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Re: Quantum pendants, Q-Link, and EMFs...

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Google Quantum scalar energy pendants demo video.

> I am curious to know if these things actually provide protection from EMFs and

or provide any other benefits.


> Can anyone comment on them?


> I have read that zappers like the Terminator (with orgone) can provide EMF

protection as well.


> Any experience with these things?


> Josh

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I had a bio pro and bought a scala and had it tested on me .they kept picking

up emf in me until I started wearing fhe biopro .

The scala tested 90% of the biopro

The biopro is about $100 and scala about $20

So for $80 difference I can live with the 90%


T-Mobile. America’s First Nationwide 4G Network

MMGM wrote:

>Google Quantum scalar energy pendants demo video.




>> I am curious to know if these things actually provide protection from EMFs

and or provide any other benefits.


>> Can anyone comment on them?


>> I have read that zappers like the Terminator (with orgone) can provide EMF

protection as well.


>> Any experience with these things?


>> Josh


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would you know how the biopro is different than the Qlink?ariellaTo: Rife Sent: Sat, August 4, 2012 8:51:00 AMSubject: Re: Quantum pendants, Q-Link, and EMFs...

I had a bio pro and bought a scala and had it tested on me .they kept picking up emf in me until I started wearing fhe biopro .

The scala tested 90% of the biopro

The biopro is about $100 and scala about $20

So for $80 difference I can live with the 90%


T-Mobile. America’s First Nationwide 4G Network

MMGM wrote:

>Google Quantum scalar energy pendants demo video.




>> I am curious to know if these things actually provide protection from EMFs and or provide any other benefits.


>> Can anyone comment on them?


>> I have read that zappers like the Terminator (with orgone) can provide EMF protection as well.


>> Any experience with these things?


>> Josh


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Can you let us know where you get these products below?


I had a bio pro and bought a scala and had it tested on me .they kept picking up emf in me until I started wearing fhe biopro .

The scala tested 90% of the biopro

The biopro is about $100 and scala about $20

So for $80 difference I can live with the 90%


T-Mobile. America’s First Nationwide 4G Network

MMGM <medmidas@... <mailto:medmidas%40gmail.com> > wrote:

>Google Quantum scalar energy pendants demo video.




>> I am curious to know if these things actually provide protection from EMFs and or provide any other benefits.


>> Can anyone comment on them?


>> I have read that zappers like the Terminator (with orgone) can provide EMF protection as well.


>> Any experience with these things?


>> Josh


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Rife digital has a set of frequencies for Radiation Detox. Haven't had a chance yet to try it...once I do, will report back on how it worked/whether there was a detox reaction, etc.


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Dr Klinghardt says devices worn on neck do not protect from EMF, EMF affect

viruses, hormones etc; he recommends Faraday canopy, demand switch, grounding &

no wireless phones & devices in home for proper shielding.


The EMF yahoo group members seem to recommend only the proper shielding

materials for the body or shielding the bedroom or house; some of the EMF

institute members said after wearing those for some time, 1 or 2 yrs, they began

to feel bad.

Dr Carlo presentation in the House of Parliament London has stated primary

protection is those proper shielding; secondary protection is those subtle

energy field devices.

http://www.naturalmatters.net/article.asp?article=3025 & cat=247

Australian bush flower Electro-Essence has claimed effective against EMF,

nuclear radiation & had good result in Chernobyl Nuclear disaster.

Some pendants' frequencies protection has limited life span, when the internal

substance was used up.

Inverted spin article & device




The Akaija pendant co says it help to maintain proper electron spin after you

have corrected the inverted spin with biotology; some say devices can actually

make people more ill if they are already inverted.


There are devices endorsed by the International Society for Electromagnetic

Research Research IGEF certification program information Endorsed products:



I have the terminator + orgonite power wand; zero point energy pendant,

grounding bed sheet etc; I still have inverted electron spin shown with

biontology. I don't know, may be because there are many wireless base stations,

in my immediate neighborhood, one is nearly opposite my house. You can get

inverted spin so easily in airports; shopping malls where there are big magnetic

field. I think for true EMF protection; follow Dr Klinghardt EMF shielding

suggestions as every researcher says any EMF is very bad to the body. Those

devices can be supplementary to strengthen the body energy field so that we

don't get inverted spin so easily.

DeMeo of the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab debunks orgonite products


It will be good if there's study on these devices, essences etc with dark field

microscope & biontology; other diagnostic system etc.

On the other hand, Quantum wave laser, longevitology healing, qiqong, some sound

freqs, Q-link etc do show blood improvement under dark field microscope; I don't

know how blood improvement is related to electron spin inversion.

Biontology & Inverted Electron Spin, EMF:


http://vimeo.com/26022407 Johan Boswinkel on Chronic fatigue video clip (

inverted spin etc)



http://vimeo.com/search?q=boswinkel Johan Bowinkel on various health video clips

Best of health



> I am curious to know if these things actually provide protection from EMFs and

or provide any other benefits.


> Can anyone comment on them?


> I have read that zappers like the Terminator (with orgone) can provide EMF

protection as well.


> Any experience with these things?


> Josh


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TRy Froogle.com search scalar pendant Look for one with a cetification. May want to look for shipping in the US , otheerwise it could take weeks http://www.aliexpress.com/product-gs/506875441-MOQ-1PCS-free-shipping-2500-3000cc-Energy-quantum-scalar-pendant-energy-card-and-pendants-TH101P-wholesalers.html or http://www.google.com/search?hl=en & tbm=shop & q=scala+ & oq=scala+ & gs_l=products-cc.3..0l10.2317.5106.0.7851. & hl=en & sa=X & tbs=p_ord:p & tbm=shop & ei=jdkdUNrTLY7m8gSGiYGACw & ved=0CFEQuw0oAQ & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf. & fp=853aae9eae6ec412 & biw=1280 & bih=684 I think they are basicly just make from volcanic rock. Some of there listed are only $5.00! Here is a link for them

on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_nr_i_0?rh=k%3Ascalar+pendant%2Ci%3Ahpc & keywords=scalar+pendant & ie=UTF8 & qid=1344133950 Dennis To: Rife

Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2012 1:00 PM Subject: Re: Quantum pendants, Q-Link, and EMFs...

Can you let us know where you get these products below?


I had a bio pro and bought a scala and had it tested on me .they kept picking up emf in me until I started wearing fhe biopro .

The scala tested 90% of the biopro

The biopro is about $100 and scala about $20

So for $80 difference I can live with the 90%


T-Mobile. America’s First Nationwide 4G Network

MMGM <medmidas@... <mailto:medmidas%40gmail.com> > wrote:

>Google Quantum scalar energy pendants demo video.




>> I am curious to know if these things actually provide protection from EMFs and or provide any other benefits.


>> Can anyone comment on them?


>> I have read that zappers like the Terminator (with orgone) can provide EMF protection as well.


>> Any experience with these things?


>> Josh


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I just downloaded this. I don't know if this works but it is free to try!

FREE Metatron Stress-free Computer Workstation™ software


Metatron Stress-free Computer Workstation™ software creates an 18 ft. bubble of coherence around your computer. This brings the chaotic EMFs radiating from the computer and all ancillary electronic equipment into harmony with the natural EMFs created in the human physiology. Enhances job performance, clarity & creativity. Reduces stress & fatigue.

Bonita Poulin

Canadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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A web page that talks about EMF clearing via laser:


Bonita Poulin

Canadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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Hi Bonita,Thanks for this link! Having worked with the energy of Metatron in the past, I'm intrigued by a company that uses that name. They don't appear to be selling anything; everything is free, and in this pragmatic old world, that's either wonderful or a scam. What gives? Is there a catch?Be well,Léna

I just downloaded this. I don't know if this works but it is free to try!

FREE Metatron Stress-free Computer Workstation™ software


Metatron Stress-free Computer Workstation™ software creates an 18 ft. bubble of coherence around your computer. This brings the chaotic EMFs radiating from the computer and all ancillary electronic equipment into harmony with the natural EMFs created in the human physiology. Enhances job performance, clarity & creativity. Reduces stress & fatigue.

Bonita Poulin

Canadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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Dear Bonita,

I downloaded one of their free programs too, just now.  It is

installed and indicates it is a pdf.  But it doesn't "open" in any

way.  I'm assuming that means it is "working" just by being on my

computer, rather than opening in a new window to be "turned on" or

something.  Is that your understanding of how it functions? (I

searched the site and couldn't find an answer to this question.)

Thanks so much for the link,



I just downloaded this. I don't know if this works but

it is free to try!


Metatron Stress-free Computer Workstation™



Metatron Stress-free Computer

Workstation™ software creates an 18 ft. bubble of

coherence around your computer. This brings the

chaotic EMFs radiating from the computer and all

ancillary electronic equipment into harmony with the

natural EMFs created in the human physiology. Enhances

job performance, clarity & creativity. Reduces

stress & fatigue.




Bonita Poulin


Canadian Coordinator


Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

and other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases &


affecting civilians and military personnel



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When I downloaded and installed this and a couple of other free programs from Metatron, it placed an icon on my desktop. When I click on it, a page opens showing what I ordered in the top pane, including readme and install buttons, while the bottom pane shows which programs were installed, when and their size. Did you get that too? If not, you may need to find where it downloaded and install it.

The readme files indicate that it takes 120 hours of computer run time for these programs to be fully functional.

<I downloaded one of their free programs too, just now. It is installed and indicates it is a pdf. But it doesn't "open" in any way. I'm assuming that means it is "working" just by being on my computer, rather than opening in a new window to be "turned on" or something. Is that your understanding of how it functions?>

Bonita Poulin

Canadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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I downloaded it as well, the read me file says once the pdf is downloaded, they

activate automatically by themselves, so it's just basically sitting on your pc

& running whenever your pc is switch on.

> >

> > I just downloaded this. I don't know if this works but it is free to try!

> >

> > *_FREE_ Metatron Stress-free Computer Workstation™ software*

> >



> >



> >

> >

> > Metatron Stress-free Computer Workstation™ software creates an 18 ft.

> > bubble of coherence around your computer. This brings the chaotic EMFs

> > radiating from the computer and all ancillary electronic equipment

> > into harmony with the natural EMFs created in the human physiology.

> > Enhances job performance, clarity & creativity. Reduces stress & fatigue.

> > Bonita Poulin

> > Canadian Coordinator


> > Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

> > and other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injury

> > affecting civilians and military personnel

> > www.mcs-global.org <http://www.mcs-global.org>

> > www.mcsglobalawareness.com <http://www.mcsglobalawareness.com>

> >


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found these web pages mentioning of the creator of Metatron Technology

Jeff Peckman


" Peckman, who attended the Maharishi University of Management in Iowa and once

ran for the Senate as a Natural Law Party candidate, has tried to involve the

city of Denver in such a bizarre scheme. He is also the creator of `Metatron

Technology', which defends against " harmful electromagnetic waves " by

transforming them into " desirable healthy energy " . Products include the Metatron

Global Peace Program, the Metatron Stress-free Computer Workstation, and the

Metatron Personal Harmonizer (which looks suspiciously like a credit card to

us). In 2003, he sponsored another ballot initiative that would have required

the city to implement stress-reduction techniques (using Metatron Technology,

one assumes) " to help ensure public safety by increasing peacefulness " ; although

Peckman collected enough signatures for the ballot, voters failed to pass it.

Peckman has now announced he will approach Barack Obama for support at the

Democratic Convention in August and is plann­ing a cosmic benefit concert as " a

celebration of species all over the Galaxy. " "

Jeff Peckman in Mayoral Forum Discusses Child Abuse in Denver:


Ron Hall the developer of the software:





> I just downloaded this. I don't know if this works but it is free to try!



> FREE Metatron Stress-free Computer Workstation™ software





> Metatron Stress-free Computer Workstation™ software creates an 18 ft. bubble

of coherence around your computer. This brings the chaotic EMFs radiating from

the computer and all ancillary electronic equipment into harmony with the

natural EMFs created in the human physiology. Enhances job performance, clarity

& creativity. Reduces stress & fatigue.





> Bonita Poulin


> Canadian Coordinator


> Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

> and other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injury

> affecting civilians and military personnel

> www.mcs-global.org

> www.mcsglobalawareness.com


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Yes, I got all that too.  No worries. 

And I finally figured out that there's do running or doing

involved.  Just let it mellow.


 8/6/2012 10:49 AM, Bonita Poulin wrote:


When I downloaded and installed this and a couple of

other free programs from Metatron, it placed an icon on my

desktop. When I click on it, a page opens showing what I

ordered in the top pane, including readme and install

buttons, while the bottom pane shows which programs were

installed, when and their size. Did you get that too? If

not, you may need to find where it downloaded and install


The readme files indicate that it takes 120 hours of

computer run time for these programs to be fully




<I downloaded one of their free programs too, just

now. It is installed and indicates it is a pdf. But it

doesn't "open" in any way. I'm assuming that means it is

"working" just by being on my computer, rather than

opening in a new window to be "turned on" or something. Is

that your understanding of how it functions?>




Bonita Poulin


Canadian Coordinator


Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

and other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases &


affecting civilians and military personnel



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Any feedback so far regarding the Metatron Stress-free software; my head seems

to feel more pressure & sense of thickness surrounding my head, it seems to be

doing something, but may not be right for me, I give couple more days & see how

it goes!


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I don't notice anything, but, I don't have a problem with EMF out here in the woods. I'm just doing precautionary things to make sure I don't become EMF sensitive, since we MCSers are prone to it and I spend so much time infront of my PC.

<Any feedback so far regarding the Metatron Stress-free software; my head seems to feel more pressure & sense of thickness surrounding my head, it seems to be doing something, but may not be right for me, I give couple more days & see how it goes!>

Bonita Poulin

Canadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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