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Re: H2O2 Ozone

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Anyone who spends more than $200 for an ozone machine is getting ripped off.

None of those devices, including the Synergy, are GAMMA calibrated and are thus

not medical grade devices.

Plastic is inert and can't be an anaerobe.

You have no idea what cancer is so it is pointless for me to entertain you. Wait

for my book and you will get the answers you seek. caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen

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Oh come on now! I never said that the Synergy crap machine didn't work. I just

said that people pay way too much for it. It isn't any different than the cheap

Chinese devices and the fact that it comes in 2 versions with a junction tube is

simply two cheap ozone generators cascaded and crammed into a fancy box.

Sure everyone here is aware of the basics of cancer and the work of Otto

Warburg... No big deal. But I know that none of you, without exception,

understands the common denominator to all disease and that my friends, is the

subject of my new book.

The changes that occur in once healthy cells is not cancer. It is the

environment in which the cell is living that causes the cells to malfunction. No

RNA/DNA or the fact that Grandma had a hump has anything to do with it.

Cancer is environmental period! Sure ozone halts it, but we all know that

delivery is the real problem. But it doesn't need to be that way. There is a

common denominator to all disease, not just cancer. When this issue is properly

addressed, ALL disease goes away, including cancer. That is the revelation that

you will discover in my new book. None of you have a clue.

It doesn't matter whose ozone generator is better than another, you won't need

them in the first place nor will you require exposure to any modern version of a

Rife machine. I have the answer! It is absolutely simple and logical. Those who

pay attention (I suspect far too few) will no longer worry about dying from any

disease. It simply isn't necessary.

Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen

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I never said that the book was about Rife. I mention it, of course, but the main

theme is entirely different. Yeah, yin/yang and acid/alkali balance is important

and I am in agreement with all you mentioned. The problem is that regardless of

all we know, people remain sick and are getting sicker. The question that no one

has adequately addressed is the fact that there is a common denominator to

virtually all disease. That is the point I make in the book and I have never

seen it mentioned anywhere. This will be the first time you will have heard

about it, as I have never seen it mentioned anywhere until now.

I find it strange that anyone would expect someone else to freely give away

intellectual property that costs thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of

study to obtain. No one objects to Nina's book do they? Why should that be any

different for me? Thousands of books have been written by authors and readily

available in book stores all over the world, and as far as I know, none of them

are free. Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen

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You bet that you know more than I do? Where is that coming from?

Look folks, I couldn't care less about massaging other people's egos. I am of

the belief that in the 15 plus years that I have been drawn to the point of

obsession to collect antique medical books and glean them, I have come to the

belief that my quest was driven by Divine intervention. Almost with boring

regularity, I would read a reference to a colleague in a current book and when I

got on the Internet to find a copy, there was almost always a single copy

available and at an affordable price. This happened with almost predictable

regularity, I knew that at least one copy would pop up, and it almost always


All of these great doctors were obviously dedicated and driven by the quest for

truth. Each in their own way contributed to the immense puzzle that I was

building up in my mind. After about 15 years of assimilating all of their

awesome contributions, I began to see the picture. Although there remain a few

gaps in my knowledge base, the picture is now quite obvious to me. Yes, there is

a common denominator to all disease.

Statements such as " I bet I know more than you do, " is nothing more that

arrogant ignorance that has no basis in reaching the truth. If one so bold knows

the answers and states that he freely pontificates such knowledge without charge

to the masses then why doesn't he just tell us what he knows and put an end to

the problem? The reason, of course, is that he doesn't have the answer. But I

do! How can anyone pre-judge my book? Unless they have supreme mental prowess,

of course. Do you claim to posses such power my friend? Caveat Emptor! Carmi


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Personally, I doubt it. This forum has been here for years now. Some of us have

become old hands. I to will say I have cured folks. It is what it is and we

should not cower in fear of telling it the way it is.

Online, we can be more open. Their is no internet police that would go after

rogue rife machine operators. And we need the anecdotal accounts, the

scientific pioneers, the big mouths that will scream about this from the highest

hill to the lowest valley.

And yes while using a rife machine is no guarantee one will get well , honestly

no treatment of any kind carries a guarantee. We do our best that we can.

Sometimes we even cure that which is said to be incurable. More people need to

become rife machine owners and enthusiasts.



> using the word cure will get this forum closed down is my main point




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