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Re: Re: Global Coherence software RELIGION?

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Dan, I may understand where you are coming from with so much harm being done "In the Name of Religion or God"But just because so many claim to be representing him , doesn't mean they are.Her is a PDF you may want to look at, that uses reason, logic and science to consider if a God does exist at all. And if creation is reasonable or not.http://download.jw.org/files/media_books/lc_E.pdfDennis To: Rife Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 1:40 PM Subject: Re: Re: Global Coherence software

this will start a fire storm on here !!!!!did anyone ever think this is a play on the delusional mind .???remember religion is delusion ....after the human IQ exceds 100 the mind sees the falseness of the trapings of the god delusionthis website has an ulterar motive !!!!! ALL of their software is pure BS ...I will go back to silance now DanSubject: Re: Global Coherence softwareTo: Rife Date: Thursday, August 9, 2012, 2:43 PM

I saw no reference to religion!

<The only thing that I am concerned about is if it is a religious based software>

Bonita Poulin

Canadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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