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Re: Re:Hello Fran

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Dear !

That is quite a load you are carrying to be in med school while you're

suffering with this miserable life condition. Good for you! When my doc

has me fill in the body outline of 'where it hurts' I just color the whole

thing in! When he asks, 'muscles or joints?'... I say, 'everything!

muscles, joints, tendons, bones, skin and blood!' I think that about

covers it, but I don't know if he really believes that. I know you do,


This is a great group of very compassionate people, and will offer support

and 'an ear' when you need to be heard. Consider yourself welcome. I am

glad you found this site. If you've had SD for 11 years it's probably been

a lonely road. I know mine has been. I'm just glad I finally found the

kind, gracious people here. It's a blessing.

Take care.

*Holly *



*Holly Dorst*

*Compassionate Help with Difficult Issues*

*1050 N 3rd St., Ste B2*

*Laramie, WY 82072*



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Dear !

That is quite a load you are carrying to be in med school while you're

suffering with this miserable life condition. Good for you! When my doc

has me fill in the body outline of 'where it hurts' I just color the whole

thing in! When he asks, 'muscles or joints?'... I say, 'everything!

muscles, joints, tendons, bones, skin and blood!' I think that about

covers it, but I don't know if he really believes that. I know you do,


This is a great group of very compassionate people, and will offer support

and 'an ear' when you need to be heard. Consider yourself welcome. I am

glad you found this site. If you've had SD for 11 years it's probably been

a lonely road. I know mine has been. I'm just glad I finally found the

kind, gracious people here. It's a blessing.

Take care.

*Holly *



*Holly Dorst*

*Compassionate Help with Difficult Issues*

*1050 N 3rd St., Ste B2*

*Laramie, WY 82072*



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Hi , Thank you for your " hello " - that was nice, and especially from hot

South Texas! Having said that, I would take a bet it is very, very hot there

right now and so maybe we are at opposite ends of the spectrum. It must be

pretty gruelling this time of year for you. Drizzle, drizzle and more drizzle

here today...we call it " dreak. " I'm sorry you are into a flare. I completely

understand the muscles hurting too, even to the touch. Sounds a bit crazy to

others, even the docs, I know. How are you managing it? I wonder if you have

put a " reduced timetable " in place to try and meet this one head on? That will

be hard, of course, with your school commitments. Do your advisors know about

your Stills and the other problems, and if so, are they empathetic? It sounds

as though you might be taking summer classes at this time of year - or are you

on a break just now? Being in your program is such a measure of your

determination, . No matter how long it takes you (and I so hope your

school has all the right support in place for you?) it will be such an

achievement when you are through. What kind of medicine will you be going in

to? I never know whether the " fog " is the fatigue and the ever-so-annoying

cotton wool head, or whether it is the drugs. Those that I can take irregularly,

I delay or take early enough before I have to actually use my brain.

Frustrating is exactly the right word - although I get quite cross when people

use it in such a blase way! " What, you think THAT's 'frustrating'? - Ha! I

can't even read the National Enquirer right now! " Thank you so much again for

your hello. It is true that the scenery here is quite stunning - wonderfully

dramatic in parts and at times, especially when there are mountains and lochs

involved. Actually, that's my next project - I am saving up for a new camera

and want to get serious with using applications on the computer and perhaps

produce a portfolio...we'll see how that works out. Do let us know how you are

getting on, just when you can. Know we are thinking of you and thank you for

sharing. Hugs Fran

To: Stillsdisease

From: angela6_21@...

Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 22:41:14 +0000

Subject: Re:Hello Fran

Thought I say hello from hot South Texas. My name is man,

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Hi , Thank you for your " hello " - that was nice, and especially from hot

South Texas! Having said that, I would take a bet it is very, very hot there

right now and so maybe we are at opposite ends of the spectrum. It must be

pretty gruelling this time of year for you. Drizzle, drizzle and more drizzle

here today...we call it " dreak. " I'm sorry you are into a flare. I completely

understand the muscles hurting too, even to the touch. Sounds a bit crazy to

others, even the docs, I know. How are you managing it? I wonder if you have

put a " reduced timetable " in place to try and meet this one head on? That will

be hard, of course, with your school commitments. Do your advisors know about

your Stills and the other problems, and if so, are they empathetic? It sounds

as though you might be taking summer classes at this time of year - or are you

on a break just now? Being in your program is such a measure of your

determination, . No matter how long it takes you (and I so hope your

school has all the right support in place for you?) it will be such an

achievement when you are through. What kind of medicine will you be going in

to? I never know whether the " fog " is the fatigue and the ever-so-annoying

cotton wool head, or whether it is the drugs. Those that I can take irregularly,

I delay or take early enough before I have to actually use my brain.

Frustrating is exactly the right word - although I get quite cross when people

use it in such a blase way! " What, you think THAT's 'frustrating'? - Ha! I

can't even read the National Enquirer right now! " Thank you so much again for

your hello. It is true that the scenery here is quite stunning - wonderfully

dramatic in parts and at times, especially when there are mountains and lochs

involved. Actually, that's my next project - I am saving up for a new camera

and want to get serious with using applications on the computer and perhaps

produce a portfolio...we'll see how that works out. Do let us know how you are

getting on, just when you can. Know we are thinking of you and thank you for

sharing. Hugs Fran

To: Stillsdisease

From: angela6_21@...

Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 22:41:14 +0000

Subject: Re:Hello Fran

Thought I say hello from hot South Texas. My name is man,

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Oh Holly, You have such a way on the email! I just burst out laughing again

with the idea of you colouring the whole page bright red....I remember trying

desperately to get one rheumatologist to understand, so before the appointment,

I drew on myself in pink highlighter everywhere it hurt....I was covered from

head to toe in neon pink, and it didn't wash off for weeks! Made the point, I

guess. I'm so glad that maybe being part of the group can ease the loneliness -

for too. This can be such an isolating business, even when you are

surrounded by people. Even? Sometimes, especially, right? Happy Monday,

everyone. Fran

> To: Stillsdisease

> From: hollydorst@...

> Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 17:38:09 -0600

> Subject: Re: Re:Hello Fran


> When my doc

> has me fill in the body outline of 'where it hurts' I just color the whole

> thing in!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Dear , I'm so sorry it has taken me a while to write you. Like Holly, my

heart hurt when I read about how alone you feel, and I think you are really

brave to talk about that here. Functioning every day just feels like an uphill

fight, doesn't it? It took me a long time to realise that part of my problem

with that was I was " fighting the fight, " if that makes sense? Punishing myself

when I can't do things, either by forcing myself to do them - and suffering even

more for it - or being angry / upset / depressed about them...feeling as though

I had failed. OK: here's the grandmother and eggs story - d'all use that

phrase??? " Teaching your Grandmother to suck eggs " ? One of the biggest things I

have learned from this family is about pacing and planning. And, I don't get it

right - I haven't got it right this past two weeks and landed myself in a big

mess (hence the delay in replying....). There is a good section on this on the

Stills Foundation website, and it does take practise and diligence. Oh so easy

to throw the plan out of the window when you are having a " good " day, right?

And then again, somedays you will have the grand plan, and have it all mapped

out but it goes pear shaped. What am I trying to say here? A skeleton plan,

whether that's by day or by week, whatever you can manage, is something that

works for me - and remembering to give yourself a pat on the back is an

important part of that. At the same time, it is only skeleton and if it doesn't

work out, it doesn't work out and you have not failed. In fact, you have won by

perhaps curtailing the plan, or ditching something from it altogether, because

you have recognised it's too much and reigned yourself in. I wonder how other

peoples' planning goes and works out? My big lesson the last two weeks - I

still cannot cope with incorporating the unexpected. I think I can / thought I

could, but I can't. Furthermore, I need to be firmer with others in saying " no,

I can't do that. Thank you, that's a lovely idea, but no. " It's not letting

them down, it's not letting yourself down. You are being kind to yourself.

Which I suppose brings me on to other people and the sense of isolation. Ach,

, I just don't know what to say. It must be so hard for friends and

family who one minute see us being " ok " (I'm sure you have the cover up down as

well as the rest of us), and the next minute in a complete mess. On the other

side, I know I feel that one minute they are understanding and I am overwhelmed

by their kindesses, the next, I feel so hurt by an apparent lack of

understanding and I am screaming inside " why can't you see? Why do you make me

spell this out to you every, single time? " What is your situation, ? Do

you live alone, or with family? What's the set up? I wonder if it would be

useful to hear from friends / family - their story? It would seem like a timely

moment for that if there is anyone out there prepared to offer their perspective

or experiences. Hugs to you all - and you are not alone, . I'm so sorry

it took me a while to reply. Please do let us know how you are going. Fran x

To: Stillsdisease

From: angela6_21@...

Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 02:34:34 +0000

Subject: Re:Hello Fran

Honestly Fran I don't know how I function day in and day out. At times when I am

surrounded by people I feel very much alone. No one around me understands what I

feel or go through except this group of people.


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Hi , and everyone else. I have only posted once. Mainly because I've been

in out of the hospitals lately. I just got married a few weeks ago and landed

back in the hospital the day before the fourth of July. I had fainted and right

in front of my hubby and complained of migraines and had fevers and feeling

fatigued all day. I woke up to finding four paramedics in my home and rushed to

the E.R. Once there many tests were performed and once again they ran the usual

tests along with the cultures to test for any bacterias for a UTI bladder inf

etc..of course it came back for a bladder infection. As i've been fighting these

for over a year and a half now. I'm at the point where my fatigue,constant lower

back pain,joint pain,chills,spiking fevers,rashes,and chronic migraines have me

wondering if this truly is ADULT STILLS DISEASE and not something else. I've

been to every specialist out there. I've exhausted them all. I've now started on

a waiting list

with the MAYO CLINIC and was told it would be six months. So now I am pretty

much a advocate for myself. I'm feeling all alone in this and don't know what to

think. I'm always in pain. Depressed and losing hope. I use to love my job and

looked forward to working and now I have hired a lawyer and looked into

collecting disability. I never thought this would be my life. It's frustrating.

I am looking to get a second a opinion from U.W. I feel the CIPRO they have put

me back on will not have any affect on me. The methotrioxate has helped with the

flare ups to some degree I must add. I free in some areas it has helped. Any

suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so kindly...Take



To: Stills Disease <stillsdisease >

Sent: Friday, July 6, 2012 3:00 AM

Subject: RE: Re:Hello Fran


Dear , I'm so sorry it has taken me a while to write you. Like Holly, my

heart hurt when I read about how alone you feel, and I think you are really

brave to talk about that here. Functioning every day just feels like an uphill

fight, doesn't it? It took me a long time to realise that part of my problem

with that was I was " fighting the fight, " if that makes sense? Punishing myself

when I can't do things, either by forcing myself to do them - and suffering even

more for it - or being angry / upset / depressed about them...feeling as though

I had failed. OK: here's the grandmother and eggs story - d'all use that

phrase??? " Teaching your Grandmother to suck eggs " ? One of the biggest things I

have learned from this family is about pacing and planning. And, I don't get it

right - I haven't got it right this past two weeks and landed myself in a big

mess (hence the delay in replying....). There is a good section on this on the

Stills Foundation

website, and it does take practise and diligence. Oh so easy to throw the plan

out of the window when you are having a " good " day, right? And then again,

somedays you will have the grand plan, and have it all mapped out but it goes

pear shaped. What am I trying to say here? A skeleton plan, whether that's by

day or by week, whatever you can manage, is something that works for me - and

remembering to give yourself a pat on the back is an important part of that. At

the same time, it is only skeleton and if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work

out and you have not failed. In fact, you have won by perhaps curtailing the

plan, or ditching something from it altogether, because you have recognised it's

too much and reigned yourself in. I wonder how other peoples' planning goes and

works out? My big lesson the last two weeks - I still cannot cope with

incorporating the unexpected. I think I can / thought I could, but I can't.

Furthermore, I need to be

firmer with others in saying " no, I can't do that. Thank you, that's a lovely

idea, but no. " It's not letting them down, it's not letting yourself down. You

are being kind to yourself. Which I suppose brings me on to other people and the

sense of isolation. Ach, , I just don't know what to say. It must be so

hard for friends and family who one minute see us being " ok " (I'm sure you have

the cover up down as well as the rest of us), and the next minute in a complete

mess. On the other side, I know I feel that one minute they are understanding

and I am overwhelmed by their kindesses, the next, I feel so hurt by an apparent

lack of understanding and I am screaming inside " why can't you see? Why do you

make me spell this out to you every, single time? " What is your situation,

? Do you live alone, or with family? What's the set up? I wonder if it

would be useful to hear from friends / family - their story? It would seem like

a timely

moment for that if there is anyone out there prepared to offer their

perspective or experiences. Hugs to you all - and you are not alone, .

I'm so sorry it took me a while to reply. Please do let us know how you are

going. Fran x

To: Stillsdisease

From: angela6_21@...

Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 02:34:34 +0000

Subject: Re:Hello Fran

Honestly Fran I don't know how I function day in and day out. At times when I am

surrounded by people I feel very much alone. No one around me understands what I

feel or go through except this group of people.


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