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colon cleansing

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A couple of people have written me since I made remarks about colon cleansing

and I want to tell a little more about my experiences with this sort of thing as

it caused me a lot of problems I'd like to see others avoid. I have had trouble

with RA-associated IBS in the past, at times very bad. During the course of

having GI tests done, x-rays and scopes, I had to use laxatives and enemas to

clean me out for the tests, also was given laxatives and stool softeners by

mistake postpartum when I had my first baby in the hospital. Both times I became

very ill and my IBS was aggravated to the extent that my weight went down to 90

pounds and I was so weak I couldn't get out of bed. You should be very careful

with laxatives of the stimulant kind and enemas of anything but water if you

have RA and have had any intestinal involvement at all. It may work for some

people without a problem but I just wanted to point out that it is not

necessarily safe and risk-free for all. I have also read that some people with

inflammation of the colon, especially if there is ulceration involved have had

perforations or intestinal bleeding due to improper colon treatment. Everyone

has to decide for themselves, just wanted you all to know to use caution.

Several doctors have told me that bulk-type laxatives like metamucil are ok and

may be of benefit to some with IBS as they maintain water content of the stool.

I'd advise you to try this first, also a good diet high in fibre (build up

slowly if you have irritation in the intestine) and use supplements with

antiinflammatory action as well for the best results and lots and lots of water,

especially if you are using bulk laxatives or they may cause blockage in some

cases. Always check with your doctor before using stimulant-type laxatives if

you have RA or IBS. JMHO. I hope this helps. Liz G

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