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Dear ,

Check out this site: http://www.intradesign.com/forums/fibmyo/config.pl?

They have compiled a physicians list. You may have to go back a bit on

the date. You can also contact the HERS foundation (they have a

website) and ask for a referral to the doctors on their list who are

highly skilled. I'm 46 and just had my 18 week fibroids removed in the

Boston area and am doing great. Good luck to you.


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" letitia " wrote:

original article:/group/uterinefibroids/?start=15


> Dear ,


> Check out this site: http://www.intradesign.com/forums/fibmyo/config.


> They have compiled a physicians list. You may have to go back a bit on

> the date. You can also contact the HERS foundation (they have a

> website) and ask for a referral to the doctors on their list who are

> highly skilled. I'm 46 and just had my 18 week fibroids removed in the

> Boston area and am doing great. Good luck to you.


> Tish



Hi Tish, I am curious, did you go to Dr. Levine? What type of

incision? How about anesthesia - general or epidural? And what does

he say about regrowth and adhesions...any percentages on those? I

want myo but do not want a high probabilty of repeat surgery. Some of

the docs say those chances are low due to their techniques, while other

doctors I have consulted say there is a high chance of needing a repeat

surgery due to either adhesions or regrowth..and they site this as the

reason to do hyst. If I could find a myo doc who has had low stats on

regrowth and adhesions, the way Hufnagel claimed she did...she claimed

less than 1%, as opposed to the 30% figure given in medical literature,

I would have the myo. Also, did you have a PPO? If not, how did you

justify having myo with him to your insurance? Thanks, Jeannie

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  • 1 year later...

Hi ! I was reviewing the egroups messages from the past and I came

across the topic of ADD/kids with liver disease....back from the past before

you were a member. Not sure if you came across it yet so I thought that I

would give you a jump start to where the subject begins. Go to message #

4030. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season!!! (Same to the

group:) Sincerely,

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