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Re: Medication

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I too am new to this forum after seeing the 20/20 program last night..I can,t remember when it started. I think when I was 8 or so. My mother did empathize so I slept on the sofa in the living room until I was 14 .It started with my sister's snoring and or noisy breathing and then progressed to chewing ,cracking of gum, the ticking of clocks (electric clocks are ok but any battery operated clock give me such anxiety that I have to unplug it). Even the sounds of birds in the morning drives me crazy, When I was in nursing school I I had my own room but could hear the girl next door to me snoring .I tried ear plugs and wrapping the pillow around my head but I could still hearr her. I ultimately started banging on her wall and yelling shut up or worse. When I would see her the next day all I could do was glare at her but I was so angry I wanted to pummel her. I put up with this because I thought I was crazy, No

one seemed to understand.I could not just tolerate it or will it away.Believe me I tried, To this day I cannot share a room with anyone. The one thing that has helped is running an air purifier with a fan that has adjustments for speeds.The higher the fan speed the louder the white noise. Then I can't hear the birds in the morning, I tried the sounds of wave splashing but that is almost as anoying,I know this sound sensitivity has had a very negative effect on my life. I think it is best to just restrict visits or overnight stays to places I know will be quiet.and just remove myself from other situations.

To: Soundsensitivity Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 11:45 PMSubject: Medication

I am new. Saw the 20/20 last night. Have lived with this most of my life, I never knew it was a condition, I thought I was just crazy. I have never told anybody I have this issue. I use headphones at work as I work in a room of 20-ish people and it makes me crazy. There is one girl I absolutely detest. Cannot tolerate her voice and of course she talks non-stop. It's also become visual. I cannot stand seeing her and try to avoid her at all costs. All day long people sucking their teeth, banging silverware (in an office??) kicking their feet on the desk, clipping their nails, etc. My work day is hell. I rage internally and do a few oddball things that make me feel better. I also suffer from OCD. I told my mother when I was a teen, but she didn't want to hear it. At any rate, I initially felt better knowing others had this same condition, but now feel worse as there is no treatment. I do the headphones, but a good portion of my job is being on the

phone and I cannot block out external noise at that point. Have any types of medications been tried for this condition? Anything show any promise?I did go to my gp about a year ago for anti-anxiety medication (I didn't really say it was office noise causing the anxiety), but that really did nothing to help me. I really do not think I can do this for another 20 years. I am really at the end of my rope.

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Welcome Rose, You are in the right place. Hopefully you will get help and support here and I am sure you will. I used to use fans but recently bought a white noise machine. It can be bought on Amazon. go to the following link.http://www.amazon.com/Marpac-SleepMate-980A-Electro-Mechanical-Conditioner/dp/B000KUHFGMMy wife snores incredibly loud. I tease her about it all the time, but I am able to block most of it out with the machine. I researched them and this one came out on top. They are supposed to last forever and have simple sound and volume adjustments. Get the one with 2 speeds. For under $60.00 it is a great investment in sanity for us Miso folks. Get

a few and put them in different rooms and take them on trips.I hope it helps. Best to you,Mike To: "Soundsensitivity " <Soundsensitivity > Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 2:54 AM Subject: Re: Medication

I too am new to this forum after seeing the 20/20 program last night..I can,t remember when it started. I think when I was 8 or so. My mother did empathize so I slept on the sofa in the living room until I was 14 .It started with my sister's snoring and or noisy breathing and then progressed to chewing ,cracking of gum, the ticking of clocks (electric clocks are ok but any battery operated clock give me such anxiety that I have to unplug it). Even the sounds of birds in the morning drives me crazy, When I was in nursing school I I had my own room but could hear the girl next door to me snoring .I tried ear plugs and wrapping the pillow around my head but I could still hearr her. I ultimately started banging on her wall and yelling shut up or worse. When I would see her the next day all I could do was glare at her but I was so angry I wanted to pummel her. I put up with this because I thought I was crazy, No

one seemed to understand.I could not just tolerate it or will it away.Believe me I tried, To this day I cannot share a room with anyone. The one thing that has helped is running an air purifier with a fan that has adjustments for speeds.The higher the fan speed the louder the white noise. Then I can't hear the birds in the morning, I tried the sounds of wave splashing but that is almost as anoying,I know this sound sensitivity has had a very negative effect on my life. I think it is best to just restrict visits or overnight stays to places I know will be quiet.and just remove myself from other situations.

To: Soundsensitivity Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 11:45 PMSubject: Medication

I am new. Saw the 20/20 last night. Have lived with this most of my life, I never knew it was a condition, I thought I was just crazy. I have never told anybody I have this issue. I use headphones at work as I work in a room of 20-ish people and it makes me crazy. There is one girl I absolutely detest. Cannot tolerate her voice and of course she talks non-stop. It's also become visual. I cannot stand seeing her and try to avoid her at all costs. All day long people sucking their teeth, banging silverware (in an office??) kicking their feet on the desk, clipping their nails, etc. My work day is hell. I rage internally and do a few oddball things that make me feel better. I also suffer from OCD. I told my mother when I was a teen, but she didn't want to hear it. At any rate, I initially felt better knowing others had this same condition, but now feel worse as there is no treatment. I do the headphones, but a good portion of my job is being on the

phone and I cannot block out external noise at that point. Have any types of medications been tried for this condition? Anything show any promise?I did go to my gp about a year ago for anti-anxiety medication (I didn't really say it was office noise causing the anxiety), but that really did nothing to help me. I really do not think I can do this for another 20 years. I am really at the end of my rope.

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Rose, unfortunately with no cure all you can do is try to compensate with things like the machine posted below. I have lived with this condition for almost 46 yrs and just found this site and that there were people like me about 6 months ago. I too thought it was only me and I was just crazy. To know that many people suffer from it does make me feel better, and to know its probably a neurological problem and not that we are crazy also makes me feel better....but that said, it helped destroy my marriage, my kids are embarrassed of me, and still dont understand even though theres now a name for it. Thats because I also mimic the sound - cant help it - its the only thing that makes me feel better. No one will declare me disabled because I look healthy enough to work and no doctors

understand this newly recognized condition, but I cant handle most women's voices so I cant be in a situation where I have to work with or even around women, which pretty much excludes every job out there. Interestingly enough, the only time in my life when I did not have misophonia symptoms was when I was a teenager and took valium and other similar drugs and made myself stop worrying about everything and everybody I cared about. Dont know if that has anything to do with it....do we care too much, too empathetic? too OCD worrying about everything? To: "Soundsensitivity " <Soundsensitivity > Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 7:06 AM Subject: Re: Medication

Welcome Rose, You are in the right place. Hopefully you will get help and support here and I am sure you will. I used to use fans but recently bought a white noise machine. It can be bought on Amazon. go to the following link.http://www.amazon.com/Marpac-SleepMate-980A-Electro-Mechanical-Conditioner/dp/B000KUHFGMMy wife snores incredibly loud. I tease her about it all the time, but I am able to block most of it out with the machine. I researched them and this one came out on top. They are supposed to last forever and have simple sound and volume adjustments. Get the one with 2 speeds. For under $60.00 it is a great investment in sanity for us Miso

folks. Get

a few and put them in different rooms and take them on trips.I hope it helps. Best to you,Mike To: "Soundsensitivity " <Soundsensitivity > Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 2:54 AM Subject: Re: Medication

I too am new to this forum after seeing the 20/20 program last night..I can,t remember when it started. I think when I was 8 or so. My mother did empathize so I slept on the sofa in the living room until I was 14 .It started with my sister's snoring and or noisy breathing and then progressed to chewing ,cracking of gum, the ticking of clocks (electric clocks are ok but any battery operated clock give me such anxiety that I have to unplug it). Even the sounds of birds in the morning drives me crazy, When I was in nursing school I I had my own room but could hear the girl next door to me snoring .I tried ear plugs and wrapping the pillow around my head but I could still hearr her. I ultimately started banging on her wall and yelling shut up or worse. When I would see her the next day all I could do was glare at her but I was so angry I wanted to pummel her. I put up with this because I thought I was crazy, No

one seemed to understand.I could not just tolerate it or will it away.Believe me I tried, To this day I cannot share a room with anyone. The one thing that has helped is running an air purifier with a fan that has adjustments for speeds.The higher the fan speed the louder the white noise. Then I can't hear the birds in the morning, I tried the sounds of wave splashing but that is almost as anoying,I know this sound sensitivity has had a very negative effect on my life. I think it is best to just restrict visits or overnight stays to places I know will be quiet.and just remove myself from other situations.

To: Soundsensitivity Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 11:45 PMSubject: Medication

I am new. Saw the 20/20 last night. Have lived with this most of my life, I never knew it was a condition, I thought I was just crazy. I have never told anybody I have this issue. I use headphones at work as I work in a room of 20-ish people and it makes me crazy. There is one girl I absolutely detest. Cannot tolerate her voice and of course she talks non-stop. It's also become visual. I cannot stand seeing her and try to avoid her at all costs. All day long people sucking their teeth, banging silverware (in an office??) kicking their feet on the desk, clipping their nails, etc. My work day is hell. I rage internally and do a few oddball things that make me feel better. I also suffer from OCD. I told my mother when I was a teen, but she didn't want to hear it. At any rate, I initially felt better knowing others had this same condition, but now feel worse as there is no treatment. I do the headphones, but a good portion of my job is being on the

phone and I cannot block out external noise at that point. Have any types of medications been tried for this condition? Anything show any promise?I did go to my gp about a year ago for anti-anxiety medication (I didn't really say it was office noise causing the anxiety), but that really did nothing to help me. I really do not think I can do this for another 20 years. I am really at the end of my rope.

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Hi Molly,

Research is just getting started on misophonia, so there is hope for the future.

Meantime, I wear Bose noise-cancelling earphones playing brown noise. I also wear Hearos earplugs so I can play the brown noise quite load without damaging my hearing. I adjust the volume when I can hear my triggers, which gives me a feeling of control. I’m symptom-free despite loud repetitive throat clearing.

But, you need to use the phone, unlike me. I am an engineer, and I have designed audio electronics. I could design a small box to allow your telephone to come to one ear of your headphones, with the other ear getting noise from an iPod. Would you and other people like that?

I’m a designer, not a manufacturer, so I won’t make money for my efforts. The telephone microphone might look funny.


From: mollycth

Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 11:45 PM

To: Soundsensitivity

Subject: Medication

I am new. Saw the 20/20 last night. Have lived with this most of my life, I never knew it was a condition, I thought I was just crazy. I have never told anybody I have this issue. I use headphones at work as I work in a room of 20-ish people and it makes me crazy. There is one girl I absolutely detest. Cannot tolerate her voice and of course she talks non-stop. It's also become visual. I cannot stand seeing her and try to avoid her at all costs. All day long people sucking their teeth, banging silverware (in an office??) kicking their feet on the desk, clipping their nails, etc. My work day is hell. I rage internally and do a few oddball things that make me feel better. I also suffer from OCD. I told my mother when I was a teen, but she didn't want to hear it. At any rate, I initially felt better knowing others had this same condition, but now feel worse as there is no treatment. I do the headphones, but a good portion of my job is being on the phone and I cannot block out external noise at that point. Have any types of medications been tried for this condition? Anything show any promise?I did go to my gp about a year ago for anti-anxiety medication (I didn't really say it was office noise causing the anxiety), but that really did nothing to help me. I really do not think I can do this for another 20 years. I am really at the end of my rope.

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I tried Zoloft, but quit after 10 days. It made me feel crazy and detached,

which kind of made my anxiety worse.

Honestly, I like the benzo meds better - Xanax and the like, because it helps

quickly, whereas the SSRIs take weeks to take full effect, and still don't help

the trigger symptoms, just help with your overall reaction to it.

But with your OCD, you should really see a doc to talk about which kind of

medicine might be best for you.

At work, I play brown noise over my computer speakers from www.simplynoise.com

and that helps, because you don't need the earphones in.

I'm triggered a lot at work, mostly by the one person I work closely with in a

small office. It's enraging almost every day, and right now she's on vacation

and I'm so relaxed and happy.

Good luck with dealing with it - try and be upfront with your doctors about the

misophonia. Some aren't very informed on it yet, but the more we spread the

word, the faster it'll get out there and get some research.

My next goal is to broach the topic with my boss, so I can maybe get a better

work environment, because with this girl, I am so distracted by her sniffling,

sneezing, coughing, loud voice, coke bottle slurping, smacking, ugh, I can't

even concentrate. But how do I explain this to my boss without sounding nitpicky

or weird?


> I am new. Saw the 20/20 last night. Have lived with this most of my life, I

never knew it was a condition, I thought I was just crazy. I have never told

anybody I have this issue. I use headphones at work as I work in a room of

20-ish people and it makes me crazy. There is one girl I absolutely detest.

Cannot tolerate her voice and of course she talks non-stop. It's also become

visual. I cannot stand seeing her and try to avoid her at all costs. All day

long people sucking their teeth, banging silverware (in an office??) kicking

their feet on the desk, clipping their nails, etc. My work day is hell. I rage

internally and do a few oddball things that make me feel better. I also suffer

from OCD. I told my mother when I was a teen, but she didn't want to hear it.

> At any rate, I initially felt better knowing others had this same condition,

but now feel worse as there is no treatment. I do the headphones, but a good

portion of my job is being on the phone and I cannot block out external noise at

that point. Have any types of medications been tried for this condition?

Anything show any promise?

> I did go to my gp about a year ago for anti-anxiety medication (I didn't

really say it was office noise causing the anxiety), but that really did nothing

to help me. I really do not think I can do this for another 20 years. I am

really at the end of my rope.


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