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Work and Stills

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Hi Everyone,

I was off of work for 6 weeks due to pneumonia that turned to an empyema in my

left lung which led to sepsis. As a result, I had to undergo anThoracotomy in my

left lung. My work was extremely supportive and that was a relief. I work for a

non-profit and have been employed there for 14 years, at onset of my illness in

2004 I was out of work for 1 month. Ever since I have not been out sick for more

than 3 days at a time max and that is probably once every two years. So this

time I went back to work after the 6 weeks (still had fevers) and was there for

2 weeks when they made me take a forced vacation because I had too much time and

the program I worked for was coming to an end (this happens sometimes and they

always just roll me over into a new program). On my 2weeks forced vacation, I

got pneumonia again and went back to the hospital. The hospitalist took me out

of work for 1 week and told me to follow up with my primary doc, I followed up

with primary and they took me out for another week until I followed up with my

rheumy. I followed up with my rheumy and he recommended that I remain out for

another 2 weeks so that I can concentrate on getting rid of my 103+ fevers. My

job told me to take as much time as I needed and then attempted to lay me off

while on disability. The only problem is that they don't know that I am aware of

what they tried to do to me and they rushed me back to work, fever and all. I

finally am due to return to work on Monday August 13th and yesterday I receive a

phone call telling me not to come back until September 1st due to changes in the

program. After all of this last night I spike a fever of 103.2 when I had just

gotten them down to the 101 range. I know it has to be because of all the

stress. Do I remain on disability? Can my job do this to me? I am so confused. I

have never even taken any other time off. I have no kids so no maternity leaves

or anything. I cannot stop stressing about this. Have any of you been in a

similar situation?

Thanks for listening,


Sent from my iPad

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