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Re: CFS/ME; Fibro; POTS/Orthostatic Intolerance; Diabetes, etc.

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, oh . You will learn you are much better without him or the so called

friends you had. God is giving you another chance to make a life of family,

friends and time to praise His name. Just keep on trying to get to the point you

can be around others without talking about your health or your marriage. To do

this you have to make a life to talk about. Take a free course of something you

are interested in a college, on line or get a hobby you can enjoy and share with

others. Hold your head up high (even though this hurts also) and don't look

back. Great things are ahead. God bless, Delia

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Well , I feel so bad reading your words of sadness and pain.I thought I

would jump in here and start writing also.I have so many links with CFS and

Fibro and I am in many groups.So much so I knowI have them all mixed up in my

head.and I haven't ever been really involved with conversing with anyone.Usually

too tired.But I get so lonely also.

sounds like your better off without that guy.I was married for twenty years to

someone so I understand the pain of divorce and all the adjustments that come

with it.

Have you read Toni Bernhardt s book How to be sick? It really helped me.

Do you have disability? or do you have to work with this horrible

condition.anyway I am hear to listen anytime.Hugs and your making a new life

with a new set of friends and everything is going to be fine.Maddy


> Hi my name is and I am a new member. In the subject line I listed just

some of my illnesses and pray every day someone finds a cure, because I want my

life back. Every year gets worse and I can do less. I just got divorced in

January after 25 years (my ex was tired of me being sick and it being all about

me). Didn't get real sick till 2005 when I came down with the worst case of the

flu. After 2 years of doctors and expensive tests, they finally found out what

was wrong, but once again, " We have no cure " , just take a pill. I take 15 pills

a day. Thanks to the judge I have to pay for my own insurance ($500 a month)

plus my meds and doctor's co-pays, rent in an apartment (just sold our house

after 16 years), lost all my friends and neighbors, and divorce is so depressing

you don't want to get out of bed. It's taken 2 years in court and it's not over

yet.He had numerous affairs and told me I had an affair (just 1 he admitted to)

and said " I don't want a divorce, but I'm keeping my girlfriend " . I told him to

pack his bags.


> I see so many different specialists, but nothing makes me better. I just wish

I could go back in time and have my old life back and have the strength to do

things, but now I get so tired. Yes mornings are the worst. It takes me hours to

get moving (even take Provigil for obstructive sleep apnea) and that doesn't

really help any more. Thank you for letting me participate in your group.


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My exhusband had an attorney for the past 17 years. They never stopped coming

after me. My son had Cfs with me, and, we were NEVER able to fight back. They

did so many illegal things for years, and, I was threatened over and over, of

what they would do to me. I now have PTSD because of the court and legal

system. They ignored my disability of 20 yrs, and, tried to make me go to a

rehabilitation counsellor, or Jail. The severe stress for years, made it

impossible to manage even basic life needs. I got nothing, homeless, lost all

my belongings, unable to get medical care, and, son cutting himself, and

suicidal, while all that going on. And, in court, the judge wouldnt even let me

speak. What state are you in? I think your exhusband is just trying to get you

to use up your resources, and ,wear you down, so youll give up. Its a common

tactic to do to the other party. Play a waiting game, to see who runs out of

money first, by doing frivolous proceedings, and filings. Contact me anytime,

if I can help. Ive studied the law for 15 years, but, in my case, my exs

attorney was a judges son, and, friends with all the judges. Hope this helps.

From: Rowan

Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2012 5:36 AM

To: CFAlliance

Subject: Re: CFS/ME; Fibro; POTS/Orthostatic Intolerance;

Diabetes, etc.

I too can understand your pain. I was always sickly through my 20s and early 30s

and no explanation could be found and remember the day very clearly when CFS

struck full on. Less than a year later my husband who had been my high school

sweet heart became involved with a woman from work. He actually told people that

the only reason he was still with me was because I was dying and had less than a

year to live (at that point MS was suspected but we all know it only knocks a

few years off a lifetime with modern medicine) and he wanted to collect the

insurance. 2 years ago along with his affair there was a violent assault so the

nice police man took him away and I never let him back in. Doctors say reducing

stress would go a long way to helping me get better. Funny, you try reducing

stress while in the midst of a 2 year court battle and we aren't even close to

finished because he refuses to see how it is going to turn out and keeps

fighting for things he just

won't get, but in the mean time is making my life a living hell. The CFS and the

overwhelming stress has my brain so messed up that I am having a heck of a time

dealing with Legal Aid and that paper work so now they are threatening to remove

me from the service and a lawyer who is refusing to submit paper work to be

allowed to deal with my property and divorce matters so I will likely lose my

house as I can't pay a lawyer to fight in court for me. Lord knows when I'll be

able to pay for a divorce.

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