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Hi, I am a student working on my PhD in Clinical Psychology. As a part of my

dissertation, I'm looking for parents of children with developmental and

learning differences to take my online survey.

I'm trying to get a few more parents to take the survey and I wondered if might

be possible to send my link to parents in the Autism in Girls and Women group?

For every completed survey, I'm offering to donate $5 to the parent's choice of

either Autism Speaks, the Autism Foundation of America, or Easter Seals (up to a

total of $500).

Participation takes about 15 minutes and it's completely anonymous.



, M.A.

Clinical PhD Student

Alliant International University

California School of Professional Psychology


Here's the full description:

Seeking parents of children ages 2 to 14 years old to complete an online survey

called " Understanding Assessment - The Parents' Experience. "

In exchange for completing the survey, a $5 donation will be made to your choice

of Autism Speaks, the Autism Society of America, or Easter Seals (up to a total

of $500).

This study is investigating how parents understand psychologists' assessment

feedback. It takes about 15 minutes to complete. Participation is anonymous.

To go straight to the survey go here:


Or go to http://www.UnderstandingAssessment.com for more details.

This study is being done in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a

doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology (Ph.D.) at Alliant International

University – San Diego. If you have any questions please contact


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