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That's so funny! I just bought a tredmill and was using it alot at first, but

I have been so busy with the holiday, I haven't used it. It only takes 20

min./day, but I can't find the time? Thanks for reminding me! The thing is

collecting dust!!! I bought my crib on E-bay. I looked forever for what I

wanted and then when I found a good deal I snatched it up. The crib costs

around $1200 or more new and I bought it for $350! I didn't need to pay

shipping cause the people had relatives near me and they brought it down to

Salem so I could just pick it up. That was alot of fun! I gave away all of my

baby things for the same reason, but I am excited to get new things for the

new baby! This time I am not going to find out what the sex is, so buying is

a bit more difficult, but I think it will be fun to take my baby out and buy

outfits after it is born. I have some unisex outfits already! If I don't get

pg after all of this, I will be very heart broken! Dr. Levin told me that it

sounds like I have the ovulating timing thing down, so I won't need to chart

temps. I can tell when I am ovulating every month. I get a big imbedded

pimple on my chin! Yippee! LOL and the other signs that go with it. I called

the Inn at Jewish Hospital and reserved my room. This is really happening!

Everything is falling into place so I know it is God in the works!!!! Love

talking with ya,


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Well, I am excited for you! I remember how excited I was counting down to my

reversal, and making the plans and all. It was more like a vacation. We plan

to try not to find out the sex, too, but I just know I will cave in one of these

ultrasounds! We have been buying lots of baby stuff, the infant car seat,

bouncy seat, dresser, blankets, and lots of clothes. I told my husband we have

to stop buying clothes or the baby will never be able to wear them all! I had a

dream the other night that I had the baby and it was a girl with dark hair. Who

knows? Our son had very blond hair, so it seems far off, but I guess we will

find out!

What day are you leaving for Louisville?


EDD 30 June 2002

Re: Ingrid

That's so funny! I just bought a tredmill and was using it alot at first, but

I have been so busy with the holiday, I haven't used it. It only takes 20

min./day, but I can't find the time? Thanks for reminding me! The thing is

collecting dust!!! I bought my crib on E-bay. I looked forever for what I

wanted and then when I found a good deal I snatched it up. The crib costs

around $1200 or more new and I bought it for $350! I didn't need to pay

shipping cause the people had relatives near me and they brought it down to

Salem so I could just pick it up. That was alot of fun! I gave away all of my

baby things for the same reason, but I am excited to get new things for the

new baby! This time I am not going to find out what the sex is, so buying is

a bit more difficult, but I think it will be fun to take my baby out and buy

outfits after it is born. I have some unisex outfits already! If I don't get

pg after all of this, I will be very heart broken! Dr. Levin told me that it

sounds like I have the ovulating timing thing down, so I won't need to chart

temps. I can tell when I am ovulating every month. I get a big imbedded

pimple on my chin! Yippee! LOL and the other signs that go with it. I called

the Inn at Jewish Hospital and reserved my room. This is really happening!

Everything is falling into place so I know it is God in the works!!!! Love

talking with ya,


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Well, I am excited for you! I remember how excited I was counting down to my

reversal, and making the plans and all. It was more like a vacation. We plan

to try not to find out the sex, too, but I just know I will cave in one of these

ultrasounds! We have been buying lots of baby stuff, the infant car seat,

bouncy seat, dresser, blankets, and lots of clothes. I told my husband we have

to stop buying clothes or the baby will never be able to wear them all! I had a

dream the other night that I had the baby and it was a girl with dark hair. Who

knows? Our son had very blond hair, so it seems far off, but I guess we will

find out!

What day are you leaving for Louisville?


EDD 30 June 2002

Re: Ingrid

That's so funny! I just bought a tredmill and was using it alot at first, but

I have been so busy with the holiday, I haven't used it. It only takes 20

min./day, but I can't find the time? Thanks for reminding me! The thing is

collecting dust!!! I bought my crib on E-bay. I looked forever for what I

wanted and then when I found a good deal I snatched it up. The crib costs

around $1200 or more new and I bought it for $350! I didn't need to pay

shipping cause the people had relatives near me and they brought it down to

Salem so I could just pick it up. That was alot of fun! I gave away all of my

baby things for the same reason, but I am excited to get new things for the

new baby! This time I am not going to find out what the sex is, so buying is

a bit more difficult, but I think it will be fun to take my baby out and buy

outfits after it is born. I have some unisex outfits already! If I don't get

pg after all of this, I will be very heart broken! Dr. Levin told me that it

sounds like I have the ovulating timing thing down, so I won't need to chart

temps. I can tell when I am ovulating every month. I get a big imbedded

pimple on my chin! Yippee! LOL and the other signs that go with it. I called

the Inn at Jewish Hospital and reserved my room. This is really happening!

Everything is falling into place so I know it is God in the works!!!! Love

talking with ya,


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It won't be bad at all, Ingrid. The last thing I remember was seeing the screen

for the operating microscope in the OR and then I was out. I did ask for some

Versed when Dr. Levin came in to say he would see me in 10 minutes...the

anesthesiologist will put it in your IV and it calms you down. Make sure to ask

for more pain meds in recovery if you are in pain. I was in a lot of pain when

I first came to, and they gave me lots of stuff to help out. Once I got in my

room, I was fine with the pain. I was up walking later in the evening. The

Louisville Library is only a short ways from the Inn, and we went there two days

in a row so I could post to the group. Dr. Levin will give you directions!!

I can't wait to hear how it goes!!!


EDD 30 June 2002


Oh, , I hope you can wait to find out the sex. I decided to know with

all three so I want it to be a surprise this time. The hard part is that I

will not even be able to know the heartbeat cause I will be able to tell by

that alone!!!! Yikes, it is going to be hard. I am leaving for Louisville on

Jan. 6. The countdown is too much for me!! Can you tell???? I just am a bit

scared about the 'going under " part. I have never been put to sleep before.



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How horrible..........! Some people are so miserable in there own lives they

try and make others unhappy to. Don't let her unkind, uncaring words bother

you. You go right out there and make that baby, it may take a few months but it

WILL happen!

As far as the women selling her baby for a car and 200, it really makes me angry

to hear about circumstances like that. I am left speechless.........

Take care and I send TONS of baby dust your way!

Nashville, TN

TL / May 1995

TR / April 2002


One of the girls at the office had a TR in 85 and became pg 3 different

times...All failures...Ended in total HYST!!!! I am shocked...She is a very

Healthy woman...I said well it was so long ago and technology has came a long

way in 17 years..she said just don't get your hopes up in the air, because

nothing is 100%...I just stared at her, how dare she try and bust my bubble...I

will not be scared off...I went to have my nails done today after work and I

thought as my tech did them, exactly one month ago tonight I was laid up in the

Inn trying to sleep and hungry and sore and wanting to lay on my tummy so bad..I

hope and pray I haven't wasted my 6,000.00 on a dream...I am afraid I am getting

ready to find AF really soon gain...Only reason I can find for this

moodiness...I caught myself looking at babies in the mall as I had my nails done

and thought how lucky some women are they can just push them out like a can of

squeeze Cheeze....LOL....We have a girl here in Harlan,! KY !

who actually sold her children for a car and 200.00..She has since had two more

and today I saw her PREGNANT again...I know she has her rights to have children,

but how about ME...Jim says don't worry --Gods time not ours...Sorry for the

Book....Hugs and Laughter****

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  • 2 weeks later...


i dont know about every one else , but i went threw the same thing and am

wondering even now, i just hope it is the fact of our bodies getting used to

what we have done to it, if you are worring about your tubes, you have a lot

of tubes left, my tubes are 1cm left side and 3 cm right side, and dr levin

says that he rather have 4 cm but nothing is impossible and he told me last

week to put my trust in god, but now i am thinkinglike every one has said ,

im to old i wasted money, just the devil messing with my head, and you know

he will, so chin up love and if you need me im me at jaleavitt73161@...

or rosebudd97@... im praying for you love judy l

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That would be a wonderful idea. If all of us could meet oneday, with the

press there, also inviting our lovely Dr. Levin. It can happen. And after all

of us get our babies, we should allow for your dream to come to past, with

the press there. I believe it can happen.


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That would be a wonderful idea. If all of us could meet oneday, with the

press there, also inviting our lovely Dr. Levin. It can happen. And after all

of us get our babies, we should allow for your dream to come to past, with

the press there. I believe it can happen.


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That would be a wonderful idea. If all of us could meet oneday, with the

press there, also inviting our lovely Dr. Levin. It can happen. And after all

of us get our babies, we should allow for your dream to come to past, with

the press there. I believe it can happen.


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Don't be silly, we all love your posts. Glad you are

feeling better and slowly getting your energy back.

My lil one is already nicknamed Baby Bop from the

Barney show. My DD7 was a Barney addict. You have no

idea how much she loved that song....She was 3 weeks

premature and in newborn ICU for 6 days and we had a

Barney stuffed animal that sat on top of her isolette

watching her every moment we weren't there. She's

loved him ever since.

--- MGodwithUSA@... wrote:

> *********AWE***************TOO CUTE**********NOW I





> I said a special prayer for Emma and Bitty Baby....


> I am going to stop writing so much, seeing so many

> of my own emails makes me

> nutty. Sorry I have been hogging the board!


> Love,


> Ingy




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




ME! 37

DH 34

DD 15

DD 7

TL 11/95

TR summer 2002!


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You have changed your mind, correct? I sure don't want to see you go, Ingrid.

I am still trying to read all the posts from last night and this morning, so I

don't have the whole story yet.

Don't go, though, OK?!?!?!?


EDD 30 June 2002

I need to be approved to register with the group in order to remove my

pictures. If you can remove them for me, then leave my status as a

non-member. :0( Ingrid

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You aren't going anywhere if I have anything to say about it anyway - hee hee!

Just kidding, I wouldn't make you stay but I sure do love having you around!

Anyone that is so dedicated to already put up a beautiful crib before their

surgery is my kind of person - the power of positive thinking!! Seriously, I am

glad you are staying. Don't ever feel like you are not much appreciated. Take



EDD 30 June 2002


Please don't try and figure it out. I would love to just move on. I have

received so many nice emails and will get back to everyone, but, I need a

break for awhile. What happened is that I typed too fast and thought too fast

and took things too personal. I am not to proud to admit it. I will be

working on that character flaw for sure. For now, my head is in the

sand--like an ostrich. Thanks for caring bout me. Love ya and hope your

pregnancy is going well!


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Rhonda was a strong beleiver in comfirm HPT but I

can't find them around here. I have some info on HPT

I'm going to send out to you. Sorry about the neg but

it's possible that it's too early. Hang in there!

My thoughts and prayers go out to Rhonda & Logan.

Hope we get news soon on them.

Love Donna

--- MGodwithUSA@... wrote:

> Donna and Judy,


> Just a note to say that I tested tonight with first

> response and got a neg.

> at CD 26 and 13 dpo. That pretty much means forget

> it this time! :0) Time to

> try again...Let me know what you think about those

> tests if you are familiar

> with it. It says you can test as early as 3 days of

> your expected period, but

> 86% of women 1 day before their expected period,

> that would be in two days.


> Booooooo, no fun!!!!! But, I love you and can't wait

> to hear about Judy's

> positive!!!!! Hugs,


> Ingrid



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




Donna Fannin 34

DH Kenny 33

DD's Angie & 15 & 16

DS (bubby)14

TL 3-15-88 TR 8-20-01


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