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Her only Escape was to Die -ME/CFS Video

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Wake Up Call Video -ME/CVS

For patients/people in Europe and other continents, who

don't speak English, it is very hard to understand the

scientific information from biological scientists about


So many of them don't understand what is going on. They

only hear on tv and read in the papers the false ideas of the

psychiatric Wessely School with close ties to the Insurance


For many, many years they do their so called *CFS/ME

studies* with criteria (Oxford- Sharpe) for psychiatric

*idiopathic fatigue*. And dare to claim that ME/CFS can be

cured by Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Graded

Exercise Therapy.

For everyone who is interested in the agony of these severe

sick people there is now a moving documentary: *Voices

from the Shadows*

It is a breakthrough event. In a compelling and intensely

moving one hour feature documentary these hidden voices

can at last be heard. It is an act of witness, supported by

concerned professionals who illuminate an injustice hidden

in our midst.

The DVD is available to order at:


The Dutch speaking Belgian Group *wakeupcallbeweging*

made the first fantastic move to supply the trailer of *Voices

from the Shadows* with Dutch subtitles.

A great example for other counties!

*....This is as important as any other major disease like

cancer, heart disease, AIDS....*

*....Dit is even belangrijk als elke andere belangrijke ziekte

zoals kanker, hartziekten, AIDS....*

This trailer can be found at:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab9FGaoEMlk & feature=youtu.be:

Zie ook: http://www.wakeupcallbeweging.be

Thanks to: Els Van Hoof and Martens

~jan van roijen

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