Guest guest Posted June 27, 2012 Report Share Posted June 27, 2012 Interesting information about Medicare Part D plans…………………….. From: medicarepartdnewsletter-bounces@... [mailto:medicarepartdnewsletter-bounces@...] On Behalf Of Team@... Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 2:39 PM To: medicarepartdnewsletter@... Subject: Medicare Part D Newsletter from - Questions aboutFormulary Changes Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan Newsletter Q1Group LLC Saint Augustine, Florida May / June 2012 1. Watching for Changes in Your 2012 Medicare Part D Plan’s Drug Coverage 2. Updates to our 2012 Drug Search and Formulary Browser Tools 3. How Your Prescription Purchases Count Toward Your Donut Hole 4. Saving Money with the 2012 Medicare Part D Donut Hole Discount 5. Reminder: You May Now Qualify for Financial Extra Help 6. . . . and A Few Closing Notes 1. Watching for Changes in Your 2012 Medicare Part D Plan’s Drug Coverage Question: I spent a lot of time last year choosing my 2012 Medicare Part D plan and I was just told that one of my medications, Lipitor, is being dropped from my plan next month because my plan now covers the generic Atorvastatin. Are Medicare drug plans allowed to change their drug list during the year? Yes. Your Medicare Part D plan is allowed to make changes to your prescription drug plan formulary throughout the plan year. But, to protect plan Members, Medicare Part D plans are restricted as to the types of changes made to a drug list. For instance, in your case, your Medicare Part D plan is permitted to make a lower-costing generic drug substitution for a brand-name drug as a formulary “maintenance change”. In other words, since a generic drug equivalent to Lipitor is now available (Atorvastatin), your Medicare Part D plan can replace the brand-name Lipitor that you are using with the lower costing generic equivalent, Atorvastatin. Please note, a Medicare Part D plan can also remove a medication from your formulary if there is a health risk related to the drug or the drug is no longer available from the manufacturer. When there is a health risk, your plan can remove the drug immediately. When a prescription drug is being discontinued by the manufacturer, your plan may provide coverage until there is no longer a supply of the medication available. Question: So, is it possible that my Medicare Part D plan could drop any of my medications from my plan’s formulary - at any time? Yes, but the change may not affect you this year. As mentioned above, your Medicare Part D plan is allowed to remove a medication from their formulary when a lower costing generic equivalent is available or when a medication poses a health risk. But, if your Medicare prescription drug plan just removes a medication that you are using during the plan year, without providing you with a generic alternative, your plan must provide you with coverage for that medication through the remainder of the plan year - at the same cost-sharing tier. Question: What should I do if my medication is dropped from my drug plan formulary and the generic form of the medication does not work for me? Request a Formulary Exception. If your Medicare Part D plan’s formulary has changed and your medication is no longer covered (or not covered as before), you have the right to ask your Medicare plan for a Formulary Exception (also known as a Coverage Determination). A Formulary Exception is when you ask that, because of medical necessity, a non-formulary medication be covered by your plan. Usually, a statement from your physician or prescriber is included with your request to establish medical necessity. Remember, you are not guaranteed that your plan will grant your Formulary Exception request, but if you receive a negative decision, you can appeal the decision several times. You can click here to read more about Coverage Determinations. You can also click here to read more about the appeals process if your Coverage Determinations is denied. Question: Besides dropping a medication from my formulary, what other changes can my Medicare prescription drug plan make to my formulary during the year? Besides removing a medication from your plan’s drug list, your Medicare Part D plan can: add new medications to your formulary, change usage management requirements, move a medication to a lower cost-sharing tier, or move a drug to a higher cost-sharing tier. Question: I was notified by my Medicare plan that my medication was not dropped, but instead now requires that I get prior authorization before my prescription is filled. Can a plan make such changes as this? Yes, but the change may not affect you this year. As mentioned, your 2012 Medicare Part D plan’s formulary can change in a number of ways throughout the plan-year, including the addition of utilization management (or drug usage management) requirements, such as whether you are required to use step-therapy or your medications are subject to quantity limits or you need to obtain prior authorization from your plan before your medication is covered. But, because you are already using this medication before the formulary change, you may be exempted from such utilization management changes that are considered by Medicare as “non-maintenance” changes. In other words, if your Medicare Part D plan has simply added a prior authorization requirement to one of your existing medications mid-year, you may be exempt from this change for the remainder of 2012. On the other hand, your Medicare Part D plan can make utilization management changes that affect you immediately if there is a legitimate health and safety concern based on the issuance of a new FDA warning. Question: Will my Medicare Part D plan provide me with a notification that they are changing my plan’s drug list? Yes, if you are affected by the change. Your Medicare Part D plan must either provide you with a 60-day advance written notice of any changes to your formulary that might affect you or notify you at the time of a refill and then provide you with a 60-day supply of your medication after you learn of the formulary change. In practice, most Medicare Part D plans make every effort to ensure that you are aware of any formulary changes that will affect you and will send you a written notice of any drug list changes in your monthly Explanation of Benefits (or EOB) letter, plan newsletter, or a special mailing. Your Medicare Part D plan’s website may also have regularly updated information about formulary changes online. If you have a question about formulary changes that we missed, click here and to let us know. 2. Updates to our 2012 Drug Search and Formulary Browser Tools To help you get an idea of the most recent changes to your Medicare plan’s drug list, we have updated both our online 2012 FormularyBrowser and DrugFinder tools with the latest Medicare Part D prescription drug formulary data available from CMS. Searching for a Medication Across all Medicare Plans: Our DrugFinder Do you want to see which Medicare prescription drug plans now cover a certain medication? Our updated DrugFinder allows you to quickly search across all Medicare Part D plans or Medicare Advantage plans by using either the drug name or 11-digit National Drug Code (or NDC) that is usually found on your prescription drug container. You can find our DrugFinder at: The DrugFinder results show details of how each Medicare plan covers a particular drug along with the 2012 Medicare plan features and costs. For instance, you can compare step-therapy, quantity limit, and prior authorization requirements - along with comparing the cost-sharing (what you pay) for a specific medication covered by all plans in your area. For example, you can click here if you would like to see all stand-alone Medicare Part D plans in Florida covering Plavix 75mg tablet. The follow table shows two examples of the 32 plans in Florida coverage Plavix 75mg. Drug: PLAVIX 75MG TABLET (NDC: 63653117105) 2012 Medicare Part D Plan Information Plan Name Monthly Prem. De- duct- ible Gap Coverage Plan ID Drug Tier Information Cost-Sharing Drug Usage Mgmt Tier Nbr. Tier Description 30-Day Prfrd. Pharm 90-Day Mail Order CIGNA Medicare Rx Plan Two (PDP) $69.10 $0 Few Generics S5617 -181 3 Preferred Brand Drugs $41.00 $102.50 None Browse Plan Formulary Aetna Medicare Rx Premier (PDP) $86.50 $0 Many Generics S5810 -240 4 Non-Preferred Brand Drugs $80.00 $225.00 Q:1/1Days Browse Plan Formulary Browsing Medications on Your Medicare Plan’s Drug List: Our FormularyBrowser Our FormularyBrowser allows you to review drug coverage for any Medicare Part D plan or Medicare Advantage plan and provides details on cost-sharing, drug tier, mail order options, and drug usage management (or utilization management). You can use the FormularyBrowser by first selecting your state (or entering ZIP code) and then the name of your Medicare Part D plan. You then can browse all prescription drugs found within your Medicare Part D plan’s formulary by drug letter. Using the example in the chart above, if you were to click the link to “Browse Plan Formulary”, you would go to either the Florida CIGNA Rx Plan Two formulary or the Florida Aetna Medicare Rx Essentials formulary for all drugs starting with the letter “P”. If you would like to see if your Medicare Part D plan or Medicare Advantage plan covers a particular medication, you can access our FormularyBrowser at: Still not sure how these tools work or need more information about your Medicare Part D plan’s formulary? Click here to let us know. 3. How Your Prescription Purchases Count Toward Your Donut Hole Question: My Medicare Part D plan told me that I will go into the Donut Hole based on what I paid for my medications plus what the insurance company paid. Is this true? Yes. You will enter the 2012 Donut Hole or Coverage Gap portion of your Medicare Part D plan when the total " retail cost " of your medication purchases exceeds your plan’s Initial Coverage Limit of $2,930. This " retail cost " figure is a combination of what you pay for you your medications plus the portion paid by your Medicare Part D plan. For example, if you buy a medication at your local pharmacy that has a retail cost of $100, you will pay your plan’s co-payment or cost-sharing, maybe $30, and your plan will pay $70 or the balance of the $100 retail cost. From this example purchase, the total retail cost of $100 is counted toward meeting your plan’s $2,930 Initial Coverage Limit. So once you have purchased medications with a retail value of over $2,930, you enter your Medicare Part D plan’s 2012 Donut Hole. Please remember that your Medicare Part D plan’s Initial Coverage Limit can change every year and in 2013, the standard Initial Coverage Limit will increase to $2,970. (You can click here to see how the Initial Coverage Limit has changed since 2006). Question: How much would I need to spend per month on prescription drugs to enter the 2012 Donut Hole? A monthly retail drug cost of $244 or more. You will enter the 2012 Donut Hole or Coverage Gap portion of your Medicare Part D plan after you have purchased $2,930 worth of medications. So if you have had coverage since January and your monthly negotiated retail drug costs exceed $244, you should enter the Donut Hole sometime in December 2012 ($2,930/12= $244.17). This year, all stand-alone Medicare Part D prescription drug plans use the standard 2012 Initial Coverage Limit of $2,930 as the entry point into the Donut Hole. However, some Medicare Advantage plans that provide prescription coverage may have different Initial Coverage Limit values. In other words, depending on your Medicare prescription drug coverage, you may enter the Donut Hole or Coverage Gap a little earlier than someone who uses the same medications, but is in another Medicare prescription drug plan. You can also use our 2012 Donut Hole Calculator or PDP-Planner to illustrate when you would enter the donut hole. For instance, if you have monthly retail drug expenses of $500, you would enter the donut hole in month 6 (or June if your plan started on January 1st). Question: I currently use two prescriptions and my Medicare Part D insurance does not pay anything for either one of these drugs. Does the retail cost of these two medications add into the calculation towards my Doughnut Hole? No. If a medication is not covered by your Medicare Part D plan, then the purchase price for this non-formulary drug is not included in the calculation used to determine when you reach the Donut Hole – or when you exit the Donut Hole and enter the Catastrophic Coverage phase of your Medicare prescription drug plan coverage. You may wish to ask your Medicare plan to include these medications on your plan’s formulary by requesting a formulary exemption or coverage determination. With your medications covered, you will save money with your plan’s cost-sharing. And since only formulary drugs receive a discount in the Donut Hole, you would save even more by having the medications included under your Medicare plan, should you reach the Donut Hole. 4. Saving Money with the 2012 Medicare Part D Donut Hole Discount Question: If I am in the Doughnut Hole and I paid $100 for my medications, and the Medicare Gap Discount Program has paid $50, does that total of $150 go towards True Out of Pocket expenses? Not exactly. If you are in the Donut Hole or Coverage Gap and you purchase a covered (or formulary) brand-name medication that has a retail price of $100, you will pay $50 and the 50% Donut Hole Discount will cover $50. However, you will get the full retail cost credit of $100 toward your total drug spend or TrOOP (True out of pocket costs). If your medication is a generic drug, your discount would be 14% and this discount would NOT count toward TrOOP. Question: If I am already in the Donut Hole, how much money could I possibly save with the 2012 Donut Hole Discount? Around $1,984. Your actual savings in the 2012 Donut Hole will depend on several things including your Medicare Part D plan’s cost-sharing structure, how much you have spent before entering the Donut Hole, and whether you purchase generic or brand-name medications while in the Donut Hole (generic drugs receive a 14% discount and brand-name drugs receive a 50% discount). So, if you only purchase brand-name medications and spend your way through your entire Coverage Gap or Donut Hole, the maximum amount that you could save would be around $1,984. You can click here to read more about how much you might be able to save with the 2012 Donut Hole discount or you click here to see how the Donut Hole discount increases over the next few years. Question: I use a brand-name drug, but it is not covered by my Medicare Part D plan. Will the 50% discount on brand-name drugs still apply to this drug when I am in the Donut Hole? No. The Donut Hole discount only applies to medications that are included on your plan’s formulary. If you wish to have your non-formulary medication covered by your Medicare Part D plan, you would need to ask for a Formulary Exception or Coverage Determination. If your Medicare plan grants your request, your medication will be included on your own “personal” formulary and the Donut Hole discount would apply. Still have more questions about the 2012 Donut Hole that need answered? Click here to let us know. 5. Reminder: You May Now Qualify for Financial Extra Help As a reminder, if you are having difficulties this year paying for your prescriptions, you may want to learn more about the Medicare Part D Extra Help program by calling the Social Security Administration at 1- or your local state Medicaid office. Extra Help is a government program that helps people pay all or part of their monthly Medicare Part D plan premiums and may cover a significant portion of their prescription drug costs. If you qualify for Medicaid, you will automatically qualify for Extra Help and do not need to apply. However, even if you do not meet the financial qualifications for Medicaid, you may still qualify for at least partial benefits from the 2012 Medicare Part D Extra Help program based on your annual income and financial resources. You can click on the following link to learn more about qualifying for the Medicare Part D Extra Help program: As many of you know, the Extra Help qualification limits change each year and Medicare has recently increased the 2012 Extra Help program financial resource limits for both individuals and couples by 3.4%. In addition, the 2012 Extra Help annual income limits for individuals increased by 2.6% and the annual income limit for couples increased 2.9%. Households with more than two persons can determine income requirements by using the 2012 Federal Poverty Level Guidelines. Unfortunately, some people lost their 2012 Extra Help benefits this past January when the 3.6% Social Security benefit increase pushed them above the Extra Help limits, but these people are urged to re-apply for Extra Help now based on the newly released 2012 Extra Help qualification limits. As in past years, if your financial status changes during the year – in other words, your income and resources fall below the 2012 Extra Help limits, you may qualify at that point for Extra Help, and you will continue to receive Extra Help assistance with your Medicare Part D plan premiums and prescription costs for the remainder of the year, even if your income or resources were to rise above the established Extra Help limits later in the year. Typically, the Extra Help application uses the most recent tax return information sent to Social Security from the IRS. This would currently be your 2010 tax return. However, if you have had significant changes in your income in comparison to your 2010 tax return, you can appeal to Social Security to use more recent income figures. Please see: How to appeal the decision Social Security made on your application for Extra Help. Also, we want to remind our readers about the Medicaid “Spend Down” program. Medicaid “Spend down” allows you to subtract your medical expenses (like what you pay for your prescription medications) from your annual income so that you might become eligible for your state’s Medicaid program. In other words, you may be eligible for your state’s Medicaid program based on the principle of “Spend-Down”, even if you would otherwise earn too much to qualify for Medicaid. You can click here to read more about Medicaid Spend Down. 6. . . . and A Few Closing Notes Protecting yourself against the summer heat: With the start of summer, remember to take extra care as the temperatures and humidity climbs. If you are going outside during the daytime heat, be sure to drink plenty of liquids and avoid drinks with caffeine (coffee, tea, and some types of soda) or alcoholic beverages that actually take water from your body. Try to limit your time outside during the warmest hours of the day and dress to best protect your skin from overexposure to the sun. If you are indoors, but you are still having trouble staying cool, try to get to a public place with air conditioning like the local library, Council on Aging, senior center, shopping mall, movie theatre, or your local place of worship. Still Have a Few More Questions? If you are looking for answers to your Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage plan questions simply click here for our Customer Help Desk contact form. Would You Like to Receive our Free Newsletter? Click here to receive your own copy of the Medicare Part D Newsletter. There is no cost and your eMail information will not be shared with any third parties. Linking to our Online Content: Please use our link function to help you link to one of our pages on from your website. You will notice the orange text box in the right margin of each page on our website with the text “Click here to link to this page on your website”. If you click on this link, you will be provided with the HTML code needed for the particular page. You can use the link just as listed, or customize the link to your needs. Link to our online content, but … Please No Unauthorized Reproduction. Happy Summer and Best Regards, , MBA, MSEd, JD and your Online Team Q1Group LLC About Us: is one of the nation’s largest online resources for Medicare prescription drug plan and Medicare Advantage plan information. The site is independently operated by Q1Group LLC (Saint Augustine, Florida). Our Newsletter and your Privacy: We never share your personal information or your eMail address with any third parties. Please Note: As a policy, we do not send unsolicited eMails. If you no longer wish to receive our Medicare Part D Newsletter, simply reply to this Newsletter with “unsubscribe” in the subject line of your eMail. Copyright Q1Group LLC, Saint Augustine, Florida (2012) This electronic mail and any attached documents are intended solely for the named addressee(s) and contain confidential information. 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