and details is

> most welcome!

> Thanks,

> Niko


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Hi Nick: Yes, I'm using a Beam Ray machine to treat Lyme and some co-infections. I am verygrateful to have a LLMD who is also versed in Rife technology. He has a local expert inBiomeridian testing with a digital oscilliscope working with him to help develop treatmentprotocols specific to my needs, then he oversees the process. If I did not have either,the company reps. provide adequate phone support to guide you through treatment. Do you have access to someone to coach you through the process? A LLMD? Both areneeded, especially when you herx and need some advice or drugs

to get through it. Ihave a list of Rife frequencies consistent with the Beam Ray users that I can send you oranyone who emails me. My email address is below. Yes, I've used colon programs to calm my gut and H.Pylori, FungusMold, and Candida programs to kill the bugs contributing to the problems. Verrrryyyy helpful! Thank Godfor this technology! Take care, A. Horneyemail: psalm34810@...

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i'm having trouble with yahoo groups, but i believe i was successful in treating my lyme's with a rife machine. this was in 2000, so it was an older machine. i haven't followed the technology so i can't compare it to the newer ones, but i am sure they are better. I had a huge database of frequencies - i would say my protocol was 3-4 hours long and i would run it when i had time and sometimes overnight and then pause and resume at the next session. it would take my a few days to complete a protocol. i decided to get the machine because i had been seeing a lyme's specialist and on 3-4 antibiotics for a year and my tests were still positive.damien Message1aLyme DiseaseSun Aug 19, 2012 7:00 am (PDT) . Posted by:"Nickolas Schetakis" nikodicretaDoes anyone have personal experience with using Rife for Lyme Disease?Also any experience with Rife for Ulcerative Colitis/IBS?What do you think about the new Rife Digital? Any feedback and details ismost welcome!Thanks,NikoReply to sender . Reply to group . Reply via Web Post . All Messages (3) . Top ^

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Thanks for the info Damien. Are you of Greek descent perhaps?Theophano is very Greek!Cheers! Niko


i'm having trouble with yahoo groups, but i believe i was successful in treating my lyme's with a rife machine. this was in 2000, so it was an older machine. i haven't followed the technology so i can't compare it to the newer ones, but i am sure they are better. 

I had a huge database of frequencies - i would say my protocol was 3-4 hours long and i would run it when i had time and sometimes overnight and then pause and resume at the next session. it would take my a few days to complete a protocol. i decided to get the machine because i had been seeing a lyme's specialist and on 3-4 antibiotics for a year and my tests were still positive.

damien Message


Lyme Disease

Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:00 am (PDT) . Posted by:

" Nickolas Schetakis " nikodicreta

Does anyone have personal experience with using Rife for Lyme Disease?

Also any experience with Rife for Ulcerative Colitis/IBS?What do you think about the new Rife Digital? Any feedback and details ismost welcome!Thanks,Niko

Reply to sender . Reply to group . Reply via Web Post . All Messages (3) . Top ^

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Thanks for the info. Very helpful indeed. I don't have Lymes personally,but I have a friend who has it. And a close relative has ulcerative colitis.Cheers!Niko


Hello Niko

I am using RIFE with much success for Lyme and coinfections. I have a list of frequencies on my informational web site. I use the Coil. I also have a RIFE Digital and it also is effective, but I just don't have the patience for all the time it takes.For every minute of the Coil it takes ten minutes with a hand held device like the RIFE Digital or an other.

Here is an example of what treating Lyme seriously looks like. Three minutes daily for bartonella, three minutes daily for Lyme, 3 minutes daily for Mycoplasma and 2 minutes of 306 for detox. This is one daily session and then there are the extras to do that day such as muscle relief pain, esophagus, parasites, flukes, inflammation, etc. etc. What I am saying is that treating with the powerful coil is the shortest RIFE treatment and still it is tedious and time consuming. It takes no less then two years of consistent treatment with serious daily detox...but, much well worth it.

I will give you a few links of the web site. I hope you will find it helpful. I find treating Lyme and co's is a full time job and the more information one can have about it the easier it is on us and the quicker we find some relief. http://www.lyme-symptoms.com/indexDetailed.html


Take what you want and leave the rest


> Does anyone have personal experience with using Rife for Lyme Disease?

> Also any experience with Rife for Ulcerative Colitis/IBS?

> What do you think about the new Rife Digital? Any feedback and details is

> most welcome!

> Thanks,

> Niko


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A few years ago, Rosner did a subjective comparrison of the various Rife machines available at the time, but there are more now. I will attach it as well as another comparison I found online. If they don't come through to this site, you can email me for them.

<I have been reading the various advice about lyme as I am still undecided how to approach my recovery. I hear many of you using the Doug coil and highly recommending it. Someone else though highly recommended EMEM to me. Has anyone compared these units and determined one to be better than the other for combating lyme? Thanks for your help! Alana>

Bonita Poulin

Canadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

2 of 2 File(s)

Subjective Rife Machine Ratings for Lyme.doc

Machine comparison.pdf

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