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Re: Neurologist

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Hi Moitri,I know a headache specialist in Irvine who is good:   Hutchinson.  http://www.ocmigraine.orgDepending where in LA, it's probably an hour drive.  I am not familiar with  someone in LA, although I'm sure there is someone.  Maybe or Elaine knows?

Sharon Sharon McCoy MDRenaissance Family Medicine10 McClintock Court; Irvine, CA  92617PH: (949)387-5504   Fax: (949)281-2197  Toll free phone/fax: 



Hello all,Can someone recommend a nice neurologist in the LA area?  I have a former patient out there who is having chronic headaches s/p an MVA.  

Thanks in advance.MoitriMoitri Chowdhury Savard, MD http://www.queenswesthealth.com

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Hi Moitri,I know a headache specialist in Irvine who is good:   Hutchinson.  http://www.ocmigraine.orgDepending where in LA, it's probably an hour drive.  I am not familiar with  someone in LA, although I'm sure there is someone.  Maybe or Elaine knows?

Sharon Sharon McCoy MDRenaissance Family Medicine10 McClintock Court; Irvine, CA  92617PH: (949)387-5504   Fax: (949)281-2197  Toll free phone/fax: 



Hello all,Can someone recommend a nice neurologist in the LA area?  I have a former patient out there who is having chronic headaches s/p an MVA.  

Thanks in advance.MoitriMoitri Chowdhury Savard, MD http://www.queenswesthealth.com

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Moitri,LA is a very wide area, but for someone close to downtown LA and the Pasadena area (which is where I am), here are a couple of names I can recommend:Dr. Soma Sahai-SrivastavaUSC Medical Center Dr. Mihoko Nelsen630 S Ave, Suite 340Pasadena CA 91105 SetoSouth Pasadena, CA

Hello all,Can someone recommend a nice neurologist in the LA area? I have a former patient out there who is having chronic headaches s/p an MVA. Thanks in advance.MoitriMoitri Chowdhury Savard, MD http://www.queenswesthealth.com The information contained in this message is confidential, may containprotected health information, may be legally privileged and is thusprotected from disclosure. It is intended solely for the use of theaddressee. If you are not the intended recipient, or an employee oragent responsible for delivering this message to the intendedrecipient, you are hereby notified that any

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Moitri, from personal experience I can highly recommend headache specialist Dr. Pat Lyden, chair of neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (csmc.edu I think). He was faculty at UCSD and my personal neurologist after I had a migraine TIA in 1992.

It presented as hemiplgia and dysarthria that during the ambulance ride to the hospital resolved and was followed by my typical migraine scotoma. So, no triptans for me but fortunately my few per year migraines are almost exclusively acephalgic (15-20 minutes of scotoma with no subsequent headache.


Sent from my Motorola Droid 2


Hello all,Can someone recommend a nice neurologist in the LA area?  I have a former patient out there who is having chronic headaches s/p an MVA.  

Thanks in advance.MoitriMoitri Chowdhury Savard, MD http://www.queenswesthealth.com

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LA is a big place...do you know where in LA?Steve HerschLos angeles ex-pat-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Hello all,Can someone recommend a nice neurologist in the LA area? I have a former patient out there who is having chronic headaches s/p an MVA. Thanks in advance.MoitriMoitri Chowdhury Savard, MD http://www.queenswesthealth.com The information contained in this message is confidential, may containprotected health information, may be legally privileged and is thusprotected from disclosure. It is intended solely for the use of theaddressee. If you are not the intended recipient, or an employee oragent responsible for delivering this message to the intendedrecipient, you are hereby notified that any

disclosure, copying orsaving of this communication, or any action taken or omitted to betaken in reliance on it, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Ifyou have received this communication in error, please notify usimmediately by replying to the message and deleting it from yourcomputer. Thank you.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I sought help from a neurologist last year for Sensory Processing Disorder

(which seems related to Misophonia since the symptoms are the same).

This doc didn't know anything about sensory disorders but was willing to

experiment. He did an MRI to rule out tumors, etc. Then he prescribed a mood

stabilizer (which is also seizure medication) called Neurontin. It had

unpleasant side affects and did not change my condition. I discontinued

treatment after several weeks and discovered that drugs can cause tinnitus. That

almost pushed me over the edge, but fortunately I recovered from the constant

noise in my ears.

I contacted just about all the neurologist in my insurance plan, but no one

knew about this disorder and didn't want to see me.

I hope your doctor can help your daughter. Please keeping posting on her


By the way, what is NFB?



> Has anyone got any treatment from neurologist?

> My daughter has an appointment tomorrow with one, what questions should we

ask? I saw a post in the past about NFB helping with misophonia. Do

neurologists do NFB?


> Thanks,

> -jt


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As far as i know NFB, nuerofeedback, is not routinely done by neurologists, it's usually done by psychologists.NFB essentially re-trains your brainwaves to a more optimal state.Heidi

I sought help from a neurologist last year for Sensory Processing Disorder (which seems related to Misophonia since the symptoms are the same).

This doc didn't know anything about sensory disorders but was willing to experiment. He did an MRI to rule out tumors, etc. Then he prescribed a mood stabilizer (which is also seizure medication) called Neurontin. It had unpleasant side affects and did not change my condition. I discontinued treatment after several weeks and discovered that drugs can cause tinnitus. That almost pushed me over the edge, but fortunately I recovered from the constant noise in my ears.

I contacted just about all the neurologist in my insurance plan, but no one knew about this disorder and didn't want to see me.

I hope your doctor can help your daughter. Please keeping posting on her progress.

By the way, what is NFB?



> Has anyone got any treatment from neurologist?

> My daughter has an appointment tomorrow with one, what questions should we ask? I saw a post in the past about NFB helping with misophonia. Do neurologists do NFB?


> Thanks,

> -jt


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Hi Becki,

The neurologist we saw was very caring. He asked a lot of questions & did the

basic tests (balance test, eye test,...) to rule out any major problem my

daughter might have. His belief is that this is similar to all other sensory

disorders, which is related to genetics and how the neuro transmitters and

receivers are not working correctly. He believes Cognitive Behavior Therapy

(CBT) and SSRIs medication will be the right treatment. He does not advise

spending $$ on Neurofeedback.



> I am so interested in hearing what your neurologist finds out and what he

recommends. Interesting to hear the " reflex " idea. Truly something we can't

" control " or stop on our own, then, or at least not a conscious decision we are

making to behave that way.


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Most every Nuerologist doesn't recommend NFB, nor do most GPs. It'sconsidered "Alternative." I really hope the SSRI Meds help her. Unfortunately, so far they haven't been effective for many. For many CBT has been very helpful for dealing with the response but again doesn't address the trigger or eliminate the response.Please keep us all updated on her progress. HeidiSent from my iPhone

Hi Becki,

The neurologist we saw was very caring. He asked a lot of questions & did the basic tests (balance test, eye test,...) to rule out any major problem my daughter might have. His belief is that this is similar to all other sensory disorders, which is related to genetics and how the neuro transmitters and receivers are not working correctly. He believes Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and SSRIs medication will be the right treatment. He does not advise spending $$ on Neurofeedback.



> I am so interested in hearing what your neurologist finds out and what he recommends. Interesting to hear the "reflex" idea. Truly something we can't "control" or stop on our own, then, or at least not a conscious decision we are making to behave that way.


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